28 Man and his bodies. 3d ed. '05 (D9) 12°, (Theosophical manuals.) *35 c. net. Lane. Beside a southern sea. Montague, E. M. $1. Neale. Bessey, C: Edn. Plant migration studies. '05 (Ag19) 8°, (University studies.) pap., 50 c. Univ. Pub. Best policy. Flower E. $1.50. Bobbs-M. Beta, 0., and Myers, W: S. Globe trotters' dictionary: list of ordinary and useful everyday Eng. words and some common phrases with their equiv. meanings in Fr., Germ., Italian and Span. '05 (Jl22) T. $1.50. W: S. Myers. Bethel-el-Bethel. Bull, M. S. $1. Eastern. Betson. T: BIBLE A ryght profytable treatyse compendiously drawen out of many and dyvers wrytynges of holy men; pr. in Caxton's house by Wynkyn de Worde about 1500. '05 (Ag19) 8°, (Cambridge Univ. Press, rare 15th cent. printed bks.) hf. vellum, *$3.75 net. Ed. limited to 200 cops. Macmillan. BETTING. Rowntree, B. S., ed. Betting and gambling. *$1.60 net. Macmillan. See also Horse-racing. Betty Wales, sophomore. Warde, M. †$1.25. Penn Pub. Co. Beulah Land. Carradine, B. $1. Wesleyan. Bevan, W. Armine. Rossini. '05 (F18) 16°, (Bell's miniature ser. of musicians.) 50 c.; limp leath., $1. Macmillan. Bevan, Wilson Lloyd. Sir William Petty: study in Eng. economic literature. '05 (My13) 8°, (Am. Econ. Assoc. pubs.) pap., *75 c. net. Macmillan. Bevans, Neile. See Van Slingerland, Mrs. N. B. BEVERAGES. Daughters of the Am. Revolution, Mass., Col. Timothy Bigelow Chap., Worcester. Bk. of beverages. 50 c. D. A. R., Col. T. Bigelow Chap. See also Liquors;-Soda water. Beveridge, Alb. Jeremiah. The young man and the world. '05(014) D. **$1.50 net. Bevis. Jefferies, R: Beyersdorff, F: V. Historical chips of 8°, pap., 75 c. Missouri. '05 (N11) F: V. Beyersdorff. Beyle, Marie Henri, ["De Stendhal.”] Mémoires d'un touriste: ed. by H. J. Chaytor. '05 (028) map, S. (Oxford modern Fr. ser.) hf. cf., 50 c. Oxford Univ. Beyond chance of change. Shafer, S. A. +$1.50. Macmillan. Bhagavad-Gita; or, the Lord's song; tr. by L. D. Barnett. '05 (Ag12) 16°, (Temple classics.) 50 c.; limp leath., 75 c. Bible, Howard Wiswall. Macmillan. Tides of thought. '05 (S9) S. $1. G: D. Smith. Bible. Bible for the sick; comp. by H: King Hannah. '05 (D30) 12°, *$1 net. Whittaker. Bible. Gems from the mines of truth; arr. fr. the author. version by E: T. Brewster. [4th ed.] '05 (Mr25) pls., 12°, $1.25. Union. Bible. Memorable passages from the Bible: authorized version; sel. and ed. by Fred N. Scott. '05 (D2) 16°, (Pocket Am. and Eng. classics.) *25 c. net. Macmillan. Bible. Red letter Holy Bible. Prophetic types and prophecies in the O. T. referring to Christ and also ref. to portions of the O. T. quoted and referred to by Jesus are pr. in red; tr. out of the orig, tongues, with the former tr. compared and revised. Author. version. Clear type ed. '05 (My13) il. 8°, ("International" ser. Self-pronouncing ed.) mor., $2.80. Winston. BIBLE Bible. Self-interpreting Bible, with commentaries, references, harmony of the gospels and the helps needed to understand and teach the text; ed. and rev. by Rev. Ja. W. Lee; geograph. hist. and explan. il. by Josiah L. Porter; expository notes by H: Cooke; ref., reflections, tabulated statistics and comments by J: Brown. '05 (O14) 4 v., il. maps, 4°, $14; $18; $24; $35. N. D. Thompson. Bible. O. T. Three hundred and ninety-six compositions illustrating the Old Testament, by J. J. Tissot. '05 (F4) 2 v., Eng. text, Q. $24.50; 34 leath., $32.50; full mor., $42.50; French memorial ed., Fr. text, $500; Eng. text, special ed., 2 v., leath., $300; levant, $150; 34 leath., $80. Brunoff. Bible. O. T. Book of