AMERICAN American Academy of Pol. and Soc. Sci. pubs.-Continued. -Woodruff and others. Activities of civic organizations for municipal improvement in the United States. 50 c. -Wotherspoon. Training of the efficient sol dier. 25 c. -Zug. Real estate as security for loans. 25 c. American and English decisions in equity: with notes. v. 10, (A. Stewart.) '05 (S9) O. shp., $6.50. M. Murphy. American and Eng. encyclopedia of law; ed. by D: S. Garland and C: Porterfield. 2d ed. v. 29. '05 (Ja28); v. 30 (My13); v. 31 (Jl1); v. 32 (Ag19) O. shp., ea., $7.50. E: Thompson. American bankruptcy repts.; annot.; ed. by J: T. Cook and W: M. Collier. v. 12. '05 (F11); v. 13 (Ag12) O. shp., ea., $5. M. Bender. American bibliography. Evans, C: $15. (privately pr.) C: Evans, [Blakeley Press.] American book-plates. Allen, C: D. **$2.50 Macmillan. net. American boy and the social evil. Willson, R. N. $1. American boys' ser. il. 12°, +$1. Winston. Lothrop, L. & S. -Adams. Just his luck. American catalog, 1900-1904; [v. 1,] record under author, title, subject and series of books pub. in the U. S., and recorded in the Weekly Record of The Publishers' Weekly, together with a directory of publishers. '05 (Je3) Q. hf. mor., $6; now *$7.50 net; [v. 2,] full title entries, being a reprint of full titles, with annots., of the Weekly Record of The Publishers' Weekly. '05 (D9) Q. hf. mor., *$7.50 net; with v. I, *$12 net. Pub. Weekly. American census taking. Merriam, W: R. gratis. Gov. Pr. American citizen ser.; ed. by A. B. Hart. D. Longmans. -McClain. Constitutional law in the United States. $2. -Seligman. Principles of economics. $2.25. American commentary on the Old Testament. -Phelps. Louisiana. **$1.10 net. **$1.10 net v. 13; American corporation legal manual. ed. by E: Q. Keasbey and A. V. D. Honeyman. '05 (My13) O. shp., $5. Corp. Leg. Co. American criminal repts. ; cases determined in federal and state courts in the U. S., as well as sel. cases fr. Eng., Irish, Scotch and Canadian law repts.; with notes and ref. v. 12; (J: F. and H: C. Geeting.) '05 (J11) O. shp., *$5 net. Callaghan. American crisis biographies; ed. by E. P. Oberholtzer. por. D. **$1.25 net. Jacobs. -Robins. William T. Sherman. Rogers. Thomas H. Benton. -Spears. David G. Farragut. American digest, annot.; 1904B. '05 (Ap1): 1905A. (07) O. (Am. digest system.) shp., ca., $6. West Pub.. American digest; main heads and subdivisions of classification scheme. 4th ed. '05 (F11) O. pap. (free to subs.) West Pub. American diplomacy. Moore, J: B. **$2 net. Harper. American Economic Association. Papers and G. $15. American garment cutter. Holt. American Jersey Cattle Club. Jersey herd in the dairy cow demonstration, Louisiana Purchase Exposition. '05 (J115) il. por. f°, pap. Free. Am. Jersey Cattle. American Jewish year book, 5666, Sept. 30, 1905, to Sept. 19, 1906; ed. by C. Adler and H. Szold. [Also Rept. of the 17th year of the Jewish Pub. Soc. of America, 19041905. '05 (07) D. 75 c. Jewish Pub. American judiciary. Baldwin, S. E. **$1.25 Century Co. American law directory. See Martindale, J. B. American law relating to income and principal. Howes, E. A., jr. *$1 net. Little, B. & Co. American lectures on the history of religions. Putnam. O. **$1.50 net. -Steindorff. Religion of the ancient Egyptians. net. AMERICAN LITERATURE. Gilmore, J. H: Outlines of Eng, and Am. literature. 75 c. Scrantom, W. & Co. Sinclair, U. Our bourgeois literature. 5 c. Kerr. Trent, W: P., ed. Southern writers: selections. *$1.10 net. Macmillan. Wenner, W. E. Outline in Eng. and Am. literature. 