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Furnace, cylindrical, for coloring in German-silver, 208, 257, 258

gilding, 172, 173

for gilding fine wire, 231-234
gas, for immersion gilding, 170

Fusible alloy, casts of, in galvanoplastic
operations, 468

alloys, containing mercury, 468
of Darcet, 555

metal, Darcet's formulæ for, 467
moulding with, 467, 468
metals, the methods of employing,

Galvanic batteries, 68-93

couple or elements, 68

two metals forming a, 513,
514, 523

current, 69

decomposition of double salts, 117
etching, 509-511
Galvanized iron, 523

oxidizing, effect of imperfect
surface of zine on, 524

resisting properties of, 524
uses of, 525

Galvanizing by immersion in molten

zine, 523-581

dross in, 529, 530

drossing in, 529, 530

of iron in the United States and
England, 525

pot for sheet-iron, 527
sheet-iron, 525-531

Galvanoplastic art, development and

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great importance of, 21, 22
objects of, 423-426

proper baths for, 423

bath, 426-429

baths for silver or gold, 508

copies of daguerreotypes, 451

deposits on patterns without de- j

livery (undercut) and which are
sacrificed, 496, 497

deposits upon metals with adher-
ence, 417, 448

methods for originals in high re-

lief with gutta-percha moulds,

operation, duration of, 503, 504
operations proper, 423

with gold or silver, 506, 508
Galvanoplasty, modes of operating, 429,

the future of, 512

Gas furnace for immersion gilding, 170
Gassiot on metallo-chromes, 406
Gelatine, 582, 583

moulding with, 469, 470

moulds, making, 469, 470

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

deposit, pure yellow correcting, 195
electro-deposited color of, 253, 254
plating, 164, 189-221

false, of brass, 133
granulated, obtaining, 412
hydrocyanate of, 580

loss of, in acid pickle, 185
lustrous, on brass, 617
modifying the shade of, 203
or silver, galvanoplastic operations
with, 506, 508

perchloride of, treatment of, when
it has been decomposed, 168
powder, green, 188

preparation of, 188

proportion of, in electro-gilding so-
lutions, 206, 207

[blocks in formation]

Gore, G.-

on cleansing and plating articles
with silver, 296

on Fearn's process of electro-tin-
ning, 155

on gilding iron and steel, antimony,
lead, tin, zine, etc., 208, 209
on simple immersion gilding, 182,

on the electro-deposition of anti-
mony, 403, 404

Gore's dead gilding solution, 218
directions for cleaning articles of
copper, brass, or bronze, 154
Electro-Metallurgy quoted, etc., 99
formulæ for simple immersion sil-
vering, 283, 284

for stopping off varnishes, 339
process for electro-brassing, 144
for the deposition of copper on
zinc, etc., 129, 130
recommendation for iron bath, 400
for nickel solution, 384
Graining watch movements, 221-230
Gramme and Brush machines, resem-
blances and differ-
ences, 104
Van der Weyde's com-
parison between,
105, 106

and Wilde machines, results of
comparative experiments with,
102, 103
dynamo-electric machine, 98-104 |
machine, collectors of the currents
of, 102

comparison of economy of,
and the battery, 103
present form of, for electro-
deposition, 100

starting, 98, 99

tension of the current in, 102
the essential parts of, 98
used in the electro-plating
establishment of Christofle,
Paris, 100-104
weight of, 102

work performed by, at differ-
ent speeds, 99

M., improvement in the construc-
tion of the dynamo-electric ma-
chine, 98

Graphite, 453, 586, 587

Ceylon, 483

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gold preparing, 508

on brass, 617

or antique bronze, 533
vitriol, 589, 590

Grenet battery, 87

constitution and electro-mo-
tive force of, 83

Grove's battery, 85-87

constitution and electro-motive
force of, 83
high cost of, 87

Gum elastic, 570, 571
Günther's electro-gilding baths, 216, 217
Gutta-percha, mixtures of, for mould-
ing. 475

moulding with, 470-476
moulds, Lenoir's, 497-503
properties of, 470, 471

Half-dead gilding solution, 218
Hanson Bros. electrotyping establish-
} ment, 108

Hanson's patented process for electro-
gilding, plating, or coppering upon
glass or porcelain, 220, 221
Harness mountings, silvering, 277
Harper's Illustrated Bible, early electro-
types made for, 21
Hartshorn, 560-562

Heillier's process of tinning, 162, 163
Hepar, sulphuris, 593

Hess's plan for regulating brassing
solutions, 147, 148

process for tinning articles of zinc,

High relief, Lenoir's process for, 497-

speeds with dynamo-electric ma-
chines, disadvantages of, 103
Historical facts, 17-22

Hoe's electric connection gripper in
electrotyping, 486

machines for electrotyping, 479-


Hollow objects, cleaning, 45, 46
ware tinning, 157
Hoop-iron, galvanizing, 529
Horn silver, 571, 572

Hot baths, electro-gilding in, 199-213
electro-gilding baths, general ob-
servations on, 211, 213
silvering by immersion, 275-278
Hulot, Mr., proposed modification of
Grove's battery, 87

Hydraulic press for electrotyping, 480,


Hydrochlorate of zinc, 577
Hydrochloric acid, 546, 547

preparation of, 547

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

depositing solutions difficult to
manage, 400

electro-deposition of copper upon,

gilding and silvering in the United
States, practice of, 67

gilding and silvering without pre-
vious coating with copper, 67
or zinc, Watt's formulæ for the
deposition of copper on, 129
permanent brassing of, 140
preparation of the articles for cop-
pering, 127

sheet, dipping in the galvanizing
bath, 527, 528

solutions for deposition, 398-400
sulphate of protoxide of, 589, 590
tinning baths for, by simple immer-
sion, 150

wrought and cast, brassing bath
for, 138

zinc, lead, and tin, unsatisfactory
for platinizing, 357
Isinglass, 582, 583

Jacoby and Wagner, discovery of the
use of electro-metallurgy for
plating and copying by, 17, 18
Prof., the first to apply the electro-
deposition of metals to useful
purposes, 19

Jacoby's gilding formula, 220
Jars, glass, (03

Jewelry, scratch-brushing, 51
Jewreinhoff's processes for platinizing,
| 361, 362

Jordan, C. J., experiments on obtain-
ing casts in copper, 19

Keene's cement, 456
Kermes, 403

Kettles and boiling pans, 599, 600

cast iron, for electro-silvering
baths, 291

Kitchen utensils, tinning, 157
Klein's study of the electro-deposition
of iron, 398, 399, 400

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