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Bridge, Missouri River. AN ACT To extend the times for
commencing and completing the construction of a bridge
across the Missouri River, at or near Poplar, Montana........
Bridge, Mississippi River. AN ACT Authorizing the city of
Chester, Illinois, to construct, maintain, and operate a toll
bridge across the Mississippi River at or near Chester,
Bridge, Ohio River. AN ACT Authorizing the county of Galla-
tin, State of Illinois, its successors and assigns, to construct,
maintain, and operate a bridge across the Ohio River at or
near the city of Shawneetown, Gallatin County, Illinois, to
a point opposite thereto in the county of Union, State of
Foreign building, etc., associations, D. C. AN ACT To amend
section 691-a of the Code of Law of the District of Columbia,
approved March 3, 1901, and of any Act or Acts amendatory
thereof relating to foreign building and loan associations
doing business in the District of Columbia....
Postal Service, substitutes. AN ACT Granting annual and sick
leave with pay to substitutes in the Postal Service
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library. JOINT RESOLUTION To
provide for the establishment and maintenance of the
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, and for other purposes--.
Bridges on Federal-aid highways. AN ACT To amend the Act
entitled "An Act to aid the several States in making, or for
having made, certain toll bridges on the system of Federal-
aid highways free bridges, and for other purposes", by pro-
viding that funds available under such Act may be used to
match regular and secondary Federal-aid road funds, and for
other purposes - - -

World War veterans. AN ACT To restore certain benefits to
World War veterans suffering with paralysis, paresis, or
blindness, or who are helpless or bedridden, and for other

Foreign Service, retirement, etc. AN ACT To amend the Act
entitled "An Act for the grading and classification of clerks in
the Foreign Service of the United States of America, and
providing compensation therefor", approved February 23,
1931, as amended..

World War veterans. AN ACT To provide certain benefits for
World War veterans and their dependents, and for other

National forests, Montana. AN ACT To empower the President
of the United States to create new national forest units and
make additions to existing national forests in the State of
Highway, Panama. AN ACT To authorize an appropriation
to meet such expenses as the President, in his discretion, may
deem necessary to enable the United States to cooperate with
the Republic of Panama in completing the construction of a
national highway between Chorrera and Rio Hato, Republic
of Panama, for defense purposes.--

United States bonds. AN ACT To amend the Second Liberty
Bond Act, as amended...
Interstate oil and gas compact. JOINT RESOLUTION Con-
senting to an interstate oil compact to conserve oil and gas.
Army, probationary appointments. AN ACT To provide for
probationary appointments of officers in the Regular Army
Golden Gate Bridge and Highway District. AN ACT To author-
ize the Secretary of War to make contracts, agreements, or
other arrangements for the supplying of water to the Golden
Gate Bridge and Highway District...

Park Field Military Reservation, Tenn. AN ACT To transfer
the control and jurisdiction of the Park Field Military Reser-
vation, Shelby County, Tennessee, from the War Department
to the Department of Agriculture__
Bridge, St. Croix River. AN ACT Authorizing the States of
Minnesota and Wisconsin to construct, maintain, and operate
a free highway bridge across the Saint Croix River at or near
Osceola, Wisconsin, and Chisago County, Minnesota
Bridge, Pearl River. AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress
to the State of Mississippi to construct, maintain, and
operate a free highway bridge across Pearl River at or near
Georgetown, Mississippi...

98907-39-PT 2—II

July 18, 1939... 1057

July 18, 1939... 1058

July 18, 1939___ 1058

July 18, 1939___ 1060
July 18, 1939___ 1062

July 18, 1939. 1062

July 19, 1939___ 1066

July 19, 1939... 1067

July 19, 1939... 1067

July 19, 1939___ 1068

July 20, 1939___ 1071

July 20, 1939___ 1071
July 20, 1939___ 1071
July 20, 1939- 1071
July 25, 1939. 1074

July 25, 1939... 1075

July 25, 1939... 1075

July 25, 1939. 1076

July 25, 1939. 1076

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Bridge, Pearl River. AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress
to the State of Mississippi or Madison County, Mississippi,
to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge
across Pearl River at or near Ratliffs Ferry in Madison
County, Mississippi.
Bridge, Mississippi River. AN ACT To extend the times for
commencing and completing the construction of a bridge
across the Mississippi River at or near a point between
Morgan and Wash Streets in the city of Saint Louis, Missouri,
and a point opposite thereto in the City of East Saint Louis,

Bridge, Mississippi River. AN ACT To extend the times for
commencing and completing the construction of a bridge
across the Mississippi River between Saint Louis, Missouri,
and Stites, Illinois_

Bridges, Monongahela River. AN ACT Granting the consent of
Congress to the county of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, to con-
struct, maintain, and operate free highway bridges across the
Monongahela River, in Allegheny County, State of Penn-

