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*$1.25 net. Macmillan. Prehistoric times. subs.

Lubbock, Sir J:
(App. to pubs. for price.)

J. A. Hill & Co. Moorehead, W. K., comp. Prehistoric relics: an il. catalogue. $1. Andover. Rathgen, F. Preservation of antiquities. *$1.50 net. Macmillan. See also Coins and medals;-Ethnology;-Folklore; Forum;-History;-Inscriptions;- Man; -Manners and customs;-Middle Ages;

Phalerum;-Pompeii;-Totemism;-Zimbabwe. Archbald, Anna, and Jones, Georgina. Fusser's book. [New and larger ed.] '05 (028) il. O. bds., 75 c.


See Ferns;-Mosses.


Architect, owner and builder before the law.

Clark, T. M. *$3 net. Architects' lib. i. O.



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Richey, H. G. Hdbk. for superintendents of construction, architects, builders and building inspectors. $4. Wiley. Simpson, F. M. Hist. of architectural development. In 3 v. V. I. *$4 net. Longmans. Snider, D. J. Architecture as a branch of æsthetic psychologically treated. $1.50. Sigma.

Spiers, R. P. Architecture east and west: essays. *$4.50 net. Scribner. Thomson, W: C. Bridge and structural design. $2. Engineering News. Towne, H: R. Locks and builders' hardware: hdbk, for architects. $3. Wiley. Wicks, W: S. Log cabins and cottages: how to build and furnish them. $1.50.

Forest. Archæology;

See also Abbeys; - Aesthetics; Architectural drawing; Barns; Bridges; Building laws; - Building materials;-Carpen try;-Cathedrals; Concrete;-Decoration and ornament; Fine arts; Heating; House decoration; Roofs; Sanitary engineering;Schools;-Stair-building; - Steel;-Strength of materials;-Ventilation;-also Paris;-Rome. Archko library. Mahan, W. D., comp. $1.


Honeyman, A. Van D.

30 C.; 45 c.

Nansen, F., ed. Norwegian expedition. v. 6. $14.

See also Antarctic regions. ARDENNE.

W. C. Fisk.

Reindeerland. Honeyman. North Polar

See Luxembourg (Grand Duchy of). Ardleigh, Hugh.


American garment cutter: treatise on the cutting of men's garments. '05 (Jl22) il. 4°, $15. Am. Fashion.

Aretino, Leonardo.

See Bruni, L. ARETINO, Pietro.

Van Dyke, P. Renascence portraits. **$2 Scribner.


Argall, Philip H:

Western mill and smelter methods of analysis. '05 (021) diagrs., 12°, $1.50.

Indust. Pr. Argument demonstrating existence of deity. Smithers, J. P. 15 c. Eckler.

Argument in symbols. Rankin, A. R. 15 c. Flanagan.

ARGUMENTATION. See Debating. Aristophanes.

The Acharnians; ed. by C. E. Graves. '05 (Ag19) 16°, (Pitt Press ser.) *90 c. net. Macmillan.

-, and Lucian, [Lucianus Samosatensis.] Selections; tr. by F. A. Paley. '05 (Ja7) 8°, (Breviary treasures, Delphic ed.) $5. (privately printed.) N. H. Dole.


Rutherford, W: G. Aristophanes chap. in the hist. of annotation. V. 3, Scholia Aristophanica. *$8 net. Macmillan.


Politics; tr. by B: Jowett; introd., analysis and index by H. W. C. Davis. '05 (028) D. $1. Oxford Univ. ARITHMETIC.

Anderson, W. D. Manu-mental computation. $1. W. D. Anderson.

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Bigelow, G. E. Primary number through
constructive measuring. 25 c. Heath.
Brooks, E: New normal written arithme-
tic. 80 c.
Cheever, E. J. King of calculators. $1.
E. J. Cheever.
Complete solutions of problems in the text
on Grammar school arithmetic, and A
manual on grammar school arithmetic.
*$1 net.
Whitaker & R.

