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INDIA. Hints on the Re-organization of the Indian Army, by an English Officer. (Ath. Coll. vol. 493.) 8° 1858.

A President in Council the best Government for India. (Ath. Coll. vol. 491.) 8° 1858.

The Government of India, as it has been, as it is, and as it ought to be. (Ath. Coll. vol. 490.) 8° 1858.

Practical Observations on the first two of the Proposed Resolutions on the Government of India. (Ath. Coll. vol. 491.) 8° 1858.

The Moral of the Indian Debate. (Ath. Coll. vol. 491.) 8° 1858.

Memorandum of the improvements in the Administration of India during the last Thirty Years. (Ath. Coll. vol. 492.) 8° 1858.

see Freeman.

The Familiar Epistles of Mr. John Company and Mr. John Bull. (Ath. Coll. vol. 516.) 8° 1858.

A Constitutional View of the India Question.


Exeter Hall versus British India. (Ath. Coll. vol.
India and its Future. (Ath. Coll. vol. 492.) 8°
Justice for India: a Letter to Lord Palmerston.



(Ath. Coll. vol. 491.) 8°

492.) 8° 1858.

(Ath. Coll. vol. 492.) 8°

(Ath. Coll. vol. 492.) 8° 1858.

Indian Patronage; Outline of a Scheme.
Telegraphic Communication with India, reprinted from "The Times" and
Morning Chronicle." (Ath. Coll. vol. 491.) 8° 1858.

-The Mutinies and the People; or Statements of Native Fidelity. (Misc. Coll. vol. 31.) 12° Calcutta, 1859.

Memorial to Lord Stanley from the Members of the Madras Native Association on Government Interference in Religious Matters. (Ath. Coll. vol. 492.) 8° Madras, 1859.

A Few Notes on a recent Trial illustrative of the Mofussil Judicature. (Ath. Coll. vol. 512.) 8° Calcutta, 1859.

Petition of the British Indian Association to the House of Commons, 1859. (Ath. Coll. vol. 494.) 8° Calcutta, 1859.

Comparative Statement of the Medical Services of H.M. Indian and English Armies, as affected by the New Warrants. (Ath. Coll. vol. 493.) 8° Calcutta, 1859.

Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India. (Ath. Coll, vol. 509.) 8° Calcutta, 1859.

see Briggs, Hough, Jochmus, Lewin, Pratt, Robertson, Sullivan.

Proselytism in.-see Abd-Al-Wahid, Norton, Parker.

Government.-see Bright, Burnes, Cairns, Jacob, Montalembert, Palmer,

Parker, Sykes.


Mutiny.-see Crawshay, Orlich, Stocqueler.

‚—see Hoseason, Mouat, Norman, Osburn, Porter.


(Native).-see Crawfurd, Hunter, Jacob.

Colonization.-see Andrew, Warden.

Finance.-see Sykes.

Education.-see Tucker.

Public Works.—see Sykes.

Trade.-see Mackenzie.

Railways.-see Doyne.

Selection from Papers on Indigo Cultivation in Bengal, with an Introduction and Notes by a Ryot. (Ath. Coll. vol. 490.) 8° Calcutta, 1858.

INGLEBY (C. M.). Evils of the Present System of Bankruptcy Administration. (Ath. Coll. vol. 513.) 8° 1857.

The Mutual Relations of Theory and Practice: a Lecture. (Misc. Coll. vol. 34.) 12° Birmingham, 1860.

INSANITY.- -see Hood, Winn, Winslow.

IONIAN ISLANDS.-see Gardner, Macgachen.

IRELAND. The Royal Irish Ports: the Question of a Transatlantic Packet Station considered. (Misc. Coll. vol. 33.) 12°

IRON.-See Mallet.

