Wundt, Wilhelm Max. Principles of physiological psychology; fr. the 5th Germ. ed., by E: B. Titchener. v. I. pt. I. '05 (F18) il. 8°, *$3 net. Macmillan. Wurdz, Gideon, [pseud. for C: Wayland Towne.] Foolish finance. '05 (J11) il, nar. O. (Foolish ser.) 75 c. J: W. Luce. WÜRTEMBERG, Germany. Maxwell, L. In Suabia-land (Würtemberg). 40 c.; 60 c. Honeyman. Wyant, J: C: 373 Wasted life; or, fifty-eight years at the wine table. '05 (S16) sq. S. pap., 50 c. Wyllie, W: Lionel. J. M. W. Turner. '05 (D23) col. il. por. 12°, $3. Macmillan. - and M. A. London to the Nore; painted and described. '05 (Ag19) il. sq. 8°, *$6 net. Macmillan. Wyman, Willy E: Alex. Catechism of the principles of veterinary surgery. '05 (Ag12) 8°, *$3.50 net. W: R. Jenkins. Wyss, Johann Rudolf, and Montolieu, J. I. P de B., Baronne de. Swiss family Robinson. '05(07)_il. D. (Varsity ser. for boys.) 50 c. Wyvern, pseud. See Herbert, A. K. Xanto, Madame, pseud. Conkey. Dream book. '05 (07) S. pap., 25 c. Xenophon. YORKE Yale studies in English; ed. by A. S. Cook. O. pap. Holt. -Chapman. Index to the old English glosses of the Durham hymnarium._ 75 c. -Jonson. Bartholomew Fair. $2.-Devil is an ass. $2.50; $2.-Poetaster. $2.50; $2.Staple of news. $2.50; $2. V. -Scaliger. Select trans. from Poetics. 75 c. Yankee in Pigmy land. Geil, W: E. $1.50. Yates, Kath. Merritte. Model kitchen. '05 (S9) il. D. 75 c. Longmans YATES, Robert David. Call, W: T. R. D. Yates, checker player. $1. Winthrop Press. YEAR-BOOKS. Penn Pub. Co. Yellow war. O, pseud. **$1.20 net. McClure, P. B'way Pub. Anabasis. Bks. 1-4; with introd., notes and vocab. by C: Foster Smith, C. Bonner and F: S. Morrison. '05 (Jero) D. (Twentieth cent. text-bks., classical section; ed. by J: H: Wright, B. Perrin and A. F. West.) $1.50. Appleton. Memorabilia of Socrates; fr. the Greek; with explan. notes by J. S. Watson. '05 (Ja7) por. 16°, (Temple classics.) 50 c.; leath., 75 c. Macmillan. Simple Simon. '05 (D16) por. 12°, $1.50. YEZD, Persia. Malcolm, N. Five years in a Persian town. *$3 net. YIDDISH LITERATURE. See Zunser, E. Yoes, J: Wesley. Dutton. Jack Brainard. '95 (Mr4) il. 12°, $1.50. Eastern. YOGI PHILOSOPHY. See Occultism. Major, C: Macmillan. Caldwell. Yolanda, maid of Burgundy. +$1.50. Yoppy. Clifford, Mrs. M. L. $1.50. YORK, Me. Baxter, J. P. Agamenticus, Bristol, Gorgeana, York. $2.25; $1.25. Old York Hist. York lib. See Macmillan's. Young, Rev. Egerton Ryerson. Duck Lake. '05 (N11) D. $1. Hector, my dog. '05(O28) il. Young, Ellsworth, il. See Nesbit, W. D. Young, F: G: YOUNG Young Japan. Scherer, J. A. B. **$1.50 net. Lippincott. Young McKinley. Butterworth, H. $1.50. Young man and the world. Beveridge, A. J. **$1.50 net. Young man with a program. *50 c. net. Young man's guide. Lee, J. Appleton. Appleton. Eckman, G: P. Jennings. P. *$2 net. J. W. Burke. Young man's religion and his father's faith. Waters, N. M. **90 c. net. Crowell. YOUNG MEN. The hungry Christ: sermons preached in Walnut Hills M. E. Church, Cincinnati. '05 (Ja28) por. 12°, (Methodist_pulpit.) *50 c. net. Jennings. Young, Mrs. Ma. Stuart, [Mrs. L: G. Young.] The Griffins. '05 (Ja28) 12°, $1.50. Neale. Young, Oscar E. Back from the Philippines: Irish farce. '05 (S2) 12°, pap., 15 c. Dick. Won by a wager: a farce. '05 (028) S. pap., 15 c. Young, P. F., and Still, C: Lee, J. P. Young man's guide. *$2. J. W. Burke. Strong, J. The times and young men. 35 c. Baker & T. Waters, N. M. Young man's religion and his father's faith. **90 c. net. Crowell. Watson, D: Heritage of youth. $1. Jennings. See also Boys; Career; Conduct of life; Culture;-Success;-Young people. Young men who overcame. Speer, R. E. *$1 net. Revell. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Kallengberg, H: F., ed. Gymnastic nomenclature of the Y. M. C. A. 50 c. Y. M. C. A. Morse, R: C. Fifty years of federation of the Y. M. C. Assocs. of No. Am. *60 c. net. Y. M. C. A. YOUNG MEN'S MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Cincinnati, O. Merrihew, M. E. Early hist. of Young Men's Mercantile Lib. Assoc. gratis. Young Men's Mercantile. Young missionary. Rasmussen, Mrs. H. S. B: Shaw. Estes. Young America abroad. 12°, +$1.25. -Adams. Isles of the sea. H., jr. Wagner, C: On life's threshold. **$1 net. McClure, P. See also Boys;-Children;-Education;-Girls;Woman;-Young men. Young people and world evangelization. Goucher, J: F. *25 c. net. Jennings. Young people's history of the world. Northrop, H: D. $1.50. Nat, Pub., Co. Young people's Imitation of Christ. See Thomas à Kempis. Young people's life of il. 8°, $1. Christ. '05 (MrII) Nat. Pub. Co. 375 ZWEIZIG Zollner, Johann Evangelist. Pulpit orator; containing seven skeleton sermons; or, sketches for every Sunday of the year; tr. from the Germ. and adpt. by Rev. Augustine Wirth; pref. by Rev. A. A. Lambing. 10th ed., rev. '05 (F25) 6 v., 8°, *$12 net. Pustet. ZOOLOGY. Holder, C: F: Half hours with the lower See also Amphibia;-Anatomy;-Animals;-Biol- Heer. ural history; ZOROASTER, The celibates' club. '05 (Apr) D. †$1.50. Whitney, L. H. Life and teachings of Zschokke, Johann Heinrich Dan. Das abenteuer der Neujahrsnacht; ed. by C: H. Handschin. '05 (Ap22) i. S. (Modern lang, ser.) 35 c. Heath. See also Goethe, J. W. v. Zuchtmann, F: New American music reader. 12°, *50 c. net. Zueblin, C: Decade of civic development. 12°, *$1.25 net. Zug, C: K. '05 (D23) sq. Macmillan. '05 (D30) Univ. of Chic. Real estate as security for loans. 05. 8°, (Am. Acad. of Pol. and Soc. Sci. pubs.) pap., 25 c. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. Zunser, Eliakum. A Jewish bard: biog. of Eliakum Zunser; written by himself and rendered into Eng. by Simon Hirsdansky; ed. by A. H. Fromenson. '05(N11) pap., gratis. Zunser. Zur würdigung Schillers in Amerika. Schiller, J. C. F. v. *$1 net. Koelling. Zweizig, W: H: Ideal church. '05 (Ag5) pors. 4°, 75 c.; Zerbey. pap., 50 c. |