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Act Res.






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Coast Guard Academy library. AN ACT To make the United
States Coast Guard Academy library a public depository for
Government publications_-
Insolvent building associations, D. C. AN ACT To provide for
the abatement of personal taxes from insolvent building
associations in the District of Columbia___
Middletown Air Depot Military Reservation, Pa. AN ACT To
provide a right-of-way-
Naval Academy laundry. AN ACT To establish the status of
funds and employees of the United States Naval Academy

Real estate owned by District of Columbia. AN ACT Authorizing
the sale of certain real estate in the District of Columbia no
longer required for public purposes..
Patents, time of filing applications. AN ACT To amend sec-
tions 4886, 4887, 4920, and 4929 of the Revised Statutes
(U. S. C., title 35, secs. 31, 32, 69, and 73) _ _
Patents, interferences.

AN ACT To amend sections 4904, 4909,
4911, and 4915 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C., title 35,
secs. 52, 57, 59a, and 63) –
Patents, interferences, time limit. AN ACT To amend section
4903 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C., title 35, sec. 51).
Army Air Corps, age limit for second lieutenants. AN ACT To
waive the age limit for appointment as second lieutenant,
Regular Army, of certain persons now on active duty with
the Air Corps.

Lieutenant general, Regular Army. AN ACT To provide for the
rank and title of lieutenant general of the Regular Army...
37 "Star-Spangled Banner", celebration. JOINT RESOLUTION

Providing for participation by the United States in the cele-
bration to be held at Fort McHenry on September 14, 1939,
in celebration of the one hundred and twenty-fifth anniver-
sary of the writing of the Star-Spangled Banner.
38 Williamsburg, Va., Masonic Lodge. JOINT RESOLUTION
Authorizing the Librarian of Congress to return to Williams-
burg Lodge, Numbered Six, Ancient Free and Accepted
Masons, of Virginia, the original manuscript of the record
of the proceedings of said lodge..
Farmers' market, D. C. JOINT RESOLUTION Providing
that the farmers' market in blocks 354 and 355 in the Dis-
trict of Columbia shall not be used for other purposes--
Coast Guard, appointment of Lighthouse Service employees. AN
ACT To perfect the consolidation of the Lighthouse Service
with the Coast Guard by authorizing the commissioning,
appointment, and enlistment in the Coast Guard, of certain
officers and employees of the Lighthouse Service, and for
other purposes.

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Coast Guard, personnel. AN ACT To amend section 9 of the
Act of July 3, 1926 (44 Stat. 817), entitled "An Act to read-
just the commissioned personnel of the Coast Guard, and
for other purposes."

Fort Douglas Military Reservation, Utah. AN ACT Authoriz-
ing the Secretary of War to permit Salt Lake City, Utah, to
construct and maintain certain roads, streets, and boulevards
across the Fort Douglas Military Reservation_
Postmasters, Alaska, notarial functions. AN ACT To authorize
postmasters within the Territory of Alaska to administer
oaths and affirmations, and for other purposes
Government records, disposition. AN ACT To provide for the
disposition of certain records of the United States Govern-

Golden Gate International Exposition of 1939, tourist literature.
AN ACT To permit the importation free of duty of certain
literature for distribution at the Golden Gate International
Exposition of 1939...

San Carlos and Flathead Indian irrigation projects. JOINT
RESOLUTION To approve the action of the Secretary of
the Interior deferring the collection of certain irrigation con-
struction charges against lands under the San Carlos and
Flathead Indian irrigation projects-----

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Act Res. 297


















Bridge, Des Moines River.

AN ACT To legalize a free highway
bridge now being constructed across the Des Moines River,
at Levy, Iowa..

