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Bréton de los Herreros, Manuel. Quién es Ella? Comedia en cinco actos; with introd. notes and vocabulary by S: Garner. N. Y., Amer. Book Co., [1905. F20.] c. 176 p. por. D. cl., 70 c.

A Spanish play with its scene laid in Madrid in 1645, during the reign of Philip v., who appears as one of the principal characters. Prof. Garner says of it, "The plot is clean; the moral is high and elevating; the historical setting is good: the language is clean, simple and free from the many puzzling idioms and intricacies which make So much of Spanish literature unintelligible to foreigners." First played in Madrid in 1849.

Brett, Rev. Jesse. The sympathy of the crucified. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1905. 6+67 p. S. cl., *70 c. net.

Discourses setting forth the sympathy of Jesus Christ for man, in all his life's troubles. By the author of "The blessed life."

Brewer, D: Josiah. The United States: a Christian nation. Phii., J: C. Winston Co., 1905. [S.] c. 4-98 p. D. (Haverford lib. lectures.) cl., $1.

Three lectures by Justice Brewer, delivered to the students of Haverford College. In the title lecture he shows why our republic should be classified as a Christian nation. The second is devoted to "Our duty as citizens,' to the compatibility between Christianity and patriotism; and the third to the promise and the possibilities of the future; being an appeal to the young men of America to temper their devotion to country with fidelity to the teachings of the Gospel.

Brewer, Kate. Fanciful tales from legends of the Adirondack Indians. Wash., D. C., Neale Publishing Co., 1905. C. 59 p. il.

12°, cl., $1.

Contents: The birth of the water-lily; The Indian plume; The tribe divided; When love found out a way.

Brewster, Chauncey Bunce, (Bp.) The Cath

olic ideal of the church. N. Y., T: Whittaker, 1905. [FI.] 42 p. 12°, pap., *25 c.


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Bright, Norma Kathryn. The dream child, and other verses. Autograph ed. N. Y., Grafton Press, [1905.] C. 80 p. D. cl., **$1 net.

Brine, Mary D. Mother's little man; il. by Arthur A. Dixon. N. Y., Dutton, [1905.] 40 p. 8°, bds., 50 c.

Brinton, Selwyn. The eighteenth century in English caricature. N. Y., Scribner, [imported,] 1905. il. sq. 16°, (Langham ser. of art monographs.) cl., *$1 net.

British School at Athens. Annual of the British school of Athens, no. 10, session 1903-1904. N. Y., Macmillan, 1905. 8+ 275 p. col. il. 8°, cl., *$5 net.

British School at Rome. Papers of the British school at Rome. v. 2, Sixteenth century drawings of Roman buildings attributed to Andreas Coner, by T. Ashby; il. by 165 drawings. N. Y., Macmillan, 1904. 96+165 p. 4°, cl., *$9.50 net.

Broadbent, Albert, comp. An Emerson treasury; with introduction by T: Pole. Frankford, Pa., Broadbent Press, [1905.] 44 P. nar. 24°, pap., 10 c.

Broadbent, Albert, comp. A Russell Lowell treasury. Frankford, Pa., Broadbent Press, [1905.] 44 p. nar. 24°, pap., 10 c.

Broadbent, Albert, comp. A treasury of consolation: poems. Frankford, Pa., Broadbent Press, [1905.] 44 p. nar. 24°, pap., 10 c. Broadbent, Albert, comp. A treasury of love: [selections of poetry.] Frankford, Pa.,

Broadbent Press, 1905. 44 p. nar. 24°, pap.,


Broadus, J: Albert, D.D. Commentary on the Gospel of Mark. Phil., Amer. Baptist Publication Society, [1905. Ap.] c. 3-148 p. il. O. cl., 75 c.

This commentary was prepared in 1882 as notes on the International Sunday-school lessons for that year, and published in the New York Examiner.

7 v., 16°,

Broadway booklets; il. by Jessie M. King and others. N. Y., Dutton, 1905. lambskin, ea., 75 c.