IRVING (George Vere). On Treasure Trove. (Ath. Coll. vol. 515.) 8° 1859. ITALY. The Italian Cause: its History and its Hopes. (Ath. Coll vol. 501.) 8° 1859. A Few Words about the Italian Question. (Ath. Coll. vol. 501.) 8° 1859. Observations on the Negotiations respecting the Affairs of Italy. (Ath. Coll. vol. 501.) 8° 1859.

Mémoire sur les Affaires d'Italie. [et Lettres de Luigi Carlo Farini à Lord John Russell.] (Ath. Coll. vol. 498.) 8° Bruxelles, 1859.

: its Condition. Great Britain: its Policy. (Ath. Coll. vol. 501.) 8°

Germany and Italy.

Religious Toleration.


Letters to Lord John Russell.

(Ath. Coll. vol. 501.) 8° 1859.

(Misc. Coll. vol. 34.) 12°

Le Roi de Naples et l'Indépendance Italienne. Paris, 1859.

Tuscany da Sé. (Ath. Coll. vol. 501.) 8° 1859.


(Ath. Coll. vol. 499.) 8°

The Fourth and Fifth Vials of the Apocalypse exemplified in the late Contest in Italy and the present Condition of the Roman States. (Ath. Coll. vol. 501.) 1860.

see Austria, Prussia, Salerno.

Italian Question, 1858-60.-see About, Arnold, Barron, Catinelli, Farini,
Girardin, Napoleon III., Pape, Pautet, Salvagnoli.

War, 1859.-see Duhamel, Girardin, La Rochejaquelein, Pinelli, Richard, Sand.

JACOB (G. Le Grand). English Government of India. (Ath. Coll. vol. 494.) 8° 1860.

JACOB (John). Tracts on the Native Army of India, its Organization and Discipline. (Ath. Coll. vol. 493.) 8° 1858.

JENKINS (George Thomas). A Few Observations on the Ecclesiastical Commission and the proposed Transfer of the Episcopal Estates to the Commissioners. (Ath. Coll. vol. 517.) 8° 1859.

A Few Remarks on the Report of the Commissioners to consider the subject of the Registration of Titles, 1857. (Ath. Coll. vol. 512.) 8° 1857. Jerusalem under Bishop Gobat.—see Graham.

JOCHMUS (Lieut.-Gen.). Memorandum on India, with a preface by Fred. Mortimer Lewin. (Ath. Coll. vol. 491.) 8° 1858.

JOHNSTON (Capt. W. G.). A Few Plain Remarks addressed to the Shareholders of the Oriental Inland Steam Company. (Ath. Coll. vol. 488.) 8° Liverpool, 1860. JONES (Herbert George). A Letter on the judgment of the Court of Exchequer in the Case of Furber v. Sturmey. (Ath. Coll. vol. 513.) 8° 1858.

JOURDAN (Louis). La Guerre à l'Anglais. (Ath. Coll. vol. 495.) 8° Paris, 1859.

KENNEDY (Charles Rann). Swinfen v. Swinfen. Report of the Argument in the Common Pleas Michaelmas Term, 1856. (Ath. Coll. vol. 513.) 8° 1857. KENNEDY (Lt.-Col. J. P.). National Defensive Measures: their Necessity, Description, Organization, and Cost. (Ath. Coll. vol. 505.) 8° 1860.

KENNEDY (Lt.-Gen. Shaw). Notes on the Defences of Great Britain and Ireland. (Ath. Coll. vol. 505.) 8° 1859.

KERGOLAY (Comte de). Exploitation Agricole de Canisy. (Misc. Coll. vol. 23.) 8°


Cours Législatif.

Discours prononcé dans la discussion du projet de loi concernant le tarif des laines, des cotons et autres matières premières. (Ath. Coll. vol. 488.) 8° Paris, 1860.

KERR (R. Malcolm). An Effectual Revision of our Annual Legislation and a Consolidation of the Statute Law, obtainable by the creation of a Legislative Committee of the Privy Council. (Ath. Coll. vol. 513.) 8° 1858.

Kew Gardens.-see Hooker.