Acting Secretary of the Navy. JOINT RESOLUTION TO
authorize the Assistant Secretary of the Navy to continue to
serve as Acting Secretary of the Navy until the appointment
of a Secretary, and for other purposes. -

Aug. 5, 1939... 1221

Aug. 5, 1939___ 1222

42 Former President Herbert Hoover, portrait. JOINT RESOLU-
TION Authorizing the Joint Committee on the Library to
procure an oil portrait of former President Herbert Hoover. Aug. 5, 1939. 1222
Federal Firearms Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend the
Federal Firearms Act (Public, Numbered 785, seventy-fifth
Congress) so as to more adequately define the term "ammu-
nition" as said term is defined in said Act...

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U. S. Courts, administration. AN ACT To provide for the
administration of the United States courts, and for other
Philippine Independence Act, amendments. AN ACT To amend
an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the complete inde-
pendence of the Philippine Islands, to provide for the adop-
tion of a constitution and a form of government for the
Philippine Islands, and for other purposes".
Bridge, Connecticut River. AN ACT Granting the consent of
Congress to the State of Connecticut, acting by and through
any agency or commission thereof, to construct, maintain,
and operate a toll bridge across the Connecticut River at or
near Hartford, Connecticut__

Bridge, Columbia River. AN ACT Granting the consent of
Congress to the Secretary of the Interior, the State of Wash-
ington, and the Great Northern Railway Company to con-
struct, maintain, and operate either a combined highway and
railroad bridge or two separate bridges across the Columbia
River, at or near Kettle Falls, Washington..........
Bridge, Mississippi River. AN ACT Authorizing the village of
Cassville, Wisconsin, or its assigns, to construct, maintain,
and operate a toll bridge across the Mississippi River at or
near Cassville, Wisconsin, and to a place at or near the village
of Guttenberg, Iowa...
Montana judicial district. AN ACT To amend section 92 of the
Judicial Code to provide for a term of court at Kalispell,
Montana, and subject to the recommendation of the Attorney
General of the United States to permit the provision of rooms
and accommodations for holding court at Livingston, and
Kalispell, Montana_

Nevada, conveyance of lands. AN ACT Authorizing the convey-
ance of certain lands to the State of Nevada..
Bridge, Bayou La Fourche. AN ACT To legalize a bridge across
Bayou La Fourche at Cut Off, Louisiana__
Farm units on public lands. AN ACT Relating to the develop-
ment of farm units on public lands under Federal reclamation
projects with funds furnished by the Farm Security Adminis-

Bridge, Missouri River. AN ACT Authorizing the county of
Howard, State of Missouri, to construct, maintain, and oper-
ate a toll bridge across the Missouri River at or near Peters-
burg, Missouri

Army, construction work. AN ACT To facilitate certain con-
struction work for the Army, and for other purposes..
Bridge, St. Georges, Del. AN ACT Authorizing the construction
of a highway bridge across the Chesapeake and Delaware
Canal at Saint Georges, Delaware..

Bridge, Ohio River. AN ACT To authorize the construction of a
bridge across the Ohio River at or near Mauckport, Harrison
County, Indiana....

Hawaii, revenue bonds. AN ACT To ratify and confirm act 58 of
the Session Laws of Hawaii, 1939, extending the time within
which revenue bonds may be issued and delivered under act
174 of the Session Laws of Hawaii, 1935--
Virgin Islands. AN ACT To amend section 4 of the Act entitled
"An Act to provide a civil government for the Virgin Islands
of the United States", approved June 22, 1936___

Aug. 6, 1939___ 1222

Aug. 7, 1939___ 1223

Aug. 7, 1939___ 1226

Aug. 7, 1939... 1234

Aug. 7, 1939. 1235

Aug. 7, 1939... 1235

Aug. 7, 1939. 1236
Aug. 7, 1939___ 1237
Aug. 7, 1939___ 1237

Aug. 7, 1939... 1238

Aug. 7, 1939___ 1238
Aug. 7, 1939___ 1239

Aug. 7, 1939... 1240

Aug. 7, 1939___ 1241

Aug. 7, 1939... 1242

Aug. 7, 1939___ 1242

Act 314

















Alaska, school lands. AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An
Act to reserve lands to the Territory of Alaska for educa-
tional uses, and for other purposes", approved March 4,
1915 (38 Stat. 1214-1215)_


