BOOK PRODUCTION IN 1905. INDEX AND CATALOGUE. The titles for all classes are indexed to December 30, 1905. The entries are indexed on cards by names of proprietors and titles. The total catalogue cards for the calendar year 1905 number 186,413, and these are added to the general alphabetical index, now containing about 1,278,404 cards. xi the library, but for the six months of the year Fees Earned and Appropriations for Service, Copy- FEES RECEIVED. July 1, 1897, to June 30, 1898. July 1, 1903, to June 30, 1904. Of the cards added to the general index of copyright entries during the year 7090 were for books and were supplied by the Catalogue Division of the Library of Congress. The great and steady growth of this card index is shown at a glance by a comparison of the number of cards added during the last five years: 1901-122,007; 1902-146,317; 1903-July 1, 1995, to Dec. 30, 1905.. 163,226; 1904-174,164; 1905—186,413. The total number of cards in the index is now considerably over one million, and at the present rate of increase every five years or so a million additional cards will be added. "CATALOGUE OF TITLE ENTRIES." Four quarterly volumes of 13 numbers each were published, containing 5421 pages of octavo print. The volumes of the Catalogue of Title Entries now printed are as follows: July 1, 1891, to December 31, 1897, 13 semi-annual volumes; January, 1898, to December, 1905, 32 quarterly volumes, or 45 volumes in all, of which the last twenty are provided with quarterly indexes. ARTICLES DEPOSITED. Catalogued, Stamped, and Credited, as follows: Class A. Books: (a) Books and pamphlets, to De cember 30, 1905. (b) Booklets, leaflets, etc., to De- (c) Periodical contributions, to De- B. Periodicals, to December 30, 1905. 1905. $55,926.50 58,267.00 65,206.00 63,687.50 64,687.00 68,874.50 72,629.00 78,058.00 37,438.50 Excess of fees over expenditure for service for 8 years, 6 months...... $99.935-39 The appropriations for 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, and the first half of the fiscal year 1906 include the sum of $25,740 to be used in D. Dramatic compositions, to December 26, bringing up the arrears of work prior to July xii BOOK PRODUCTION IN 1905. and these articles therefore represent an annual acquisition of property to the value of many thousands of dollars. The deposited articles for the last five calendar years were as follows: 1901, 161,980; 1902, 173,234; 1903, 180,527; 1904, 192,528; 1905, 213,498; total, 921,767. Of these articles one copy is sent for the use of the public to the Reading Room, the Law Library, the Division of Maps, the Prints Division, or the Music Division, while the other is filed in the Copyright Office. This latter collection now contains 1,508,707 publications received under the operation of the copyright laws from July 10, 1870, to December 30, 1905, including 177,939 books, 287,997 pam phlets and leaflets, 13,449 dramas, 347,395 musical compositions, 32,895 maps and charts, 803 atlases, 54,448 chromos and lithographs, 184,487 photographs and stereograms, and 113,091 engravings. The total number of registrations made in the Copyright Office from July 10, 1870, (the date of the first registration,) to December 30, 1905, thirty-five and a half years, is 1,686,589, while the total applied fees for these entries amount to $1,216,786.81. Of this amount $652,012.81 was reported for copyright fees for the twenty-seven years from July 10, 1870, to June 30, 1897, and $564,774 for the applied fees for the last eight and one-half years from July 1, 1897, to December 30, 1905. IN EUROPE. ENGLAND. THE total number of books reported by the London Publishers' Circular during 1905 is almost the same as in 1904-only four score fewer. "The number of theological books," according to our English contemporary, "in spite of a fall of thirty in November, shows an increase on the year, due more to Francis of Assisi, Thomas à Kempis, and other devotional authors, than to Torrey and Alexander or Church and Education. The number of educational works is a hundred down, so is that of political and commercial books and of reprinted novels. The issue of new novels is almost to a unit the same as last The number of law year (1731-1733). books reported is practically unchanged, so is that of books on the arts and sciences, and that of biographical and historical works. In belles-lettres [the Publishers' Circular's] previous table showed a falling off of nearly a hundred, but this table shows an increase of one hundred and sixty-one. A slight increase is shown in books on journeyings and geography, poetry books and dramatic works, year books and serials, medical and surgical works. But for Africa and for the. FRANCE. THE number of books published in France during 1905, as recorded by the Bibliographie de la France was 12,416, or 277 more than in 1904. The number of musical publications recorded in 1905 was 6197, as against 6429 in 1904, and the number of engravings, lithographs and photographs recorded in 1905 was 738, or 189 less than in 1904. As pointed out last year, in order to determine the exact number of books as distinguished from pamphlets, theses, leaflets and similar minor pub 1904. 1905. New Books. New Editions. New Books. New Editions. 8 235 568 98 665 80 694 142 642 1731 817 1733 55 48 56 92 630 594 181 502 135 458 74 522 49 229 60 234 73 540 113 557 79 309 98 361 112 A. L. A. Abbatt. Acorn. Acme. Acme Pub. Adams, C: L Advocate Pr. Co. Ala. Hist. Soc. Alaska Club. Alcolm. Alden Bros. Alexander. Alexander, S. H. Allen, L. & S. Allen, O. P. Allyn & B. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. Am. Antiquarian. Am. Architect. Am. Bapt. DIRECTORY OF PUBLISHERS Issuing Books in 1905. American Library Association Pub. Board....101⁄2 Beacon St., Boston Abbatt, William. Acorn Press.... Acme Publishing Co. Acme Publishing Co.... .281 Fourth Ave., New York. Adam, George (San Francisco News Co.). Adams, Hamilton... Alabama Historical Society. Alcolm Co. Alden Bros. Alexander & Co... Allen, Lane & Scott. Allen, Orrin Peer. Allyn & Bacon... ...Oak Park, Ill. .Morgantown, W. Va. .Seattle, Wash. .San Francisco. .286 Boylston St., Boston. Washington, D. C. Jamaica Plain, Mass. .Berrien Springs, Mich .378-388 Wabash Ave., Chicago. .Montgomery, Ala. .200 Broadway, New York. .84 Bible House, New York. .214 Washington St., Boston. Madison, Wis. .311 Jackson St., St. Paul, Minn. .Annapolis, Md. ..452 Fulton St., Troy, N. Y. 1211-1213 Clover St.. Philadelphia. Palmer, Mass. .172 Tremont St., Boston. Altemus, Henry, Co.. 507-513 Cherry St., Philadelphia. American Acad. of Pol, and Social Science.....Station B, Philadelphia. American Antiquarian Society. .440 57th St., Chicago. American Architect.... Times Bldg., 42d St. and Broadway, New York. American Baptist Publication Society..1630 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. American Book Co.... ......100 Washington Sq., E., New York. Am. Carpet and Up- American Carpet and Upholstery Journal. .41 Union Sq., W., New York holstery. Am. Bk. |