Contents: Sohrab and Rustum, by Matthew Arnold; Pippa passes, by Rob. Browning; Christabel, by S: Taylor Coleridge; Elegy written in country grave-yard, by T: Gray; Odes, by Horace; Goblin

by Virgil.

market, by Christina Georgina Rossetti; Pastorals, Broadway of yesterday: 20 prints of old

Broadway, [New York City;] with descriptions by C: Hemstreet. N. Y., [issued under the direction of the National Society for Historical Research, by] The Cadwallader Pub. Co., 1905. C. 4 p.20 pl. 4°, cl., portfolio, $2.50. Brockelmann, Karl. Syrische grammatik, mit paradigmen, literatur, chrestomathie, und glossar. 2. verm. und verb. aufl. N. Y., Lemcke & Buechner, 1905. c. 16+144+ 198 p. 8°, (Porta linguarum orientalium.) cl., *$3 net.

Bromley, G: Tisdale. The long ago and the later on; or, recollections of eighty years. San Francisco, A. M. Robertson, 1904. c. 13+289 p. por. D. cl., *$1.50 net.

Personal reminiscences in which the author discusses his early days, 1817-1820, in Norwich, Conn.

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Mr. L'Hommedieu and his church-going methods, whaling in New England, packet and marine ship service and steamboating in New York in 1833; mining experiences in Sonora, his début as a lecturer in Sacramento, the Pony express, railroad building in 1868, his initiation in the Bohemian Club, 1872, his campaign, 1880; some interesting voyages, notably one to the Orient, with other incidents of an interesting life.

Bromwell, H: Pelham Holmes. Restorations

of masonic geometry and symbolry: being a dissertation on the lost knowledges of the Lodge. Denver, Col., H. P. H. Bromwell Masonic Publishing Co., 1905. C. 7-559 p. col. pl. por. diagrs., 34 cf., $10. Bronson, Walter Cochrane, comp. and ed. English essays; selected and ed. by Walter C. Bronson. N. Y., H: Holt & Co., 1905. c. 5+404 p. O. cl., $1.25.

"This book has been made with a definite, practical object in view, which has set certain limits to it and

determined its nature and method. It is intended for use with college classes in introductory courses in literature; and the chief purpose of it is to cultivate in the undergraduate a liking for good English prose and to give him some knowledge of English thought as it has found expression in English essays of the last three hundred years, by putting into his hands a not too bulky collection of interesting texts by some of the greater essayists from Bacon to Stevenson."-Preface.

Brontë, Charlotte, [Mrs. Nicholls; "Currer Bell," pseud] Jane Eyre. Chic., W. B. Chic., W. B. Conkey, [1904.] 5-436 p. D. (Columbia ser.) cl., 50 c.

Brooke, L. Leslie. Leslie Brooke's children's books: The three little pigs and Tom Thumb; with numerous drawings in col. and black and white. N. Y., F: Warne & Co., [1905.] unp. Q. cl., $1.

Brooke, Rev. Stopford A: On ten plays of Shakespeare. N. Y., H: Holt & Co., 1905. 3+311 p. O. cl., *$2.25 net.

Analyses and historical studies of ten plays by the English critic. Those considered are: Midsummer night's dream; Romeo and Juliet; Richard II.; Richard 111.; Merchant of Venice; As you like it; Macbeth; Coriolanus; Winter's tale; The tempest. Brookes, Leonard Elliott. The automobile hand-book: a work of practical information for the use of owners, operators and automobile mechanics, including road troubles, motor troubles, carbureter troubles, ignition troubles, clutch troubles, starting troubles. Chic., F: J. Drake & Co., [1905.] C. 7-320 p. i. diagrs., 16°, limp leath., *$1.50 net; Ed. de luxe, mor., *$2 net. Brookes, Leonard Elliott. The practical gas and oil engine hand-book: a manual of useful information on the care, maintenance and repair of gas and oil engines. Chic., F: J. Drake & Co., [1905.] c. 160 p. il. diagrs., 16°, cl., $1; leath., $1.50. Brookfield, C: and Frances. Mrs. Brookfield and her circle. In 2 v. V. I, 18091847; v. 2, 1848-1874. N. Y., Scribner, 1905. 12+261; 262+564 p. pors. O. per set, cl., **$7 net.

