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1. Who obtained possession of the principal possessions of Alexander m Asia, after his death? Who defeated Antigonus? How long did the kingdom of Syria or Syro-Media last? By what kings was it governed? 2. What is said of Seleucus and his exploits ? What is said of Antioch?

3. What was the end of Seleucus? By whom was he succeeded?

4. What is said of the reigns of Antiochus Theos and Seleucus Cal. linicus ?

5. Who was one of the most distinguished of this race of sovereigns? What is related of his reign?

6. By whom was Antiochus


whom and where was he defeated?

7. Who were the next two kings?

What did the Jews perform?

What did he undertake? By

What was done by the latter?

8. What is said of the succeeding reigns?

9. When did Seleucus I. begin to reign? Antiochus the Great? Who was the last of the Seleucidæ ?


1. What is said of the prosperity of Egypt? How long did the dynasty of the Ptolemies last?

2. Who was Ptolemy Lagus? What is said of his history and his abilities? 3. What important public services did he perform?

4. By whom was Ptolemy Soter succeeded? What is related of Ptol emy Philadelphus? What is said of his court? What celebrated version was made during his reign?

5. What is said of Ptolemy Evergetes? With what did his reign com. mence ? What vow was made by his queen ?

6. How was the hair regarded? What is said of that of Berenice? What took place respecting it?

7. By whom was Ptolemy Evergetes succeeded? For what was his reign distinguished? What excited his resentment against the Jews? 8. What decree did he publish? What effect did it produce? What did he then command ? What was the consequence?

9. What is said of the first three Ptolemies? What of the others? 10. Why was Ptolemy Soter so named? Ptolemy Philadelphus ? Ptolemy Evergetes? Ptolemy Philopater? Ptolemy Epiphanes ? &c. 11. Who was the last of the Ptolemies? Who was his queen? With whom is her history connected? What was the manner of her death? What was the condition of Egypt afterwards?

12. What is related respecting the queens of the Ptolemies?

13. When did Ptolemy Lagus begin to reign? Who was the last of these sovereigns? When did she die?


1. What state becomes the leading object of attention, after the conquest of Greece? What is said of its rise and importance? What is remarked of its history? What is involved in its history?

2. What was its extent during its early history? What change after wards took place? How long did the empire continue ?

3. What is said of the early history of the Romans? What reasons are there for supposing there must be a mixture of fiction?

4. How is the length of time comprised in the reigns of the seven kings regarded? What happened to several of these kings? What was the average length of their reigns?

5. What is remarked respecting the histories of the early ages? Of Romulus, of the seven kings, and early ages of the commonwealth?

6. What account do the poets give of Æneas? How long was the succession continued in his family?

7. Of whom was Rhea Sylvia the mother? What is related of the brothers? What did Romulus do after he had built the city of Rome?

8. How is Romulus said to have divided the people? Of how many members did the senate consist? From whom were they chosen? How did he attach the two classes to each other? What duties did the patron and client perform to each other?

9. By what persons was the king attended?

10. Who was the second king of Rome? Of what town was he a na tive? How is he represented? What did he do?

11. Who was the third king? For what is his reign memorable ? What was the issue of this combat?

12. Who was the fourth king ? What did he do? 13. Who was the successor of Ancus Martius ? What was done by him? 14. What is related of Servius Tullius? What did he establish? By what was the census closed?

15. What were the characters of the two daughters of Servius? What measure did he take with regard to them, in order to secure the throne? How did he attempt to correct their defects? What was the issue?

16. How did Tarquin the Proud begin his reign? What was the consequence? What is related of Sextus? What course did Lucretia take? 17. What measures were taken to excite the indignation of the people against the Tarquins? What was done with Tarquin?


1. What government was established instead of the regal authority? To whom did the supreme power belong? What two new officers were chosen? What is said of their power? Who were the first consuls?

2. What measures were taken by Tarquin? What partisans had he in Rome? In what plot were the sons of Brutus concerned? What course did Brutus take? What remark is made by an ancient author upon his conduct?