Douthat, R. W: New method of obtaining
all possible prime numbers from one to
infinity, etc. $1.
R. W: Douthat.
Gildemeister, T. Multiplication tables.
Godfrey, C., and Bell, G. M. Winchester
arithmetic. Teachers' ed. *$1.90 net.


Jones, J. S. W:

Review of practical arith-
metic. 15 C.
J. S. W: Jones.
Lodge, Sir O. Easy mathematics; chiefly
arithmetic. *$1.10 net.
Lyman, E. A. Advanced arithmetic. 75 c.
Am. Bk.
McClymonds, J. W., and Jones, D. R.
Elem. arith., oral and written. 40 c.

Am. Bk.


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Post exchange; methods of running a post exchange, accounts to be kept, preparation of reports, etc. '05 (My20) 12°, $1. Hudson. Armstrong, Jerome Boneypart. Improved methods of corn growing and intense cultivation. '05 (Ap29) 8°, $1; pap., 75 c. J. B. Armstrong.

Sir Joshua Reynolds. Popular ed. '05 Scribner. (N18) il. O. **$3.50 net. Armstrongs (The). Richards, Mrs. L. E. H. +$1.25. Estes.



Am. Bk.
McMurry, C: A. Special method in arith-
metic. *70 c. net.
Mecutchen, S., and Sayre, G: M. New
Am, arithmetic. pt. 1, 20 c.; pt. 2, 30 c.;
pt. 3, 42 c.
Morgan, W. P. Teachers' manual for
Walsh's New grammar school arithmetic. Armstrong, Sir Wa.
Inland Pub.
Nicholson, J. W. New intermediate arith-
metic. 35 c.-New primary arithmetic.
18 c.
Payne, E. L. Pract. arithmetic, for schools.
75 c.
E. L. Payne.
Ray, J. New intellectual arithmetic. 25 c.
-New primary arithmetic. 15 C.
Am. Bk.
Robinson, H. N. Progressive pract. arith-
metic. 68 c.- -Rudiments of written
arithmetic. 32 c.
Am. Bk.
Schuyler, E. H. Number foundations. 40 c.

Sensenig, D: M., and Anderson, R. F.
Key to New complete arithmetic. $1.25.
Sisk, B: F. Foundations of higher arith-
metic. 65 c.


Smith, D: E. Advanced arithmetic.-In-
termediate arithmetic; with ans. ea., 40 c.
-Hdbk. to Smith's arithmetics. 50 c.-
Practical arithmetic. 65 c.
See also Bookkeeping;-Chemistry;-Mensuration:

Arithmetic of pharmacy. Stevens, A. B.
75 c.

Arizona sketches. Munk, J. A. $2.


Grafton Press. Arizona Territory. Supreme ct. Repts. (E. W. Lewis.) v. 5. '05 (Jero); v. 6 (D2) O. shp., ea., $4.25. Bancroft-W.


De Long, S. R. Hist. of Arizóna. *$1 net. Whitaker & R. Arkansas. Digest of the statutes, emb. laws in force 1903; (W: F. Kirby.) '05 (J18) O. shp., $2.50. Gammel.

See Military art and science; also names


Arneill, Ja. Rae.

Clinical diagnosis and urinalysis. '05 (J11) il. 12°, (Medical epitome ser.) *$1 net.

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Art galleries of Europe ser. il. D. **$2 net.

L. C. Page. -Addison. Art of the National Gallery. -Potter. Art of the Venice Academy. Art life primer. Jacobs, N. C. 30 c.


Flanagan. Art lovers' treasury. Lowell, Mrs. C. T. **$1.20 net. Art of coppersmithing. Fuller, J, sr. $3. D: Williams. *$1.50 net. Macmillan. $1. Heath.

Art of creation. Carpenter, E:

Art of expression. Burt, G: A.
Art of generating gear-teeth. Coombs, H.
A. 50 c.
Van Nostrand.

Art of geometry. Baker, A. L. 50 c. Sibley.
Art of lead burning. Fay, C. H.

$2. D: Williams.

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Macmillan. Addison, J. de L. C. Page. Potter, M. K. L. C. Page.

