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and fpeedy information of the ftate of their affairs.

Saturday a motion was made in the court of common pleas, for a rule, for lord Halifax to fhew caufe why Mr. Wilkes's demurrer fhould not be withdrawn, and the proceedings go on against his lordship, they having been stopped by his plea of Mr. Wilkes's being an outlaw. The rule was granted, upon Mr. ferjeant Glynn's producing a certificate from the court of king's bench, that Mr. Wilkes's outlawry was illegal; and the court has granted ten days to his lordship to fhew caufe, &c. Long and learned arguments were made ufe of by the counfel, who were, for Mr. Wilkes, Mr. fergeant Glynn, Mr. ferjeant Leigh; for lord Halifax, Mr. ferjeant Davy and Mr. ferjeant Naires.

The unfortunate city of Koningsberg was almost entirely deftroyed by a dreadful fire, which has done more damage than that which ruined a multitude of inhabitants in the year 1764.

A fine monument of white marble has been erected at Berlin, by order of his Prussian majefty, to the memory of the late field mareschal Schwerin, who was flain at the battle of Prague in 1757, when he charged the enemy at the head of his regiment, with the colours in his hand.

From the banks of the Danube,
April 25.

"We have received advice from

Conftantinople, that the Turks, upon the occafion of removing the ftandard of Mahomet, made a grand proceflion through the city: all Chriftians upon this occafion were forbid to appear in the ftreets, or at their windows; but the wife and

daughter of the imperial minister, being excited by curiofity, placed themselves at a fecret window to obferve the procefsion, which was no fooner difcovered by the Turks, than they attacked the ambaffador's house, and endeavoured to force an entrance; but the fervants of the minifter oppofing them, well armed, a dreadful fray enfued, in which no less than 100 perfons loft their lives, and the ambaffador's lady was very feverely treated. Some of the rioters dragged her down into the court yard, and made preparations to ftrangle her, when a party of Janiffaries, who were dispatched to her affiftance by an aga in the neighbourhood, happily came and preferved her. Upon complaint being made of this outrage by her husband to the grand vizir, that minifter expreffed great forrow for the infult that had been offered, and affured him he fhould have all the reparation it was poffible to procure. A few hours after, the vizir fent the imperial minister a rich prefent of jewels for his lady, and a bag, which was found to contain the heads of the three principal rioters.

This morning, about two 30th o'clock, a terrible fire broke out at a timber merchant's in Peterftreet Saffron-hill, which confumed the fame, and twelve more houses. A child is faid to have tribute this difafter to fireworks the Some atperished in the flames. preceding evening.

A court of aldermen was held at Guildhall, when the nephew of fir Matthew Blackifton appeared, with a letter from fir Matthew, defiring leave to refign his gown, on account of his ill state of health; but, after fome debates, the affair was postponed till next court of aldermen.


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Anthony Rifoliere, efq; aged 98, a well-known interpreter.

Mr. Amcot, fchoolmaster, near the Seven Dials. In cutting a pen he dropt his penknife, and catching it between his thighs, it pierced fo deep that it killed him.

Belling Taylor, in Southwark, aged 103.

Thomas Harris, efq; of Barming, worth 150, 000l.

ferjeant's ill ufing a private foldier, which the mob refented, and beat the ferjeant; whereupon the officers of the military drew their fwords on the populace, but were foon overpowered: the magiftrates then interpofed, and with much difficulty refcued the military gentlemen out of their hands, and conducted them to a place of fafety till the mob difperfed.

This being his majesty's 5th. birth-day, the Royal Academicks gave an entertainment at their houfe in Pall-Mall, in honour of the day; and in the evening the whole front of the Royal Academy was illuminated with tranfparent paintings, and lamps of various colours. In the centre compartment appeared a graceful female figure feated, reprefenting Painting, furrounded with Genii, fome of which guided her pencil, whilft others dictated fubjects to her; at her feet were various youths employed in the His grace the duke of Bol- ftudy of the art; and over her head ton gave a grand fupper and hovered a celeftial form, reprefentmafquerade ball, at his feat at Hack- ing Royal Munificence, attended by wood, Hants; at which were pre-feveral other figures fupporting a fent their royal highneffes the dukes of Glouc fter and Cumberland, the foreign ministers, and more than 300 perlons of the firft diftinction.



