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Slater, J. H. How to collect books. $2.


Book for children about our Lord Jesus

Christ. Hart, C: *$1 net.



Pennell, J. Modern illustration. $2.

Macmillan. Strange, E: F. Japanese illustration: hist. of the arts of wood-cutting and color Macmillan. printing. **$2 net.


Book of animals for drawing and painting. '05 (D2) il. obl. D. pap., 50 c. Book of baby birds. Parker, B. $1.50.


[blocks in formation]

Book of symbols. Wood, H: A. W. 50 c. W. J. Ritchie.

Book of the automobile.


Book of the ancient and accepted Scottish
rite of freemasonry. McClenachan, C: T.
C: T. McClenachan.
Sloss, R. T. **$3
Book of the lily. Goldring, W: *$1 net.
Book of the scented garden. Burbidge, F:
W: *$1 net.
Book of the spiritual life. Dilke, Lady E. F.
S. *$3 net.
Book of verses for children. Lucas, E: V.
**$1 net.
Allen, C: D.
**$2.50 net.
Brown, F. C.


American book-plates.


[blocks in formation]

Garrett, E. H. Book-plates sel. from the works of E. H. Garrett. $3.50; $6.

Stauffer, D: McN.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


books. 4 V. per set, (Sold only in sets.)

**$40 special net. Dodd.

Book treasures of Mæcenas. Bocock, J: P.


Knickerbocker Press.



Kinder, L: H. Formulas for bookbinders.
Lethwidge, A. Bookbindings of Ralph
Randolph Adams. (privately pr.)
Lit. Collector.

Booker, Fk. W:

Elem. practical building construction; stage Longmans. 1. '05 (Mr25) il. D. 90 c. Bookful of girls. Fuller, A. †$1.50.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Borland, Ja. H.

Bogle, A. M. Comprehensive bookkeeping. Macmillan. *90 c. net. Bryant, H: W. Practical bookkeeping. $1.25. Bryant & Stratton. Buchanan, W: Journal dict. and bookkeeper's proof bk. $2. W. D. Browning. Byrne, H: E: Practical bookkeeping. $1. Byrne Pub. Cleveland, F: A. Relation of auditing to public control. 25 c. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. Howe, G: A. Hints and helps to bookkeepers. 50 c. G: A. Howe. Lyons, J. A. Modern accountant. $1.

Powers. Anti-confusion busi

Sweetland, C: A: ness methods. $1; 50 c.

[blocks in formation]

A modern Socrates: a novel. '05 (Mr4) D. Eastern. $1. Borlase, Ja. Skipp.

The police minister: tale of St. Petersburg. Warne. '05 (F25) O. pap., 20 c.


Cator, D. Everyday life among the headhunters. $1.75. Longmans.

Borrow, G:

Romano Lavo-Lil: word-book of the Romany; or, English gypsy language; with specimens of gypsy poetry. '05 (07) O. *$2 net. Putnam. Wild Wales; its people, lang. and scenery. '05 (My20) T. (New pocket lib.) *50 c. Lane. net; leath., *75 c. net.

Bosher, Mrs. Kate Lee Langley. "Bobbie": a story of the Confederacy. '05 (O21) il. 12°, hf. vellum, 50 c. Altemus. Boss of Little Arcady. Wilson, H. L. +$1.50.

Bossism in Cincinnati. 50 c. Boston, L. Napoleon.

Lothrop, L. & S.

Wright, H: C. $1; Cincinnati News.

Text-bk. of clinical diagnosis by laboratory methods. 2d ed., rev. and enl. '05 (O14) il. 8°, *$4 net; shp. and hf. mor., *$5 net. Saunders.

Old Greek Pr.


See Church of the Holy Cross. Boston colloquium. 8°.

De Bury, R: Love of books. *40 c. net. Herder.

Marble, Mrs. A. R. Books in their seasons.

[blocks in formation]

Crowell. Companionship of books. Putnam. Choice of books. Putnam.

Richardson, C: F.

**$1.25 net.

[blocks in formation]


-Van Vleck, and others. Lectures on mathematics. *$2 net.


Little, B. & Co.

Boston cooking-school cook book.
F. M. $2.

Boston port bill. Halsey, R. T. H. (Sold only to members.)

Boswell, Ja.

Grolier Club.

Life of Johnson. Oxford ed. '05 (028) 2 pors. D. $1.50; in 1 v., India pap., $2. Oxford Univ.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Milliken, J. Review of Cal. polemoniaceæ.