KING (Bryan). Sacrilege and its encouragement; being an account of the St. George's Riots. (Ath. Coll. vol. 516.) 8° 1860.

KIRKMAN (Rev. Thomas P.). On the 7 Partitions of X. (Ath. Coll. vol. 509.) 8° Manchester, 1857.

KNIGHT (Robert). The Inam Commission Unmasked. (Ath. Coll. vol. 491.) 8° 1859.

LABOURING CLASSES (Dwellings for).-see Roberts.

LA FORGE (Anatole de). L'Autriche devant l'Opinion. (Ath. Coll. vol. 500.) 8° Paris, 1859.

Land Bills. Address to the Landed Gentry of England on the Land Bills before Parliament. (Ath. Coll. vol. 513.) 8° 1859.

LA ROCHEJAQUELEIN (Marquis de). La Suspension d'Armes. (Ath. Coll. vol. 495.) 8° Paris, 1859.

LATHAM (R. G.). The Relation of the Lombards to the Angles. (Ath. Coll. vol. 514.) 8°—

LAW (Criminal).—see Lewis (Sir G. C.).

(Statute).-see Kerr.

LAWSON (George). Papers read to the Botanical Society of Edinburgh. (Ath. Coll. vol. 509.) 8° Edinburgh, 1858.

LAYARD (A. H.).—see Azeglio.

LEGOYT (Alfred). Ressources de l'Autriche et de la France. (Ath. Coll. vol. 500.) 8° Paris, 1859.

LENDRICK (William Edmonstone). The Ministry and the Parliament. A Review of the Session of 1858. (Ath. Coll. vol. 521.) 8° 1858.

LEWIN (Malcolm). The Way to regain India. (Ath. Coll. vol. 494.) 8° 1858. LEWIN (F. M.).— -see Jochmus.

LEWIS (Sir George Cornewall).

On Foreign Jurisdiction and the Extradition of

Criminals. (Ath. Coll. vol. 512.) 8° 1859.

LEYMARIE (A.). Histoire d'une Demande en Autorisation de Journal, simple question de Propriété. (Ath. Coll. vol. 514.) 8° Paris, 1860.


A Summary of Facts, with a Report of the Annual Meeting, March 12, 1858. (Ath. Coll. vol. 515.) 8° 1858.

Answer to the Committee's Summary of Facts, by C. W. Dilke, Charles Dickens, and John Forster. (Ath. Coll. vol. 515.) 8° 1858.

LITURGY. Suggestions for a Revision of the Prayer-Book. (Ath. Coll. vol. 516.) 8° 1859.

Declaration of the Clergy against Alteration of the Book of Common Prayer, &c. (Ath. Coll. vol. 516.) 8° 1860.

Notes on the Declaration against a Revision of the Prayer-Book. (Ath. Coll. vol. 516.) 8° 1860.

[blocks in formation]

LIVERPOOL. Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Pictures, Drawings, and Casts in the Gallery of Art of the Royal Institution, Colquitt-street, Liverpool. (Ath. Coll. vol. 510.) 8° Liverpool, 1858.

Livingstone (Dr.). The Farewell Livingstone Festival, Feb. 13, 1858. (Ath. Coll. vol. 515.) 8° 1858.

LLOYD (J.). On improving the Sanitary Condition of Large Towns. (Ath. Coll. vol. 508.) 8° 1858.

LONDON. A New and Simple Plan for preventing the inconvenience resulting from the Number of Streets and Places of the same name in London. (Ath. Coll. vol. 521.) 8° 1858.

LORIMER (James). Equal Representation: a Letter to Lord John Russell. (Ath. Coll. vol. 506.) 8° 1959.

(Ath. Coll. vol. 493.) 8° 1858.
(Ath. Coll. vol. 512.) 8° 1858.

