REORGANIZATION PLAN NO. 6 OF 1953 (DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE) 34999 Printed for the use of the Committee on Government Operations UNITED STATES WASHINGTON: 1953 COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS CLARE E. HOFFMAN, Michigan, Chairman R. WALTER RIEHLMAN, New York CHARLES B. BROWNSON, Indiana MARGUERITE STITT CHURCH, Illinois FRANK C. OSMERS, JR., New Jersey и WILLIAM L. DAWSON, Illinois EARL CHUDOFF, Pennsylvania JACK B. BROOKS, Texas LESTER HOLTZMAN, New York ROBERT L. CONDON, California THOMAS J. DODD, Connecticut ROBERT H. MOLLOHAN, West Virginia HELEN M. BOYER, Chief of Staff CHRISTINE RAY DAVIS, Minority Professional Staff Message from the President of the United States, transmitting Reorganiza- Allman, Dr. David B., Board of Trustees of American Medical Asso- ciation, Atlantic City, N. J.; accompanied by C. Joseph Stetler, secretary, Council on National Emergency Medical Service- Bennett, Hon. Charles E., a Representative in Congress from the Cooke, Adm. Charles M., United States Navy (retired). 124 Dodge, Joseph M., Director, Bureau of the Budget; accompanied by William Finan, Assistant Director for Management and Organiza- Johnson, Robert W., chairman of the board, Johnson & Johnson, accom- Kyes, Roger M., Deputy Secretary of Defense; accompanied by John 43, 159 207 Excerpt from recommendation of the Rockefeller committee_ Letter from George F. Lull, M. D., to Nelson A. Rockefeller, March Letter from Nelson A. Rockefeller, chairman, Committee on Department of Defense Organization, to Dr. George F. Lull, Bennett, Hon. Charles E., a Representative in Congress from the State of Florida: Suggested new subsections (c) and (d) for Plan No. 6.- Brown, Hon. Clarence J., a Representative in Congress from the State of Ohio: Excerpt from Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1953 Cooke, Adm. Charles M., United States Navy (retired): Excerpt from Dodge, Joseph M., Director, Bureau of the Budget: Excerpts from the President's message on Reorganization Plan Eberstadt, Ferdinand, New York, N. Y.: Excerpt from Acheson task force minority report on national Excerpt from Hoover Commission Report on the National Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record-Continued Eberstadt, Ferdinand, New York, N. Y.-Continued Excerpt from report of the task force committee on national Excerpt from statement of Chief of Staff, General Bradley. Extract of testimony of General Eisenhower before the Senate for reorganization of the Defense Department contained in Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1953. Edson, Maj. Gen. Merritt A., United States Marine Corps (retired): 96 104 80 228 227 228, 246 Memorandum presented by the Chief of Staff of the Army, Nov- Finletter, Thomas K., former Secretary of the Air Force: Statement.. Hoffman, Hon. Clare E., a Representative in Congress from the State of Michigan, and chairman, House Government Operations Com- Article from the U. S. News & World Report, May 15, 1953, entitled "Interview With Thomas K. Finletter, Former Secre- Excerpt from General Eisenhower's statement of May 7, 1947. Excerpt from statement of General Eisenhower before the House Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments, Excerpts from Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1953. Exhibit A-Comparative analysis of views regarding (1) Chief of Staff for the armed services and (2) a Chairman of the Joint 228 Five Defense Departments, article written by David Lawrence, 259 Is Defense Plan Constitutional? article written by David 255 Letter from Dan A. Kimball, national vice president, Navy 249 Letter from Ernest J. King, fleet admiral, United States Navy, to 248 Letter from Frank A. Hecht, president, Navy League of the 249 260 Provisions of the act of 1947 and amendments of 1949 and of Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1953 as they affect selection of a Excerpts from Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1953. Shake-up in Pentagon Represents Compromise, article written by Hanson W. Baldwin, New York Times, May 3, 1953 - Unconstitutional Defense Plan, article written by David I aw- rence, Evening Star, May 1, 1953... Holifield, Hon. Chet, a Representative in Congress from the State of 238 Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record-Continued Ikard, Hon. Frank, a Representative in Congress from the State of Texas: Excerpt from the 1949 amendments to the National Security Johnson, Robert W., chairman of the board, Johnson & Johnson: Excerpt from Arthur Salzberger's paper, Concept for Catastrophe Excerpt from Congressman Shafer's remarks in the Congressional Excerpt from George Fielding Elliott's pamphlet, How To Lose a Excerpt from statement of Congressman Clare E. Hoffman in Ruling of Secretary of War Newton P. Baker, 1916- Statement of Donald Nelson, former head of the War Production Ketchum, Omar B., director, National Legislative Service, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States: Statement____ Kyes, Roger M., Deputy Secretary of Defense: Excerpt from President's message on Reorganization Plan No. 6 Excerpt from statement of Secretary Forrestal, March 24, 1949. Letter from Gen. Omar N. Bradley, to Congressman Hoffman re Lantaff, Hon. Bill, a Representative in Congress from the State of Excerpt from National Security Act of 1947 as amended..... McCormack, Hon. John W., a Representative in Congress from the Answer by Secretary Wilson re General Staff. Riehlman, Hon. R. Walter, a Representative in Congress from the Rockefeller, Nelson A., Chairman, Committee on Department of Excerpt from Hoover Commission Report re Joint Chiefs.. 141-144 146 |