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Robinson-Patman Act-

Resolution remonstrating against all amendments
to the, which remove or weaken provisions of
the act
To establish beyond doubt that, under the, it is a
complete defense to a charge of price discrim-
ination for the seller to show that its price
differential has been made in good faith to
meet the equally low price of a competitor—
(See bill S. 540.)
Robinson-Patman Anti-Price-Discrimination Act and
the protection which it affords to small and
independent business, to strengthen-(See bill
S. 1357.)

Robitscher, Thomas O.-(See bill S. 550.)
Robles, Bernardina and Maria Elena-(See bill S.

Rocke, Paul E.-(See bill S. 1165.)

Rodriguez, Daphne Lherrison-(See bill S. 459.)
Roiles, Eugenio S.-(See bill S. 801.)
Roller, Sonia-(See bill S. 1786.)

Romana, Sister (Angela Iolanda Morelli)-(See bill S.

Romano, Leonardo-(See bill S. 310.)

Romero, Mrs. Jorge Diaz-(See bills S. 415; H. R.

Rooney, Lt. Thomas C. and Mrs. Thomas C. Rooney,
his wife (See bill H R. 814.)

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano-

Making January 30 of each year a legal public
holiday in commemoration of the birth of—
(See S. J. Res. 33.)

To establish a commission to formulate plans for
a memorial to (See S. J. Res. 110.)
Roosevelt Memorial Association, to amend the act to
incorporate, so as to change the name of such
association to "Theodore Roosevelt Associa-
tion" (See bills S. 667; H. R. 2277.)
Roosevelt, Theodore, Week, designating the week be-
ginning June 14, 1953, as-(See S. J. Res. 76.)

Rosasco, W. S., Jr.-(See bill S. 686.)
Rosenblat, Sam-(See bill H R. 2351.)

Rosenblum, Joseph-(See bill S. 649.)

Rosenthal, Jean-(See bill S. 1861.)

Rosenzweig, Siegfried (See bill S. 1352.)
Rosichan, Arthur S.-(See bill H. R. 3522.)
Ross, Irvin Scranton, widow and children of-(See
bill S. 2416.)

Rossi, Maria Teresa-(See bill S. 2436.)
Rossini, Rev. Charles V.-(See bill S. 2259.)
Roumanis, Stamatoula S.-(See bill S. 1595.)
Rowe, Michael Thomas (Akira Yomamoto) and Rich-
ard Edward Rowe (Akira Shinado)-(See bill
S. 2354.)

Royalties (to continue the effectiveness of the provi-
sions of the act of October 1942, relating to
the adjustment of, for the duration of the na-
tional emergency, and 6 months thereafter-
(See bill S. 1235.)

Draft of proposed legislation favoring_____
Rozanski, Mrs. Alberta S.-(See bill H. R. 5410.)
Rubber Act of 1948-


Section 9-(See bill S. 1410.)

To provide for the sale of Government-owned
rubber-producing facilities, to repeal and
modify certain of its provisions affected there-
by (See bill S. 2047.)

Rubber Plant Disposal Act of 1953, to enact (See bill
S. 2047.)

Rubber-producing facilities (Government-owned)—
Disposal of-(See bill H. R. 5728.)
Message of the President on.

26100-s J-83-1-55





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VIII, relating to objections against the consid-
eration of bills on the calendar-(See S. Res.

X, to permit weekly appearances of department-
al and agency heads in the Senate to answer
questions of Senators-(See S. Res. 58.)
XII, requiring a yea-and-nay vote on the pas-
sage of joint resolutions proposing amend-
ments to the Constitution-(See S. Res. 144.)
XIII, relative to motions to reconsider (See
S. Res. 57.)

XIV, to require bills amending or repealing
statutory provisions to show changes in ex-
isting law-(See S. Con. Res. 13.)

XVI and XXV, changing the name of the Com-
mittee on Foreign Relations to that of the
Committee on International Relations (See
S. Res. 82.)

