Ina Coolbrith in conjunction with the collaborators Neubecker, W: The New York Trade Neve, Juergen Ludwig. A brief history of the Nevill. Wallace E: Chess-humanics: a phil- Neville, Ja. J. Letters of a self-made presi- In the A fictitious correspondence consisting of seventy- Contains many interesting facts relative to the [Ap20.] Nevinson, H: Woodd. Books and person- New and complete universal self-pronouncing Issued in 1901 under title: "XX century cyclo- New England cook book; the latest and the NEW YORK home; containing nearly a thousand of the New England Water Works Association. New Hampshire. The amended license law New Jersey. Cases cited in the New Jersey A supplement to Bradley's New Jersey citations. New Jersey lawyers' diary and bar directory. New Mexico Territory. Supreme ct. Re- C. New York. Annotated code of civil pro- Decisions include those rep. in 181 N. Y., 101 New York. Code of civil procedure; cont. New York. Code of civil procedure of the Y., Banks Law Pub. Co., 1905. c. 10+ 1480 p. S. (Chase's pocket code.) flex. skiver, $3.50. New York. Code of civil procedure; cont. all amendments of 1905, with numerous notes of reference, together with notes of leading cases construing the code and constitutional and statutory provisions relating to practice; by Amasa J. Parker, jr.; rev. by Albert J. Danaher. 5th ed. Alb., Banks & Co., 1905. c. 11+1088+105+ 251 p. D. (Parker's pocket code of civil procedure.) flex. skiver, $3.50. New York. Code of criminal procedure of the state: being chapter 442, laws of 1881, as amended by laws of 1882-1902, inclusive; ed. by L. R. Parker. N. Y., Banks Law Pub. Co., 1905. c. 5+467 p. S. limp mor., *$2 net. New York. Code of criminal procedure of the state, as amended, including 18931905; with notes of decisions, a table of sources, complete set of forms and a full index. 24th rev. ed. Alb., Banks & Co., 1905. c. 25+551 p. D. canvas, $2. New York. Code of criminal procedure, including the amendments made by the legislature of 1905; by C. D. Rust. 19th ed., 1905. Alb., Matthew Bender & Co., 1905. c. 32368 p. D. flex. im. alligator, $3.50. (Bound with Penal code of New York.) New York. The code of criminal procedure and penal code of the state as amended at the close of the 128th session of the legislature, 1905; annot. by J: T. Cook. Alb., H: B. Parsons, 1905. c. 8+547+6+516 p. O. shp., *$5 net. New York. Collateral inheritance and transfer tax law of the state; cont. the codification of 1896, with all amendments prior to 1905, [etc.,] together with a complete index, [etc.,] and a table of cases, by E: H. Fallows [and] G: M. Judd: Supplement. N. Y. Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1905. c. 17+ 307-416 p. O. pap., $1. New York. Ct. of appeals. Reports of cases, from and including decisions of June 3, 1904, to May 30, 1905; with notes, references and index; by Ervin A. Bedell, state rep. v. 179-181. Alb., J. B. Lyon Co., 1905. C. O. shp., ea., $2.50. New York. Cts. of record. Miscellaneous reports; cases decided other than the court of appeals and the appellate division of the supreme court, including the appellate term of the supreme court for the hearing of appeals from the city court of N. Y. for the boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx and the municipal courts of the city of N. Y. for the boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx; special terms and trial terms of the supreme court, city court of N. Y., the court of general sessions of the peace in and for the city and county of N. Y., county courts, and of the surrogates' courts; Rob. G. Scherer, v. 42-46. Alb., J. B. Lyon Co., 1904. c. '05. O. shp., ea., $2. New York. Criminal reports; reports of cases decided in all the courts of the state, rep. NEW YORK together with leading cases from other jurisdictions, involving questions of law and practice, with notes and references; by C: H. Mills. v. 18. Alb., W. C. Little & Co., 1905. c. 20+624 