3. What took place after the insurrection in the city was suppressed? What notice was taken of the death of Brutus? Who was the first that enjoyed the reward of a triumph?

4. What course did Valerius adopt to regain his popularity? What was the effect of this law?

5. How long were the Romans involved in hostilities on account of Tarquin? What was the most remarkable of these wars? Who distinguished themselves in it?

6. What other troubles were added to those of war? What course did the plebeians take? Why was the authority of the consuls of no avail ? 7. What new magistrate was now created? In what cases was he ap pointed? What was his authority? Who was chosen dictator? What was the issue? What other occasion was there for a dictator?

8. What troubles followed after the return of peace? What course did the plebeians adopt on an alarm of war? What was their language? What step did they at length take?

9. What was the consequence of this procedure? What was done by

Menenius Agrippa? What was granted to the plebeians? How often were tribunes elected, and what was their number? What two other magistrates were appointed?

10. What did a neglect of agriculture occasion? In what manner did Coriolanus excite the resentment of the people? What was the consequence?

11. What law was proposed that caused dissension? Who demanded such a division of the public lands?

12. What was the law which Volero caused to be enacted? What was the effect of this law?

13. What is related of Cincinnatus? What did he do after his victories? 14. What was the fact respecting the laws of the Romans? Who administered justice? What is said of their proceedings? What measures were taken to provide a code ?

15. For what were the decemvirs appointed? Of what statutes was this the origin?

16. With what were the decemvirs invested? How did they govern? What caused a termination of the office?

17. What was cne of the crimes of Appius Claudius? What was the other?

18. What decree did he pronounce? What was done by Virginius ? What was the effect? What took place respecting the decemvirs and decemvirate?


1. What were the barriers which still separated the patricians and ple beians? Which was repealed? What was the effect?

2. What officers were chosen instead of consuls? Did this institution continue long?

3. What was prevented by the disorders of the republic? What officers were appointed to remedy this neglect? What was their duty? What is said of this office?

4. What practice was introduced to people's refusing to enlist in the army? this?

avoid the evils arising from the What changes took place after

5. What decree was made respecting Veii? What followed? 6. How did Camillus proceed?

How was he rewarded?

7. What is related of the Gauls? In what did they engage? What reply did Brennus make to the ambassadors from the senate? What did Brennus do in consequence of the ambassador's having assisted the inhabitants of Clusium?

8. What steps did the Gauls take after the battle of Allia? terprise did a body of Gauls perform? What was the issue? 9. On what condition did the Gauls agree to quit the city? done by Camillus ?

What en

What was

10. What afterwards happened to Manlius? 11. Against whom did the Romans next turn their arms? How long did this contest last, and how was it carried on? What disgrace did the Samnites cause the Romans to undergo? What was the effect?

12. What war broke out during the consulship of Torquatus Manlius? What is related respecting the son of Manlius?

13. What course did the Tarentines take? With how large an army did Pyrrhus land? What was the issue of the battle? What exclamation did Pyrrhus make?

14. What generous conduct is related of Fabricius? What effect cil this have on Pyrrhus?

15. What course did Pyrrhus afterwards take? Of what did the Ro inans now become masters?


1. With what states does the history of Rome now become connected! 2. By whom was Carthage founded? What was the government? What was the religion?

3. What was the situation of Carthage in the time of the Punic wars? What had it under its dominion? What is said of the character of the Carthaginians?

4. Did Carthage produce many philosophers? What generals did it produce?

5 By whom was Sicily colonized? What is said of Syracuse? How was it governed?

6 What is said of Gelon and his successors? By whom was the regal government restored? By whom was Dionysius the Younger dethroned?


1. What were the Romans desirous of, after having become masters of all Lower Italy? What conquests had they not yet made? What is said of Carthage How are the Carthaginians and Romans compared ? 2. How was the first Punic war brought on? What was the object of both parties?

3. What course did the Romans take? What part did the Syracusans act?

What was their success?

4. What further advantages did the Romans gain? What course was adopted by Regulus? What was the issue? What is further related of Regulus?