Univ. of Cal.
Contributions to cy-
25 c. Univ. of Cal.
Experiments with

75 c.
Osterhout, W. J. v.
tological technique.
Osterhout, W. J. v.
plants. *$1.25 net.
Rattan, V. Popular west coast flora:
analyt. key to flora of Pacific coast.
Whitaker & R.
Ritchie, J: W. Lives of plants: botanical
reader for schools of the Philippine
42 c.
Robison, C. H. Outlines for field studies
of some common plants. pt. 1. 25 c.
C. H. Robison.

Smith, E. F. Bacteria in relation to plant
V. I. $4.
Stober, J. P. Lab'y studies of plants. $1.50.

Bowe, J:
With the 13th Minnesota in the Philippines.
'05 (Ag12) 16°, $1; pap., 50 c.
A. B. Farnham.
R: K. Fox.

Bowery life. Conners, C. 25 c.
Bowker, R: Rogers, ed.
State publications. In 4 pts. pt. 1, New
England states; pt. 2, North Central
states and territories; pt. 3. (In prepara-
tion), Western states. '05 (D9) O. pap.,
price raised to $10 for complete work.
Pub. Weekly.

See also Fletcher, W: I.
Bowker, W: R.

Dynamo motor and switchboard for elec-
trical engineers. '05 (Ap8) il. diagrs., 8°,
**$2.25 net.
Van Nostrand.


Karpf, S: Bowling. IO C. Am. Sports.
Bowman, Thornton Hardie.

Reminiscences of an ex-Confederate soldier.
'05 (Ja28) pors. D. pap., 50 c. Gammel
Bowne, Borden Parker.
Immanence of God. '05 (O14) D. **$1 net.
Houghton, M. & Co.


Vital records of Boxford, Mass., to 1849.
*$2.90 net.
BOXING (Sports).

Corbett, J. J. Scientific boxing.
J. P. Stober.

[blocks in formation]


Bound to win lib. 12°, pap., 10 c. Street & S.
-Bellwood. Young horseman.
-Cobb. Battle with fate.-Muscles of steel.
-Runaway and Rover.-Tattoed' boy.--
With the Mad Mullah.

-De Morgan. Boy crusaders.-Creature of
the pines.-Humble hero.

-Hancock. Boys' revolt.-Caught in a trap.
-Compound interest.-Money to spend
-Hemyng. Billy Barlow.-Home base.
Larry O'Keefe.-Sam Sawbones.-Spider
and Stump.-Too fast to last.
-Shea. Jewel of Florida.

-Sheridan. In the volcano's mouth.
-Thorpe. Double quick Dan.-For big
money.-Mystic isle.-On his mettle.
Bourne, H: Eldridge.

Hist. of mediæval and modern Europe. '05
(D2) O. $1.50.
Bouvé, Mrs. Pauline Carrington Rust.
American heroes and heroines. '05 (07)
por. 12°, $1.25.
Lothrop, L. & S.
Theory of structures and strength of mate-
rials. 4th ed., rewritten and enl. il. 8°.
*$7.50 net.

Bovey, H: Taylor.

R: K. Fox.

[blocks in formation]





Marden, O. S. Making of a man. $1.25.
Lothrop, L. & S.
Marsland, F. Occupations in life. $1.50.
C. E. Fitchett.
Miles, E. Boy's control and self-expres-
sion. *$2 net.
Pinson, W. W. The church and the boy.
Mission. Tr. Sch.
Smith, H. B. Boys and their managenent
in school. *90 c. net.
Stall, S. What a young boy ought to
know. **$1 net.
Vir Pub.
Willson, R. N. American boy and the so-



Career; - Children;

cial evil. $1.

See also Athletics;

Boys. Knipe, E. B. +$1.50.

quette;-Hygiene;-Young people.

Boys of Badminster. Home, A. †$1.50.




[blocks in formation]

Brady, Ja. Boyd.

Beacon search-lights on pioneers and millionaires. '05 (My6) O. (Not for sale.) Cushman. Braeme, Charlotte M., ["Bertha M. Clay."] Blighted blossom. '05 (D30) Clay lib..) pap., 10 c. For love's sake. '05 (D30) Clay lib.) pap., 10 c. Her heart's victory. '05 (D30) Clay lib.) pap., 10 c. Love's conquest. '05 (D30) Clay lib.) pap., 10 c. Love's debt. '05 (D30) 12°,

lib.) pap., 10 C.

Wooing of a maid. '05 (D30)

Clay lib.) pap, 10 c.

Braeunlich, Herman.

12°, (Bertha Street & S. 12°. (Bertha Street & S. 12°, (Bertha Street & S. 12°, (Bertha Street & S. (Bertha Clay Street & S.

12°, (Bertha

Street & S.

Columbus historical play. '05 (S2) por. sq.

S. bds., 50 c.

Bragdon, Ollie Hurd.

