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ject of the master spirits that impelled them to action. What has been attempted in other countries may be expected in our own. The organization of the institution here, fits it for the purposes of treason. Its extended confederacy furnishes the opportunity for the widest communication. The masonic cipher gives the instrument of safe correspondence, and its secrecy enforced by horrid obligations, and appalling penalties, affords the assurance of security. The question then is presented to the American people whether they will sacrifice DEMOCRACY or annihilate the institution of Freemasonry, which threatens its existence. It is a question interesting to every inhabitant of this land. It summonses him to exertions for the preservation of freedom and its countless blessings. It stimulates him to display the spirit and emulate the patriotic devotion of the revolution who put all that is dear to man in peril to preserve their liberties from foreign encroachment. A FOREIGN DOMINION incompatible with those liberties, exists and exerts its malignant. influence for their destruction. The crisis calls for the energies and virtues inspired by reverence for ancestral example. Those manly qualities will ensure to the principles of Democracy, a NEW, a GLORIOUS and Enduring triumph.


The republican anti-masonic party has the most animating prospect of speedy and complete success. It has experienced great impediments from the silence or misrepresentations of the Press, enslaved by masonic influence. Numerous free presses are now established, and liberally patronized, and greatly increased. Notwithstanding the recent and unfounded statements of THE COALITION, the cause is every where advancing. is the assurance of this fact that causes such fearful alarm. Republicans are awakening to the fact, that an effort is making to render their honest attachment to principle and to party, subservient to the defence and sustentation of Freemasonry. They are incapable of submitting to such humiliation. The moment the masonic fraternity shall be arrayed in one political party for mutual protection and preferment, universal conviction will be produced, of the nature and power of their obligations, and will be quickly and inevitably followed by the accomplishment of

the object of the republican anti-masonic party-the annihilation of the dangerous institution.

To the mind of the humble believer in the Christian religion, Freemasonry presents characteristics that demand his most solemn meditation. Its religious creed is not the creed of any people on earth, who profess adora- · tion for a Supreme Being. It is neither Catholic nor Protestant Christianity, nor Islamism, Judaism, nor Paganism, and yet equally adapted to all! Instead of being religion, or the handmaid of it, the masonic creed is a mock resemblance or impious substitute. It teaches its votaries to blaspheme their Maker, banishes all just ideas of the atonement made by the Saviour, and prepares the chambers of the mind for the lodgement of infidel principles.

Those who first engaged in the righteous cause of vindicating the laws and rescuing from disgrace the character of the State, have felt the force of masonic power, and experienced the unmeasured effects of its vengeance. While they have been accused of persecution, they have experienced and witnessed its relentless rage. They have persevered amidst innumerable difficulties and appalling perils, and have individually seen and felt too much of the peculiar characteristics of Freemasonry to be insensible of the necessity of exerting all their energies until the overthrow of the institution is accomplished. Foul calumnies have been uttered, and unfounded charges in profusion preferred against them. They have been accused of seeking office and power as though such objects were criminal. And who are the accusers? Those who already possess power, or are greedy for its enjoyment. Those who make politics a trade, charge them with having political designs. As though it were a heinous offence in one class of citizens to strive for objects to the pursuit of which it is commendable virtue in others to dedicate their lives. Anti-masonry seeks no CONCEALMENT, nor shrouds its operations or designs, in the mantle of darkness or SECRECY. Its objects are proclaimed, and if it desires power, it is because the possession is indispensable to their accomplishment. The sin of antimasonry, in the eyes of the fraternity, is not solely or chiefly that it attacks the mystic order, but that it

threatens to disturb its members in the nearly exclusive enjoyment of office, influence, emolument and power.

