diem employees at rates of pay approved by the Director, not exceeding current rates for similar services in the District of Columbia, and such employees in emergencies may be entered on duty subject to confirmation by the Secretary of the Interior; rent of buildings; demolition of buildings; expenses incident to moving various executive departments and establishments in connection with the assignment, allocation, transfer, and survey of building space; traveling expenses and carfare; leather and rubber articles and gas masks for the protection of public property and employees; furnishings and equipment; arms and ammunition for the guard force; not exceeding $37,400 for purchase, repair, and cleaning of uniforms for guards and elevator conductors; and the purchase, maintenance, repair, exchange, storage, and operation of four motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles; $7,950,962, of which amount not to exceed $500,000 shall be available for major repairs and improvements to public buildings, monuments, memorials, and grounds in the District of Columbia. Vehicles. Repairs, etc. Public buildings outside D. C. Salaries and ex Salaries and expenses, public buildings outside the District of Columbia: For administration, protection, and maintenance, including improvement, repair, cleaning, heating, lighting, rental of build- penses. ings and equipment, supplies, materials, furnishings and equipment, personal services, arms, ammunition, leather and rubber articles and gas masks for the protection of public property and employees, and every expenditure requisite for and incidental to such maintenance and operation of public buildings outside of the District of Columbia under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, $783,700: Provided, That not to exceed $5,040 of the amount herein appropriated trict. may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia and not to exceed $200,000 shall be available for major repairs and improvements to the building located at 45 Broadway, New York, Broadway, New York, New York. Proviso. Services in the Dis Repairs, etc., to building located at 45 N. Y. National Capital parks. Salaries and ex 46 Stat. 482. 43 Stat. 174. Police force, Vernon Highway, etc. Salaries and expenses, National Capital parks: For administration, protection, maintenance, and improvement of the Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Arlington Memorial Bridge, George Washington penses. Memorial Parkway, Federal parks in the District of Columbia, and other Federal lands authorized by the Act of May 29, 1930 (46 Stat. 482), including the pay and allowances in accordance with the provisions of the Act of May 27, 1924, as amended, of the police force for the Mount Vernon Memorial Highway and the George Washington Memorial Parkway, and the operation, maintenance, repair, exchange, and storage of three automobiles, revolvers, ammunition, uniforms, and equipment, per-diem employees at rates of pay approved by the Director not exceeding current rates for similar services in the District of Columbia, the hire of draft animals with or without drivers at local rates approved by the Director, traveling expenses and carfare, and leather and rubber articles for the protection of public property and employees, $263,200, of which $67,500 Bridge, repairs." shall be available for repairs to the Arlington Memorial Bridge and approaches thereto. OFFICE OF EDUCATION SALARIES For the Commissioner of Education and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $278,780. GENERAL EXPENSES For necessary traveling expenses of the Commissioner and employees acting under his direction, including attendance at meetings of educational associations, societies, and other organizations, and includ 98907-39-PT 2--15 penses. Mt. ex Arlington Memorial Salaries. Travel, attendance at meetings, etc. Libraries of educational institutions. etc., of. ings, etc. ing not to exceed $3,000 for the expenses of persons attending conferences called to meet in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; for compensation, not to exceed $500, of employees in field service; for purchase, distribution, and exchange of educational documents, motion-picture films, and lantern slides; collection, exchange, and cataloging of educational apparatus and appliances, articles of school furniture and models of school buildings illustrative of foreign and domestic systems and methods of education, and repairing the same; and other expenses not herein provided for, $19,500. For making surveys, studies, investigations, and reports regarding Surveys, reports, public, school, college, university, and other libraries; fostering coordination of public and school library service; coordinating library service on the national level with other forms of adult education; developing library participation in Federal projects; fostering Nation-wide coordination of research materials among the more scholarly libraries, inter-State library cooperation, and the development of public, school, and other library service throughout the country, and for the administrative expenses incident to performing these duties, including salaries of such assistants, experts, clerks, and other employees in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, as