p. O. shp., $5.50. New York. Decisions and citations: analyzed New York decisions and citations, 18921904, covering all duplicate reports: a table of cases decided, affirmed, reversed, cited, criticised, disapproved, distinguished, followed or overruled, with analysis of each citation, criticism, etc., by Ja. G. Greene. Rochester, N. Y., Williamson Law Book Co., 1905. c. 1984 p. 8°, shp., $10. "Supplementing Benjamin's table of cases, 1887 1892." New York. A digest of statutes and reports from Jan. 1, 1904, to Jan. 1, 1905; with tables of statutes, constitutional provisions, rules of court, and cases cited; being a continuation of Abbott's N. Y. digest by Ja. MacGregor Smith. N. Y., Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1905. c. 28+419 p. O. shp., $5. New York. Digest of the reports and session laws of the state for 1904, including all the decisions of the courts of the state published during that period, and a full synopsis of all acts passed by the legislature, and being the annual of the monthly digest, rev. and rearr. Alb., J. B. Lyon Co., 1905. c. 28+733 p. O. (Combined off. N. Y. digest.) shp., $4.50. New York. Domestic relations law, real property law, personal property law, wills law of the state, as amended to Jan. 1, 1905. Alb., Matthew Bender & Co., 1905. C. (various paginations.) O. pap., 50 c. New York. Forest, fish and game law relating to the forest preserve, fish, game, and the Adirondacks and international parks, enacted by the legislature of 1900 and amended by the legislature of 1905. bany, N. Y., Matthew Bender, 1905. C. 155 p. S. pap., 50 c. Al New York. An index to the mortgage tax law; an act to amend the tax law in relation to the taxation of debts secured by mortgages, passed 1905. N. Y., Guaranty Trust Co. of N. Y., [1905.] c. 23 p. nar. D. pap., gratis. New York insurance law: being the statutory revision of the laws affecting insurance companies enacted in 1892, with all amendments to and including 1905; embracing also the statutory construction law, general corporation and stock corporation laws, general amendments to insurance laws, provisions of penal code applicable and general tax law of 1896 as amended to 1905: prepared by Andrew Hamilton. Alb., Banks & Co., 1905. c. irregular paginations, O. buckram, $2. New York. The laws of N. Y. state relating to general, religious and non-business corporations, taxation and exemption, Sunday observance, marriage and divorce, with revisers' notes, citations, [etc.;] by Rob. C. Cumming and Frank B. Gilbert; comp. for use of clergymen and trustees of religious C. corporations by Rev. H. E. Waugh. 11th ed. Albany, N. Y., Banks & Co., 1905. 13+321 p. O. canvas, bound with N. Y. tax laws, $1.50. New York. Mason on highways; containing the New York highway law and all constitutional and general statutory provisions relating to highways, highway officers, their powers and duties. 4th ed. Albany, N. Y., Banks & Co., 1905. c. 32+322 p. O. shp., $2.50. Includes the good roads law of 1898 and 1901 and the motor vehicle law of 1904, all amended to the end of the session of 1905, with annotations and forms. New York. Membership and religious corporations; cont. the new membership and church corporation laws as revised by the statutory revision commission and enacted by the legislature of 1895, the former laws repealed thereby, and supplemental acts and code provisions relating to such corporations, thoroughly annot., [etc.,] together with forms; by Rob. C. Cumming and Frank B. Gilbert; rev. by Albert J. Danaher. Alb., Banks & Co., 1905. 13+513 p. O. canvas, (bound with above "the tax law of the state of N. Y.," 201 p.) $2.50. C. New York. The penal code of the state: being chapter 676 of the laws of 1881, as amended by the laws of 1882-1905, inclusive, with notes, forms and index; ed. by Amasa J. Parker, jr. N. Y., Banks Law Pub. Co., 1905. c. 4+349 p. S. limp mor., *$2 net. New York. The penal code of the state in force Dec. 1, 1882, as amended by laws of 1882-1905; with notes of decisions to date, a table of sources, and a full index. 