Collection of letters written by or to Mr. William Henry Brookfield, the English clergyman, and his wife. They were friends of Thackeray, Tennyson, the Hallams, Carlyle, Edward Fitzgerald, Monckton Milnes, and others of the brilliant men and women of Mid-Victorian literary life. The majority of these letters, which have been collected by a son and daughter of the Brookfields, are written by either husband or wife, though there are many from


Thackeray, who considered Brookfield as one of his two dearest friends. Mrs. Brookfield was the orig inal of Lady Castlewood in "Henry Esmond." Brooklyn Daily Eagle almanac, 1905: a book of information general of the world and special of New York City and Long Island. Brooklyn, N. Y., Office of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 1905. 716 p. O. (Brooklyn Eagle lib., v. 20, no. 1.) cl., 50 c.; pap., 25 c. Brooks, Amy. Dorothy Dainty at the shore; il, by the author. Bost., Lee & Shepard, [1905.] c. 5+216 p. il. (Dorothy Dainty ser., no. 4.) cl., +$1.

The same characters appear in this story that played parts in the three former volumes of the series. Nancy Ferris rescued from her uncle and restored to her former friends is a bright addition to the happy group of girls, who enjoy the summer months at the sea shore.

Brooks, Amy. Randy's luck; il. by the author. Bost., Lee & Shepard, [1905.] c. 4-215 p. (Randy books, no. 6.) cl., $1.

Randy Weston has been the central figure of five previous books. In this, the sixth of the series, she is shown particularly in her contact with her young companions-her power of winning and holding friends being so marked, that the envious ones of the country village where her home is say that it is simply Randy's "luck" that so many are fond of her.

Brooks, E: The new normal written arithmetic; designed for common schools, normal schools, high schools, academies, etc., by Edward Brooks. Phil., C. Sower Co., [1905.] c. 421 p. il. 12°, hf. leath., 80 c.

Brooks, Elisabeth W. As the world goes by. Bost., Little, Brown & Co., 1905. c. 2+ 375 p. D. cl., †$1.50.

The fascinating star, "Mary Manton," and her charming young daughter occupy the centre of the stage in this story. The actress, who has accumuiated wealth in her twenty years of stage life, is respected as well as admired, although known to have been divorced from her husband after a few


years of married life. "Incompatibility" was the cause her bohemian nature finding his rather severe conventional outlook upon life unendurable. young daughter, loving her mother, still longs to know her father, and goes finally to his care-in a New York home of great luxury. The girl's love story, a long residence abroad, scenes from both professional and social life in New York, are described with earnestness and reality.

Brooks, G: Washington. Refreshing poems, no. I. Braggs, I. T., G: Brooks, 1904. C. 12°, pap., 35 c.

Brooks, Phillips, (Bp.) Christ the life and light: lenten readings from hitherto unpublished writings of Bishop Phillips Brooks. N. Y., Dutton, 1905. 12°, cl., **$1 net. Brooks, W: Keith.

The oyster: a popular summary of a scientific study. 2d ed., rev. Balt., Md., Johns Hopkins Press, 1905. C. 14-225 p. O. cl., *$1 net.

The new matter refers to minor points with one exception. A new chapter deals with the special fitness of the oyster for gathering up the germs of cholera and typhoid fever and transmitting them to man. The increasing danger of the pollution of the oyster districts by sewage near growing towns and cities is clearly and logically stated and forms a notable addition to the present edition.

Brorup, Rasmus Peterson. The doctor as an autocrat. Fitzgerald, Ga., North and South Publishing Co., [1905.] C. 15 p. O. pap., 15 C.

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Brother Jabez, (pseud.) A tale of the Kloster: a romance of the German mystics of the Cocalico, by Brother Jabez; il. by Frank McKernan. Phil., Griffith & Rowland

Press, 1904. [D.] c. 16+336 p. D. cl., +$1.50.

The Kloster was founded by Johann Conrad Beissel, in 1728, at Ephrata, a little German town about 18 miles from Reading, Pa., in the Valley of Cocalico, Lancaster County. In less than a decade after its founding it became a semi-monastic community, later it developed into a religious, educational, commercial and industrial settlement, and set up the third printing press in the colony. This press was the first to print English and German type in Colonial Pennsylvania. The brothers and sisters of the Kloster were celibates. Their religion as expounded by the mystic founder resembles the beliefs of the Seventh Day Baptists. The scenes and incidents supposed to have occurred in the early history of the settlement are interwoven in a romance. Broughton, Leonard Gaston, D.D. The soulwinning church, N. Y. and Chic., Revell, 1905. c. [F10.] 126 p. 12°, cl., *50 c. net. Broughton, Rhoda. Foes in law. N. Y., Macmillan, 1905. C. 1900. 3+326 p. D. (Macmillan's paper novels ser.) pap., 25 c. Broughton, Rhoda. A waif's progress: [a novel.] N. Y., Macmillan, 1905. 402 p. 12°, cl., $1.50.

