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From out the flame: story of the re-creation. 05 (D23) por. 12°, **$1 net. Burrill, Kath.



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Am. Bapt.

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-Dixon. William Penn.


Corner stones: "that our daughters may be
as corner stones, polished after the simil--Adam. Gen. R. E. Lee.
itude of a palace." '05 (Ja7) 12°, *$1.25



Shell gatherers: [essays.] '05 (D9) 12°, *$1.25 net.

Burroughs, J:


Ways of nature. '05 (021) por. D. **$1.10 Houghton, M. & Co.


BURROUGHS, John. Barrus, C. Retreat of a poet naturalist. *50 c. net.

Burroughs, Jos. Birkbeck, M.D.


Titan, son of Saturn, the coming world emperor. Ed. de luxe.

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'05 (D9) 12°, Emeth.

Americus Vespucius.

-Schmucker. Daniel Webster. Burt's home lib. il. 12°, †$1. -Arblay. Evelina.




Gosse. Romance of natural history. Burt's little women ser. il. 12°, †75 c. -Corning. Miss Eliot's girls. Burt's Wellesley ser. 12°, †75 c. -Benning. Benhurst Club.-Miss Charity's house.

-Cumings. Happy discipline.

-Harris. Bertha's summer boarders.
-Rouse. Almost a genius.

-Thorne. Ruth Prentice.

Burt's young patriot ser. il. 12°, †$1. Burt. Piano primer; rev. and corr. ed., with add., Chipman. Tory's revenge.

by F: F. Bullard. '05 (Ap15) D. (Music-Kaler. When Washington served the king. students' lib.) 50 c.

[blocks in formation]

Builders of our nation. '05 (Ag5) il. maps, 8°, (New era ser.) 60 c. Eaton & Co. Hist. of the U. S. New 3d ed. '05 (Apr) il. pors. map, O. (New era ser.) 80 c. Eaton & Co. Burton, C: Pierce. Boys of Bob's Hill. '05 (Apr) il. D. †$1.25. Holt. Burton, Ernest De Witt.

Some principles of literary criticism and their application to the synoptic problem. '05 (Ja21) Q. (Univ. of Chic. decennial pubs.; pr. fr. v. 5.) pap., *$1 net.

Univ. of Chic. Burton manor. Brown, M. V. $1.10. B'way Pub. T. limp Burton.

Burton's pocket ser. for students. leath., 75 c.

-Sandzen. Physical diagnosis of diseases of the chest.

Burt's Cornell ser. 12°, †75 c.
-Baring-Gould. Eve.-Noemi.


-Boothby. Bid for fortune.-Dr. Nikola.

Dr. Nikola's experiment.

-Cross. Humble enterprise.-My guardian.
-Gissing. In the year of jubilee.
-Hector. Winning hazard.
-Jokai. Timar's two worlds.

-Needell. Stephen Ellicott's daughter.
-Raine. Torn sails.

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Byles, C. E.

Life and letters of Robert Stephen Hawker, sometime Vicar of Morwenstow, by his son-in-law. '05(Ap8) 8°, *$5_net. Lane. Byrne, H: E:

Practical bookkeeping. 5th ed. '05(Ag12) O. $1. Byrne Pub.

Byron, G: Gordon Noel, Lord. Complete poetical works. Cambridge ed. '05 (S30) il. por. O. (Cambridge ed. of the poets.) $3; hf. cf., $5; hf. mor., $6; tree cf. or full levant, $7.50.

Houghton, M. & Co. Confessions; arr. by W. A. L. Bettany. '05 (Jl22) 8°, *$2.50 net. Scribner.

Prisoner of Chillon, Mazeppa, and other selections; ed., with introd. and notes, by C: M. Stebbins. '05 (07) (Students' ser. of Eng. classics, Handy ed.) 25 c. Sibley. Byrum, Enoch Edn. Travels and experiences in other lands. '05 (Je3) il. 8°, $1.50; hf. leath., $2; mor., $2.50. Gospel Trumpet. Byrum, Isabel Coston.