the Commissioner of Education may deem necessary, necessary traveling Attendance at meet expenses, including attendance at meetings of educational associations, societies, and other organizations, purchase of miscellaneous supplies, equipment, stationery, typewriters, and exchange thereof, postage on foreign mail, purchase of books of reference, law books, and periodicals, printing and binding, and all other necessary expenses, $25,000. Study of higher education for Negroes: For all expenses, including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, purchase and rental of equipment, purchase of supplies, traveling expenses, including attendance at meetings of educational associations, societies, and other organizations, printing and binding, and all other incidental expenses not included in the foregoing, to enable the Secretary of the Interior, through the Office of Education, at a total cost of not to exceed $40,000, to make a study of higher education for Negroes to determine first, the higher education needs of Negroes, and second, the areas of educational concentration or specialization upon which the various colleges should embark, $15,000: Provided, That specialists and experts for temporary service in this study may be employed at rates to be fixed by the Secretary of the Interior to correspond to those established by the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and without reference to the Civil Service Act of January 16, 1883. Study of higher education for Negroes. Proviso. Employment of specialists, etc. 5 U. S. C. §§ 661 674; Supp. IV, $$ 673, 673c. S. §§ 655 U. 8. C. § 631 652. Agriculture and me chanic arts. of colleges of. Further endowment of colleges of agriculture and the mechanic Further endowment arts: For carrying out the provisions of section 22 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for research into basic laws and principles relating to agriculture and to provide for the further development of cooperative agricultural extension work and the more complete endowment and support of land-grant colleges", approved June 29, 1935 (49 Stat. 436), $2,480,000. 49 Stat. 439. 7 U. S. C., Supp. IV, § 343d. Salaries and penses. ex 39 Stat. 933; 40 Stat. 345. 20 U. S. C. § 15. 49 Stat. 1489. 20 U. S. C., Supp. IV, § 15k. Further development in States and Territories. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Salaries and expenses: For carrying out the provisions of section 7 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the promotion of vocational education, and so forth", approved February 23, 1917, as amended by the Act of October 6, 1917 (20 U. S. C. 15), and of section 4 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the further development of vocational education in the several States and Territories", approved June 8, 1936 (49 Stat. 1488), $428,200. Further development of vocational education: For carrying out the provisions of sections 1, 2, and 3 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide 20 U. S. C., Supp. for the further development of vocational education in the several States and Territories", approved June 8, 1936 (49 Stat. 1488-1490), 49 Stat. 1488. IV, §§ 15h-j. $13,750,000: Provided, That the apportionment to the States shall be computed on the basis of not to exceed $14,483,000 for the fiscal year 1940, as authorized by the Act approved June 8, 1936. Proviso. Extension of bene fits to Hawaii. 39 Stat. 929; 43 Stat. 18. For extending to the Territory of Hawaii the benefits of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the promotion of vocational education, and so forth", approved February 23, 1917 (20 U. S. C. 11-18), in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to extend the provisions of certain laws to the Territory of Hawaii", approved 29; Supp. IV, ch. 2. March 10, 1924 (20 U. S. C. 29), $30,000. 20 U. S. C. §§ 11-18, Extension of benefits to Puerto Rico. 39 Stat. 929; 46 Stat. 1489. For extending to Puerto Rico the benefits of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the promotion of vocational education, and so forth", approved February 23, 1917 (20 U. S. C. 11-18), in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to extend the provisions of certain laws relating to vocational education and civilian 29 U.S. C. $ 31-35; rehabilitation to Puerto Rico", approved March 3, 1931 (20 U. S. C. 11-18; 29 U. S. C. 31–35; 20 U. S. C. 30), $105,000. Cooperative vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry: For carrying out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the promotion of vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry or otherwise and their return to civil employment", approved June 2, 1920 (29 U. S. C. 35), as amended by the Act of June 5, 1924 (29 U. S. C. 31), and the Acts of June 9, 1930, and June 30, 1932 (29 U. S. C. 31-40), and section 531 (a) of the Act of August 14, 1935 (49 Stat. 620), $1,800,000: Provided, That the apportionment to the States shall be computed on the basis of not to exceed $1,938,000, as authorized by the Acts approved June 2, 1920, June 5, 1924, June 9, 1930, June 30, 1932, and August 14, 1935. pur Salaries and expenses, vocational rehabilitation: For carrying out the provisions