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$3.50. Anson, W. S. W.

Adams, O. F. Dictionary of Am. authors. Houghton, M. & Co. Who wrote that? 50 c. Dutton. How to write a book. Macmillan.

Baldwin, C: S. *50 c. net. Bolton, Mrs. S. K. Famous Am. authors. $2; $3. Crowell. Cody, S. Art of writing and speaking the Eng. language. v. 4. Constructive rhetoric story-writing and journalism. 75 c. Old Greek Pr. Nevinson, H: W. Books and personalities. *$1.50 net. Lane. Notes for the guidance of authors. 25 c. Macmillan.

Quirk, L. W., and others, comps.



My automobile: a handy record. **$1 net; **$2 net. Dodd.

Reynolds, H: R. Motoring for moderate incomes. *75 c. net.

Roberts, E. W. Automobile pocketbook.

$1.50. Sloss, R. T.




Book of the automobile. **$3


Spooner, H: J: Motors and motoring.

*50 c. net.


White, T. H. Petrol motors and motor

cars. *$1.40 net.

See also Boats.

Automobilia. Welsh, C: $1.25.

Avebury, Lord.

See Lubbock, Sir J:



[blocks in formation]

[Also] 500 places to Oquaga.

Ayer, Ma. Allette, ed.

places to sell mss. sell mss. $1. Stevenson, R. L: Essays in travel and in the Art of writing. $1; **$1.25 net.


Vizetelly, F. H. Preparation of manuscripts for the printer. **75 c. net. Whibley, C: Literary portraits.

Wilson, L: N. Preparing ms.

press. 50 c.

Funk. *$2.50 net.


for the Clark Univ.

See also Bibliographies;-Copyright;-Drama and dramatists;-Fiction;-Literature;-also

of literatures.


Auto fun pictures and comments from Life.
'05 (O14) il. obl. S. **$1 net. Crowell.
Autobiography of a butterfly. Daulton, A.
M. 40 C.
Rand, McN, & Co.
Autobiography of a Johnny. Spivey, T: S.

Lee & S. Doubleday, P.

Joys of friendship. '05 (028) 12°, $1. Ayesha. Haggard, H: R. †$1.50. Ayres, S: G. Complete index to the Expositor's Bible, topical and textual; general pref. to the Expositor's Bible, by W. Robertson Nicoll, with introd. to Old and New Testament sections, by W. H. Bennett, and Wa. F. Adeney. '05 (S9) D. *$1_net, Armstrong.


Honeyman, A. Van D. The Aztecs. subs., Honeyman. $35; $45.

B., L. E., comp.

For chafing dish and salad bowl. '05 (Mr4) sq. S. pap., 15 c. Gregory's Bk.


B., T.

Thacher, J: B. Outlines of the French Revolution told in autographs. price not fixed. J: B. Thacher.| Automobile biographies. Weeks, L. H. $2. Monograph Press. Automobile tourist. Humphreys, Mrs. P. W. $2. AUTOMOBILES.

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net. Babcock, Rob. Hall.

Guldner, H. Model of a motor car.


*$1.50 Whittaker.

Hawley, T. W. Petrol motors, simply explained. 50 c. Lougheed, V: Motor-car hdbk. 50 c.


Meader, H. L. motor ganders.

New Pub. Motor goose rhymes for **75 c. net.

Diseases of the heart and arterial system. 2d ed., rev. '05 (Mr4) il. 8°, subs., $6; hf. leath., $6.50. Appleton.


See Children.

Baby bird-finder. Cummings, E. G. *50 c.
net; 30 c. net.
W. A. Butterfield.
Baby Bullet. Osbourne, L. +$1.50.

Grafton Press.


[blocks in formation]

Bacon, Gertrude.

Balloons, airships and flying machines. '05 (Jero) il. D. (Practical science ser.) *50 c. net. Dodd.

Bacon, W: Plumb, comp.

Bibliography of class books and class records, 1792-1905, Yale University. [Rev. ed.] '05 (028) 8°, pap., gratis. Yale Univ.

BACTERIA. Abbott, A. C. Principles of bacteriology. $2.75. Lea. Heinemann, P. G. Lab'y guide in bacteriology. *$1.50 net. Univ. of Chic.

Moore, V. A. Lab'y directions for beginners in bacteriology. $1.


[blocks in formation]

"Mammy Rosie." '05 (My13) D. $1.50.


A. M. Bagby.

Penn Pub. Co.

a comedy. '05

Penn Pub. Co.

Game of bridge: a monologue. '05(07) D. pap., 15 c.

If Morning Glory wins:

(07) D. pap., 15 c.

Superior sex: a farce. '05 (028) D. pap.,

15 C.

Bagley, W: Chandler.

Educative process. '05 (Ag5)


Baglioni (The).

Bagot, R:

Penn Pub. Co.

12°, *$1.25 Macmillan. Eno, H: L. **$1.25 net. Moffat.

The passport. '05 (07) D. †$1.50. Harper. See also Du Cane, E.


[blocks in formation]

-, and Newell, P:, il. The Peter Newell Mother Goose. '05 (N18) D. $1.50. Holt. Bailey, Edg. H: Summerfield, and Cady, Hamilton P.

Laboratory guide fo the study of qualitative analysis, based upon the application of the theory of electrolytic dissociation and the law of mass action. 5th ed., rev. '05 (N4) 8°, $1.25. Blakiston.

Bailey, J: Read. Mackinac, formerly Michilimackinac : hist. and guide bk. Mcmillan ed. 5th revision, '05 (My13) il. D. $1; pap., 50 c. Bailey, Liberty Hyde.


Outlook to nature. '05 (J18) 8°, **$1.25 net. Macmillan.