30 c. Flanagan. See also Authors;-Bibliographies;-English literature;-Essays;-Poetry;-also Brown, C: B. AMERICAN American musical directory, 1905-6. '05 (S23) American phonography. Anderson, W: L. American pioneers. Mowry, W: A: 65 c. American state ser.-Continued. D. Silver. American political history. See Johnston, A. American printer. American manual of typography. '05 (Mr25) il. facsims., 4°, $3. American railroad rates. Oswald. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Lea. Macmillan. American thumb-prints. Stephens, K. **$1.50 Lippincott. net. American trotter. Parlin, S. W. $2. Am. Horse. Hurst. American pioneers. 65 c. Some peculiar laws and customs of colonial Keowee Courier.-Mowry. Dodd. American scholar. See Emerson, R. W. Conkey. V. 102 American Silk Journal Co. Glossary of silk -Baldwin. American judiciary. -Goodnow. City government in the United Leeds & B. Ames, Oakes. AMHERST, Mass. Walker, A. M. Among French inns. AMPHIBIA. Appleton. Van Denburgh, J: Reptiles and amphibians of the islands of Pacific coast of No. America. 50 c. Cal. Acad. Sci. Amram, D: Werner. Leading cases in the Bible. '05 (S16) D. *$1.50 net. Greenstone. Amsden, Dora. Marshall, A Trainer's anatomy. $1.60. Physical Culture. Schultze, O. M. S. Atlas and text-bk. of topographic and applied anatomy. *$5.50 Saunders. net. Text-bk. of the practice of medicine. 7th ed., rev. '05 (O21) il. 8°, cl. and hf. mor., *$6.50 net. Saunders. Andersen, Hans Christian. Danish fairy legends and tales; fr. the Danish by Caro. Peachey and H. W. Dulcken; biog. notes and introd. by Sa. C. Brooks. '05 (Ag5) 16°, (Pocket Am. and Eng. classics.) *25 c. net. Macmillan. Ugly duckling. '05 (O28) il. 4°, bds., **75 c. Moffat. net. Anderson, E: Lowell, and Collier, Price. Riding and driving. '05 (My13) il. 12°, (Am. sportsman's lib.) **$2 net. Macmillan See Winfield, C. H. ANDRÉ, Maj. John. Harland. Hensel, W. U. Major John André as a prisoner of war at Lancaster, Pa., 1775-6. n. p. New Era Print. Andreini, J. M. Puerto-Principe: an interesting issue of stamps in Cuba. '05 (My13)`_16°,_pap., bds. (Not for sale.) Blue Sky Press. Andrews, Arth. Lynn, ed. Specimens of discourse. '05 (D9) S. (Eng. readings.) *60 c. net. Holt. Andrews, C: McLean. Colonial self-government, 1652-1689. '05 (My20) por. maps, 8°, **$2 net. Harper. Andrews, Gibson Callaway. Story of humanity. '05 (021) il. por. 12°, 50 c. Mutual Pub. Co. Andrews, Homer L. Facsimile typewriting manual. 2d ed. '05 (Je10) 12°, $1. Andrews & McC. Andrews, Rev. S: Ja. Man and the Incarnation; man's place in the universe as determined by his relations to the Incarnate Son. '05 (My20) D. **$1.50 net. Putnam. Andy Grant's pluck. Alger, H., jr. 35 c. Hurst. Anecdotes faciles et poésies. Super, O. B. 25 c. Heath. Angel of Syon. Hamilton, Dom A. *$1.10 Herder. net. Angelic wisdom concerning the opening of the first of the seven seals. Anderson, J: P. $2.50. Statesman Pub. Angler's hours. Sheringham, H. T. *$1.50 Macmillan. net. ANGLICAN CHURCH. See Church of England;-Protestant Episcopal church. ANGLO-BOER WAR. See South Africa, Glasfurd, A. I. R. Indian jungle. Lankester, E. R. net. Stokes. Ways of nature. **$1.10 Houghton, M. & Co. Sa'zada tales. †$2. Scribner. Rifle and romance in the Lane. *$5 net. Extinct animals. **$1.75 11 Holt. Litsey, E. C. Race of the swift: [stories of wild animals.] $1.25. Little, B. & Co. Long, W: J. Little brother to the bear. 50 c.-Northern trails: animal life in the far north. **$1.50 net. Ginn. Lottridge, S. A. Animal snapshots and how made. $1.75. Holt. Rigney, W: J., ed. Little folks' natural hist. 35 c. McLaughlin. Roberts, C: G: D. Little people of the sycamore. 