of section 6 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the promotion of vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry, and so forth", approved June 2, 1920 (29 U. S. C. 35), and the Acts of June 5, 1924 (29 U. S. C. 31), June 9, 1930, and June 30, 1932 (29 U. S. C. 31, 40), and August 14, 1935 (49 Stat. 620), and for carrying out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the operation of stands in Federal buildings by blind persons, to enlarge the economic opportunities of the blind, and for other poses", approved June 20, 1936 (49 Stat. 1559, 1560), $111,500. Cooperative vocational rehabilitation of disabled residents of the District of Columbia: For personal services, printing and binding, travel and subsistence, and payment of expenses of training, placement, and other phases of rehabilitating disabled residents of the District of Columbia under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the vocational rehabilitation of disabled residents of the District of Columbia", approved February 23, 1929 (45 Stat. 1260), as amended by the Act approved April 17, 1937 (50 Stat. 69), $25,000. Promotion of vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry in Hawaii: For extending to the Territory of Hawaii the benefits of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the promotion of vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry", approved June 2, 1920, as amended (29 U. S. C. 31-44), in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to extend the provisions of certain laws to the Territory of Hawaii", approved March 10, 1924 (29 U. S. C. 45), $5,000. Promotion of vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry in Puerto Rico: For extending to the island of Puerto Rico the benefits of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the promotion of vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry", approved June 2, 1920, as amended (29 U. S. C. 31-44), in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to extend the provisions of 20 U.S. C. §§ 11-18; 20 U.S. C. § 30. Cooperative Vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry. 41 Stat. 735; 43 Stat. 430; 46 Stat. 524; 47 Stat. 448. 29 U. S. C. §§ 31-40. IV, 45b. Proviso. Basis of apportion ment. Vocational rehabilitation, salaries and ex penses. Stat. 737; 43 Stat. 40. 29 U. S. O. §§ 35, 31, 49 Stat. 620. 42 U. S. C., Supp. IV, § 301. blind. 49 Stat. 1559. 20 U. S. C., Supp. IV, §§ 107-107ť. Cooperative vocational rehabilitation, disabled residents of District of Columbia. 45 Stat. 1260; 50 Stat. 69. Extension of benefits to Hawaii. 41 Stat. 735; 43 Stat. 18. 29 U. S. C. §§ 31-45. Extension of benefits to Puerto Rico. 41 Stat. 735. Governor and secre tary, salaries. Incidental and contingent expenses. Public schools, establishment, etc. Proviso. Limitation on penditures. 48 Stat. 1227. 31 U. S. C. § 725c. Care of insane. Provisos. Payments author. ized. certain laws relating to vocational education and civilian rehabilitation to Puerto Rico", approved March 3, 1931 (29 U. S. C. 45a), $15,000. Not to exceed an aggregate of $3,000 of appropriations available to the Office of Education for salaries and expenses for vocational education may be used for expenses of attendance at meetings of educational associations and other organizations concerned with vocational education. All appropriations for vocational education under the Office of Education in this Act shall be used exclusively for vocational education purposes. GOVERNMENT IN THE TERRITORIES TERRITORY OF ALASKA Salaries of the Governor and the secretary, $15,600. For incidental and contingent expenses of the offices of the Governor and the secretary of the Territory, clerk hire, not to exceed $7,520; janitor service for the Governor's office and the executive mansion, not to exceed $3,180; traveling expenses of the Governor while absent from the capital on official business and of the secretary of the Territory while traveling on official business under direction of the Governor; repair and preservation of Governor's house and furniture; for care of grounds and purchase of necessary equipment; stationery, lights, water, and fuel; in all, $22,400, to be expended under the direction of the Governor. For the establishment and maintenance of public schools, Territory of Alaska, $50,000: Provided, That expenditures hereunder shall not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in accordance with section 4 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934. Insane of Alaska: For care and custody of persons legally adjudged insane in Alaska, including compensation and travel expenses of medical supervisor, transportation, burial, and other expenses, $205,840: Provided, That authority is granted to the Secretary of the Interior to pay from this appropriation to the Sanitarium Company, of Portland, Oregon, or to other contracting institution or institutions, not to exceed $648 per capita per annum for the care and maintenance of Alaskan insane patients during the fiscal year 1940: etc., of Provided further, That so much of this sum as may be required shall be available for all necessary expenses in ascertaining the residence of inmates and in returning those who are not legal residents of Alaska to their legal residence or to their friends, and the Secretary of the Interior shall, as soon as practicable, return to their places of residence or to their friends all inmates not residents of Alaska at the time they became insane, and the commitment papers for any person hereafter adjudged insane shall include a statement by the committing authority as to the legal residence of such person. Return, those not Alaska resi dents. Roads, bridges, etc. Repair and main tenance. 