XIX, to authorize the Presiding Officer, when a
Senator is called to order, to decide whether
the rule has been violated-(See S. Res. 60.)
XXII, so-called cloture rule of the Senate-
(See S. Res. 20, S. Res. 31, and S. Res. 63.)
XXV, relating to membership of certain stand-
ing committees (See S. Res. 18.)
XXV, temporarily increasing the membership
of the Committees on Armed Services and
Labor and Public Welfare (See S. Res. 32.)
XXV, to promote the effectiveness of investiga-
tions by committees of the Senate to establish
uniform rules for the conduct of Senate com-
mittee hearings and to insure orderly and
fair procedure and the protection of indi-
viduals (See S. Res. 83.)

XXVI, prescribing the procedure where the ju-
risdiction of Senate committees in making
inquiries or investigations is questioned-(See
S. Res. 146.)

XXVII, relative to authority of conferees-(See
S. Res. 27.)

XXXVII, requiring a yea-and-nay vote on the
question of advising and consenting to the
ratification of treaties (See S. Res. 145.) --
XLI, with reference to resolutions relating to
inquiries and investigations and committee
personnel-(See S. Res. 65.)

Memorandum prepared by the staff of the Repub-
lican policy committee on Senate rules and
the Senate as a continuing body__..
Motions to suspend, notices of may be filed with
any appropriation bill that may be reported,
during the recess of the Senate__
Petition favoring the amendment of, to provide
for proportionate representation on Senate
committees by all duly elected Senators re-
gardless of party affiliations, and that Senator
Morse should be restored to his previous com-
mittee assignments without loss of seniority__
Revision of, resolutions favoring, to limit debate-

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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

122, 176, 186, 187, 200, 204, 220, 320, 327, 360, 406, 454

St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation—
Providing for creation of, to construct part of the
St. Lawrence seaway in United States terri-
tory in the interest of national security-(See
bills S. 589, S. 1065.)
Providing for creation of the, to construct part of
the St. Lawrence seaway in United States ter-
ritory, to consummate certain arrangements
with Canada relative to construction and
operation of the seaway; empowering the
Corporation to finance the United States share
of the seaway cost on a self-liquidating basis;
to establish cooperation with Canada in the
control and operation of the seaway; and to
authorize negotiations with Canada of an
agreement on tolls-(See bill S. 2150.)
St. Regis Paper Co., to authorize the Secretary of the
Army to convey to the, certain land erro-
neously conveyed to the United States by such
company-(See bill S. 2346.)

[blocks in formation]

Saito, Betty Kiyoko-(See bill S. 309.)
Sakin, Abraham G.-(See bill H. R. 823.)
Sala, Sister Augusta-(See bills S. 1099; H. R. 1111.)
Salam, Musa Eid M. Abdes-(See bill S. 174.)
Saline-water program, report of the Secretary of the
Interior on action taken or instituted by him
in connection with the____
Salloum, Selim (Robert)-(See bill H. R. 5268.)
Salo, Erkki Mainio Sakari-(See bill S. 227.)
Saltonstall, Leverett (Senator from Massachusetts) –


[blocks in formation]

Ruttkay, Eva-(See bill S. 1425.)

Ryang, Dr. Soon Tai-(See bill H. R. 1339.)

Rye, barley, and oats, to amend the Agricultural Act of
1949 to provide price support for 1953 and 1954
crops of, at 90 percent of parity-(See bill S.


To amend the Agricultural Act of 1949 to provide
permanent price support for, at 90 percent
of parity-(See bill S. 478.)

To provide mandatory price supports through
1957 for (See bill S. 1159.)
Ryniewicz-Wisniewski, Henryk S.-(See bill S. 741.)