H. Braeunlich.

Pup autobiog of a greyhound. '95 (Ag5) 12°, (II. animal autobiog. ser.) $1.50.

Sunrise Acres. '05 (S23) D. †$1.50. Dodd. BRAHMS, Johannes. Bracken, H: Martyn.

Infection and disinfection. 3d ed. '05 (Je3)
il. 12°, $1.
Trade Periodical.
Braddon, M. E., [Mrs. Ma. Elizabeth Maxwell.]
Rose of life. '05 (Ag12) D. †$1.50.

[blocks in formation]


Macmillan. Dutton.

Erb, J. L. Brahms. $1.25.
May, F. Life of Johannes Brahms. 2 v. $7.

Brain, Belle Marvel.
All about Japan; stories for little folks.
'05 (S2) il. pors. 12°, *$1 net. Revell.
Burkholder, J. F. Anatomy of the brain.
Campbell, A. W. Histological studies on
the localization of cerebral function. *$5


Erbés, P. H: Cranio-muscular origins of brain and mind. $1.20. K. O. Erbés. Mills, C: K., and others. Tumors of the cerebellum. n. p. Elliott.

See also Insanity;-Mind;-Mind and body;Nervous system;-Psychology.

Brainerd, Eleanor Hoyt.

Concerning Belinda. '05 (07) il. D. †$1.50. Doubleday, P.

Captain John Smith. '05 (D23) por. map. Brainerd, H: C. 16°, (Eng. men of action.) 75 c.

Bradley, Fs. Herb.


Principles of logic. '05 (S23) O. (Anastatic reprint.) *$5 net. Stechert.

Bradley, H: Stiles, D.D.

Christianity as taught by Christ. '05


Old family doctor. '05 (Ja21) D. **$1 net. A. H. Clark. Brainy Bowers and Drowsy Duggan: stories told in pictures; The Chicago Daily News cartoons. '05 (D9) D. pap., 25 c.; $1.50. Reilly & B.

Braley, Berton.

Oracle on smoke. '05 (J122) il. D. 50 c.; pap., 25 c. Parson's Pr.

(My13) 12°, *$1.25 net.

[blocks in formation]

Brampton, Baron.

(Eng. men of letters.) 75 c. Macmillan.

Brady, Cyrus Townsend, D.D. Conquest of the Southwest: story of a great spoliation. '05 (F18) il. D. (Expansion of the republic ser.) **$1.50 net. Appleton. My lady's slipper. '05 (N11) il. D. **$1.50 Dodd. Three daughters of the Confederacy. '05 (07) il. D. $1.50. G: W. Dillingham. Two captains: romance of Bonaparte and Nelson. '05 (F11) D. †$1.50. Macmillan.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Brent, C: H:, Bp.


Adventure for God. '05 (D30) D. (Bishop Paddock lectures, 1904.) **$1.10 net. Longmans. Splendor of the human body: a reparation and an appeal. '05 (Mr25) S. *60 c. net. Longmans.


Poole, E. Katharine Breshkovsky "for Russia's freedom." IO C. Kerr.

Bréten de los Herreros, Manuel.

Quién es Ella?: comedia en cinco actos; introd. notes and vocab. by S: Garner. '05 (Mr14) por. D. 70 c. Am. Bk.

[blocks in formation]


Brewer, D: Josiah.


[blocks in formation]

Gould, J.



Complete bridge. **$1.50

Problems, critical positions and

games. *$1 net. Metcalfe, A. R. Bridge that wins. $1.50. J. N. Hathaway. Roome, H: A. Hints on bridge. 60 c. Dutton. Slam, pseud. Modern bridge. *90 c. net. Longmans. Bridges, A. F. John B. Crafts, jr.: true story of a remarkable reformation. '05 (F11) 12°, pap., 25 c. Straus.

Bridges, Rob., ["Droch."] Demeter : : a mask; lyrics and incidental music by W. H. Hadow. '05 (J115) sq. O. pap., 85 c.; sixteenmo ed., without music, pap., 35 c. Oxford Univ.


Burr, W: H, and Falk, M. S. Design and construction of metallic bridges. $5.Graphic method by influence lines for bridge and roof computations. *$3 net. Wiley.

Hiroi, I. Statically-indeterminate stresses in frames commonly used for bridges. **$2 net. Van Nostrand. Thomson, W: C. Bridge and structural design. $2. Engineering News. See also Piers;-Strength of materials. Brief course in the calculus. Cain, W: **$1.75 net. Van Nostrand.

Briefs on public questions. Ringwalt, R. C. *$1.20 net.

Briefs on the law of insurance.

R. W:


See Cooley,

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