47 Stat. 446. 321c. Juneau, wharf. Construction, etc. For the repair and maintenance of roads, tramways, ferries, bridges, and trails, Territory of Alaska, to be expended under the 48 U. S. C. § 321a- provisions of the Act approved June 30, 1932 (48 U. S. C. 321a-321c), $560,000, including not to exceed $1,500 for repair and maintenance of Government wharf at Juneau, Alaska, to be immediately available. For the construction, repair, and maintenance of roads, tramways, bridges, trails, and aviation fields, Territory of Alaska, $140,000, to be available until expended: Provided, That expenditures hereunder shall not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in accordance with section 4 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934. Proviso. penditures. 48 Stat. 1227. 31 U. S. C. § 725c. ex Alaska Railroad. ex Operation, etc., of boats. Damage claims. The Alaska Railroad: All amounts received by the Alaska Railroad during the fiscal year 1940 shall be available, and continue avail- penses from receipts. able until expended, for every expenditure requisite for and incident to the authorized work of the Alaska Railroad, including maintenance, operation, and improvements of railroads in Alaska; maintenance and operation of river steamers and other boats on the Yukon River and its tributaries in Alaska; operation and maintenance of ocean-going or coastwise vessels by ownership, charter, or arrangement with other branches of the Government service, for the purpose of providing additional facilities for the transportation of freight, passengers, or mail, when deemed necessary, for the benefit and development of industries and travel affecting territory tributary to the Alaska Railroad; stores for resale; payment of claims for losses and damages arising from operations, including claims of employees of the Railroad for loss and damage resulting from wreck or accident on the railroad, not due to negligence of the claimant, limited to clothing and other necessary personal effects used in connection with his duties and not exceeding $100 in value; payment of amounts due connecting lines; payment of compensation and expenses as authorized by section 42 of the Injury Compensation Act approved September 7, 1916 (5 U. S. C. 793), to be reimbursed as therein provided: Provided, That not to exceed $6,000 of this fund shall be available for personal services in the District of Columbia during the fiscal year 1940, and no one other than the general manager of said railroad shall be paid an annual salary out of this fund of more than $7,500: Provided further, That not to exceed $10,000 of such fund shall be available for printing and binding. TERRITORY OF HAWAII Salaries of the Governor and of the Secretary, $15,800. For contingent expenses, to be expended by the Governor for stationery, postage, and incidentals, and for traveling expenses of the Governor while absent from the capital on official business, $2,000; private secretary to the Governor, $3,100; temporary clerk hire, $750; in all, $5,850. GOVERNMENT OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS Compensation and expenses. 52 Stat. 200. IV. 793. Provisos. Services in the Dis trict. Salary limitation. Printing and bind ing. Governor, and other personal services. 39 Stat. 1132. 48 U. S. C. § 1391. 49 Stat. 1813. 48 U. S. C., Supp. Miscellaneous penses. For salaries of the Governor and employees incident to the execution of the Acts of March 3, 1917 (48 U. S. C. 1391), and June 22, 1936 (48 U. S. C. 1405v), traveling expenses of officers and employees, necessary janitor service, care of Federal grounds, repair and preser-140. vation of Federal buildings and furniture, purchase of equipment, stationery, lights, water, and other necessary miscellaneous expenses, including not to exceed $5,000 for purchase, including exchange, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passengercarrying vehicles, and not to exceed $4,000 for personal services, household equipment, and furnishings, fuel, ice, and electricity necessary in the operation of Government House at Saint Thomas and Government House at Saint Croix, $127,250. For salaries and expenses of the agricultural experiment station and the vocational school in the Virgin Islands, including technical personnel, clerks, and other persons; scientific investigations of plants and plant industries, and diseases of animals; demonstrations in practical farming; official traveling expenses; fixtures, apparatus, and supplies; clearing and fencing of land; and other necessary expenses, including not to exceed $2,000 for purchase, including exchange, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passengercarrying vehicles, $38,000, ex Agricultural experiment station and voSalaries and cational school. penses. ex |