Beautiful stories from the good old Book. '05 (Mr11) il. O. $1. Gospel Trumpet. BYZANTINE EMPIRE, Holmes, W: G. Theodora. V. I.

Age of Justinian and *$3 net. Macmillan. See also Julian the Apostate;-Rome. Cabell, Ja. Branch.

The line of love. '05 (O14) col. il. O. †$2. Harper.

Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nuñez. Journey of Cabeza de Vaca and his companions from Florida to the Pacific, 15281536; tr. fr. his own narr. by Fanny Bandelier; with the rept. of Father Marcos of Nizza and letter from the Viceroy Mendoza; ed., with an introd., by Ad. F. Bandelier. '05 (Je24) il. map, S. (Trail makers ser.) **$1 net. Barnes. Cabin plan book. Schock, E. B. $1. Rudder. Cabinet of blue and purple and gold. Anderson, Mrs. M. M. 75 c. Cabot, Mrs. Carolyn Sturgis Channing, ed. B'way Pub. Football grandma: an auto-baby-ography as told by Tony; introd. by T: W. Higginson. '05 (D9) sq. O. *$i net. Small.

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Cache la Poudre. Myrick, H. $1.50;


net. Judd.

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Am. Bk.

Episodes from the Gallic and the civil wars; introd., notes and vocab. by M. W. Mather. '05 (S30) il. pors. map, D. (Morris and Morgan's Latin ser.) $1.25. First four books Cæsar's commentaries [on the Gallic war;] introd., notes, and vocab. by Alb. Harkness. [Students' ed.] '05 (D16) D. hf. leath., $1. Am. Bk. Gallic war. bks. 1-7; notes and vocab. by G: Stuart; rev. by F. H. Lee. '05 (S2) il. map. (Chase & Stuart's new classical ser.) $1. Hinds. Gallic war. See also Peck, R. E.-St. Clair, W: T:

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Caldwell, Augustine, [and others.] John Caldwell and Sarah Dillingham Caldwell, his wife, Ipswich, Mass., 1654; genealog. records of their descendants, 1900. '05 (Mr11) il. pors. 8°, $1. A. Caldwell. Caldwell, W: Alex., M.D.

Ten thousand on a life. '05 (Je3) por. 12°, $1.50. Neale. CALDWELL FAMILY.

Caldwell, A., and others. John Caldwell and Sarah Dillingham Caldwell, his wife, Ipswich, Mass., 1654: genealog. records. $1. A. Caldwell. Caldwell's character and wisdom ser. 12°, Caldwell. Peters. Man who wins. 50 c.; ooze, $1. Caldwell's illustrated animal autobiographical ser. 12°, $1.50. -Bragdon. Pup.

--Clifford. Yoppy.
-Welsh. Neddy.
Caldwell's Pleasant Street ser.

Street ser.


See Pleasant

Caldwell's red letter lib. 16°, $1; pap., 50 c. Caldwell.

-Carleton. Stories.

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Emerson, R. W. Through the year with Emerson. $1.50.


Lakeside Press. Blue Monday book. P. Elder. Catch words of good McClurg.

Farr, L. G. S. Ideal and real, the students' calendar. $1. Haines, J. D., comp. **75 c. net. Hubbard, S. A., comp. cheer. *$1 net. Huebsch, B: W. Year-bk: a diary. *25 c. net; $3.50 net. B: W. Huebsch. Laird & Lee's perpetual date bk. 75 c.; 35 C. Laird.

Martineau, J. Year book: extracts from sermons. 75 c.; $1.

J. H. West.

Moreland, M. L. Under His wings: [Bible quotations.] 50 c. Mumford, E. W., and cynic's calendar of **75 c. net.

Psychological year book. net; **$1.50 net.

M. L. Moreland. others. Complete revised

wisdom. P. Elder.

**50 c. net; **$1 P. Elder.

Salter, W: Words of life for 1905. $1. McClurg.