Ecclesiastes: a new metrical tr.; with introd. and explan. notes by Paul Haupt. '05 (N11) Q. 50 c. Johns Hopkins. Bible. O. T. Psalms: prayer book version. '05 (D23) 16°. (Oxford bijou eds.) limp venetian mor., 50 c. Oxford Univ. Bible. O. T. Psalms: prayer bk. version. '05 (J18) 16°, (Bell's pocket classics.) *50 c. Macmillan. net. Bible. O. T. Selections from the Septuagint, according to the text of Swete, by F. C. Conybeare and St. George Stock. [Greek text.] '05 (D2) 12°, (College ser. of Greek authors.) $1.65. Bible. Ginn. O. T. Song of Solomon. Song of songs, by G: E. Merrill. '05 (07) 8°, рар., **75 c. net. Am. Bapt. Bible. O. T. Song of Solomon; versified by G: W. Pierce. '05 (Ap22) 8°, $5. G: W. Pierce. Bible. N. T. rev. and tr. by A. S. Worrell; with notes and instructions. '05 (Mr25) O. $1; hf. mor., $1.30; mor., $1.70. A. S. Worrell. Bible. N. T. Harmonized and subject reference N. T. King James' version made into a harmonized ref. ed in modern Eng.; arr. by Ja. W. Shearer. '05 (Mr4) S. $1; full gilt, $1.50. Subject Ref. Bible. N. T. Personal worker's New Testament; arr. by J. Wilbur Chapman and others. '05 (D23) sq. Tt. 40 c.; seal, 60 c.; 80 c. Bible. N. T. Four gospels. 16°. (Oxford bijou eds.) mor., per v., 50 c. Winona. '05 (D23) 4 v., limp venetian Oxford Univ. Bible. N. T. Four gospels harmonized. '05 (Mr25) T. 25 c. W. W. Waters. 29 Bible. N. T. Four gospels. His life: in the words of the four gospels; prep. by pastors of Oak Park, Ill. '05 (028) T. 30 c. leath.. 55 c.; pap., 14 c. Pastors' Pub. BIBLE Bible. N. T. Four gospels. Life of Christ: continuous narrative in the words of the four gospels; introd. and notes by Jos. J: Dutton. Scott. '05 (S16) maps, 8°, *$2 net. Bible. N. T. Four gospels. Thomas Jefferson Bible: being as entitled by him The life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth, extracted textually from the gospels; with app. of Biblical facts. '05 (Jl) 16°, 50 c. G: W. Ogilvie. Bible. N. T. John. Euangelium secundum Iohannem. Gospel of St. John in WestSaxon; ed., with introd, and notes, by Ja. W. Bright; glossary by L. M. Harris. '05 (F11) 16°, (Belles-lettres ser., Sec. 1, Eng. literature.) bds., 60 c. Heath. Bible. N. T. John; revised version; ed., with introd., notes and index, for the use of schools by Arth. Carr. '05 (Ag12) map, 12°, *50 c. net. Macmillan. Bible. N. T. Mark, [Greek;] ed., with notes and vocab., by W: P. Drew. '05 (Je3) sq. S. limp leath., 75 c. B: H. Sanborn. Bible. N. T. Matthew. Euangelium secundum Mattheum. Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon; ed. by Ja. W. Bright. '05 (FI) 16°, (Belles-lettres ser., Sec. 1, Eng. Heath. literature.) bds., 40 c. Bible. N. T. Thessalonians. Cambridge Greek Testament. Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians; ed. by G. G. Findlay; with introd. and notes. '05 (F4) Macmillan. map, 16°, *75 c. net. good old Book. $1. Gospel Trumpet. Carter, T: T. Shakespeare and Holy Scripture. *$3 net. ology. **$1 net. Dutton. Clark, W: N. Use of the Scriptures in theScribner. Clarke, J: C. The Revelation rediscovered. G. P. Clarke. 40 C.; 20 C. Davies, W: W., ed. Universal Bible encyclop. subs., $5.50; $6.50. C. E. Browning. De Puy, I. N., and Travis, J. B. Outline studies in Biblical facts and hist. 35 c.; Y. M. C. A. Doane, T. W., Bible myths and their parallels in other religions. $2.50; $5. 20 C. Commonwealth. Dods, M. Bible, its origin and nature. **$1 net. Scribner. Foster, A. G., comp. Commands: [quotations.] 