LUDLOW (John Malcolm). The War in Oude.
LUNACY. An Address on the Laws of Lunacy.
LUNATIC ASYLUMS.-see Conolly, Dickens.
LYTTELTON (Lord). New Zealand and the Canterbury Colony. (Misc. Coll. vol. 32.)
12° 1859.

MACGACHEN (Frederic Stewart). What is the position of Foreigners under our Law as it at present stands? (Ath. Coll. vol. 521.) 8° 1858.

The Ionian Islands. (Ath. Coll. vol. 515.) 8° 1859.

MACGREGOR (John). A Word in Season on the Ballot. (Ath. Coll. vol. 506.) 12° 1859. MACKENZIE (J. T.). The Trade and Commerce of India. (Ath. Coll. vol. 494.) 8° 1859.

MACKINNON (Wm. Alex.). Speech in the House of Commons, 4th June, 1860. [on his motion for the postponement of Reform]. (Ath. Coll. vol. 507.) 8° 1860. MACONOCHIE (Captain). The Mark System of Prison Discipline. (Ath. Coll. vol. 520.) 8° 1859.

MAISTRE (Comte Joseph). La Maison de Savoie et l'Autriche. (Ath. Coll. vol. 495.) 8° Turin, 1859.

MAITLAND (S. R.). Notes on Strype. (Ath. Coll. vol. 515.) 8° Gloucester, 1858. Remarks on some Works of J. H. Frere, Esq. (Ath. Coll. vol. 516.) 8°


MAJOR (Joseph). Common Sense about the Murrain, Pleuro-pneumonia, or Cattle Epidemic. (Ath. Coll. vol. 488.) 8° 1858.

MALLET (Robert). On the Molecular Constitution of the Metals of Ordnance. (Ath. Coll. vol. 504.) 1858.

On the Military and Naval Uses of very large Shells (Ath. Coll. vol. 504.) 8° 1858.

On Observation of Earthquake Phenomena. (Misc. Coll. vol. 32.) 12° 1859.

On the Co-efficients of Elasticity and of Rupture in Wrought Iron. (Ath. Coll. vol. 504.) 8° 1860.

MANBY (Charles).- -see Sopwith.

Manchester Exhibition, 1857.-see Scharf.

MANN (James A.). The Cotton Trade of India. (Ath. Coll. vol. 488.) 8° 1860. MANSEL (H. L.). Examination of the Rev. F. D. Maurice's Strictures on the Bampton Lectures of 1858. (Ath. Coll. vol. 517.) 8° 1859.

MARCET (W.). An Experimental Inquiry into the action of Alcohol on the Nervous System. (Ath. Coll. vol. 518.) 8° 1860.

MARRIAGE with a Deceased Wife's Sister. The Woman's Question and the Man's Answer; or, Reflections on the Social Consequences of Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister. (Ath. Coll. vol. 513.) 8° 1859.

Remarks on Dr. M'Caul's Plea for Marrying a Deceased Wife's Sister. (Misc. Coll. vol. 32.) 12°

see Blackburn, Phillpotts.

MARTIN (Vice-Admiral W. F.). Memoranda on Naval Reserves. (Ath. Coll. vol. 503.) 8° 1860.

MAYNE (H. B.). Sons of Indian Officers.-Sandhurst and Woolwich. (Ath. Coll. vol. 502.) 8° 1860.

Medal Engraving.-see Sainthill.

Medical Reform.-see Pearce.

MEDICINE.-see Heberden, Ward.

MEEKINS (T. C. Mossom). Parliamentary Reform; should the Colonies be represented? (Ath. Coll. vol. 506.) 8° 1859.

METEOROLOGY. Report of the Meteorological Department of the Board of Trade. (Ath. Coll. vol. 509.) 8° 1858.

MILITIA. The Militia the proper Field Force for the defence of the Kingdom against Invasion. (Ath. Coll. vol. 504.) 8° 1859.

MILITIA. Suggestions for the Reorganisation of the Militia. (Ath. Coll. vol. 504.) 8° 1859.