Armory and land at Seattle, Wash. AN ACT To authorize the
Secretary of the Navy to accept on behalf of the United
States certain land in the city of Seattle, King County,
Washington, with improvements thereon__
Naval vessels, overhauls, etc. AN ACT To authorize major
overhauls for certain naval vessels, to authorize the acquisi-
tion of two motor vessels for the Navy, and for other pur-

Army, Reserve officers. AN ACT To amend section 5 of the Act
of April 3, 1939 (Public, Numbered 18, Seventy-sixth Con-

[blocks in formation]

July 25, 1939___ 1079

Bridge, Black River. AN ACT Granting the consent of Con-
gress to the Arkansas State Highway Commission to con-
struct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across
the Black River at or near the town of Black Rock, Arkansas- July 25, 1939--- 1079
Bridge, Red River. AN ACT To extend the times for commenc-
ing and completing the construction of a bridge across the
Red River at or near a point suitable to the interests of navi-
gation, from a point in Walsh County, North Dakota, at or
near the terminus of North Dakota State Highway Num-
bered 17...

Congress, clerks. AN ACT To provide for additional clerk hire
in the House of Representatives, and for other purposes--
Bridge, Mississippi River. AN ACT Granting the consent of
Congress to the State of Minnesota or the Minnesota De-
partment of Highways to construct, maintain, and operate
a free highway bridge across the Mississippi River at or near
Little Falls, Minnesota_-

Bridge, Mahoning River. AN ACT Granting the consent of
Congress to the Commissioners of Mahoning County, Ohio,
to replace a bridge which has collapsed, across the Mahoning
River at Division Street, Youngstown, Mahoning County,

Bridge, Missouri River. AN ACT Granting the consent of
Congress to Northern Natural Gas Company of Delaware to
construct, maintain, and operate a pipe-line bridge across
the Missouri River___

July 25, 1939___ 1080

July 25, 1939___ 1080

July 25, 1939___ 1081

July 25, 1939___ 1081

July 25, 1939___ 1081

July 25, 1939___ 1082

Texas northern judicial district. AN ACT To amend the Act
entitled "An Act to create a new division of the District
Court of the United States for the Northern District of
Texas", approved May 26, 1928 (45 Stat. 747) - - .
Bridge, Mississippi River. AN ACT To extend the times for
commencing and completing the construction of a bridge
across the Mississippi River at or near Winona, Minnesota July 25, 1939___ 1082
Bridge, Niagara River. AN ACT To extend the times for
commencing and completing the construction of a bridge
across the Niagara River at or near the city of Niagara Falls,
New York, and for other purposes--

New York World's Fair, Maryland Day. AN ACT To author-
ize the attendance of the United States Naval Academy Band
at the New York World's Fair on the day designated as
Maryland Day at such fair...

Tennessee Valley Authority, bonds. AN ACT To amend the
Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933.

July 25, 1939___ 1083

July 25, 1939___ 1083

July 26, 1939___ 1083

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District of Columbia Revenue Act of 1939. AN ACT To pro-
vide revenue for the District of Columbia, and for other
Ellington Field Military Reservation, Tex. AN ACT To provide
a right-of-way..
Presidio of San Francisco Military Reservation. AN ACT To
grant to the State of California a retrocession of jurisdiction
over certain rights-of-way granted to the State of California
over a certain road about to be constructed in the Presidio
of San Francisco Military Reservation....
Bridge, Red River. AN ACT Authorizing the State highway
departments of North Dakota and Minnesota and the coun-
ties of Grand Forks of North Dakota and Polk of Minnesota,
to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge
across the Red River near Thompson, North Dakota, and
Crookston, Minnesota...

Postal Savings System. AN ACT To amend the Act approved
June 25, 1910, authorizing establishment of the Postal Sav-
ings System.........
Bridge, Lake Sabine. AN ACT To extend the times for com-
mencing and completing the construction of a bridge over
Lake Sabine at or near Port Arthur, Texas, to amend the
Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 1008), and for other purposes.
Army, acquisition of land. AN ACT To authorize the acqui-
sition of additional land for military purposes-
Bridge to Dauphin Island, Ala. AN ACT To extend the times
for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge
and causeway across the water between the mainland, at or
near Cedar Point and Dauphin Island, Alabama.
Uniform Act on Fresh Pursuit, D. C. AN ACT To make
uniform in the District of Columbia the law on fresh pursuit
and to authorize the Commissioners of the District of
Columbia to cooperate with the States.