50 c.; $1. P. Elder. Foster, C: Story of the Bible fron. Gen- Hurlbut, J. L. Story of the Bible. $1.50. McMullen, J. M. Supremacy of the Bible. $2. Whittaker. Mann, N. Evolution of a great literature. *$1.50 net. J. H. West. Marshall, E: A. Methods of Bible study and teaching for beginners. *75 c. net; *50 c. net. Mission. Harvest. Mercer, L. P. The Bible: its true character and spiritual meaning. 30 c. Nunc Licet. Moffatt, J., ed. Literary illustrations of the Bible. V. I, Ecclesiastes; v. 3, St. Mark. ea., 50 c. Armstrong. Moreland, M. L. Under His wings: [Bible quotations]. 50 c. M. L. Moreland. Pierson, Mrs. H. W. Bible stories in easy words. $1. McLoughlin. Robinson, J. A. Some thoughts on inspiration. 50 c. Longmans. Sangster, Mrs. M. E. M. The story Bible. **$2 net. Moffat. Smith, G. Robbie's Bible stories. 50 c. Altemus. Tobie, W. N. Our English Bible: how we W. N. Tobie. Three dispensations of the J: W: Tyndall. Bible hist., with an epitome of church hist. 25 c. J: Anderson. Westcott, B. F. General view of hist. of the English Bible. $3.50. Macmillan. Wood, H: Life more abundant: scriptural truth in modern application. **$1.20 net. Lothrop, L. & S. O. T.: Cragin, L. E. Kindergarten Bible stories. *$1.25 net. Revell. O. T.: Fry, T. C. O. T. hist. for schools. 80 c. Longmans. O. T. Hammurabi and Moses. Codes. *75 c. net. Jennings. O. T.: Harper, W: R. Priestly element in the O. T.-Prophetic element in the O. T. ea., $1. Univ. of Chic. O. T.: Hurlbut. J. L. Outline studies in the O. T. for Bible teachers. 40 c.; 25 c. Eaton & M. O. T.: Koenig, X. Bible history, after the results of hist. criticism. **$1 net. McClure, P. Messianic message Chr. Un. Introd. to the Armstrong. O. T.: Lockhart, C. of the O. T. $1.50. O. T. McFadyen, J: E. O. T. $1.75. O. T., Daniel: Porter, F. C. Messages of the apocalyptical writers; books of Daniel and Revelation. **$1.25 net. Scribner. O. T., Genesis: Long, J: E. Natural theology and Genesis. 50 c. Gratiot. O. T., Hosea: Harper, W: R. Structure of the text of Hosea. *$1 net. Univ. of Chic. 30 BIBLE. Continued. BIBLE O. T., Psalms: Knight, W: A. Song of our Syrian guest; interpretations of the Shepherd Psalm. 35 c.; 25 c. Pilgrim Press. O. T., Psalms: Mozley, F. W. Psalter of the church: Septuagint Psalms compared with the Hebrew. *$2 net. Macmillan. O. T., Song of Solomon: Quarles, F. Sions sonets sung by Solomon the King and periphrased. **$4 net. Houghton, M. & Co. N. T.: Blass, F. Grammar of N. T. Greek. *$5 net. Macmillan. N. T. Matheson, G: Representative men of the N. T. **$1.50 net. : Armstrong. N. T. Mathews, S. Messianic hope in the N. T. *$2.50 net. Univ. of Chic. Outline studies Revell. Temporary and N. T.: Moorehead, W: G. in the N. T. *$1.20 net. N. T. Nichols, H. P. the permanent in the N. T. revelation. *$1.25 net. Whittaker. N. T.: Robertson, A. T. Students' chronological N. T. *$1 net. Revell. N. T., Acts: Luckock, H. M. Footprints of the apostles as traced in the Acts. $1.75. Longmans. N. T., Acts: Sunday School Commission, Diocese of N. Y. Story of early Chr. leaders: junior lessons in Acts. pt. 2. *10 c. net. Young Churchman. N. T., Ephesians: Parker, J. Epistle to the Ephesians. **$1.25 net. Armstrong. N. T., Gospels: Burkitt, F. C., ed. Evangelon Da-Mepharreshe: Curetonian version of the Four Gospels. 2 v. *$15 net. Macmillan. N. T., Gospels: Long, S. P: The great Gospel lectures. $3. Lutheran. N. T.. Gospels: Luther, M. Works. v. 4, 5. Church postil gospels, 1st-26th Sunday after Trinity. 