Art of writing. See Stevenson, R. L:

Art of writing and speaking the English language. See Cody, S.

Art thou the man? Bingham, E. †$1.50.



Barnes, C. L. Atlas of the arterial and venous system. $20; $25. C. L. Barnes.


Artistic crafts ser. of technical handbooks; ed. by W. R. Lethaby. il. D. Appleton. -Whall. Stained glass work. **$1.50 net. Artist's love story. Knapp, O. G. *$3.50 net. Longmans.

Artist's way of working. Sturgis, R. 2 v.

*$15 net.


Rea, H. *$1.50 net.


Tuscan and Venetian artists. Dutton. See also Engravers and engravings;-Painters and painting.

Artists' year book: data pertaining to artists,
and their studio, home and summer ad-
dresses, for 1905-1906; comp. and ed. by
Arth. N: Hosking. '05 (Ag12) O. $3; bds.,
Art League.

Arts and crafts of old Japan. Dick, S.
*$1.20 net.
As the world goes by. Brooks, E. W. +$1.50.
As thought is led. Van
As to the leopard's spots.

Asbury, Fs.

Little, B. & Co. Buren, A. K. $1.

Badger. Miller, K. 15 c. K. Miller.

Heart of Asbury's journal; ed. by E. S. Tipple. '05 (F4) il. pors. maps, O. *$1.50 net. Eaton & M. Ascham, Roger. English works: Toxophilus; Report of the affaires and state of Germany; The schoolmaster; ed. by W: A. Wright. '05 (F4) 8°, (Cambridge Eng. classics.) *$1.50 net. Macmillan. Asensi, Julia de.

Victoria y otros cuentos; ed., with notes and vocab., by Edg. S. Ingraham. '05 (Je17) 12°, (Modern lang. ser.) 50 c.


Ashe, Sydney Whitmore, and Keiley, J. D.
Electric railways, theoretically and prac-
tically treated. '05 (Ap22) D. **$2.50 net.
Van Nostrand.

Ashhurst, Astley Paston Cooper.
See Deaver, J: B.
Ashley, Carroll.

Practical planer kinks for planer hands. '05 (07) por. diagrs., 12°, $1. Hill Pub.

Ashley, W: Ja. Progress of the German working classes in the last quarter of a century. '05 (Ag5) map, diagrs., 12°, *60 c. net. Longmans. Ashmore, Sidney Gillespie.

The classics and modern training: addresses suggestive of the value of classical studies to education. '05 (Mr4) D. **$1.25 net. Putnam.

Ashton, W: Easterly. Essentials of obstetrics; arr. in the form of questions and answers. 6th ed., rev. '05 (07) il. 12, (Question-compends.) *$1 Saunders. Text-bk. on the practice of gynecology. '05 (Jr) il. 8°, *$6.50 net; shp., *$7.50 net. Saunders.


Arthur, W:

Building estimator. [2d ed.]

'05 (D2) pis.,

16°, $1.50.

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Justi, F., and others. Central and eastern Asia in antiquity.-Egypt and western Asia in antiquity.

See Wright, J: H, ed. Hist. of all nations..

V. 1, 2.

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Hendrickson, W: W. Notes on stereographic projection and the astronomical triangle. (Sold to midshipmen only.) U. S. Naval Inst. Irving, C. Catechism of astronomy. 15 c. Murphy. Lord, H: C. Elements of geodetic astronomy, for civil engineers. *$1.50 net. H: C. Lord. Proctor, R: A. Other worlds than ours. subs. (App. to pubs. for price.) J. A. Hill & Co. Astronomical discovery. *$3 net. Longmans. Watson, S: H: Secrets of time and space. $1.50. S: H. Watson. See also Almanacs and annuals;-Astrology;Navigation;---Solar system;-Spectrum;-Sun; -Universe.

Turner, H. H.

At close range. Smith, F. H. †$1.50.


At Linticum hermitage. Welsh, M. E. 30 c. Montfort.

At odds with the regent. Stevenson, B. E. +$1; 450 c. Lippiacost.



