McClure to give 20 acres to the county, which is to be laid off in lots & sold. ten north, and range eleven west, and on the said twenty acres of land, fronting on the river Wabash, and running back west for quantity; for which the said McClure has executed his bond to make a deed to the said county; and the county commissioners, in and for the said county, shall receive from the said McClure, a deed for the said twenty acres, agreeably to the bond by him given to make a title for the same, and shall proceed forthwith to lay off the said donation into lots, and to offer the same for sale at such time and place, and upon Courts to be held such terms as shall seem fit and expedient; and hereafter all courts shall be held in the said place. at McClure's biuff Owners of lots in lots at McClure's Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the county commissioners are hereby authorised and required, to make to all the purchasers of lots at Aurora, who have actually paid their money for the use of the said county, a compensation therefor in lots at McClure's Bluff, agreeably to the present value of lots in Aurora, provided the seat of justice had not been removed, deducting the value of the said lots without the seat of justice; and also to convey to the said Fitch and Patrick, the former donation at Aurora, or so much thereof as belongs to said county; provided that the jail or any other public property may be removed from thence, by order of the county commissioners' court. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the name of the county seat, fixed by this act of the said coun-* ty of Clark shall be Darwin. This aet shall be in force from and after its age. pass Boundaries of AN ACT to form a new county out of the attached part of Greene county, north of town twelve. APPROVED, January 31, 1823. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the people of the state of Illinois, represented in the general assembly, That all that tract of country within the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of Greene county, thence east to the range line between seven and eight west of the third principal meridian, thence northerly along the middle of the prairie that divides the waters of the Sangamon from those of Apple creek, Mauvaisterre and Indian creeks, until it arrives to the middle of range eight, thence north to the middle of the main channel of Sangamon river, thence down said channel to the middle of the main channel of the Illinois river, thence down said last mentioned channel to the place of beginning, shall constitute a county to be called Morgan. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the electors of said county shall meet on the first Monday of March next, at the house of James G. Swinerton, Time of electing to elect three county commissioners, a sheriff, and county officers. coroner; and that Joseph Klein, John Clark, and Daniel Leib, be, and they are hereby appointed the judges of said election; who shall give notice thereof, and proceed on that day to conduct the same according to the existing laws of this state, or such as may then be in force relative to the election tor county officers. fix on the seat of meeting. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That Samuel Bristow, John Clark, and Henry Fahnestock, be com- Commissioners to missioners to fix on a place for the temporary juctice-Time of seat of justice for said county, whose duty it shall be to meet at the time and place for holding the election for county commissioners, or within ten days thereafter; and, after being duly sworn, shall proceed to determine on some convenient place as near the centre of population as circumstances Its citizens enti privileges of the citizens of other tled to all the will admit; and such place when so located, shall Compensation of be the seat of justice until otherwise provided by the commissioners law; and said commissioners shall be allowed two dollars each per day, for the time necessarily employed, to be paid out of the county treasury. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the citizens of Morgan county are hereby declared entitled in all respects to the same rights and privileges as are allowed in general to other counties in this state: Provided always, that when freeholders only are capable of performing any duty, or are entitled to any privilege, householders shall, for all such purposes, be considered as freeholders in said county, and shall and may do and perform all the duties appertaining to the different offices in said County. counties. Bec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the county Attached to first judicial circuit Commissioners to fix on a perma nent seat of justi e Steele's. 110 of Morgan shall compose a part of the first judicial circuit in this state. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That Morgan county shall compose a part of the senatorial and representative district with Greene county. AN ACT to establish the permanent seat of jus tice in Montgomery county. APPROVED, January 31, 1825. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the people of the state of Illinois represented in the general assembly, That Elijah C. Berry, Silas Lee Wait, and Aaron Armstrong, be, and they are hereby appointed, commissioners for the purpose of establishing a permanent seat of justice in and for the county of Montgomery; which said commissioners or a majority of them, being duly sworn before some justice of the peace in this state to locate the seat of justice as near to the centre of said county as a suitable place can be found, with an eye to the present and future population, so, as near as possible, to do equal justice to every part of said county which is, settled or which reasonably can be populated: shall To meet at L. L. meet at the house of Luke Lee Steele, on the first Monday in the month of March next, and proceed to view and determine on a seat of justice for said county, and designate the same: Provided, The proprietor or proprietors of the land whereon the same is to be fixed, shall give to the county for the purpose of erecting public buildings, a quantity of land not less than twenty acres, to be laid out in lots by the county commissioners' court of said county, and sold for that purpose; but should the proprietor or proprietors refuse or neglect to make the donation aforesaid, then, and in that ease, it shall be the duty of the commissioners aforesaid to fix on some other place for a seat of justice for said county, as near as a place suitable can be found; which place so fixed and determined upon, the said commissioners shall certify under their hands and seals, and return the same to the next County commissioners' court in and for said county, which court shall cause the same to be recorded Twenty acres to be given to the county. In their books of record. And until the public buildings shall be erected, the cours in and for said county, shall be held at the house of Luke Lee Steele, in said county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid, shall receive two dollars for each and every day they may be necessarily employed in fixing the aforesaid seat of justice, to be paid out of the county treasury of said county, by an order of the county commissioners' court. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the county commissioners of the county of Montgomery, (in case the present location of the seat of justice in and for the county of Montgomery, shall be removed from Hamilton to another place,) shall have power and they are hereby authorised, (the other contracting party assenting thereto) to rescind all contracts made with the donor or donors to the county of Montgomery, of property in the town of Hamilton, and reconvey to the original donor or donors the property so given, or so much thereof as may be under the control of the said county commissioners. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That in case the county seat is removed from Hamilton as aforesaid, the said county commissioners, with the consent of the other contracting parties, may rescind all contracts made with purchasers of property in the town of Hamilton, and refund all money which has been received for property sold in the town of Hamilton; and all contracts made for the purpose of erecting public buildings, and making public improvements, in the town of Hamilton. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That if any person shall have sustained any injury by reason of the removal of the seat of justice from the said town of Hamilton (if the same shall be removed) it shall be the duty of the county commissioners to appoint three discreet house holders in said county, whose duty it shall be to ascertain the extent of the injury so sustained; and for that purpose may summon and swear any witnesses that may be necessary, and report the same to the county commissioners of the county of Montgomery, who shall thereupon order the same to be paid out of any money in the county treasury of said county. Courts to be held at L. L. Steele'. County commis, scind all contracts. sioners may re owners of lots. to pay damages to Commissioners to appraise the twelve acres on which J full yard. AN ACT to authorise the Governor to convey APPROVED, February 5, 1829. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the people of the state of Illinois represented in the general assembly. That William H. Brown, Elijah C. Berry, and Robert H. Peebles, be, and they are hereby authorised to go upon and appraise the lot of ground within the has erected a brick following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the south-west corner of Peregrine Patterson's land, thence west one hundred and three perches and eighty-nine hundredths, thence north nineteen perches and twenty-five hundredths, thence east one hundred and three perches and eighty-nine hundredths, and thence south nineteen perches and twenty-five hundredths, to the place of beginning: it being the piece of ground on which James Hull has erected a brick yard, containing twelve acres and two roods: and that they make out in writing a report of such appraisement under their hands and seals to the governor. to be made. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said James Hull shall be allowed to pay for the abovementioned lot of ground in and by three equal annual instalments, the first of which shall become payable on the first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, to be se cured by a mortgage on the said lot of ground. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the governor Conveyance when of this state, be, and he is hereby authorised to make, execute, and deliver a legal conveyance to James Hull, his heirs and assigns, with a general warrantee for the said lot of ground, as described in the first section of this act, so soon as the said James Hull shall comply with the requisitions of the second section of this act. The lot only to be appraised. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That, in apprais ing said land, the improvements made thereon by the said James Hull, shall not be taken into consi deration. |