Spalding, J: L. Year-book. *75 c. net. McClurg. Stough, Mrs. H. R., comp. A mother's year: selections. *$1.25 net. Revell. Taylor, M. S. Wayside thoughts. $1. Magnet See also Almanacs and annuals;-Birthday books; -also under special subjects.

Calhoun, Alfr. R.

Love's trials. '05 (D30) 12°, (Eagle lib.) pap., 10 c. Street & S. Calhoun, Alice J.

When yellow jasmine blooms. '05 (Je3) 12°, $1.50 Neale.

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W. W. Shannon.
Hdbk. of the trees of Cal.
Cal. Acad. Sci.

Gold hunters of Cal. $1.50.

James, G: W. In and out of the old mis-
sions of California. **$3 net.



Call-ace euchre. Foster, R. F. 75 c.

Call and qualifications of a missionary. Hen-
drix, E. R. 1O C.
Mission. Tr. Sch.
Call of to-day. Lucas. A. H. *50 c. net.

Callaway, Fes. Bennett.

Bee's flower children. '05 (S30) il. 12°,
Am. Tr.
Calm, C: Emil.

Sulphurous acid and sulphites as food pre-
servatives '05 (Jero) il. O. pap., $1.
Hygeian Chemical.
Calmire: man and nature; by the author of
Sturmsee. 5th ed., rev. and enl. '05 (Je17)
8°, +$1.50.
Calthorp, Rev. S: R.

God and his world:
'05 (Ag5) por. D.

Calverley, C: Stuart.

Little, B. & Co.
Kroeber, A. L. Basket designs of Indians
of Northwestern_Cal. 75 c.-Languages | Calvary. Chambré, A.
of the coast of Cal. south of San Fran-
cisco. 60 c.-Types of Indian culture in
Cal. 25 c.
Univ. of Cal.
Merriam, J: C. The thalattosauria: group
of marine reptiles fr. the triassic of Cal.
75 c.
Cal. Acad. Sci.
Mitchell, E. P. Pract. poultry plant for
southern Cal. $1.25.
Out West.
Osmont, S. C. Arcas of the Cal. neocene.
15 c.-Geological sect. of the coast ranges
north of Bay of San Francisco. 40 c.
Univ. of Cal.
Parsons, M. E. Wild flowers of Cal. *$2
Saunders, Mrs. E. H. California wild
flowers. $1.50.

Stewart, G. A. Exam. questions for ad-
mission to practice by appellate ct. of
Cal. $2; $2.50.

See also La Jolla;-Martinez;-Mineral King;-
Pinnacles;-Potter Creek;-Sacramento valley:
-San Diego.

California Academy of Sciences. 8°, pap.
Cal. Acad. Sci.
-Eastwood. Handbook of the trees of Cali-
fornia. $2.

75 c.

-Merriam. The thalattosauria.
-Van Denburgh. Reptiles and amphibians
of the islands of the Pacific coast. 50 c.
California State Normal School pubs., bulle-
tin. il. 8°.
W. W. Shannon.

School gardens for California

schools. 50 c. California state ser. 12°.

T: J. Kirk.

-Cyr. Children's primer. 20 c.-Children's second reader. 28 c.

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Call, Annie Payson.
Freedom of life. '05 (Mr25) D. **$1.25 net.

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Calverley verses, fly leaves and translations. '05 (Je17) 16o, (Bell's pocket classics.) *50 c. net. Macmillan. Calvert, Alb. F: Life of Miguel de ary ed. '05 (My13) Moorish remains in ville, and Toledo. *$15 net. CALVINISM.

Richards, W: R.
**$1.50 net.

Cervantes. Tercenten12°, *$1.25 net. Lane. Spain: Cordova, Se'05 (D23) col. il. 8. Lane.

God's choice of men.

See also Congregational church; - Presbyterian

Cambridge, Ada.

See Cross, Mrs. A. C.