Saar, Robert J.-(See bill S. 562.)
Sabah, Charles-(See bill H. R. 3005.)
Sabath, Adolph J., announcement of the death of the
late Representative and proceedings thereon_
Sabine River, granting the consent of Congress to a
compact executed by the representatives of
the States of Louisiana and Texas relating to
the waters of the (See bill S. 2454.)
Sabotage, to amend section 2151 of title 18, United
States Code, relating to-(See bill S. 962.)

Sackman, Mildred T.-(See bill S. 363.)
Sacred Heart Hospital-(See bills S. 168; H. R. 3012.)
Sager, Philip Jack (Koichi Sasaki)—(See bill S. 2117.)
St. Charles, Frank-(See bill H. R. 4104.)

St. Elizabeths Hospital, annual report of, fiscal year

St. Lawrence Development Corporation, creating to
finance, construct, and operate certain works
in the International Rapids section of the St.
Lawrence River as a self-liquidating project-
(See S. J. Res. 45.)

[blocks in formation]


Sampsel, W. A.-(See bill H. R. 1167.)
Samraney, Lydia L. A.-(See bill S. 1323.)
Sander, Walter Carl-(See bill H. R. 685.)
Sanders, Ernest B.-(See bill S. 684.)
Sandrovic, Amalia-(See bill S. 1860.)
Santamarina-Becerra, Dr. Enrique-(See bill S. 868.)
Santoro, Anna, also known as Sister Natalina-(See
bill S. 355.)

Santos, Hermenegildo V., and his family-(See bill S.

Santos, Jose Correia Dos-(See bill S. 2589.)

Saporta, Esther-(See bill S. 1600.)

Saprichian, Altoon-(See bill S. 615.)

Saragaglia, Teresa (Sister Maria Eutropia)-(See bill

S. 740.)

Sarup, Prem Lall (Peter)—(See bill S. 2181.)

Satellite Countries, Tensions Within the, study en-
titled, to print as a Senate document_____.
Saulino, Ottavio and Marcella-(See bill S. 663.)
Savino, Rosetta-(See bills S. 940; H. R. 2160.)
Savorgnan, Rosette Sorge-(See bill S. 257.)
Sawyer, Liselotte Appel-(See bill S. 1903.)
Sbarounis, Georgette A., John A., and Anthony
Athanse Sbarounis-(See bill S. 1283.)
Sbaschnik, Ernst, Sr.-(See bill H. R. 3255.)
Scalia, Giuseppe-(See bill S. 1799.)

Scalise, Mrs. Maria Nucaro (See bill S. 2142.)
Schafer, Louis A.-(See bill H. R. 2169.)

Schafhausen, Henry M. and Gertrude Julie-(See bill
S. 131.)

Schaitel, Josephine-(See bill S. 1016.)
Scheer, George, Magda, Marie, Thomas, and Judith-
(See bill S. 2287.)

Schenk, Rosa Veronika-(See bill S. 2192.)

Schmidt, Lajos, and his wife, Magda-(See bill S.

Scheffer, Constance Brouwer-(See bill H. R. 2652.)
Schillings, Anneliese-(See bill H. R. 1963.)
Schischa, Erno-(See bill S. 1513.)


[blocks in formation]

School buildings (public and private), damaged or de-
stroyed in a major disaster, authorizing the
President to make permanent replacements of
public facilities and―(See bill S. 2270.)
School Construction Act, to enact (See bill S. 969.)
School Construction Act of 1953, to enact-(See bill
S. 536.)

School construction, determination of the amount
which certain local educational agencies are
entitled to receive for purposes of, no reduc-
tion in such amount shall be made for prior
construction under the WPA, PWA, and NYA
programs-(See bill S. 418.)

School facilities, providing aid to the States for the

purpose of assisting school districts in con-
structing urgently needed-(See bill S. 259.)
School facilities in areas affected by Federal activities,
to amend the act to provide a temporary pro-
gram of assistance in the construction of
minimum-(See bills S. 1596; H. R. 6049.)
Draft of proposed legislation favoring___.
School-lunch appropriation, memorial remonstrating
against the recommended cut in the_____.
School properties, to convey certain to local school dis-
tricts or public agencies-(See bill H. R. 1242.)

