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and desolation. It may, therefore, be laid down as a rule, that all those who desire to live noble, useful lives, and accomplish the true end of their being, have their associates, with whom they often take counsel, and in whose society they delight.

With associates, as with books, no rules can be laid down as to how many it is safe to have and how much time should be spent in their company, as this will depend on circumstances of which each one must judge for himself. Yet it is easy to see how those of a cheerful and social turn of mind may readily transcend the bounds of propriety, and spend more time in the company of associates than is generally considered profitable. This much, however, may be said with safety, that whenever our associates become so numerous as to encroach upon the necessary work and business of life, and the society of comrades so fascinating and entangling as to lead to the perpetration of deeds which our better judgment condemns, it is time to draw back and assert our manhood and independence.

But good and necessary as it is to have associates among our equals, we should never forget that there is one whose society and fellowship we should seek above all others,the one in whom we live and move and have our being, and from whom we receive every good and perfect gift, our Maker, Preserver, Benefactor and Redeemer, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and through him our Father. To walk with him as we pass along through life, to have a little talk with Jesus amid the hurry and business of the day, and have the comforting fellowship of the Holy Spirit, is a boon and safeguard of greater value than all the favor and friendship of the world.

Having said this much concerning books and associates, this article would be incomplete were no mention made of the

care and precaution necessary in their selection, for, judge as charitably as we may, there is no disguising the fact that the


moral effect of many books and associates is pernicious. And how can it be otherwise so long as the country is flooded with the light, trashy, vulgar literature that is thrown upon the market, and disseminated through the land at a nominal price, and read by the masses! Many innocent and unsuspecting youths reading these obscene books in which


vice, a monster of frightful mien when seen in its native ugliness,

is so gilded, and associated with what is alluring and attractive, are enticed thereby and led from one act of sin to another, until they are lost to all shame, and even glory in their degradation. A man might as well eat unwholesome and poisonous food and expect the body to remain healthy and strong, as to feed the mind or heart with obscene literature, and expect it to retain its native vigor and purity. And yet how sad to say that, with all the warnings that are given, and the fearful wrecks that lie strewn all along the path of dissipation, obscene books and bad associaties are not feared and shunned as they should be.

But how, it may be asked, are we to counteract the evils resulting from bad books and bad associates? Both have their charms and are palatable to the corrupt heart, which rolls sin of every form under the tongue as a sweet morsel. Some there are, who, seeing the increasing tide of wickedness and the little support that is often given to law and order by those in authority, despair of any great reformation, not to speak of the entire suppression of the evil. And yet, if we have faith in God and the regenerating influence of His grace, we have every reason to believe that He will in His own time and way, bring this and every other evil to an end, and fill the world with righteousness and peace. We may not live to see and rejoice in this blessed state of things, as it may, for aught we know, be long in coming. Yet we can labor according to our ability to bring it about. God, as we know, works through human agencies, and has been pleased to make us co-workers with Him in accomplishing His plans, and He will not, by a mere exercise of His power, eradicate any evil from the world. This is the work of His church and people, so that there is a fearful responsibility resting upon us in reference to the suppression of evil in its varied forms, and the sooner we are made to realize it the better.

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There is reason to hope for a better state of things in the near future in view of what has been and is being done for the suppression of evil. Never before in the history of the church have good men been so earnest and so ready to work for the speedy establishment of God's kingdom in the world. The church is arming herself for the conflict. Look where we may, we see great victories won and advances made in the overthrow of the kingdom of Satan. Many of the outposts of the enemy have been taken, Christians of all denominations are combining their forces, and evince a boldness and determination to maintain the right, as never before. The signs of the times are hopeful and seem to indicate that the Lord is preparing the way for the universal spread of His kingdom. May the day be speedily ushered in.

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HILDHOOD shows the man," says Milton, "as morning shows the day." Is it not, therefore, of vital importance that childhood should be surrounded with everything that can assist in

elevating, purifying, strengthening,-everything that will cherish good impulses and overcome inclinations to evil,-everything that is true and honest, simple and generous in our nature? It is in childhood that the temper can be curbed and disciplined, and the wayward will brought into subjection. It is in childhood that the intellect, like virgin soil, lies open to the reception of golden seed; it is in childhood that impressions are received that communicate their coloring to later life. It is in childhood that the "natural instinct " is most plastic and can be moulded after the highest model. The early influences of home are never forgotten. The earliest lessons learned are best remembered.

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