Brown, Abbie Farwell. The star jewels, and other wonders; pictures by Ethel C. Brown. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1905. c. 7+133 p. il. D. cl., †$1.

Five fairy tales, the first giving an account of the origin of star-fish. Five small poems, connected with the stories, come between.

Brown, Alice. Paradise. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1905. [O.] c. 3+388 p. D. cl., $1.50.

The plot concerns few people.

Malory Dwight,

a fine specimen of country manhood in search of a nurse to tend his dying sister, meets Barbara, the heroine, escaping from a travelling circus where she has been a palmist and has done conjuring tricks for her adopted father. She wins the hearts of the most heterogeneous characters with most of whom religion is a very real thing. Barbara's reverent, religious mind and her old career as palmist war constantly and lead to many fine discussions with her neigh bors. Several very amusing characters cheer the story.

Brown, Alonzo. Antoinette, a wreath of autumn leaves: [a poem.] Phil., Westbrook Publishing Co., [1904.] c. 40 p. D. pap.,

25 c.

Brown, Anna Robeson. The wine-press. N. Y., Appleton, 1905. [My12.] c. 5+390 p. D. cl., $1.50.

The life of an inland American woman's college and its influence on the thoughts, character and emotions of its graduates is the background for the study of two half-sisters of totally different tastes. The older girl almost sacrifices her life to the younger, an irresponsible artist of uncontrolled emotions. The prejudice against men and the harsh judgment of them founded on total ignorance of the world and real life yields after long struggle to less morbid views and good common sense. New York City and a farm in Maine furnish the scenes of the later story of Giovanni Galeoti. Brown, B: Franklin. The Brown book of life-insurance economics; or, complete digest of interest, surplus earnings and expenses in the leading American companies, 1885-1894; 1895-1904. 5th ed.; comp. from the official records of the Connecticut and Massachusetts departments. Bost., B: F. Brown, 1905. 16+99 p. 8°, cl., $2.


Brown, C: Carroll, ed. A hand-book for cement users. 3d ed., rev. N. Y. and Indianapolis, Ind., Municipal Engineering Co., 1905. 9-369 p. il. diagrs., 8°, cl., $3.

The first and second editions were published as a part of the Directory of American cement industries and hand-book for cement users. "An extra edition of the Hand-book section of the second edition of the combined book is now published and bound separately."

Brown, Clinton Giddings. Ramrod Jones, hunter and patriot: a tale of the Texas revolution against Mexico; written by Robert Blalock and now set forth by Clinton Giddings Brown; il. by E. S. Paxson. Akron, O., Saalfield Publishing Co., [1905.] c. 6321 p. D. cl., $1.

Brown, Elizabeth Virginia. Stories of childhood and nature. N. Y., Globe School Book Co., [1905.] c. 222 p. il. 12°, cl., 40 c. Brown, Elizabeth Virginia. When the world was young. N. Y., Globe School Book Co., [1905.] C. 160 p. il. 12°, cl., 40 c. Brown, Elmer Ellsworth. The origin of American state universities. Berkeley, Cal., University of California Press, 1905. [Ap10.] 45 p. Q. (University of California pubs., Education, v. 3, no. 1.) pap., 50 c. Brown, Frank Chouteau. The bookplate designs of Frank Chouteau Brown. Bost., printed at the Troutsdale Press and sold by C. E. Goodspeed, 1905. 3+23 p. il. por. 8°, (Bookplate brochures.) ed. limited to 75 copies, sheets, $1.50; Japan pap., $2.50. Brown, Horatio Robert Forbes. In and around Venice; with 15 il. N. Y., Scribner, [imported,] 1905. map, 12°, cl., *$1.50 net. Brown, Rev. J. Wood. Italian architecture: being a brief account of its principles and progress. N. Y., Scribner, [imported,] 1905. sq. 16°, (Langham ser. of art monographs.) cl., *$1 net.

Brown, Sir Ja. Crichton. The prevention of senility, and A sanitary outlook. N. Y., Macmillan, 1905. 141 p. 12°, cl., *75 c. net. Brown, J, M.D. Rab and his friends. N. Y., Dodge Publishing Co., 1905. 64 p. nar. 16°, (Little prose masterpieces.) leath., 75 c.; Japan vellum, 50 c.

