Captain M'Donald captures Freland's Fort...Expedition of
General Williams against the Creeks...Spain declares War
against England...Expedition of the Spanish Governour of
Louisiana, and his recognition of American Independence. 264
CHAP. XII. Events of 1779 continued...Proceedings of Con-
gress... Ultimatum of Negotiations for Peace...Instructions to
the Ministers at foreign Courts...Mr. Jay appointed Minis-
ter to Spain...Mr. Adams to negociate a peace with Great
Britain... Further emission of Bills of Credit... Lieutenant Co-
lonel Talbot made a Captain in the Navy...Gold Medal
presented to Major Lee...Mr. Huntington elected Presi-
dent...Convention Troops ordered to be fed with Indian
Corn...Chevalier de la Luzerne presents his credentials to
Congress, and is received as Minister from France...Regu-
lation of prices... Loans from Spain and Holland...Commu-
nication from the French Minister...Cruize of Captain Paul
Jones...Action between the Bon Homme Richard and Se-
rapis... The Countess of Scarborough surrenders to the Pal-
las...Jones enters the Texel...Remonstrance of the British
Ambassadour, and reply of their High Mightinesses, the
States General.
CHAP. XIII. Events of 1780...Sir Henry Clinton evacuates
Rhode Island, and prepares an expedition to the South...
The British fleet arrive at North Edisto, and disembark the
army...Rencontre between the British and American Ca-
valry....Sir Henry appears before Charleston....Situation of
General Lincoln...Earl of Caithness wounded in a skir-
mish...Charleston is summoned to surrender, and the sum-
mons rejected...The enemy's batteries are opened...Dan-
gerous situation of Lincoln...Terms of capitulation offered
by Lincoln and rejected...Movements of the Cavalry...Sur-
prise of Lieutenant Colonel Washington at Monk's Cor-
ner... Success of Lieutenant Colonel White against a forag-
ing party of the enemy...Disappointment and discomfiture
at Lerew's ferry...Sir Henry again demands the surrender.
of Charleston, which is given up, and Lincoln and his army
become prisoners of war...Terms of capitulation, and Ame-
rican loss...Treachery and punishment of Colonel Hamil-
ton Ballendine...Route and butchery of an American party
at Waxhaw by Lieutenant Colonel Tarleton... Measures of