Schools in critical defense-housing areas-

To provide temporary supplementary aid for-
(See bill S. 537.)

To provide temporary supplementary aid for, to
make grants to States to assist distressed
school districts in construction of urgently
-needed school facilities-(See bill S. 444.)




Schools in federally affected areas, laws dealing with

the program providing financial assistance to,
second annual report of the Commissioner of
Education on the administration of, fiscal
year 1952_.

Schools, revenue to meet the urgent need of the several
States for aid to, petition praying enactment
of the so-called oil-for-education amendment,
to provide____

Schorr, Felix S., and his wife, Lilly Elizabeth Schorr—
(See bill S. 303.)

Schroeder, Hans-(See bill S. 1429.)
Schundler, H. O.-(See bill S. 770.)
Schwartz, Harvey-(See bill S. 2496.)
Schwartz, Henryk-(See bill S. 2492.)
Schwartz, Josephine-(See bill S. 211.)
Schwartz, Mike-(See bill S. 1804.)

Scoggin, Scarlett-(See bill H. R. 889.)

Scorpions, to permit shipment by mail of live, to be
used for medical research purposes-(See bill
S. 726.)

Scott, George-(See bill S. 1483.)

Scott-Wood, Ruth-(See bill S. 492.)

Scrapie and blue tongue in sheep, to amend the act to
provide for the control and eradication of,
and incipient or potentially serious minor out-
breaks of diseases of animals-(See bill S.

Draft of proposed legislation favoring___
Scrip, lieu selection, and similar rights, to require
the recordation of-(See bill H. R. 1813.)
Scrivanich, Anthony Agustino (See bill S. 2091.)
Scrivanich, Casimiro Dominich-(See bill S. 2089.)
Scrivanich, John Percich-(See bill S. 2087.)
Scrivanich, Nicolo Antonio-(See bill S. 2090.)
Seager, Cornelia Jean-(See bill S. 2161.)
Seamen employed on certain vessels operated by the
United States, to amend sections 1606 and
1607 of the Internal Revenue Code in order to
permit unemployment insurance coverage un-
der State unemployment compensation laws
for (See bill H. R. 5303.)

Seamen, wages and effects of deceased and deserting,
to revise the procedure in the district courts
relating to the disposition of the-(See bill
S. 2017.)

Draft of proposed legislation favoring.......
Searle, Edward C.-

Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Lands of
the Territory of Hawaii to issue a right of pur-
chase lease to-(See bill H. R. 2885.)
Resolution favoring legislation relating to issu-
ance of a purchase lease to‒‒‒‒‒
Seaton, Fred A., to pay compensation for a certain pe-
riod to employees of former-(See S. Res. 52.)
Seattle Association of Credit Men-(See bill H. R.

Sebac, Mario-(See bill S. 1087.)

Sebille, Dr. Louis J.-(See bill H. R. 710.)
Second Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1954,
to enact (See bill H. R. 5690.)
Second Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1953, to en-
act (See bill H. R. 3053.)

Secretary of Agriculture-(See also Department of

Authority of to make loans for the purpose of
making available in any area or region credit
formerly made available in such area or re-
gion by the Regional Agricultural Credit Cor-
poration, to extend for 5 years-(See bill 8.







Secretary of Agriculture-Continued

Authority of to make loans to farmers and stock-
men for agricultural purposes in any area or
region where he finds that an economic emer-
gency has caused a need for agricultural credit
not readily available from commercial banks,
cooperative lending agencies, or other respon-
sible sources-(See bill S. 1388.)
Communications from, transmitting-
Copies of letters from interested States and Fed-
eral agencies on the Department of Agricul-
tur's supplemental report to the Missouri
River Basin agricultural program_-
Federal Seed Act, recommending amendments
to the____

Proposed legislation, drafts of-

[blocks in formation]

Bankhead-Jones Act, to amend to strengthen
the conduct of research of the Department
of Agriculture___

For the month of November 1952_.
For the month of December 1952_
For the month of January 1953_
For the month of February 1953_
For the month of March 1953_
For the month of April 1953_.