Brown, Marcus Monroe. A study of John D. Rockefeller, the wealthiest man in the world; with his name left out, the history of education and religion could not be written; [with a chapter by Virgil P. Kline, answering Ida M. Tarbell's article in McClure's.] Cleveland, O., [Marcus M. Brown,] 1905. 150 p. pors. 12°, cl., *$1 net. Brown, Merton Volney. The Burton manor. N. Y., Broadway Publishing Co., [1905.] c. 165 p. 12°, cl., $1.10.

Brown, Oswald Eugene, D.D. Jesus as a missionary. Nashville, Tenn., Missionary Training School, 1905. 30 p. por. D. (Missionary Training School ser., 1905, no. 3.) pap., 10 c.

Brown, Oswald Eugene, D.D. Paul as a missionary. Nashville, Tenn., Missionary Training School, 1905. 30 p. D. (Missionary Training School ser., 1905, no. 2.) pap., 10 c.

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Brown, S. W. Deacon White's idees. Bost., Mayhew Publishing Co., [1905.] 4+214 p. D. cl., $1.

The pioneer days in western Wisconsin are truthfully described, with their many unusual experiences' in a story of farm life, which culminates with the Civil War. Deacon White is "a son of the soil," shrewd and witty, having "idees" on most subjects "under the sun."

Brown, S: R. Happy days; carolings of Colorado, etc. Denver, Col., Reed Publishing Co., 1904. C. 12+100 p. 12°, cl., $1. Brown, T: Alex., ["Rolf Boldrewood," pseud.] The last chance: a tale of the golden west. N. Y., Macmillan, 1905. 461 p. 12°, cl., +$1.50.

Brown, W: Garrott. The life of Oliver Ellsworth. N. Y., Macmillan, 1905. [N8.] c. 10+369 p. il. pors. O. cl., **$2 net. Born at Windsor, Conn., April 29, 1745, died Windsor, Nov. 26, 1807. American jurist and statesman. He was United States Senator from Connecticut 1789-96, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court 1796-1800, and Envoy Extraordinary to France 1790.

Brown, W: Haig. Carthusian memories, and other verses of leisure. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1905. 7+240 p. por. D. cl., *$1.60 net.

Browne, G: A handbook of figure skating for use on the ice: a comprehensive handbook; il. with diagrams and suggestions for nearly 10,000 figures; with a chapter on the international style of figure skating. Bost., Small, Maynard & Co., 1905. 16°, limp leath., **$1 net.

Browne, G: Waldo. Japan: the place and the people. 3d ed. Bost., Dana Estes & Co., 1905. 450 p. il. 8°, cl., **$2.50 net. Browne, G: Waldo. The St. Lawrence River: historical, legendary, picturesque. N. Y., Putnam, 1905. c. 19365 p. il. map, O. cl., **$3.50 net.

The writer presents a "succinct and unbroken account of the most important historic incidents connected with the St. Lawrence River, combined with descriptions of some of its most picturesque scenery and frequent selections from its prolific sources of legends and traditions." About one hundred illus trations, many from photographs, adorn the text. Browne, J: Hutton Balfour. South Africa: a glance at current conditions and politics. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1905. 6+ 238 p. O. cl., $2.50.

By the author of "The new fiscal policy." This is simply as the title says "a glance at current conditions and politics" in South Africa.

Browne, Mary. Diary of a girl in France in

1821; written by Mary Browne; il. by herself; with an introd. by Euphemia Stewart Browne. N. Y., Dutton, 1905. 188 p. 8°, cl., *$2.50 net.

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Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett. Selected poems of Elizabeth Barrett Browning; ed., with introd. and notes, by Elizabeth Lee. Bost., Ginn, [1904.] C. 29+173 p. por. 16°, (Standard English classics.) flex. cl., 30 c. Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett. Songs

from the Portuguese, and six additional lyrics; with three poems by Rob. Browning. N. Y., Century Co., 1905. 136 p. pors. nar. 24°, (Thumb-nail ser.) leath., $1. Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett and Robert. Sonnets from the Portuguese, and other poems, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning; One word more, and other poems, by Robert Browning; with an introd. by R: Watson Gilder. N. Y., Century Co., 1905. c. 51+ 136 p. por. 24°, (Thumb-nail ser.) cl., $1. Browning, Oscar. Napoleon: the first phase; some chapters on the boyhood and youth of Buonaparte, 1760-1793. N. Y., J: Lane, 1905. 8°, cl., *$3.50 net.