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Crowther, S, and Ruhl, A. Rowing and track athletics. **$2 net. Macmillan. Inter-collegiate Assoc. of Amateur Athletics of America. Constitution, by-laws and laws. IO C. Am. Sports. Miles, E. Alphabet of athletics. *75 c. net. Dutton. Missouri Athletic Club, St. Louis. Year bk. and roster, 1905. V. I. $I. Hellmuth. Orton, G: W., ed. Athletic training for school boys. IO C. Am. Sports. Public Schools Athletic League. Official handbook. IO C. Am. Sports. Spalding's official athletic almanac, 1905. Am. Sports.


Sullivan. J. E. Athletics in the West and
Far West. gratis.
J. E. Sullivan.

See also Bag_punching; - Boxing; - Fencing; Games; Jiu-jitsu; - Gymnastics and physical culture;-Running;-Wrestling.

Atkins, Ja., D.D.

Kingdom in the cradle. '05 (N18) D. $1.25. Pub. Ho. of M. E. Ch., So. Atkinson, Fred. Washington. Philippine Islands. '05 (07) il. O. *$3 net. Ginn.

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Atkinson, G: Fs.

At the edge of the yellow sky.



At the emperor's wish. Davis, O. K. $1.25. Appleton.

College text-book of botany: enlargement of [his] Elementary botany. '05 (Ap15) il. D. **$2 net.


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Atlas of dermatology. Dockrell, M. *$15 Longmans. Atlas of the arterial and venous system. Barnes, C. L. $20; $25. C. L. Barnes. Atlas of the state of New Jersey carefully comp. from official and private sources. '05 (N18) maps, f°, $25. Survey Map. Atlas of the town of Milton, Norfolk Co., Mass., from official and private surveys; rev. by W. W. Churchill.'05 (N18) maps, fo, hf. leath., $15. G: H. Walker. ATLASES.

Hammond's Modern atlas of the world. $3. --Pictorial atlas of the world. $5.

C. S. Hammond.

Hulbert, A. B., ed. Crown coll. of photo

graphs of Am. maps. In 5 v. v. I, 2. v. 1, $150; v. 2, $100. A. H. Clark. Rand, McNally & Co. Indexed atlas of Dominion of Canada and of all important foreign countries and states. $8; $10; $12.-Indexed atlas of the world. [1905.] 2 v. subs. (App. to pubs. for price.)-New imperial atlas of the world. $2.50.

Rand, McN. & Co. Twentieth century peerless atlas and pictorial gazetteer of all lands. $1.75.

Crowell Pub.

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See Bookkeeping.

Audsley, G: Ashdown.

Art of organ-building. '05 (My13) 2 v., 8°, Ordinary ed., subs., $15; Ed. de luxe, subs., $25. Dodd. Audubon, J: W.

Western journal, 1849-1850: ms. record of a trip from New York to Texas, and an overland journey through Mexico and Arizona to the goldfields of California; with biog. memoir by Maria R. Audubon, and ed. by Fk. H. Hodder. '05 (D9) il.' por. map, 8°, *$3 net. A. H. Clark. Augur, Edn. Prosper, comp. Family hist. and genealogy of the descendants of Robert Augur, of New Haven Colony. '05 (F25) il. 8°, $4. E. P. Augur. Augustine, St.

Selections. '05 (F18) Fe, *40 c. net..

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Hill, C. Jane Austen: her homes and her friends. *$1.50 net. Lane. Austin, Alfr.

The garden that I love: [poems.] '05 (NII) col. il. sq. 8°, *$2 net. Macmillan. Austin, B: Fish.


Rational memory training. 5th ed. '05 (Je17) sq. S. pap., 50 c. Austin, Martha Waddill.

Tristram and Isoult: [poem.].'05 (014) D. bds.. $1. Badger.

Austin, Mrs. Ma. Hunter.
Isidro. '05 (My6) il. D. †$1.50.


Houghton, M. & Co.

Buley, E. C. Australian life in town and country. **$1.20 net. Putnam. Lang, A. Secret of the totem [among Australian tribes.] *$3 net. Longmans.

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