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by the eternal kingdom of the Holy as the third, the Roman was the
One. So far, however, Daniel had next empire which arose on the
been before instructed: he knew, earth, or, as Daniel expresses it in
from the dream he had been in another place, “to bear rule over
spired to explain to Nebuchadnez- all the earth.” The Roman em-
zar, that there were to be on earth pire did, indeed, differ from the
these four empires, to be succeed- other kingdoms which came before
ed by a kingdom, which the it, in many respects, especially in
· God of heaven would set up. But its republican form of government,
Daniel's inquiry is chiefly directed and in all its maxims of state. It
to know the meaning of many pe was also more powerful, more ex-
culiar parts of the fourth beast, or tensive, and more destructive to
emblem, many of which were new mankind than either of the other
to him, and had formed no part empires had been. This great em-
of the first vision.

pire, as Daniel knew, generally, · 19. « Then I would know the from the former vision, was to be truth of the fourth beast, which divided : this divided state of the was diverse from all others, ex- four kingdoms he now sees repreceeding dreadful, whose teeth were sented by ten horns growing out of of iron, and his nails of brass; the beast, and another eleventh which devoured, brake in pieces, little horn coming up after them. and stamped the residue with his This part of the emblem the angel. feet'; 20. And of the ten horns thus explains : . which were on his head, and of the : Ver. 24. " And the ten horns other which came up, and before out of this kingdom are ten kings whom three fell; even of the horn that shall arise: and another shall that had eyes, and a mouth that arise - after them, and he shall be spake very great things, whose look diverse from the first, and he shall was more stout than his fellows. subdue three kings." Let us, then, 21. I beheld, and the same horn follow down the history of these made war with the saints, and pre- times, and see how these emblems vailed against them;" (this was have been fulfilled The mighty another circumstance he had re- empire of Rome, as we have ob- . marked while he was considering served before, was existing in all its the horns $) 22. Until the Ancient strength when our blessed Saviour of days came, and judgment was was born. It had been recently given to the saints of the Most changed from a republic into a High; and the time came that the monarchy. Augustus Cæsar, of n' şaints possessed the kingdom.” ... whom we read at the opening of i. We are now to attend to the in the New Testament, was the first terpretation of the angel, and to emperor. Tiberius, by whose autrace, in the history of the world, thority, exercised by Pontius Pin the fulfilment of the prophecy as late, the great Redeemer suffered, far as it has been fulfilled. . when his soul was made an offering

Ver. 28., " Thus he said, The for the sins of his people, was 'the fourth beast shall be the fourth second Roman emperor. These kingdom upon earth, which shall be Cæsars or emperors continued masdiverse froin all kingdoms, and shall ters of the world for several ages, devour the whole earth, and shall and may be truly said to have tread it down and break it in trampled it under their feet. Their pieces." This, as we have seen, power, however, after having been, can apply to nothing but the Ro- on the decline for many years, was man empire; for, counting the Ba- at last totally destroyed in the year bylonian empire as the first, the of our Lord 476. Persian as the second, the empire Now, as the angel explained to established by Alexander the Great Daniel, “ Out of this kingdom ten

kings (or kingdoms) would arise." ."1. The Ostrogoths, in Mesia ; It must be our care, therefore, to 2. The Visigoths, in Pannonia; 3. learn which these ten kingdoms The Sueves and Alans, in Gaswere, in order to distinguish the coigne and Spain; 4. The Vandals, eleventh, who is to make so great in Africa ; 5. The Franks, in France; a figure in the last stage of the 6. The Burgundians, in Burgundy; bistory of mankind. Writers on 7. The : Heruli and Turingi, in: prophecy, the reader, if he has Italy; 8. The Saxons and Angles, in leisure to study them, will find dif- Britain ; 9. The Huns, in Hungary; fering one from another a little, and 10. The Lombards, at first upin numbering the ten original king- on the Danube, afterwards in Italy. doms which sprang out of the Ro- The self-same catalogue is exhis man empire. : Mr. Faber, a'late bited by, that excellent chronoloauthor on this subject, has pointed ger, Bishop Lloyd +.”,... , them out very satisfactorily, and With these testimonies I think the authority on which his state- we may rest satisfied as to what ment rests will not be questioned. was the actual division of the RoMr. Faber's account is as follows: man empire among the different in“ The historian Machiavel, whom vaders, from whom the present naI cannot but consider as the best, tions of Europe have sprung; and because the most unprejudiced it is among these, of course, we are judge of the manner in which the to trace the rise of the little horn, Roman empire was divided, very who was to act so great a part in undesignedly (as Bishop Chandler the affairs of the world in these remarks), little thinking what he latter ages. But for the present it was adoing *, reckons up the ten is necessary that we close our comprimary kingdoms, as follows: munication :