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comp. Russian fairy tales. '05 (My20) il. 12, (Fairy lib.) $1. Bain, W:, and Edgecombe, Wilfrid.

Physiology and therapeutics of the Harrowgate waters, baths and climate applied to the treatment of chronic disease. '05 (D9) O. *$2.60 net.


-, ed. Text-book of medical practice. '05
(Je3) il. O. *$7_net.
Bair, J: Franklin.

Poetical works. '05(F25) il. por. 12°, $1.
J: F. Bair.

Baird, J: Wallace.
Color sensitivity of the peripheral retina.
'05 (Jeз) sq. Ó. (Čarnegie Inst. of Wash.
pub.) pap., 50 c.

Baird, W: Raimond.

Manual of American college fraternities. Alcolm. 6th ed. '05 (Jl1) il. 12°, $2.

Baker, Arth. Latham.

Art of geometry: lab. manual to accompany any text-book. '05 (028) diagrs., 12°, 50 c.

Baker, Chauncey Brooke.


Transportation of troops and material. '05 Hudson. (Ap22) 8°, $1.50.

Baker, Cornelia.

The queen's page. '05(014) il. D., †$1.25.

Baker, Ernest Alb., and Ross, Fs. E., eds.
Voice of the mountains: a collection. '05

Baker, G: Pierce.

(NII) 12°, *$1 net.

'05 (J1) 12°, $1.25.


Balanced life. Lathbury, C. $1. Nunc Licet. Balch, Fk.

Submarine tour. '05 (Ap29) 12°, $1.25.

Balch, Lewis.

B'way Pub.

Manual for boards of health and health officers. '05 (07) D. $1.50. Banks & Co. Balch, T: Willing.

English ancestors of the Shippen family and Edward Shippen of Philadelphia. '05 T: W. Balch. (Api) por. 8°, pap., $1.

Baldry, Alfr. Lys.

J. M. Swan, R.A. '05 (D16) il. 4o, (Drawings by the great masters.) *$2.50 net. Scribner.

Baldwin, C: Sears.

How to write a book: hdbk. based on the Eng. Bible. '05 (Ap22) S. *50 c. net. Macmillan. Baldwin, Ja.

Fairy reader; adpt. fr. Grimm and Andersen. '05 (My6) D. (Eclectic school readAm. Bk. ings.) 35 c. Guide to systematic readings in the new Werner twentieth century ed. of the Encyclopedia Britannica: rev. by F. T. Jones, 1900; rev. by Alex. R. Read, 1904. Trade ed. '05 (O14) 8°, $2.50

Werner Co. Robinson Crusoe written anew for children. '05 (D16) il. por. D. (Eclectic readings.) 35 c.

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Principles of argumentation. Rev. ed. enl. Balfour, Arth. Ja.

Baker, Louise Regina.


Mrs. Pinner's little girl. '05(07) il. D.
(Little maid ser.) +$1.
Old Monday farm. '05 (N11) il. D. †50 c.

Baker, Moses Nelson.


Sewerage and sewage purification. 2d ed.,
rev. and enl. '05 (07) S. (Science ser.)
bds., 50 c.
Van Nostrand.

Baker, Thdr., ed.
Pronouncing pocket-manual of musical
terms, together with elements of notation
and condensed biogs. of noteworthy mu-
sicians. '05 (07) 16°, bds., 25 c.


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Anthem angelic, and other sermons. '05

(Je17) por. 12°, $1.50.


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Banister, Corrilla..


A modern miracle; psychic power made plain. '05 (MrII) 12°, **75 c. net. Grafton Press.

Banjo talks. Culbertson, A. V. $1.


Bank and the treasury. Cleveland, F. A. **$1.80 net. Longmans.


See Banks and banking.


American bankruptcy repts.


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Collier, W: M. Law and practice in bankruptcy. $6.30.

See also Receivers;-Sale.

Banks, Enoch Marvin.

M. Bender.

Economics of land tenure in Georgia. '05 (Ag12) maps, 8°, (Columbia Univ..studies in hist., economics and pub. law.) pap., *$1 net. Macmillan.

Banks, Helen Ward.
Boynton pluck. '05 (07) il. D. +$1.

Banks, Mrs. Nancy Huston.

Penn Pub. Co.

Little hills. '05 (Jl1) D. †$1.50. Macmillan. Banks' New York state lawyers' diary, for 1905. 3d year. '05 (Ja14) O. hf. roan, $1.50. Banks & Co. BANKS AND BANKING. American Academy of Political and Social Science. Government regulation of banks and trust companies. 50 c.

Ellis, H., ed.

Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. Banking decisions of U. S. and Canada. $10; $12. Case Law. Gest, W: P. Rise and business of the modern trust company. gratis. Fidelity. Gilpin, W: J., and Wallace, H: E. Clearing house of N. Y. City. $1.50.

M. King. Moxey, E: P. Bank defalcations. 15 c. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. New York. Statutory revision of laws affecting banks, banking and trust companies, amended to 1905. $1.50.

Banks & Co. Pratt's digest. 1905 ed. $2. A. S. Pratt. Rollins, M., comp. Laws regulating the investment of bank funds. $2.50.

M. Rollins. See also Exchange;-Finance;-Gold (as money); -Interest;-Money;-Savings banks;-Stocks.

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Pat and the spider. '05 (D16) col. il. T. (Dumpy ser.) 50 c. Stokes. Story of little black Sambo; introd. by L. F. Baum. '05 (O14) col. pls., 32°, (Christmas stocking ser.) 35 c. Reilly & B. Banquet book. See Reynolds, C.

Banta, N. Moore, and Benson, Alpha Banta. Brownie primer. '05 (S2) col. il. sq. D. 35 c. Flanagan. BAPTISM.

Given to God: a memento.

25 C. Westminster.

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