5. What was the final issue of the war? To what terms did the Carthaginians agree? What was the state of Sicily and Syracuse? What conquest did the Romans next make?

6. How long did peace last? How long was it since the temple of Janus had been shut?

7. What is said of Hamilcar? What of Hannibal? How did Hannibal commence the second Punic war?

8. What design did Hannibal now form and execute? the victory of Cannæ, and of the losses of the Romans? 9. For what has Hannibal been censured?

What is said of

10. By whose counsels were the Romans now guided? What were Fabius and Marcellus styled? What was the subsequent fortune of


11. What is related respecting Syracuse? What did it now become? What was the fate of the Carthaginians under Asdrubal?

12. What was done by Scipio the Younger? What course did the Carthaginians adopt? What engagement followed? What were the con ditions of peace? How long did the war continue ? 13. Where did Hannibal pass the rest of his life? hold friendly conversations? What reply did he make to the questiɔn, whom he thought the greatest general?

With whom did he

14. How did the first Macedonian war terminate? What victory did the Roman army under Scipio Asiaticus gain? How did the second Macedonian war terminate?

15. What was the pretext with the Romans for commencing the third Punic war? What is stated of Porcius Cato?

16. What was offered on the part of the Carthaginians? What did the

Romans require of them? How was the demand received?

17. What was the duration and issue of the siege? What is related re

specting the destruction of the city?

18. By what other event was the same year signalized? What other conquest did the Romans soon after make?


1. How had the Romans been hitherto characterized? What changer were now introduced?

2. What was now the condition of Rome? What took place after there ceased to be danger from a foreign enemy?

3. What is related of Tiberius and Caius Gracchus? What did Tiberius attempt? What was the issue?

4. What is related of his brother Caius?

5. How did Jugurtha attempt to obtain the crown of Numidia? What were his further proceedings?

6. Who commanded the Roman army in the war against Jugurtha? What was the issue? What victory did Marius afterwards gain?

7. What gave rise to the Social war?

in it? How was it ended?

8. What design did Mithridates form?

How many men were destroyed

How did he begin the Mithri

datic war? What Romans bore a distinguished part in it?

9. What is related respecting Sylla? What of his rival Marius ? 10. What course did Sylla take? What became of Marius? What was performed by Cinna? What is further related of Marius and Cinna?

11. What was done by Sylla after returning from his campaign? How did he proceed after he had wreaked his vengeance on his enemies? What epitaph did he write for himself? How many were slain in the civil war between Sylla and Marius ?

12. What took place after the death of Sylla? By whom was the party of Marius supported?

13. By what war was Rome next harassed? What was its termination? 14. What took place a few years after the defeat of Spartacus? What plan was concerted?

15. By whom was this conspiracy detected and crushed? How was it ended?


1. Why was Pompey surnamed the Great? What did he perform! How was he received on returning to Rome?

2. Who were now the most considerable men in Rome? What is related of Julius Cæsar? What was done by Pompey, Crassus, and Cæsar?

3. How did they distribute the provinces? What was the course of Crassus? What took place with regard to Cæsar and Pompey?

4. What course did Cæsar take after the division of the provinces ! What is said of his career? How did he continue to give a color of jus tice and humanity to his operations? What did he acquire?


5. What is related of Pompey? What took place when the term of Cæsar's government was about to expire? What then followed? were friends of Pompey? Who were on the side of Cæsar?

6. What preparations had Pompey made? What reply did he make when asked with what troops he expected to oppose Cæsar?

7. What course did Cæsar adopt? What river formed the limits of his command? What did he do on arriving at the banks of this river?

8. What effect did the news of this movement have at Rome? What course did Pompey adopt? By whom was he followed?

9. What success did Cæsar meet with? For what purpose did he say that he had entered Italy? What was his next course?

10. What part did the monarchs of the East take? By whom was Pompey joined ?

11. What were Cæsar's movements after staying eleven days at Rome ↑ What is said of the importance of the contest?

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