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one of the clerks, and all the furniture, books of accounts, &c.

go Campbell, late officer of exéife at Ayr, indicted for the murder of the right hon. the late earl of Eglington.. A doubt being started by the judges, whether theirs or theadmiralty court was the competent one? they defired the council on both fides to plead upon that point; when Mr. Rae and Mr. Dalrymple, on the part of the pannel, and Mr. Illay Camp bell and Mr. folicitor Dundas on that of the profecutors, had long and learned pleadings, upon the competency of the two courts. Upon which the court ordered minutes to be made up, with full notes of the authorities and precedents referred to by the lawyers, to be given in on Thursday laft, at twelve o'clock; and adjourned advising till yefterday at three o'clock in the afternoon. The court fat from ten in the forenoon till five in the after-money, but he went into another

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A fire broke out at Mr. Cox's, jeweller,in Shoe-lane,which did upwards of a thousand poundsworth of damage before it was extingished. Orders are fent to Scotland for enlifting a number of Highlanders for the fervice of the East India company.

The petition from the borough of Southwark was prefented to his majefty at St. James's, by Sir Jofeph Mawbey, bart. one of the members for that borough, attended by Sa muel Bennet Smith, Thomas Watfon, John Euffet, John Crooke, Richard Carpenter Smith, and Thorold Lowdell, efqrs..

This morning between two 24th. and three o'clock,a fire broke out in one of the offices belonging to the New River company, in Bridewell precinct, which confumed that and all the other offices, toge ther with the house of Mr. Bull,

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They write from Paris, that on the 27th of November last a banker, who had been but a fhort time fettled in that city, after being employed all the morning with the treasurer of the prince of Conti, at his return home enquired if any body had been there from Mr. De St. Julien, receiver-general for the clergy, in order to receive the money for a bill of exchange for 10,000 crowns. Being anfwered that the receiver general's clerk had been there, but was defired to call again in the afternoon, the banker fent immediately to Mr. De St. Ju-· lien, defiring him to fend for his money. When the clerk came with the bill, the banker took it, and told him he would go and fetch him the

room, locked himfelf in, tore the bill of exchange, and fhot himfelf through the head.

The king of Naples, as poffeffor of the allodials of the family of Farnefe, and by the defire of the king of Spain, has given orders, that the ufual triumphal arch fhould be erected in Campo Vaccino, for the folemn function of the pope's taking poffeffion of the popedom, which will be performed the 19th, if the arch can be made by that time; otherwife the ceremony will be deferred till the 26th.

We learn from Verona, that a poor woman, aged 65 years, fell, on the 22d ult. into the Adige, and was not taken out till fhe had lain a confiderable time under water. She was fenfelefs, and thought to be dead, when the fieur Caneftrari, phyfician of that city, came to her, applied his mouth to hers, into which he breathed for 25 minutes, [M] 2


when the recovered her fenfes, and being taken proper care of, was perfectly restored to health in about eight or ten days after.

As Robert Jones, efq. was croffing Hourflow-heath in a poftchaife and four, a man on horseback pushed from behind a hedge, and, with horrid imprecations, attempted to ftrike one of the poftillions, but the blow fell upon the carriage; he afterwards ftruck the footman, who was riding behind the carriage; but on coming up to the coach door, he was fhot at and wounded by Mr. Jones. He appears to be a farmer in that neighbourhood, who is frantic in his cups, and it is fuppofed this was one of his drunken frolicks, which probably will coft him his life.

Madrid, Nov. 14. Capt. Don Antonio Barcelo writes from Malaga, that on the 30th of October laft, he took off Algiers a large Algerine zebeck of 30 guns and 300 men, after an obftinate engagement of fix hours, in which 52 of the Moors were killed; on our fide only one man was killed, and nine wounded. The above corfair is faid to be the largest fitted out at Algiers. They write from Gibraltar, that an agent from the court of Peterburgh had juft contracted with fome principal merchants there to fupply the Ruffian fleet with fuch military ftores, provifions, &c. as fhould be wanted during their intended expedition to the Morea.

Arnheim, Dec. 30. When the Dyke, called Rhyndyke, gave way in the night of the 27th initant, the waters had rifen here 20 feet and an inch, which is one foot higher than in the year 1740. This inundation happened in a place where the dyke was fuppofed to be the strongest, and

by this unhappy accident several perfons and a great number of cattle were drowned. Several boats · were fent from this laft place with bread, for the poor wretches who found means to fave themfelves upon the high grounds.

The baggage of the earl of Effingham was fent to Plymouth, to be put on board a Ruffian fhip, his lordship having obtained permiffion to take a command in the czarina's service.