MILL (John Stuart). Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform. (Ath. Coll. vol. 507.) 8° 1859. MINING. -see Pike.

Minton's Ceramic Manufactures.-see Wyatt.

MONKHOUSE (W.). On the Ethnography of the County of Bedford. (Ath. Coll. vol. 509.) 8° 1858.

MONTAGU (Capt. M.). Ode to Fortune, &c. (Ath. Coll. vol. 514.) 8° 1858. MONTALEMBERT (Comte de). Un Débat sur l'Inde au Parlement Anglais. (Ath. Coll. vol. 490.) 8° 1858.

A Debate on India in the English Parliament. (Ath. Coll. vol. 490.) 8° 1858. Trial of le Comte de Montalembert and M. Douniol. (Ath. Coll. vol. 512.) 8° 1858.

Pie IX. et la France en 1849 et en 1859. (Ath. Coll. vol. 496.) 8° Paris, 1859. Monténégro (Le). (Ath. Coll. vol. 499.) 8° Paris, 1858.

MOORE (Morris). H.R.H. Prince Albert, and the Apollo and Marsyas by Raphael. (Ath. Coll. vol. 510.) 8° Paris, 1859.

see Batté.

MORRIS (William). The Proper System of Railroads for Ceylon. (Ath. Col. vol. 494.) 8° 1860.

Mot (Un) sur l'Orient à l'Occasion du Futur Congrès. (Ath. Coll. vol. 495.) 8° Paris, 1860.

MOUAT (Fred. J.). The British Soldier in India. (Ath. Coll. vol. 493.) 8° 1859. MURCHISON (Sir Roderick Impey). Address to the Geographical and Ethnological Section of the British Association. (Ath. Coll. vol. 509.) 8° 1860.

Supplemental Observations on the Order of the ancient Stratified Rocks of the North of Scotland. (Ath. Coll. vol. 509.) 8° 1860.

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Napoleon III. et l'Angleterre. (Ath. Coll. vol. 495.) 8° Paris, 1858.

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et l'Italie. (Ath. Coll. vol. 498.) 8° Paris, 1859.

NATIONAL DEFENCES. Where shall England rally her Volunteers? National Defence, with incidental Remarks on Fortifications. (Ath. Coll. vol. 505.) 8° 1860.

The Invasion of England rendered impossible by a simple and practical mode of Defence. (Ath. Coll. vol. 505.) 8° 1860.

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see Alexander, Baker, Douglas, Gore, Kennedy, Selkirk, Smith (Toulmin). National Gallery Difficulties solved. (Misc. Coll. vol. 32.) 12° 1857.

NAVY. Present Condition and Prospect of many Captains of her Majesty's Navy. (Ath. Coll. vol. 503.) 8°

Thoughts and Suggestions on the subject of Manning the Navy. (Ath. Coll. vol. 503.) 8° —

Unpunished Cruelties on the High Seas: a Letter to Samuel Whitbread, M.P. (Ath. Coll. vol. 520.) 8vo. 1859.

A Standing Navy, England's best Defence. (Ath. Coll. vol. 505.) 8° Winchester, 1860.

see Baring, Bowles, Clare, Hare, Martin, Ryder, Whitman, Wilmot.

Naval Architecture.-see Fishbourne.

NEWMAN (F. W.). The Crimes of the House of Hapsburg. (Misc. Coll. vol. 31.) 12° 1853.

The Action and Reaction between Churches and the Civil Government; a Lecture. (Misc. Coll. vol. 32.) 12° 1860.

The Ethics of War; an Essay. (Ath. Coll. vol. 504.) 8° London, 1860. NEW ZEALAND.— -see Lyttelton.

NOLLOTH (Captain M. S.). Magnetic Deviation on Compass Diagrams. (Ath. Coll. vol. 503.) 8° 1856.

Notes during a Cruize in the Mozambique. (Ath. Coll. vol. 515.) 8° 1857.

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