AN ACCOUNT OF A SUNDAY , after my little flock, a small Sun

SCHOLAR.. .ion day School, of which I had the To the Editor of the Christian

care. I was grieved to hear that . : Guardian..

one of them was: 'dangerously

ill. I had never perceived in her SIR,.

any thing like a serious concern SHOULD you think the following for her soul, and was “anxious to Account of a Sunday School Girl visit her, in the hope that, through at all likely to encourage any who the divine blessing, those exhortimagine that they are labouring in ations which had been neglected vain in a similar work, your inser. in the time of health, might be tion of it will greatly oblige listened to on a bed of sickness. It A COUNTRY GIRL. was the first time I had visited any

sick person with a desire to admi. AFTER an absence of some nister to spiritual maladies, and, weeks from a retired home, I im- deeply feeling my incompetence to mediately inquired, on my return; instruct her aright, I endeavoured

* He was an infidel, and particularly hated the Christian religion. I


f Dissertation on the Prophecies, vol. i. P. 198.. .

to look to the great Physician for to join very fervently in the petiwisdom and direction. As I walk. tions. She told her mother to kneel ed to her cottage I was employed down, and could not bear to see in considering the infinite value of any one about her indifferent or an immortal soul, and in what careless whilst I read to her. The manner I should address the poor Clergymạn of the parish was from sufferer. I had not proceeded far home, and there was no serious towards her dwelling, before I met person I could get to accompany the mother of the invalid, who told me. I endeavoured to explain to me she was coming, at her daugh- her the 3d chapter of St. John, ter's earnest request, to beg I and to show her the all-sufficiency would go and read to her. This I of Christ to save to the uttermost looked upon as a token for good. all who come to God by him. She On inquiring how long she had said she wished she could go to been ill, I was told she had kept church, but she was not able. On her bed for more than a month, my reminding her that Jesus Christ during which time the only nou- was present in her sick chamber as čishment she had taken was liquid; well as in the church, and exhortbut that, during her whole illness, ing her to pray to him, she told she had shown great patience, and me she did so. On reading part her mind had been wholly occupied of the 32d of Isaiah, I asked her by the concerns of her soul; that who was spoken of in the 28 verse, her constant petition to all around " a man shall be an hiding-place her was, that they would read or from the wind, and a covert from pray by her. On approaching the the storm?” She readily replied, neat bed on which she lay, I was “ Christ Jesus, who died for our shocked to see the alteration which sins.” She was unwilling to part had taken place in her countenance: with me, and begged I would come her face had been formerly animated again. The next day I found her ar:d pleasing, if not handsome- worse : she was asleep when I enit was now wan and shrivelled; tered her chamber, and her apa certainly a stranger would have pearance was then still more dig. supposed that it had for seventy tressing than when awake; the years borne the cares of life --not white of her eyes was visible à trace, of what it had been, re- through her shrunk eyelids; and mained; such ravages had disease her parched lips, quite black with made in so short a time! I could fever, served only as a contrast to scarcely believe it was the same her white and prominent teeth. face I had last seen, in the bloom which gave the most ghastly apof youth and beauty. A transient pearance to her countenance: she flush of pleasure illumined her was a mere skeleton'; indeed, her kagard countenance when she bones had actually, in some places, saw me, and she eagerly begged forced themselves through the skin. that I would kiss her. Her situa-. I was unwilling to have her distion, and the regard she showed turbed; but her mother told me me, affected me so much that I she would be quite uneasy if she could scarcely speak. “ Pray beard I had been there without don't cry,” she exclaimed; - if you her knowing it. As soon as she do, I shall cry too." I then read awoke she begged, as before, that to her, as I was desired. She list- I would read to her. “My dear," I ened with great attention, some- replied, “I fear you are too heavy times saying, “0, how beautiful! to listen."-" 0, no !" she answer: is it not, mother ?" She then beged, as it will do me good.” When ged I would read a prayer with I had read a few minutes she closed her: I did so; and she appeared her eyes, but said, "Go on; I