At twelve this day, a very numerous body of proprietors of EaftIndia flock, met at their houfe in Leadenhall ftreet when the advices lately received from India were read; and it was then unanimously declared, that from thofe advices, no real caufe for the alarm that had happened could be inferred; for that upon the whole it appeared that the company's affairs were in a very flourishing fituation.


A great riot happened at
Nottingham, occafioned by a

cornucopia filled with honours and rewards. The whole piece was executed by Mr. Cipriani, R. A.

On the left fide of Painting, in another compartment, was reprefented by a female figure Sculpture, ftanding upon a rock of marble, holding in one hand an antiquated buft, and in the other the chiffel and mallet. This compartment was executed by Mr. Weft, R.' A.

On the right fide of Painting, in a third compartment was reprefented by another female figure Architecture, in a contemplating attitude, holding in her hand a compafs, being furrounded with buildings, and having at her feet the


bafket and acanthus root which gave rife to the Corinthian order. This fubject was executed by Mr. Dance, R. A.

Immediately above the centre compartment was a tablet with this infcription, "Royal Academy of Arts, inftituted MDCCLXVIII." And upon the tablet was placed a medallion, in which were reprefented the portraits of their majefties, by Mr. Penny, R. A. The medallion was furrounded with feftoons of laurel, rofes, and myrtle intertwined, and with trophies of arms, and attributes of Venus and the Graces; painted by Mr. Richards, R. A.

Other parts of the front were adorned with trophies alluding to the different arts of defign, painted by Mr. Richards and Mr. Wale, R. A. And others were enriched with ftars and various figures in lamps of different colours; the top of the building was terminated with a large imperial crown and various pyramids, &c. in lamps of different colours.

6th. At a meeting of the fociety of the Bill of Rights, an acCount of Mr. Wilkes's debts was delivered in, which amounted to 17,000l. feven of which have been already compromifed. A circular letter was at the fame time read and approved by the chairman. This letter has fince been fent to the gentlemen of the minority, who are to promote it in the different counties they live in, and is alfo to be fent to all the city and borough towns in England, with Mr. Wilkes's cafe, written by himself.

On breaking open the will of a country gentleman deceased, a legacy of 2000l. was found to be bequeathed by him to John Wilkes, Efq.

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Small Pox, Cold Bath Fields 500!. Lying-in, in Brownlow-ftreet gool. New Westminster lying-in, 5001. beyond Weftm. Bridge S Afylum

500!. Magdalen, Goodman's Fields 500l. Lock, Hyde Park Corner 500l.

Mr. Bingley was brought 14th. from the king's-bench prifon to the common pleas, by Habeas Corpus, to furrender himself to an action of debt, in order to be removed to the Fleet; but though it appeared by the return of the writ that he was not in execution at the fuit of the crown, but in cuf


tody to answer interrogatories, the court was of opinion they were not authorized to change the place of his confinement, and he was thereupon remanded back.

Yesterday the report was made to his majesty of the convicts under fentence of death in Newgate, when William Sykes and James Beft, for houfe-breaking; Judith Baldwin, for ftealing money out of the house of John March; Mary Harris and Louifa Smith, for robbing Benjamin Stobben in Blackboy-alley; John Abraham, for a highway robbery; and John Creamer, for ftealing nine guineas, the property of John Lothian (being the whole number condemned laft Seffions at the Old Bailey) were all refpited.

Jonathan Hall, condemned in January feffions, was alfo refpited.

On Saturday morning a methodist preacher, who had disturbed the peace of the city of Gloucefter with his enthufiaftic rant, was flogged through the streets by order of the mayor.

The honourable Mr. How16th. ard, the honourable Mr. King, fir George Colebroke, fir Jofeph Mawbey, and many other gentlemen of the county of Surry, dined at the St. Alban's tavern, where a general meeting was agreed to be held at Epsom on the 26th inft, to which all the freeholders of the county have been invited. This meeting has fince been difclaimed by the high fheriff, and every art made use of to discountenance it.