Stubbs, C: W: Story of Cambridge. $2; $2.50. Macmillan. Cambridge biological ser. il. 12°. Macmillan. -Duckworth. Morphology and anthropology. *$4.50 net.

-Ward. Trees. v. 2, 3. ea., *$1.50 net.
Cambridge English classics. 12°. Macmillan.
-Ascham. English works. *$1.50 net.
-Beaumont and Fletcher.
*$1.50 net.




-Bunyan. Life and death of Mr. Badman. *$1.50 net.

Butler. Hudibras. *$1.50.

-Prior. Writings. V. I. *$1.50 net.
-Scott. Fortunes of Nigel.-Ivanhoe-
Woodstock. ea., *60 c. net.

Cambridge historical essays. 12°.


-Bain. Scandinavia. *$2 net.
-Marshall. Second Athenian confederacy.
*$1 net.

Cambridge natural history. See Harmer,

S. F.

Cambridge patristic texts. 8°. Macmillan.
-Dionysius. Letters and other remains.

*$2.25 net.

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Little, B. & Co.-Freund. Study of chemical composition.

Man of the world. '05 (O21) S. **50 c. net.
Little, B. & Co.

Call, W: Timothy.
R. D. Yates, checker player. '05 (014) por.
12°, $1..
Winthrop Press.

*$5.50 net.

CAMBRIDGE PRESS, (Cambridge, Mass.)
Roden, R. F. Story of the first printing
press in U. S., 1638-1692. **$5 net:
**$10 net.




Cambridge sketches. Stearns, F. P. **$1.50 Lippincott. Cambridge theological essays. 8°. Macmillan. -Swete, ed. Essays on some theological questions of the day. *$3.75 net.

Cambridge Univ. Press, rare 15th century printed books. 8°. Macmillan. -Betson. Ryght profytable treatyse compendiously drawen out of many dyvers wrytynges of holy men. *$3.75 net. -Lydgate. Temple of glass. *$4.50 net. Camden, J:

Hundredth acre. '05 (Je3) il. D. †$1.50. Turner.

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Kirkland, T: J., and Kennedy, R. M. Historic Camden. pt. 1. *$3 net.

T: J. Kirkland.

Ellis, H., ed.

and Canada. Fraser, J: F.

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Campaigning in the

French, G: H. 25 c. Campbell, Alfr. W., M.D.

Am. Sports. Burt, E: W. Forest.

Wood, C: S. Wilde.


Banking decisions of U. S.

$10; $12. Case Law. Canada as it is. $2.


Haydon, A. L. Canada, at work and at play; with chap. on Newfoundland and Labrador. $1. Cassell. Rand, McNally & Co. Industrial atlas of the Dominion of Canada. $8; $10; $12. Rand, McN. & Co. Robertson, W. G., il. French songs of old Canada. *$10 net. Dutton. Tiffany, O. E: Relations of the U. S. to the Canadian rebellion of 1837-1838. $1. O. E: Tiffany. United States and Canada. Fire insurance laws, taxes, and fees, 1905. $5.

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Story, D. *$3 Lippincott.

Candler, Edm.

Philippine Islands. Western Pr.

Histological studies on the localization of cerebral function. '05 (D23) il. 4°, *$6 net. Macmillan.

Campbell, Douglass Houghton.

Structure and development of mosses and ferns (archegionatæ). 2d ed., rev., with add. matter. '05 (021) 8°, *$4.50 net. Macmillan.

Campbell, Hardy Webster.

Campbell's 1905 soil culture manual. [Rev. ed.] '05 (Ap8) il. D. pap., 50 c.

Campbell, Helen Le Roy. Story of little Metzu, the (J18) il. map, sq. D. world ser.) 30 c.

Campbell, Lewis.

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Paraphrase of poetry. '05 (My13) 12°, Macmillan. *35 c. net. Unveiling of Lhasa. '05(F25) il. map, O. $5. Longmans. CANDY. Jones, A. M. Homespun candies: recipes. 25 c. Rohde & H.

Thompson, H. T. Practical candy receipts.

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