2 v. ea., $2.25. Lutherans. N. T., Gospels: Soltau, G: Four portraits of the Lord Jesus Christ. $1. C: C. Cook. Criticism of Scribner. Commt. on Am. Bapt. N. T., John: Sanday, W: the fourth gospel. ** *$1.75 net. N. T., Mark: Broadus, J: A. the Gospel of Mark. 75 c. N. T., Revelation: Ottman, F. C. Unfolding of the ages in the Revelation of John. **$2 net. Baker & T. N. T., Revelation: Porter, F. C. Messages of the apocalyptical writers: books of Daniel and Revelation. **$1.25 net. Scribner. N. T., Revelation: Ramsay, W: M. Letters to the seven churches of Asia and their place in plan of the Apocalypse. *$3 net. Armstrong. BIBLE. Continued. BIBLE N. T., Revelation: Timbrell, J: H. Last message of Jesus Christ. *$1.75 net. Eaton & M. See also Apostles; Beatitudes; Catechisms; Christianity;-Church history;-Deluge;-God; -Higher criticism; - Jesus Christ; - Jews;Miracles;-Prophets;-Religion;-Religion and science;-Revivals; Saints; Sermon on the Mount; Sunday-school; Tabernacle;-Theology; also Tyndale, W:;-also author entries under Bible. Bible allegories. Jarvis, G: M. $1.50. L. C. Page. Bible etchings on immortality. Cobern, C. M. *50 c. net. Bible mosaics. il. S. 50 c.; $1. Revell. P. Elder. Bible myths and their parallels in other religions. Doane, T. W. $2.50; $5. Commonwealth. Bible reader. Sutherland, E: A. 40 c. Advocate. Bible stories in easy words. Pierson, Mrs. H. W. $1. McLoughlin. BIBLIOGRAPHIES. American history: Hart, A. B. Essentials in Am. hist. $1.50. Am. Bk. American literature: Evans, C: Am. bibliog. In 5 or 6 v. V. 2. per v., $15. (privately pr.) C: Evans, [Blakely Press.] Appendicitis: Kelly, H. A., and Hurdon, E. Vermiform appendix and its diseases. *$10 net; *$11 net. Saunders. Archæology. Moorehead, W. K., comp. Prehistoric relics: an il. catalogue. $1. Andover. Bacteria: Smith, E. F. Bacteria in relation to plant diseases. v. I. $4. Carnegie. Battery A, St. Louis. Porter, V. M. Hist. of Battery A. $1.25. Missouri Hist. Birds: Churchill, A. P. Birds in literature. $1. Davis Press. The blues. Blues (The): Abrams, A. $1.50. Book-plates: Allen, C: D. book-plates. **$2.50 net. Treat. American Macmillan. Books: Abbott, T: K. Cat. of 15th cent. books in library of Trinity College and in Marsh's Lib., Dublin. $3.25. Longmans. Books: American catalog, 1900-1905. V. I. $6; raised to *$7.50 net; v. 2, full title entries, 1900-1904, inclusive. *$7.50 net; with v. I, *$12.50 net.-English catalog of books for 1904. $1.50. Publishers' trade list annual, 1905. $2. Pub. Weekly. Books: Carnegie Lib. of Pittsburgh. Children's Dept. Annot. cat. of books used in home libraries and reading clubs. 25 c. Carnegie Lib. Books: New York State Lib. Sel. from the best books of 1904. IO C. Doubleday, P. Clothing industry in Univ. of Mo. Hunt, A. Provincial Clothing: Pope, J. E. N. Y. $1.25. Committees of safety: committees of safety of the Am. Revolution. $1. Western Reserve. Constitutional law: McClain, E. Constitutional law in the U. S. $2. Longmans. Copyright: Solberg, T., comp. Copyright in Congress, 1789-1904. 65 c. Gov. Pr. Criminology: MacDonald, A. Man and abnormal man, incl, study of children. 40 c. Gov. Pr. Dante: Hare, C. Dante the wayfarer. $3. Scribner. Views of Dante. Benziger. American diploHarper. Dante Rivard, E. L: *$1.25 net. Diplomacy: Moore, J: B. macy. **$2 net. Lilly. Drugs: Wright, J: S. Pharmacology of the fluid extracts. 50 C. Electro-chemistry: Hopkins, N. M. Experimental electro-chemistry. *$3 net. Van Nostrand. England: Oman, C: W: C., ed. Hist. of England. v. 4, England under the Tudors. **$5 net. Putnam. English writers: Grolier Club, N. Y. Cat. of orig. and early eds. of poetical and prose works of Eng. writers fr. Wither to Prior. 