cannot keep my eyes open, but I claimed, with an ardour' and eincan hear though they are shut." phasis I can never forget, 6 And But nature was exhausted--the God bless you.” They were the spirit indeed was willing, but the last words I heard her speak. The flesh was weak. I'rom this time I next niorning, about one o'clock, scarcely think she had the perfect her immortal spirit quitted its frail use of her senses, though at inter- and suffering tenement, I trust, to vals of wakefulness she continued be joined to the host of those who i to manifest the same desire for re- are crying, Glory to the Lamb ligious instruction. I was prevent., who was slain to take away the sin ed from visiting her for a few days of the world-he breaketh not the by a slight indisposition : when bruised reed, neither doth hę pext I went she was asleep ; but I quench tlre smoking flax. The cannot describe my sensations on desire she manifested for religious hearing that she had repeatedly instruction-the delight with which inquired for me, and said, I had she listened to the word of God forsaken her. Never did I feel her resignation--and the spirit of so forcibly that solenın injunction, prayer she showed throughout her 6. Whatsoever thy hand indeth to illness, sprang not up out of the do, do it with all thy might.” I dust, they must have been imhad slept upon my post --betrayed planted by the Spirit of God; and my trust--refused to watch with none ever perished at the Saviour's my Lord one hour--I suffered a feet. For his sake, I trust, her ini. few trifling obstacles to keep me quities were pardoned, and that from the death-bed of an immortal she was accepted in the Beloved. creature committed to my care! Her death proved a great enThe season of usefulness was over, couragement to me to go on with In vain I desired her mother, if she my work. And are there any should again ask for me, immedi- young persons who would gladly ately to let me know. A constant engage in the instruction of the stupor reigned over her. May the poor, but fear they are incomperecollection of this neglect never tent to the charge? May they, by be obliterated from my memory! this little memoir, be encouraged Never may I be guilty of the like to go forward, trusting in the Lord. again! But, to return. When For some time the writer of these next I saw her, her bodily suffer- few lines was prevented, from the ings were very great.' I reminded consideration of her youth and inher of her Redeemer's sufferings, experience, from making the atand exlvrted her to pray to him tempt: even after having engaged for patience. She said, “ I do:" in it, she was sometimes reacły to and added, she was willing to live relinquish it from the proofs she or die as her heavenly Father had of her inability to carry it on pleased. Through the whole of as it ought to be ; yet it may please her illness I believe she never ut- the Lord, in whose hands are the tered a Tepining word; but if she hearts of all men, to bless some ever mentioned her sufferings, she word she may have spoken in great always added,.“ I must be patient." weakness, even when she is laid in The last time I saw her she the silent grave; and let not those scarcely knew me, and could but who have hitherto laboured, appajust speak; when, on taking leave rently in vain, despond. The bread of her, I expressed my hope that cast on the waters may be seen again God would be with her, and sup- after many days. The efficacy is port her through the dark valley not in the means made use of, but of the shadow of death, she exin the blessing of the Almighty



upon them; and even should our “She hath done what she could ; labours be of little use, yet, if they yea, not a cup of cold water, given proceed from love to God, they to a disciple in the naine of a dieshall not lose their reward. It is ciple, shall lose its reward.". written for our 'encouragement :


. An Audress, delivered before coming more attractive, and that

the Church Missionary Society many of the highest in rank in ; for Africa and the East, to the church and state, are enrolling

Rev. Messrs. Greenwood and themselves among its members. Norton, of the Established Church Such an Address as Di. Buchanan's of England, proceeding as Mis- is eminently calculated to excite sionaries to the Island of Ceylon; geveral attention, and to remove and the Rev. Messrs. Schnarre prejudice from the minds of the and Rhenins, of the German Lu- uninformed. It will likewise suga theran Church, proceeding as gest 'many useful and instructive Missionaries to the Coast of Co. hints to our younger brethren in romandel. By the Rev. Clau- the ministry. dius Buchanan, D. D. Hutchard and Seeley, London. .

British Pulpit Eloquence; a SelecThe Seciety for Missions to

tion of Sermons in chronological

Order; from the works of the Africa and the East could not have

most eminent Divines of Great chosen a more suitable person to

Britain, during the sevent renth address their Missionaries than Dr.

and cightcenth Centuries; with Buchanan, who, by his able writ

biographical and critical Noings on the state of religion in the tices. Vol. I. Gale, Curtis, and East, has excited such attention

l'enner, London. pp. 470. Price to the too much neglected inha

12s. bitants of Hindostan, and by prov. ing, beyond contradiction, the dea FROM our love to the old school praved state of their moral and re- we took up this volume with much ligious character, has shown the pleasure, but we had not read far. necessity of sending the Gospel to before we clearly discerned that those who sit in darkness and the the editor, whoever he may be, shadow of death. ;

did not possess that knowledge of · Whilst we record the efforts the Gospel which would enable him · which are making among various to select from these worthies the denominations of Christians to dif- most evangelical of their discourses. fuse the knowledge of true reli. The selection is made from Hookgion, and sincerely rejoice with er, Chillingworth, Jeremy Taylor, them in the success which attends Henry, Moore, Allestree, B. Catheir labours of loye; yet, as lamy, Barrow, Wilkins, and WlrichChurchmen, we feel peculiar inte. cot. Many of these have ranked rest in the Society for Missions to high as Protestant divines, others Africa and the East, and it gives of them have been remarkable for us unfeignéd satisfaction to find the introduction of that mode of that the subject is every day be- preaching, which, unhappily for this

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