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in electrotyping, 479-481

in the stove or by sinking, 473, 474
of the pattern, 464, 465
presses for electrotyping, 479-181
with a counter mould, 473

with caoutchouc, 476

with fusible metal, 467, 468
with gelatine, 469, 470
with gutta-percha, 470-476

precautions to be taken,

with plaster of Paris, 465, 466
with stearine, wax, and marine
glue, 466, 467

with the press, 472

Moulds, gelatine, making, 469, 470
metallizing in electrotyping, 486
removing the, 504, 505

washing for electrotyping, 488, 489
Müller machine, 113

Munro's process for coating lead with
tin, 157

Muriate of gold, 573-575

of platinum, 575-577
of silver, 571, 572

of tin, 572, 573

of zinc, 577

Muriatic acid, 546, 547

Napier on proportion of gold in gilding
solutions, 207

on the effect of temperature of the '
bath on the color of the gold
deposited, 207, 208

plan for making silver solution with
the battery, 353, 354

Negative pole, 68

Neil or neilled silvering, 346-348
Neilled silvering, obtaining effect simi-
lar to, 318

Neilling composition, 346, 347

New Caledonia, carbonated and oxidized
nickel ores at, 365

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Weston's patent for the electro-de- Oxidizing influences of defective coat-

[blocks in formation]

Pieces in the bath, disposition of, 445, Plumbagc-

[blocks in formation]

Plaster of Paris, bronzines on, 534,

moulding with, 465, 466

Plated silver, 265, 266

surfaces ornamenting, 340-348
Plating balance, Roseleur's automatic,

solution, advantages of preparing,
with the battery, 354
modification of, by using the
oxide, carbonate, nitrate, or
chloride of silver to the cy-
anide of potassium, etc, 354
of the Meriden Britannia Co.,

of the Wm. Rogers Manufac-
turing Co., 297

with oxide of silver to the cy-
anide of potassium liquid,

solutions, cyanide, management of,

patent, 356

Platinic chloride, 178, 575-577
Platinizing, 356-364

by contact with zinc, 362

by simple immersion, 357, 358
dead, 360

precautions to be observed in, 360
sheets of silver, 362

various formulæ for, 360-364

Platinum anode, 197

chloride of, 575-577

coating stoveware and porcelain
with, 409

deposited color of, 357
deposits, burnishing, 360
electro-deposits of, 358-360

gilding, by simple immersion, 182
recovery of, 415

removing, from copper, 360

solution for copper and its alloys,
357, 358

special difficulties in the deposition
of, 362

Plâtre aluné, 456

Plumbago, commercial, 453, 454

fine, 587

for bronzing, 587

gilded, 587

gilt, 454

586, 587

increasing the conducting power of,

in the natural state, 586
metallization by, 453-455
metallized, which conducts electri-
city nearly as well as a metal
surface, 455

moulds which can be metallized
with, 454

removing the impurities from, 454
silvered, 454, 455, 587

testing the quality of, 586
uses of, 586, 587

where found, 586
Poisoning by acids, 611, 612
by alkalies, 612

by chlorine, sulphurous acid, ni-
trous and hyponitric gases, 614
by hydrocyanic (prussic) acid,
cyanogen or cyanides, 612
by hydrosulphuric acid, 613
by lead salts, 613

by mercury salts, 613

by most metallic salts, 613
Polarity, phenomena of, in the battery,

Poles, the, how designated by signs,

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imparting electric conductivity by, Pot, galvanizing for sheet-iron, 527

Potin, 558

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Resistance board or switch, 109

Protochloride of tin, preparation and Retorts, 602

characteristics of. 572, 573

Prot sulphate of iron, 559, 52)
Prassian blue, preparation of, 581
Prussiate of ammonia, 579

of copper, 578, 579

of goil, 5×0

[blocks in formation]

Reversal of polarity in dynamo-electric
machine. 97

Reversing by polarization of the elec-
trodes, preventing, 109

Revue In lustrielle quoted, 100
Rheophores, 602, 603

Rasing after dipping. 33

of bright silver-plated articles,

Roseleur, claim of, for nickel solution,

[blocks in formation]

method for silver plating brass,
copper, and German silver,

for the recovery of gold from
old solutions, 410, 412
for the recovery of platinum
and copper, 415, 416

for the recovery of silver, 412,

for the utilization of waste,
416, 417

modification of Smee's battery,

plan for obtaining effects similar to

neilled silvering, 348
plating balance, 323-334

disposition of, 328

keeping in order, 333, 334
use of, 329

process for dead gilding by gal-

vanoplastic deposits, 448-


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for metallizing wood, porce- Serin & Co.'s method for electro-de-

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