3 v. subs., ea., $10. (Sold only to members.) Grolier Club. Engravings: Grolier Club, N. Y. Cat. of exhibition of Fr. engravings of 18th cent. (privately pr.) Sold only to members. Grolier Club. Europe: Foster, H. D., and Fay, S. B. Syllabus of European hist. fr. the German invasions to French Revolution. 2 pts. in I v., 50 c.; separately, ea., 25 c. Storrs. Far East: Ireland, A. Far Eastern tropics. **$2 net. Houghton, M. & Co. Fielding, H: Selected essays. 60 c. Ginn. Fractures: Scudder, C: L. Treatment of fractures. *$5 net; *$6 net. Saunders. Goethe, J. W. v. Faust. 80 c.; $1.25. Macmillan. Greek literature: Lawton, W: C. Ideals in Greek literature. $1. Chautauqua Pr. Gymnasium: Bolster, W: W., jr. Bates College, Lewiston, Me.: gymnasium manual. 25 C. Journal Press, (Me.) Halley, Dr. Edmond': Rudolph, A. J. Material for a bibliog. of Dr. Edmond Halley, 1656-1752. 25 C. Boston Bk. Hals, Franz: Davies, G. S. Franz Hals. $1.75. Macmillan. Harmony Society: Bole, J: A. Harmony Hawthorne, N. House of the seven gables. Houghton, M. & Co. Hawthorne, N: Cathcart, W. N. Bibliog. of works of Hawthorne (privately pr.) Row fant. Hawthorne, N.: Grolier Club, N. Y. First eds. of Hawthorne. (privately pr.) Sold only to members. Grolier Club. Hebbel, C. F. Herodes und Mariamne. *60 c. net. Histology: Ferguson, J. S. Normal histology and microscopical anatomy. $4; $4.50. Appleton. Essentials in mediæval and modern hist. $1.50. History: Harding, S: B. Holt. 32 BIBLIOGRAPHIES Lahontan, Baron: Paltsits, V. H. Bibliog. of writings of Baron Lahontan. (privately pr.) McClurg. Lincoln, A. Complete works. 12 V., ea., $3.75; $7.50. F. D. Tandy. Literary criticism: Sheran, W: H: Hdbk. Hinds. of literary criticism. $2. Masonic badges: Freemasons. New York. Grand Lodge. Comm. on Antiquities. Collection. $1. Hulschmitt. Massachusetts House journals: Ford, W. C., comp. Bibliog. of the Mass. House journals, 1715-1776. Colonial Soc. of Mass. Mathematics: Pierce, R. M. Problems_of number and measure. $1. Languages Pr. Mildews: Harper, R. A. Sexual repro duction in certain mildews. 75 c. Carnegie. Military art and science: Sharpe, H: G. Provisioning of the modern army in the field. $1.50. Hudson. Milton, J: Jenks, T. In the days of Milton. **$1 net. Barnes. Mohammed and Mohammedanism: Margoliouth, D. S. Mohammed and the rise of Islam. **$1.35 net; **$1.60 net. Montaigne, M. E. de. chel de Montaigne. Putnam. Dowden, E: Mi **$1.50 net. Lippincott. Study of hist. of Scribner. Bibliog. of early Music: Dickinson, E: music. **$2.50 net. Music: Sonneck, O. G. secular Am. music. *$5 net. O. G. Sonneck. Nootka Sound: Manning, W: R. Nootka Sound controversy. gratis. Gov. Pr. Novels: Newark Free Public Libs., comp. 1000 of the best novels. 10 c. Newark Pub. Lib. Novels Philadelphia Free Library. Wagner Inst. Branch. Contrib. to the classification of works of prose fiction. $1.50. G. V. Baird. Study of a Heath. Novels: Whitcomb, S. L. novel. $1.25. Painting: Caffin, C: H: pictures. **$1.80 net. Painting: Weir, I. Greek *$3 net. How to study Century Co. painters' art. Ginn. Paper covered books: Price, W. E. Cat. of paper covered books. $5. Pub. and Ret. Paraguay: Decoud, J. S. List of books, magazine articles and maps rel. to Paraguay. $1. Gov. Pr. Periodicals: Fletcher, W: I., and Bowker, R: R., eds. Annual literary index, 1904. **$3.50 net. Pub. Weekly. Periodicals: Guthrie, A. L., ed. Readers' guide to periodical literature, [cumulated.] In 2 v. v. I, 1900-'04. per set, $15. H. W. Wilson. Philippine Islands: Griffin, A. P. C. List of works rel. to the Am. occupation of Philippine Islands. IO C. Gov. Pr. |