July 26, 1939... 1085

July 26, 1939... 1119

July 26, 1939- 1120

July 26, 1939... 1120

July 26, 1939... 1121

July 26, 1939... 1121

July 26, 1939___ 1123

July 26, 1939___ 1124

July 26, 1939___ 1124












Cotton, national allotment. JOINT RESOLUTION To provide
minimum national allotments for cotton___
Wheat, national allotment. JOINT RESOLUTION To provide
minimum national allotments for wheat__

July 26, 1939___ 1125

34 Corn, marketing quotas. JOINT RESOLUTION Relating to
section 322 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as

35 Wheat, marketing quotas. JOINT RESOLUTION To amend
section 335 (c) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938,
as amended.
Hawaiian homestead lands. AN ACT To amend section 73 of
the Hawaiian Organic Act, approved April 30, 1900, as

Quapaw Indians, Okla. AN ACT To extend the period of
restrictions on lands of the Quapaw Indians, Oklahoma, and
for other purposes.
Gen. Clarence R. Edwards Memorial Bridge, Mass. AN ACT To
grant to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts a retrocession
of jurisdiction over the General Clarence R. Edwards
Memorial Bridge, bridging Watershops Pond of the Spring-
field Armory Military Reservation in the city of Springfield,

Post-office site, Poplarville, Miss. AN ACT Relating to the
acquisition of the site for the post-office building to be con-
structed in Poplarville, Mississippi. -

Shoshone Indians of Wind River Reservation, Wyo. AN ACT To
provide for the distribution of the judgment fund of the
Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming,
and for other purposes.

Coast Guard, lands, etc. AN ACT To improve the efficiency of
the Coast Guard, and for other purposes-
Ketchikan, Alaska, water supply. AN ACT For the protection
of the water supply of the city of Ketchikan, Alaska..
Filipinos, emigration from United States. AN ACT To provide
means by which certain Filipinos can emigrate from the
United States___

Bankruptcy Act, amendments. AN ACT To amend an Act
entitled "An Act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy
throughout the United States", approved July 1, 1898, and
Acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto -----

July 26, 1939--- 1125

July 26, 1939... 1125

July 26, 1939... 1126

July 27, 1939___ 1126

July 27, 1939___ 1127

July 27, 1939___ 1127

July 27, 1939___ 1128

July 27, 1939___ 1128

July 27, 1939___ 1130
July 27, 1939___ 1131

July 27, 1939. 1133

July 28, 1939___ 1134

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Glacier National Park, Mont. AN ACT To authorize the addi-
tion to Glacier National Park, Montana, of certain property
acquired for the establishment of a fish hatchery, and for other
Commercial prints and labels. AN ACT To transfer jurisdiction
over commercial prints and labels, for the purpose of copy-
right registration, to the Register of Copyrights..
Fire Department, D. C. AN ACT To amend the Act entitled
"An Act to classify officers and members of the Fire Depart-
ment of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes.".
Licensing of steam, etc., engineers, D. C. AN ACT To amend
the Act entitled "An Act to regulate steam and other oper-
ating engineering in the District of Columbia", approved
February 28, 1887, as amended..
Civil offices in U. S. Territories.

AN ACT To amend section
1860 of the Revised Statutes, as amended (48 U. S. C. 1460),
to permit retired officers and enlisted men of the Army,
Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard to hold civil office in
any Territory of the United States.

Zoning regulations, D. C. AN ACT To include Lafayette Park
within the provisions of the Act entitled “An Act to regulate
the height, exterior design, and construction of private and
semipublic buildings in certain areas of the National Capital",
approved May 16, 1930.

Oregon, exchanges of lands. AN ACT Relating to the ex-
change of certain lands in the State of Oregon.
Support of disabled soldiers and sailors. AN ACT To increase
the amount of Federal aid to State or Territorial homes for
the support of disabled soldiers and sailors of the United
Merchant marine, registry of pursers and surgeons. AN ACT
To provide for the registry of pursers and surgeons as staff
officers on vessels of the United States, and for other purposes.
Political activities. AN ACT To prevent pernicious political

Trust Indenture Act of 1939. AN ACT To provide for the
regulation of the sale of certain securities in interstate and
foreign commerce and through the mails, and the regulation
of the trust indentures under which the same are issued,
and for other purposes--

Park lands, D. C. AN ACT Providing for the exchange of
certain park lands at the northern boundary of Piney Branch
Parkway, near Argyle Terrace, for other lands more suitable
for the use and development of Piney Branch Parkway.
National Stolen Property Act, amendments. AN ACT To
amend the National Stolen Property Act..
Columbia Institution for the Deaf, D. C. AN ACT To authorize
the board of directors of the Columbia Institution for the Deaf
to dedicate a portion of Mount Olivet Road Northeast and to
exchange certain lands with the Secretary of the Interior, to
dispose of other lands, and for other purposes.
Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, disability pensions.
AN ACT To provide pensions to members of the Regular
Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard who become
disabled by reason of their service therein, equivalent to 75
per centum of the compensation payable to war veterans for
similar service-connected disabilities, and for other purposes.
Coast Guard, nautical education. AN ACT To promote nautical
education, and for other purposes.-