24th rev. ed. Alb., Banks & Co., 1905. c. 13+312 p. D. canvas, $2. New York. Penal code, including the amendments made by the legislature of 1905, by C. D. Rust. 19th ed., 1905. Alb., Matthew Bender & Co., 1905. c. 27+ 196 p. D. flex. im. alligator, $3.50. New York. Revised statutes, codes and general laws of the state; cont, the text of the general laws passed at the sessions of 1902 to 1905, inclusive; also tables of changes in the 3d ed. of Birdseye's Revised statutes, and of all decisions on the codes and general statutes to June 1, 1905; with historical and explanatory notes, and a full index and table of the statutes contained herein; by Clarence F. Birdseye: Supplement to the 3d ed. N. Y., Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1905. c. 1058 p. O. shp., $6.50. New York. Statutory revision of the laws affecting banks, banking and trust companies enacted in 1892 and amended in 18931905; including the banking law, the general corporation law and stock corporation law complete as amended, the statutory construction law, general amendments to bank law, and tax law as amended, 1905; indexed; prepared by Andrew Hamilton. Alb., Banks & Co., 1905. various paginations, O. buckram, $2; pap., $1.50. C. NEW YORK New York. Statutory revision of the laws of New York affecting miscellaneous corporations enacted in 1892; indexed with amendments of 1905; prepared by And. Hamilton. Albany, N. Y., Banks & Co., 1905. c. 8+201 p. O. buckram, $2. act of Includes the business corporation law, the general corporation law and stock corporation law, complete as amended. The statutory construction law, general amendments to corporation law of 1892 and 1893, with the transportation corporation 1890' and penal code provisions, and membership corporation law, including cemetery corporations. fire corporations, corporations for prevention of cruelty to animals, (etc.,) and tax law as amended 1905. New York. Statutory revision of the laws affecting railroads, enacted in 1892 and amended in 1893-1905, [etc.;] indexed, prepared by Andrew Hamilton. Alb., Banks & Co., 1905. c. various paginations, O. pap., $1.50. New York supplement, v. 90, (New York state reporter, v. 124.) Permanent ed., Nov. 14, 1904-Jan. 2, 1905. St. Paul, West Pub. Co., 1905. C. 22-1202 p. O. (National reporter system, N. Y. supp. and state reporter.) shp., $4. Contains the decisions of the supreme and lower courts of N. Y. State. With tables of N. Y. Supp. cases in vs. 95, 96, appellate division report; 44. misc. reports. A table of statutes construed 18 given in the index. New York supplement, v. 91, (New York state reporter, v. 125.) Permanent ed., Jan. 9-Feb. 27, 1905. St. Paul, West Pub. Co., 1905. c. 34+1185 p. O. (National reporter system, N. Y. supp. and state reporter.) shp., $4. Contains the decisions of the supreme and lower courts of record of N. Y. state. With table of N. Y. supp. cases that have been passed upon by the court of appeals. A table of statutes construed is given in the index. New York supplement, v. 92, (New York state reporter, v. 126.) Permanent ed., Mar. 6-May 1, 1905. St. Paul, West Pub. Co., 1905. c. 22+1232 p. O. (National reporter system, N. Y. supp. and state reporter.) shp., $4. Contains the decisions of the supreme and lower courts of record of N. Y. state. With tables of N. Y. supp. cases in vs. 97, 98, appellate division reports; 14, N. Y. annot. cases. A table of statutes construed is given in the index. New York supplement, v. 93, (New York state reporter, v. 127.) Permanent ed., May 8June 19, 1905. St. Paul, West Pub. Co., 1905. c. 30+1230 p. O. (National reporter system, state ser.) shp., $4. Contains the decisions of the supreme and lower courts of record of N. Y. State. With table of N. Y. supp. cases that have been passed upon by the court of appeals. Also, tables of N. Y. supp. cases in vs. 