50 c.-Red Fox. +$2.-Re ANTONINUS Scott, R. F. Voyage of the "Discovery." 2 v. **$10 net. See also Arctic regions. Macmillan. turn to the trails. †50 c. L. C. Page. Antarctica. Nordenskjöld, O. G. *$5 net. Schillings, C. G. With flash-light and rifle: wild animal world of equatorial Africa. **$2 net. Harper. Seton, E. T. Animal heroes. $2. Scribner. Seton, E. T. Woodmyth and fable. **$1.25 net. Stechert. Century Co. Stoner, B. Jim Crow tales. $1. Saalfield. Toenjes, H. Principles of animal understanding. *60 c. net. Whitney, C. Jungle trails and jungle peoScribner. ple. **$3 net. See also Amphibia;-Cattle;-Domestic animals; -Hunting; - Mammalia; Natural history;Sports and sportsmen;-Veterinary medicine and surgery;-Zoology;-also names of ani mals. Antcliffe, Herb. Brahms. '05 (My13) 16°, (Bell's miniature ser. of musicians.) 50 c.; leath., $1. Macmillan. Anthem angelic. Bancroft, W: H: $1.50. Jacobs. - Anti-confusion business methods. New Sweet land, C: A: $1; 50 c. C: A: Sweetland. Anti-coupon tobacco bill. U. S. Congress. House Committee on Ways and Means. Gov. Pr. gratis. Anti-worry recipe. Porter, D. L. *25 c. net. Am. Tr. ANTIQUITIES. See Archæology;-also rames of countries. Antoinette. Brown, A. 25 c. Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. Westbrook. Thoughts. '05 (Je17) 16°, (Bell's pocket classics.) *50 c. net; tr. by G: Long; with an essay by Matt. Arnold. '05 (Mr18) 12°, (York lib.) 80 c.; leath., $1.25. Macmillan. Angel Press. Apparitions and shrines of heaven's bright queen. See Walsh, W: J. APPENDICITIS. Battle, W. H., and Corner, E. M. Surgery of disease of appendix vermiformis and their complications. *$2.50 net.. Keener. Deaver, J: B. Appendicitis. *$7_net; *$8 Blakiston. net. il. Appleton's modern clinical medicine ser. ** Monfort. Appointed way. Daring, H. *$1 net. Griffith. APPRAISEMENTS. net. net. Aprilwetter. Arnold, H. 35 c. Story of Cupid and Psyche: tr. by W. Adlington and ed. by W. H. D. Rouse. '05 (S16) 16°, (King's classics.) bds., 60 c. Dodge. ARABIA. Forder, A. Ventures among the Arabs: 13 years of missionary life. $1.25. Hartshorn. See also Mohammed and Mohammedanism;-Petra. Arabian nights' entertainments: Ali Baba and the forty thieves. '05 (Ag19) il. sq. 16o, (Banbury Cross ser.) hf. vellum, †50 c. Altemus. ARABIC LANGUAGE. net. Socin, A. Arabische grammatik. *$2.35 net. Lemcke. Thornton, F: Du P. Elem. Arabic. *$1.90 Macmillan. Arabische grammatik. Socin, A. *$2.35 net. Lemcke. ARABS. Phillipps, L. M. In the desert. $4.20. Longmans. Arachnia. Robertson, J. *$1.60 net. Macmillan. Arbitrary price-making through the forms of law. Wood, H: IO C. ARBITRATION (international). Lee & S. Johnson, E. R. Responsibilities of internat. leadership. 15 c. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. Arblay, Mme. Fes. d', [Fanny Burney.] Diary and letters, (1778-1840;) ed. by her niece, Charlotte Barrett; with preface and notes by Austin Dobson. In 6 v. V. I. '05 (Ja7); v. 2 (F4); v. 3 (Mr18); v. 4 (Ap15); v. 5 (Je3); v. 6 (Ag19) il, pors. 8°, ca., *$2.50 net. (Sold only in sets.) Macmillan. Diary and letters; with notes by W. C. Ward; pref. by Lord Macaulay's Essay. '05 (My13) 3 v., 12°, (Chandos classics.) cheaper ed., per set, $2.25. Warne. Evelina. 05 (Jl15) 12°, (Home lib.) $1. Burt. Arcadian ballads, and De Soto's last dream. Eaton, A. W. H. *$1 net. Whittaker. ARCAS. See Paleontology. ARCHAEOLOGY. Beauchamp, W: M. wood in New York. Aboriginal use of 35 c. N. Y. State Educ. Fewkes, J. W. Porto Rican stone collars and tripointed idols. 25 c. Smith. Inst. |