Registration of certain aliens for naturalization.
amend the Act of March 2, 1929 (45 Stat. 536).
Bridge, Beverly, Ohio. AN ACT To authorize M. H. Gildow
to construct a free, movable, pontoon footbridge across
Muskingum River Canal at or near Beverly, Ohio.
Klamath Indians, delegates. AN ACT Amending the Act of
Congress of June 25, 1938 (C. 710, 52 Stat. 1207), authorizing
the Secretary of the Interior to pay salaries and expenses
of the chairman, secretary, and interpreter of the Klamath
General Council, members of the Klamath Business Com-
mittee and other committees appointed by said Klamath
General Council, and official delegates of the Klamath

Crab Orchard Creek Dam Project, Ill. AN ACT To provide for
the establishment of a cemetery within the Crab Orchard
Creek Dam Project, Williamson County, Illinois.
Dissemination of propaganda. AN ACT To amend an Act
entitled "An Act to require the registration of certain persons
employed by agencies to disseminate propaganda in the
United States and for other purposes", approved June 8,
1938 (Public Law Numbered 583, Seventy-fifth Congress,
third session).

Alaska Railroad, retirement of employees. AN ACT To amend
sections 6 and 7 of the Act entitled "An Act for the retire-
ment of employees of the Alaska Railroad, Territory of
Alaska, who are citizens of the United States", approved
June 29, 1936___

Income-tax information, D. C. AN ACT To amend the District
of Columbia Revenue Act of 1939, and for other purposes--
Employment of Brien McMahon as attorney. AN ACT To limit
the operation of sections 109 and 113 of the Criminal Code
and section 190 of the Revised Statutes of the United States
with respect to counsel in certain cases.
43 International Exhibition of Polar Exploration. JOINT RESO-
LUTION Authorizing and requesting the President to accept
the invitation of the Government of Norway to the Govern-
ment of the United States to participate in an International
Exhibition of Polar Exploration, which will be held at
Bergen, Norway, in 1940; and authorizing an appropriation
to cover the expenses of such participation_
Alaska Railroad, retirement of employees. AN ACT To amend
the Act entitled "An Act for the retirement of employees of
the Alaska Railroad, Territory of Alaska, who are citizens of
the United States", approved June 29, 1936, and for other

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Aug. 7, 1939___ 1243
Aug. 7, 1939. 1243

Aug. 7, 1939. 1243

Aug. 7, 1939... 1244

Aug. 7, 1939. 1244

Aug. 7, 1939... 1244

Aug. 7, 1939. 1246
Aug. 7, 1939. 1248

Aug. 7, 1939--- 1248

Aug. 7, 1939. 1249

Aug. 7, 1939--- 1250

Aug. 7, 1939___ 1252
Aug. 7, 1939___ 1252

Veterans' Administration, liability of officers. AN ACT To re-
lieve disbursing officers and certifying officers of the Veterans'
Administration from liability for payment where recovery of
such payment is waived under existing laws administered
by the Veterans' Administration__
Klamath Indian tribal funds. AN ACT Providing for the dis-
position of certain Klamath Indian tribal funds...
Civilian Conservation Corps. AN ACT To amend the Act en-
titled "An Act to establish a Civilian Conservation Corps,
and for other purposes", approved June 28, 1937, as amended. Aug. 7, 1939. 1253
Bridge, Columbia River. AN ACT To extend the time for
completing the construction of a bridge across the Columbia
River near The Dalles, Oregon.......

Merchant Marine Act, 1936, amendments.