A caufe was tried in the common pleas, in which Mrs. Todd a milkwoman was plaintiff, and a cowkeeper in Chelfea defendant; the action was for mixing water with his milk, which he was by contract

engaged to take for a certain time; the jury, without going out of court, gave a verdict for the plaintiff with 151. damages.

An English gentleman was taken into cuftody at Brest, for taking plans of the fortifications of that and other fea-port towns in France.

Several large ftills, containing 2500 gallons each, are making to be fent to Madrafs in the Eaft-Indies, in order to render the water of that place, which is brackish, fweet and fresh.

The celebrated Mifs Elliot, who died the other day, was poffeffed at that time of about eight thousand pounds, fix thousand of which were in the funds, and faid to have been made her a prefent of by a certain great perfonage, juft before the diffolution of their connexion. The remainder confifted of furniture, plate, and jewels, of which, it is faid, fhe had a very elegant collection.

The above lady has left all that fhe was poffeffed of among her poor relations; except an hundred pounds to each of her executors; and a few trifling legacies, in rings, &c. to fome of her felect friends, which in the whole did not amount to an hundred pounds.

Hague, June 11. The duke of Gloucefter arrived the 9th instant in the afternoon at Helveot, where he was received by fir Jofeph Yorke, and Baron Zoele, gentleman to the prince ftadtholder; his royal highnefs went with him in the yacht to Williamftadt, from whence he departed yesterday morning to Moerdyck, and from thence to continue his rout for Breda.

His majesty's particular 21ft. thanks were given, as well to the feveral officers of the different degrees

degrees of rank in every company of the firft regiment of guards, as alfo the private men of the regiment, for their masterly performances on the day of their review, of which his majefty was pleased to fignify his entire approbation. The reafon for this diftinguished mark of royal favour is faid to have been, to remove the effects of a rumour that had prevailed among the regiment, of an undue preference, because the third regiment had been reviewed before the first.

The laft packet from North America brought a letter of thanks from the town of Boston to colonel Barre, for his conduct in parliament, and alfo inclofed him a remonftrance to his majesty, fetting forth the grievances they labour under, and particularly mentioning the conduct of governor- -; alfo the contents of fix intercepted letters, which discovered a project of the most dangerous nature. The above remor ftrance, we hear, was prefented on Friday.

Came on the election of
fheriffs for the city of Lon-
don and county of Middlefex at
Guildhall, when James Townsend
and John Sawbridge, efqrs. were
unanimously chofen.

The number of livery-men that attended on this occafion was greater than has been known for many years paft, and it was propofed to petition his majesty on the prefent itate of national grievances. This propofal was unanimoufly approved; a petition was read, and one alteration only, at the request of the lord mayor, made, viz. that instead of "the humble petition of the lord mayor, the aldermen, and livery of the city of London," it fhould run thus, "the humble petition of the

livery of the city of London." A motion was then made, that the lord mayor, fheriffs, and city members, be requested to wait on his majesty with the petition; this motion was feconded, and all, exceptMr.Harley, who was not prefent, expreffed their readiness to comply with the request. The whole bufinefs was tranfacted with the greatest decorum; only one unlucky affair intervened, by the indifcretion of a young man, who was detected in taking minutes of the fpeakers, which was refented by the populace, and the poor fellow was very roughly used.

The gentlemen, clergy, 26th. and freeholders of the county of Surry met at Epfom, to confider the best conftitutional measures to be taken in fupport of the right of elections, when two expedients were propofed, either inftructing their members, or petitioning the kings to the first it was objected, as nugatory, one of their members having already done all in his power to fupport their rights, the other all in his power to refign them; to petition, was therefore the only eligible meafure left, and was, after fome debate about the form, unanimously. adopted, and the following refolu tion agreed to as the bafis: That it is the opinion of this meeting, that, by the laws of the land, the freeholders and electors of Great Britain have. an undoubted right to be reprefented in parliament by any perfon qualified according to law, who has a majority of legal votes; and that they have reafon to apprehend thefe rights have been abridged in the cafe of the Middlefex election.

A letter from Dolgelly, in North Wales, gives an account of an earthquake at that place on the 15th inst. which threatened to bury the inha


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