Browning, Philip Embury. Index to the literature of indium, 1863-1903. Wash., D. C., Smithsonian Institution, 1905. 15 p. 8°, (Smithsonian miscellaneous collections.) pap., 5 c.

Browning, Rob. A blot in the 'scutcheon, Colombe's birthday, A soul's_tragedy, and In a balcony; ed. by Arlo Bates. Bost., Heath, 1904. c. 38+305 p. por. (Belles-lettres ser. Section 3, The English drama.) bds., 60 c.

Bibliography: p. 300-303.


Browning, Rob. Browning's Men and women; with introd. by W: Basil Worsfold. N. Y., Dodge Publishing Co., 1905. 2 v., 260; 323 p. 16°, (King's poets.) bds., $3.

Browning, Rob. The pied piper of Hamelin; il, by Van Dyck. N. Y., A. Wessels Co., [1905.] unp. F. bds., $1.25.

Browning's version of the old legend of Bruns wick's town, in a form to please children. Fullpage pictures in color, large type, etc.

Browning, Rob. Select poem's of Robert Browning arranged in chronological order; with biographical and literary notes by A. J. George. Bost., Little, Brown & Co., [O.] c. 37+417 p. por. D. cl.,



The poems are arranged in chronological order; and the notes are biographical and literary, relating each poem to the events in the author's life out of which it grew, and to the characteristic forms of art in his own career and that of his great contemporaries, Wordsworth and Tennyson. This method of study has been tested for a long time by the editor in school and college classes, and with general readers, and has been found to be stimulating and rewarding. The only poems not given entire "Pauline," "Paracelsus," and "Pippa passes.'

Green & Co., French art; classic

and contemporary painting and sculpture. New and enl. ed. N. Y., Scribner, 1905. c. 10+274 p. 12°, cl., $1.50.

Contents: Classic painting; Romantic painting; Realistic painting; Classic sculpture; Academic sculpture: The new movement in sculpture; Rodin and the institute.


Browning, Rob. Select poems of Robert Browning; ed., with notes and an introd., by Percival Chubb. N. Y., Longmans, 1905. D. c. 29+91 p. (Longmans' English classics; ed. by G: Rice Carpenter.) cl., *40 c. net. Browning, Rob., and Hunt, Leigh. Love poems of Browning and Hunt. New ed., N. Y., Dodge Publishing Co., 1905. 136 p. 12°, cl., $1.25; leath., $2.


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Browning, W: Dale. Dimensions of pipe fittings and valves; compiled and arranged for engineers, architects and draftsmen; also containing some information on steam heating, bath room fixtures, etc. 2d ed. Cleveland, O., The Draftsman, [1905.] c. 82 p. il. diagrs., 8°, cl., 50 c.; leatherette, 75 c. Brubaker, Albert P. A text-book of human physiology; including a section on physiologic apparatus. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Phil., P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1905. C. 17-715 p. il. col. pls., diagrs., 8°, cl., *$4 net; leath., *$5 net.

Bruce, Josephine. A history of the doings and sayings of our baby; arranged and il. by Josephine Bruce. N. Y., C. R. Gibson & Co., 1905. c. 48 p. Q. cl., $1.50; extra gold and cl., $3; silk, $4.

Blanks for records. Brudno, Ezra Selig. The little conscript: a tale of the reign of Nicholas I. N. Y., Doubleday, Page & Co., 1905. [Je.] C. 43+325 p. D. cl., +$1.50.

A story of the reign of Nicholas I., Emperor of Russia from 1825 to 1855. A Jewish boy of fifteen, a precocious student of the Talmud, is drafted for the army. Because he will not forswear his religion he is cruelly persecuted. Later he takes interest in military life and does much for his fellow soldiers. The conditions of the Jews in Russia are described with the same startling realism shown in the author's former story, "The Fugitive."

Brumbaugh, Martin Grove. The making of a teacher: a contribution to some phases of the problem of religious education. Phil., Sunday School Times Co., 1905. C. 15+ 351 p. O. cl., $1.