99, 100, appellate division reports. table of statutes construed is given in the index. A New York supplement, v. 94, (New York state reporter, v. 128.) Permanent ed., June 26Sept. 4, 1905. St. Paul, West Pub. Co., 1905. C. 19+1254 p. O. (National reporter system, N. Y. supp. and state reporter.) shp., $4. Contains the decisions of the supreme and lower courts of record of N. Y. State. With tables of N. Y. supp. cases in vs. 101, 102, appellate division rereports. ports; 45, misc, reports; 34, N. Y, civil procedure A table of statutes construed is given in the index. New York. Supreme ct. Reports of cases in the appellate division; Marcus T. Hun, rep. V. 93-103. (Off. ed.,) 1904-1905. Alb., J. B. Lyon Co., [1905.] c. O. shp., ea., *$3 net. New York. Surrogates' cts. Reports of cases, with annots.; ed. by Willard S. Gibbons. v. I. Alb., W. C. Little & Co., 1905. c. 35+643 p. O. shp., $5.50. New York. The tax law of the state: being L. 1896, chap. 908, entitled "An act in relation to taxation, constituting chapter 24 of the general laws," with all amendments and additions thereto passed during the legislative sessions of 1897 to 1901, both inclusive, including the mortgage tax act of 1905, the stock transfer act of 1905, and the new revision of 1905 of the article on taxable transfers; completely indexed, 1905. Complete ed. N. Y., Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1905. C. 201 p. O. pap., $1. New York. The transfer tax law of the state: being article 10 of chap. 24 of the general laws as enacted by chap. 908, laws of 1896, with the amendments thereto, and as amended and re-enacted by chap. 368 of the laws of 1905 in effect June 1, 1905; with annots, and references, together with a table of cases and forms, by G: W. McElroy. Alb., Matthew Bender & Co., 1905. c. 30+509 p. O. buckram, $4. New York. The village law of the state, with all amendments to date, including those made by the legislature of 1905; forms and annots. complete, [etc.;] by Amasa J. Parker, jr.: rev. by Albert J. Danaher. 4th ed. Alb., Banks & Co., 1905. c. 4+201 p. O. canvas, $2. New York. White and Kemble's analysis of the state law relative to savings bank investments and its application. N. Y., White & Kemble, [1905.] c. 7+54 p. f°, limp leatherette, $15. New York [City.] Supplement to the Greater New York charter, 1902-1905; cont. all amendments and additions enacted by the legislature since the adoption of the charter in 1901, together with decisions of the courts construing the various sections thereof; arr. and annot. by Rob. C. Cumming. Rochester, N. Y., Lawyers' Co-op. Pub. Co., 1905. c. 3+185 p. Q. buckram, $2. New York [City.] Municipal ct. Law and practice of the municipal court of the city of New York, [etc.,] by G: F. and J. C. Julius Langbein. Supp. to the 5th ed. N. Y., Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1905. c. 147 P. O. pap., $1. New York and New Jersey corporation laws; cont. in parallel columns brief comparative statements of the New Jersey "act concerning corporation" of 1896, "act concerning corporations not for pecuniary profit," and other general acts relating to corporations; with amendments to date, [etc.,] by W: Harman Black. 2d ed. N. Y., Corporations Organization, 1904. C. 55+195 p. O. buckram, $3. NEWTON New York Public Library. List of works relating to Ireland, the Irish language and literature, etc. N. Y., [New York Public Library,] 1905. C. 122 p. 8°, cl., $3. New York State Library. A selection from the best books of 1904; with notes. Albany, N. Y., New York State Education Department, 1905. 503-543 p. O. (New York State Library bulletin, 96, bibliography, 39.) pap., 10 c. Newark Free Public Library, comp. A thousand of the best novels. Newark, N. J., Newark Free Public Library, 1904. 48 p. D. pap., 10 c. A carefully selected list of novels brought up to date, with author, title, price and publisher. Sup. plemented with a list of stories for young people, a list of folk-lore, myths and fairy tales and Books of Humor. Newcomb, Harry Turner. Who owns the railroads? Wash., D. C., Press of the Crane Co., 1905. 