Merchant Marine and Shipping Acts, amendments. AN ACT
To amend certain provisions of the Merchant Marine and
Shipping Acts, to further the development of the American
merchant marine, and for other purposes-
Reclamation Project Act of 1939. AN ACT To provide a feasible
and comprehensive plan for the variable payment of con-
struction charges on United States reclamation projects, to
protect the investment of the United States in such projects,
and for other purposes--

Offenses punishable by death. AN ACT To provide that no stat-
ute of limitations shall apply to offenses punishable by death.
Bear Canyon, N. Mex., easement, etc. AN ACT To provide for
the acceptance of an easement with respect to certain lands in
New Mexico, and for other purposes.

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Claims against Government of U. S. S. R. JOINT RESOLU-
TION To provide for the adjudication by a Commissioner of
claims of American nationals against the Government of the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics..
Civil Service Retirement Act, amendments. AN ACT To amend
further the Civil Service Retirement Act, approved May 29,

Brandy or fruit spirits. AN ACT To authorize the Commis-
sioner of Internal Revenue to make certain allowances for
losses by leakage and evaporation upon withdrawal of pack-
ages of brandy or fruit spirits under certain conditions.
False claims for loss of insured mail matter. AN ACT To amend
section 224 of the Criminal Code so as to penalize the making
of false claims for the loss of insured mail matter.
Virgin Islands, appointment of judge. AN ACT To authorize
the temporary appointment of a special judge for the Dis-
trict Court of the Virgin Islands..

Parker, Ariz., sale, etc., of lots. AN ACT To provide for the
public auction of certain town lots within the city of Parker,

Morehead City Target Range, N. C. AN ACT To authorize
the transfer to the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Treas-
ury of portions of the property within the military reservation
known as the Morehead City Target Range, North Carolina,
for the construction of improvements thereon, and for other

Judges, retirement.

AN ACT To extend the privilege of retire-
ment for disability to judges appointed to hold office during
good behavior___
Obtaining money by fraud, etc., on high seas. AN ACT To
amend the Criminal Code in regard to obtaining money by
false pretenses on the high seas..

Bridge, Columbia River. AN ACT To extend the times for
commencing and completing the construction of a bridge
across the Columbia River at Astoria, Clatsop County,

Bridge, Warren River. AN ACT Granting the consent of Con-
gress to the Providence, Warren and Bristol Railroad Com-
pany to construct, maintain, and operate a railroad bridge
across the Warren River at or near Barrington, Rhode

Aug. 4, 1939___ 1199

Aug. 4, 1939___ 1200

Aug. 4, 1939... 1202

Aug. 5, 1939__. 1203

Aug. 5, 1939... 1203

Aug. 5, 1939. 1203

Aug. 5, 1939. 1204

Aug. 5, 1939___ 1204

Aug. 5, 1939___ 1205

Aug. 5, 1939___ 1206

Aug. 5, 1939... 1206

Aug. 5, 1939... 1206

Aug. 5, 1939... 1207

Bridge, Missouri River. AN ACT Granting the consent of
Congress to the counties of Valley and McCone, Montana,
to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge
across the Missouri River at or near Frazer, Montana..
Bridge, Missouri River. AN ACT To extend the times for
commencing and completing the construction of a bridge
across the Missouri River at or near Arrow Rock, Missouri Aug. 5, 1939... 1207
Bridge, Des Moines River. AN ACT Granting the consent of
Congress to the Iowa State Highway Commission to con-
struct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across
the Des Moines River at or near Red Rock, Iowa..
Yakima Indian Reservation, Wash. AN ACT To reserve to the
United States for the Bonneville project a right-of-way
across certain Indian lands in the State of Washington, sub-
ject to the consent of the individual allottees and the payment
of compensation, and for other purposes.
Foreign Service, retirement. AN ACT To amend the Act en-
titled "An act for the grading and classification of clerks in
the Foreign Service of the United States of America, and
providing compensation therefor", approved February 23,
1931, as amended..

Commemorative coins. AN ACT To prohibit the issuance and
coinage of certain commemorative coins, and for other pur-

Veterans' pensions. AN ACT To provide that pensions pay-
able to the widows and orphans of deceased veterans of the
Spanish-American War, Boxer Rebellion, or Philippine In-
surrection shall be effective as of date of death of the veteran,
if claim is filed within one year thereafter..
Fort Armstrong Military Reservation, Hawaii.
authorize an exchange of lands between the War Depart-
ment and the Department of Labor.........

Aug. 5, 1939... 1207

Aug. 5, 1939... 1208

Aug. 5, 1939___ 1209

Aug. 5, 1939___ 1209


Aug. 5, 1939... 1209

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