Much of the material embraced under the above title, appeared originally in a series of twenty-five articles in the Sunday School Times. Some additional matter has been added, and the whole carefully revised and moulded together. According to the introduction, "this volume does not aim to present an exhaustive analysis of the factors involved in the making of a teacher. It does, however, undertake to lay before the minds of sincere students many of the cardinal guidances to that end. In the light of our needs to-day, it presents what seem to be the most needed elements of guidance." Brundage, Albert Harrison. A manual of toxicology. 4th ed., rev. N. Y., H. Harrison Co., 1904. C. 10+401 p. il. fold. tab., col. pls., 12°, cl., $1.50.

Brundage, Albert Harrison. Practical points
in physiology. 2d ed., rev. and improved.
Brooklyn, N. Y., H: Harrison Co., 1904.
C. 73 p. il. diagrs. (partly col.) 16°, pap.,
Brush, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Quackenbush.

The scarlet patch: the story of a patriot
boy in the Mohawk Valley; il. by G: W.
Picknell. Bost., Lee & Shepard, [Lothrop,
Lee & Shepard Co.,] [1905.] c. 7+306 p.
D. cl., +$1.25.

"The scarlet patch" was the badge of a Tory organization, and a loyal patriot boy, Donald Bastien, is dismayed at learning that his uncle, with whom he is a "bound boy,' is secretly connected with this treacherous band. Thrilling scenes follow in which a faithful Indian figures prominently, and there is a vivid presentation of the school and home life and the public affairs of Revolutionary times.

Bryant, Francis A., M.D. A romance of two lives. Bost., Mayhew Publishing Co., [1905.] c. 03. 3-321 p. por. D. cl., $1.50. A story of occult tendency with intricate plot into


which the traditions of the Aztecs and their peculiar worldly history are woven. The scene is Northern Mexico.

Bryant, H: W. Bryant's practical bookkeeping a new work on the theory and practice of accountancy for the use of business colleges, graded normal and high schools. Chic., Bryant & Stratton Business College, 1904. C. 116 p. 12°, cl., $1.25. How to tell stories to Bryant, Sarah Cone. children. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., [1905.] c. c. 21+260 p. 12°, cl., **$1 net. Bryce, Catherine T., and Spaulding, Frank E., comps. Living thoughts for all ages: a reader of graded memory gems; primary book, grades 1-3. Dansville, N. Y., F. A. Owen Publishing Co., [1905.] c. 131+4 p. sq. O. pap., 25 c.

Bryce, Ja.

Constitutions. N. Y., Oxford University Press, (Amer. Branch.) [1905.] 17+341 p. O. cl., $1.25.

Six essays selected from the author's "Studies in history and jurisprudence," published in 1901. Contents: 1, Flexible and rigid constitutions; 2, The action of centripetal and centrifugal forces on political constitutions; 3, Primitive Iceland; 4. The constitution of the United States as seen in the past, 5. Two South African constitutions; 6, The constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Bryce, Ja. Marriage and divorce.
N. Y.,
Oxford University Press, (Amer. Branch,)
[1905.] c. '01, '05. 4+80 p. O. cl., 75 c.

Also a chapter from the author's "Studies in history and jurisprudence." This essay treats only of civilized European marriage, sketching its development from the date of the earliest Roman legislation down to our own time, and comparing the present tendency to make the marriage tie more easily dissoluble with a similar tendency in later Roman history, from which a warning may be deduced. Bryner, Byron Cloyd. Bugle echoes: the story of Illinois 47th. Springfield, Ill., Phillips Bros., prs., 1905. 11-262 p. pors. 8°, ed. limited, cl., $2.50. A regimental history.

Bubble, Bob., (pseud.) The Bubble family. N. Y., J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Co., 1905. 250 p. il. 12°, pap., 50 c.

Buchanan, E. E. Tables of squares; containing the square of every foot, and sixteenth of inch to fifty feet. N. Y., Spon & Chamberlain, 1905. [Ap.] C. 105 p. 16°, cl., $1.

Buchanan, Thompson. Judith triumphant. N. Y., Harper, 1905. [Ap.] c. 3+255 p. D. cl., +$1.50.

The story of Judith the Hebrew maiden who saved her people from the Egyptians, by entering the camp of Holofernes the great commander, whom she finally kills. Judith is beautifully conceived, the romance of her life, being given with the aid of a realistic historical setting.

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