13 p. S. pap., gratis. Newcomb, Simon. A statistical inquiry into the probability of causes of the production of sex in human offspring. Wash., D. C., Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1904. c. 34 p. Q, (Carnegie institution of Washington publication.) pap., 25 c. Newcomer, Alphonso Gerald. English literature. Chic., Scott, Foresman & Co., 1905. c. 445 p. il. pors. D. cl., $1.25. Newcomer, Alphonso Gerald, and Seward, S, jr. Rhetoric in practice. N. Y., H: Holt & Co., 1905. 12+285 p. 12°, cl., 90 c. Newell, W: R. Confessing Christ, the duty and privilege of every Christian. Chic., Bible Institute Colportage Assoc., [1905.] c. 48 p. D. pap., 15 c.; cheaper ed. without Musical studies: essays. N. Y., J: Lane Co., 1905. 12°, cl., *$1.50 COV., 5 C. Newman, Ernest. net. Newman, G, M.D. Bacteriology and public health. 3d ed., rev. Phil., P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1904. 497 p. il. col. pls., 8°, cl., *$5 net. Newman, J: H:, (Cardinal.) Poems; Valdesso's divine considerations. N. Y., Macmillan, 1905. T. (Sacred treasury lib.) cl., *75 c. net; leath., *$1 net. Newson, H: Byron. ondary schools. 3+19 p. diagrs., Newth, G: S. A text-book of inorganic chemistry; [with appendix.] 11th ed. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1905. 724+55 p. D. cl., $2; appendix bound separately, 56 p. D. pap., 25 c. Graphic algebra for secBost., Ginn, [1905.] c. 12°, pap., 10 c. 15+ Nicholl, Edith M., [Mrs. Bowyer.] The human touch: a tale of the great southwest; il. by C: Copeland. Bost., Lothrop Publishing Co., [1905. Ap.] c. 4+409 p. D. cl., +$1.50. A man who had made riches and reputation as a "cattle king" let his discontented wife go on an indefinite trip to Europe. She was reported drowned. He married an ideal woman and within a year his first wife returned. The second wife takes up her abode in the West, as her own people discard her, and spends her life helping fight the battles against the cattle king's enemies. The end is happy after much tribulation and by aid of much exciting horsemanship. Nichols, Clark A. Treatise on pleading and practice in the courts of record of New York; including pleading and practice in actions generally and in special actions and proceedings and appellate procedure; with forms. vs. 2 and 3. Albany, M. Bender, 1905. C. O. shp., ea., $6. Nichols, Harry Peirce, D.D. The temporary and the permanent in New Testament revelation: the Bohlen lectures for 1905. N. Y., T: Whittaker, [1905.] c. 12+248 p. D. cl., *$1.25 net. A course of six lectures delivered in Philadelphia by the rector of the Holy Trinity Church, New York. The line of argument followed is given as follows: "I shall try to show that a written revelation necessarily involves temporary features, to be reckoned with and discarded. Taking up the Person of Christ, of whose work and word the revelation is witness, I shall ask you to study the temporary features involved of necessity in the Incarnation, and then those to be found and separated from the very Teachings of Christ Himself. The methods and conclusions of St. Paul's Theology will be our next study. Nichols, J: H. Sprinkling and music. Nashville, Tenn., Publishing House of Methodist Episcopal Church, South, (Smith & Lamar, Agts.,) 1905. c. 32 p. D. pap., 10 C. Nicholson, Ja. W. New intermediate arith metic. N. Y., University Publishing Co, [1905.] c. 6+137 p. il. (Nicholson's mathematical ser.) diagrs., bds., 35 c. Nicholson, Ja. W. New primary arithmetic. New ed. N. Y., University Publishing Co., [1905.] C. 112 P. il. 12°, (Nicholson's mathematical ser.) bds., 18 c. Nicholson, Jos. Shield. The history of the English corn laws. N. Y., Scribner, [imported,] 1905. 