Salem, New England, Oct. 31. Capt. Dodge, in the floop Elizabeth, in twenty days from St. Euftatia, arrived at Ipfwich last Saturday, and informs, that he was at Dominica on or about the 20th of September, when the town of Rofeau was almoft ruined by prodigious torrents of water from the moun tains, occafioned by exceffive rains; that about twenty buildings were wafhed away and loft in that place, and many perfons drowned; that the town was fo overflowed, as rendered it very dangerous to pafs from one part of it to another, the water being in many places four feet above the furface of the earth; and that many articles were feen at fea, which were carried away by the rapidity of the ftreams of water, particularly the roof of a house, with four perfons on it, who were faid to be twelve leagues from land before they were discovered.

We hear from Lisbon, that a Moorish veffel of 20 guns, and 180 men, which was taken by three Portuguese men of war, who did not know of the treaty of peace lately entered into between the king of Portugal and the emperor of Morocco, was fately fet at liberty, and allowed to fail out of the harbour with the Moorish colours flying.


We hear from Aberdeen, that about half a mile north from the chapel of Seggar, lives one Peter Garden, who is now in the 122d year of his age. He ftill enjoys good health and fpirits, and for feveral days laft harveft performed the ordinary work of a labouring man. Heattends the parish church,though at a confiderable diftance, regularly in fummer, and frequently in winter; and feems now to be, in every refpect, as intelligent as ever. His age, till of late, could not be exactly afcertained ; the account he gave of it was, that he was the fecond of fix children, whofe father died about the end of Oliver Cromwell's time; but it appeared lately, from an infcription in an old bible, that he was born in the year 1648. He is of the middle fize, and of a fresh and ruddy complexion.

Died at Swalwel, near Newcaftle, Jane Heronfon, aged 110. At Malden in Effex, aged 92, the rev. Mr. Jofeph Billers, a diffenting minifter.

Mr. Mofes Amfel, aged 99, who to the laft moment enjoyed the ufe of all his faculties.

A general bill of all the christenings and burials,from December 13th, 1768, to December 12th, 1769. : Christened. Males




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At Paris, births 19445. Deaths 18427. Marriages 4860. Foundlings received in the hofpitals 6426. Increafed in the births this year, 1867. Decreased in the deaths, 2381.

The number of veffels which have paffed the Sound, as well in going as in returning, amount to 7378 of which 99 are from Bremen; 10 from Courland; 1032 from Denmark; 262 from Dantzick; 1840 from England; 13 from France; 2508 from Holland; 20 from Hamburgh; 49 from Lubeck; 296 from Rostock; 1149 from Sweden; and Pruffia: 35 from Ruffia; 62 from Thefe numbers 3 from Spain. furpass thofe that paffed the Sound in 1768 by 449 veffels.

The following is an abstract from Mr. Gurney's minutes, of the number of prifoners tried at the Old Bailey, from the firft feffions in the mayoralty of fir William Calvert, knt. Dec. 1749, to the laft of Mr. alderman Turner, Oct. 1769. Aldermen.





Pennant and Blachford 670 Cockeyne


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A LIST, fhewing the fate of the Distemper among the Horned Cattle, in the diftricts of South and North Holland, in the month of September, 1769.

SOUTH QUARTER, or Province of HOLLAND properly.

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N. B. Every town here specified (in alphabetical order) have each of them their Ambagt, which denotes as far as their power of criminal juftice reaches, although their lands are in property of their owners or Occupiers. Every town alío has its own lands or fields, which are let by leafes to feveral farmers; though fome poffeffors of land, paying land tax, do rent them to boot.

NORTH HOLLAND, or WEST FRIESLAND. Recovered Cattle, old and young Yet Sick Grown Sick Dead InHealth 2,331 19,288 11,824 22,376 Thus from April to August inclufive, 1769,


5368 5037

Dead of the difeafe, in the South quarter, 21,083

10405 got through the difeafe

in the North quarter, 11,824

Died in five months, 32,907

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formed by the bishop

13. Lady of Lord Gower, of a daughter.

Lady of lord Percival, of a daughter.

Lady of Col. Twifleton, of a fon.

19. Lady of fir John Hynde Cotton, of two fons.

22. Her royal Highness the princefs of Orange, of a dead child..

26. Relict of the late col. Brudenell, of a fon.

Lady of Baron Hardenburgh, of a daugh


27. Lady Craven, of a daugh


Countess of Winterton, of

a fon.

Her Danish majefty, of a


of Clogher; the lord May 16. Great dutchefs of Tuf

lieutenant, the duke of Northumberland, the countess of Moira, and lady Shelburne were sponsors.

Feb. 4 Lady of fir John St. Aubyn,bart. of a daugh

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cany, of a prince, at Florence.

19. Lady of the right hon. Mr. baron Winn, of a daughter.

Dutchess of Buccleugh, of a daughter.

Lady of Lord viscount Torrington, of a daughter.

27. Lady Palmerston, of a fon,. ftill-born.

Lady of fir Brook Bridges, bart. of a fon.

Lady Mary Walter, of a fon.

June 2. Lady of the earl of Portfmouth, of a fon.

14. Lady of fir John Palmer,
bart. of a fon.
21. Lady of lord Willough
by de Brooke, of a

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Lady of fir Tho, Champneys, bart. of a fon. 25. Coun.

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