AN ACT To amend
sections 712, 802, and 902 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936,
as amended, relative to the requisitioning of vessels
Coast Guard station, N. C. AN ACT To provide for the estab-
lishment of a Coast Guard station on the shore of North
Carolina at or near Wrightsville Beach, New Hanover

Theft of mail matter. AN ACT To amend section 194 of an Act
entitled "An Act to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws
of the United States", approved March 4, 1909 (35 Stat. L.

Aug. 7, 1939. 1253

Aug. 7, 1939___ 1254

Aug. 7, 1939___ 1256

Aug. 7, 1939___ 1256

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Motorboats. AN ACT To exempt certain motorboats from the
operation of sections 4 and 6 of the Motor Boat Act of June 9,
1910, and from certain other Acts of Congress, and to pro-
vide that certain motorboats shall not be required to carry
on board copies of the pilot rules_
Bridge, Mississippi River. AN ACT Authorizing the county of
Saint Louis, State of Missouri, to construct, maintain, and
operate a toll bridge across the Mississippi River near Jeffer-
son Barracks, Missouri..

Bridges, St. Louis River. AN ACT To authorize the city of
Duluth, in the State of Minnesota, to construct a toll bridge
across the Saint Louis River, between the States of Minnesota
and Wisconsin, and for other purposes..
Records of rectifiers and wholesale liquor dealers. AN ACT
Amending section 2857 of the Internal Revenue Code...
Tobacco marketing quotas, referendum. AN ACT To amend
the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938.

Tobacco marketing quotas, proclamation. AN ACT To amend
the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938_..

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Tobacco, acreage allotments. AN ACT To amend the Agricul-
tural Adjustment Act of 1938_.

Aug. 7, 1939___ 1261


Aug. 7, 1939... 1262

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Excess tobacco marketing, penalty. AN ACT To amend the
Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938.
Enforcement of Marihuana Tax Act.

AN ACT To amend the
Act of March 28, 1928 (45 Stat. 374), as amended, relating
to the advance of funds in connection with the enforcement
of Acts relating to narcotic drugs, so as to permit such
advances in connection with the enforcement of the Mari-
huana Tax Act of 1937, and to permit advances of funds in
connection with the enforcement of the customs laws_ _ _ _
Bridge, Susquehanna River. AN ACT Granting the consent
of Congress to the Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Authority
to construct, maintain, and operate a highway bridge across
the Susquehanna River at or near the city of Harrisburg,

Patents, completing applications. AN ACT To amend section
4894 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C., title 35, sec. 37)___
Bridge, Susquehanna River. AN ACT Granting the consent
of Congress to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to recon-
struct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across
the Susquehanna River, from the borough of Wyoming, in
the county of Luzerne, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to
Jenkins Township, county of Luzerne, Commonwealth of

Bridge, Missouri River. AN ACT Granting the consent of
Congress to Frank O. Lowden, James E. Gorman, and
Joseph B. Fleming, trustees of the estate of The Chicago,
Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company, to construct,
maintain, and operate a railroad bridge across the Missouri
River at or near Randolph, Missouri

Aug. 7, 1939... 1262

Aug. 7, 1939___ 1263
Aug. 7, 1939... 1264

Aug. 7, 1939... 1264

Aug. 7, 1939___ 1265

44 International Statistical Institute. JOINT RESOLUTION TO
amend Public Resolution Numbered 46, approved August 9,
1935, entitled "Joint resolution requesting the President to
extend to the International Statistical Institute an invitation
to hold its twenty-fourth session in the United States in 1939". Aug. 7, 1939. 1265
45 U. S. Supreme Court Building Commission. JOINT RESO-
LUTION To dissolve the United States Supreme Court
Building Commission___

Aug. 7, 1939... 1266





Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, amendment. AN ACT To
amend section 13 (a) of the Act approved June 25, 1938 (52
Stat. 1069), entitled "Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938". Aug. 9, 1939--- 1266
Public Health Service. AN ACT To provide for the detail of a
commissioned medical officer of the Public Health Service to
serve as Assistant to the Surgeon General..
Winnebago Indian Agency, Nebr. AN ACT For the relief of
certain Indians of the Winnebago Agency...
Bridge, Mississippi River. AN ACT Creating the Louisiana-
Vicksburg Bridge Commission; defining the authority,
power, and duties of said Commission; and authorizing said
Commission and its successors and assigns to purchase,
maintain, and operate a bridge across the Mississippi River


9, 1939 1266

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at or near Delta Point, Louisiana, and Vicksburg, Mississippi. Aug. 9, 1939. 1267

Act Res.