6--188 p. 12°, (Scribner's social science ser.) cl., $1. Nicholson, Meredith. The house of a thousand candles: il. by Howard Chandler Christy. Indianapolis, Ind., Bobbs-Merrill Co., [1905. N.] c. 6+382 p. D. cl., $1.50. By the terms of his grandfather's will, Jack Glenarm, a confirmed globe-trotter, was to spend one year shut up in a candle-lighted palace in Indiana. If he left his place of exile all his money would go to a beautiful strange girl. If he married the girl the money would go to charity. Jack's splendid prison proves full of mysteries, and the greatest of surprises changes all the conditions. Nicoll, Rev. W: Robertson. The garden of nuts. N. Y., A. C. Armstrong & Son, 1905. 12°, cl., $1.25. Nieberg-Wagner, Mathilde. Einst und jetzt: Gedichte. N. Y., G. E. Stechert & Co., [1905.] 7+98 p. S. cl., *$1 net. NOBLE Niedermeyer, L, and Ortigue, Jos. Gregorian accompaniment: a theoretical and practical treatise upon the accompaniment of plainsong; with an appendix containing: I. The various tones for the Psalms and Canticles, and for the Gloria Patri at the Introit. II. Plainsong melodies in the eight modes, with examples of transposition; rev. and tr. into English by Wallace Goodrich. N. Y., Novello, Ewer & Co., [1905.] c. 12+97 p. 8°, cl., $1.50. Nissen, Hartvig. Practical massage in twenty lessons; with original il. Phil., F. A. Davis Co., 1905. 8+168 p. il. D. cl., *$1 net. Nissenson, H. Arrangement of electrolytic laboratories with special reference to the requirements of metallurgical practice; authorized translation by Jos. W. Richards. Easton, Pa., Chemical Publishing Co., 1905. c. 81 p. il. diagrs., 8°, (Monographs of applied electrochemistry.) cl., $1.25. Nitchie, E: Bartlett. Lessons in lip-reading for self-instruction. N. Y., Surdus Publishing Co., 1905. c. 3-126 p. O. cl., $1. Not designed for deaf-mutes, but for the hard-ofhearing, or those who have become deaf after learning to speak. It is hoped that it may enable students to master lip-reading without the help of a teacher. It is also meant to replace the author's previous book, "Self-instructor in lip-reading," upon which it is a decided advance. Nitobé, Inazo Ota. Bushido, the soul of Japan: an exposition of Japanese thought; with an introd. by W: Eliot Griffis. 10th ed., rev. and enl. N. Y., Putnam, 1905. 25+203 p. D. cl., **$1.25 net. C. Nixon, Courtland. Adjutants' manual. N. Y., J: Wiley & Sons, 1905. c. 6+135 p. 16°, cl., $1: Nixon, 0: Woodson. Whitman's ride through savage lands with sketches of Indian life; introd. by Ja. G. K. McClure. Chic., Winona Publishing Co., 1905. 3186 P. il. pors. D. cl., *$1 net. Marcus Whitman was born in New York State in 1802. In 1836 he was sent by the American Board to Oregon as missionary physician. He studied conditions, then went to Washington and pleaded with the government to secure Oregon for the United States. To prove it feasible he started with a train of wagons and settlers for the Far Northwest. He was murdered by Indians in 1847. Author writes enthusiastically of the great work done by the missionaries half a century ago. The Noble, E: The edge of circumstance: a story of the sea. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1905. c. 10+361 p. D. cl., +$1.50. Messrs. Joseffs, Arnn & Schlange, London merchants, have built a ship in which all kinds of patents and inventions are to take the place of sailors. few needed are to be paid upon a coöperative plan. An old style captain and a first-class Scotch engineer sail the ship and find it impossible to run her in safety manned by machinery, patents and labour-saving appliances and a crew that speaks in Her tongues of which the officers know nothing. adventures make a story in which no woman appears. Noble, Esther Gideon. Macbeth: a warning against superstition. Bost., [R: G. Badger,] 1905. c. 35 p. D. cl., $1. The author considers that the great message conveyed by the tragedy Macbeth is a warning against superstition, or a perversion of the imagination. Noble, Franklin, D.D., comp. Thoughts for the occasion: fraternal and benevolent; |