Time, that never fails to test the merit of things, will furnish the refutation of the charges liberally preferred against those who are engaged in the anti-masonic cause, To the charge of insincerity, they oppose an inflexible perseverance in the attainment of their avowed objects. To that of persecution, an invariable abstinence from all displays of malevolence and perpetration of acts of outrage and violence. Let them prove themselves, according to their profession, the friends of peace, morality, religion and law. Against the malevolent accusation of being factionists, let them exhibit a uniform and unswerving adherence to the principles and the usages of democracy And to refute the charge of being without a plan or worthy object, let them continue the steadfast and ardent advocates of a liberal, enlightened and judicious policy, calculated to extend and diffuse the blessings of a free government, promote the interests and advance the glory of the State. Public opinion governs the world. The institution of Freemasonry is now subjected to its scrutiny, and its decision will bring to it exaltation or overthrow. The PEOPLE have undertaken the work of investigation, and to them exclusively belong and may safely be intrusted the task of its prosecution. Full confidence may be indulged that they will conduct it in a manner to commend, without apprehension, their acts, their motives and their objects, to the just discrimination and enlightened judgment of a judging world.

Albany, May 5th, 1829.


M. HAYDEN, Ch'n.



"WE hold these truths to be self-evident, That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." On these fundamental principles of civil and religious right, the people of these United States not only cast off the yoke of foreign domination, but "the whole people covenants with each citizen, and each citizen with the whole people, that all shall be governed by certain laws for the common good." We consider it therefore, the duty of every citizen to watch for the public welfare; to sound the alarm in view of public danger; and to encourage laudable measures, which may be devised for the safety and interest of the whole. Although false alarms are never to be created, and existing maladies are to be cured by the best possible remedies; yet, when public evils do exist, free men should never suffer themselves to rest until those evils are eradicated. The common cause of our common country, demands the utmost vigilance of an intelligent community. In order that this vigilance may be maintained, it is necessary that corresponding exertions be used to scatter light upon every subject which has an important political bearing. Light being diffused upon such subjects, and the attention of the people being directed to those things which are either salutary or prejudicial to the public good; it argues either a want of moral principle, or a criminal degree of apathy, not to feel interested; and those who feel deeply interested, must act. But men of intelligence and integrity, will act openly, honestly, consistently, understandingly, and perseveringly. They will not shrink from the scrutiny of their fellow citizens, nor seek to hide themselves from the public eye; and while they adopt and pursue, with a steady, undeviating course, those measures, which they deem for the general interest, they will frankly and ingenuously give the reasons of their

conduct, that the public may approve or condemn, as occasion may require.

On this ground, we consider it not only the right, but the obligation, of citizens of this Commonwealth, in concert with others of our sister States, to assemble for the express purpose of investigating the nature, tendency, and political bearing of Freemasonry.

We are aware that this subject is one of great interest, and, in its own nature, exceedingly delicate; inasmuch as it relates to the opinions and practice of many, who, for talents, learning and integrity, are ranked among the first men in our country. We are, likewise, by no means insensible, that a thorough investigation of this subject must bring us in unpleasant collision with men whom we highly regard for their moral worth, and with many to whom we are bound by the strongest ties of social and relative friendship. We would, therefore, have it distinctly understood, that we have neither collision nor controversy with masons as men, but only with men as


While however, we are willing to concede to masons, as men, all that is just, honorable, virtuous and paiseworthy, on their part; we are not willing to admit, that all the talents, and all the learning, and all the moral worth, of our common country, are the perquisite of the masonic fraternity. We are not willing to admit that they "are the people," and that "wisdom will die with them." However highly we may respect masons as men; we cannot concede, that aprons, sashes, jewels, mitres, secret rites and obligations, or princely titles, can justly secure to them prerogatives of honor, profit and trust; or that they are more deserving of public confidence, than any other class of citizens. We cannot stand afar off, and exceedingly fear and quake," because of the "awful mystery," which, for a century past, has hung over this institution; nor can the venerable locks of some of its members, its pretended claims to sanctity and "holiness to the Lord," nor even the sword of the " tyler," awe us into silence; or hinder our drawing near to scrutinize the foundation, materials, and "cap-stone" of this mystical building.

These things premised, the delegates from several

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