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Chilkoot Barracks Military Reservation, Alaska. AN ACT To
provide a right-of-way through the Chilkoot Barracks Mili-
tary Reservation, Alaska..
Alien clergymen. ÁN ACT To amend the naturalization laws
in relation to an alien previously lawfully admitted into the
United States for permanent residence and who is tempo-
rarily absent from the United States solely in his or her
capacity as a regularly ordained clergyman or representative
of a recognized religious denomination or religious organiza-
tion existing in the United States..
Railway Mail Service, holiday. AN ACT Giving clerks in the
Railway Mail Service the benefit of holiday known as
Armistice Day..

Pink bollworm control. AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of
Agriculture to prepare plans for the eradication and control
of the pink bollworm, and for other purposes
Benjamin Harrison Memorial Commission. AN ACT To es-
tablish the Benjamin Harrison Commission to formulate
plans for the construction of a permanent memorial to the
memory of Benjamin Harrison, twenty-third President of
the United States___.

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National parks, Georgia. AN ACT To amend the Act approved
June 26, 1935, entitled "An Act to create a national memorial
military park at and in the vicinity of Kennesaw Mountain
in the State of Georgia, and for other purposes.'
Federal Seed Act. AN ACT To regulate interstate and foreign
commerce in seeds; to require labeling and to prevent mis-
representation of seeds in interstate commerce; to require
certain standards with respect to certain imported seeds; and
for other purposes--

Cooperation between American republics. AN ACT To author-
ize the President to render closer and more effective the
relationship between the American republics.
Akron, Ohio, old post-office building. AN ACT To repeal the
minimum-price limitation on sale of the Akron, Ohio, old
post-office building and site..

Transportation of illicit articles. AN ACT To provide for the
seizure and forfeiture of vessels, vehicles, and aircraft used to
transport narcotic drugs, firearms, and counterfeit coins,
obligations, securities, and paraphernalia, and for other

Patents, fees, etc. AN ACT To repeal section 4897 of the
Revised Statutes (U. S. C., title 35, sec. 38), and amend
sections 4885 and 4934 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C.,
title 35, secs. 41 and 78)...

Insanity proceedings, D. C. AN ACT To provide for insanity
proceedings in the District of Columbia.

Fort Mifflin Military Reservation, Pa. AN ACT To provide a

46 Columbian Fountain, D. C. JOINT RESOLUTION Author





izing the selection of a site and the erection thereon of the
Columbian Fountain in Washington, District of Columbia..
Third Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1939. AN
ACT Making appropriations to supply deficiencies in certain
appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939, and
for prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations
for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1939, and June 30, 1940,
and for other purposes---

Custer Battlefield National Cemetery, Mont. AN ACT To pro-
vide for the erection of a public historical museum in the
Custer Battlefield National Cemetery, Montana..
Postal Service, Alaska. AN ACT To authorize the Postmaster
General to contract for certain powerboat service in Alaska,
and for other purposes-

National Advisory Health Council. AN ACT To adjust the
compensation of the members of the National Advisory
Health Council not in the regular employment of the Govern-

Bridge, Mississippi River. AN ACT Creating the Memphis
and Arkansas Bridge Commission; defining the authority,
power, and duties of said Commission; and authorizing said
Commission and its successors and assigns to construct, main-
tain, and operate a bridge across the Mississippi River at or
near Memphis, Tennessee; and for other purposes..

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