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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

18, 212


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Housing Act of 1949, to continue the authority
to make funds available for loans and
grants under title V of the___.
International Wheat Agreement Act of 1949,
to amend___

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Payments made in contravention of appropri-
ation restrictions regarding citizenship
status of Government employees, relief of
certain payees and disbursing and certify-
ing officers, with respect to certain___
Scrapie and blue tongue in sheep, and incipi-
ent or potentially serious minor outbreaks
of diseases of animals, to amend the act to
provide for the control and eradication of__
Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment
Act, to amend section 8 (e) _
Transfer and convey to the State of North
Carolina, without monetary consideration,
real property, together with the buildings
and improvements thereon, constituting the
United States Cotton Field Station located
near Statesville, N. C____
Reports by, on-

Agricultural experiment stations, fiscal year

Tort claims paid by the Department of Agri-

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Resolution demanding the resignation of_____ 258, 292
Resolution favoring the appointment of as..
Resolution favoring the removal of‒‒‒‒‒
To authorize to cooperate with States and local
agencies in the planning and carrying out of
works of improvement for soil conservation—
(See bill S. 1916.)



[blocks in formation]

Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, to amend sec-
tion 610 (a) to provide for the imposition
of civil penalties in certain additional cases.
Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, to authorize the
imposition of civil penalties for violation of
the security provisions of the____.
Coast and Geodetic Survey, to amend certain
act relating to certain rights and benefits
to be extended to members of the, who are
assigned to duty on projects for the mili-
tary departments during national emerg-
ency declared by the Secretary of Defense
to be of immediate military hazard..




Secretary of Commerce-Continued

Communications from, transmitting-Continued
Proposed legislation, drafts of-

Cost-of-living allowances outside the con-
tinental United States, to permit pay-
ment of certain at rates in excess of 25
percent of the rate of basic compensa-

Emergency foreign merchant vessel acqui-
sition and operating authority of certain
public law relating thereto, to extend__‒‒‒‒
Government motor vehicles, to authorize ad-
ditional use of at isolated Government
Government-owned fishing vessels, Great
Lakes vessels, and vessels of 1,000 gross
tons or less, statutory provisions relating
primarily to return of to former owner, to

Merchant Marine Act, 1936, to amend to pro-
vide a national defene reserve of tankers
and to promote the construction of new

Reports by, on-

Annual report, fiscal year 1952__








[blocks in formation]

Foreign surplus property, disposal, by sale of,
by the Department of Commerce, during the
year 1952___.
Foreign-Trade Zones Board, annual report
of, for fiscal year 1952, together with re-
ports covering the operations during the
same period of foreign-trade zones Nos.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, located respectively at
New York, New Orleans, San Francisco,
Los Angeles, Seattle, and San Antonio_____
Maritime Administration-

Action taken by on coordination of forward-
ing and similar servicing of waterborne
export and import foreign commerce of
the United States-

For periods January 1 through April 30,

For periods May 1 through August 31,




For periods September 1 through De-
cember 31, 1952___.


[blocks in formation]

Secretary of Commerce-Continued

Communications from, transmitting-Continued
Reports by, on

Maritime Administration-

Activities and transactions of, under the
Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946-

For quarter ended June 30, 1952..
For periods ended September 30, 1952_--
For quarter ended December 31, 1952----
For quarter ended March 31, 1953---
Tort claims paid by the Department of Com-
merce, fiscal year 1952__--

Violation by the incurring of an obligation
in excess of the amount allotted from an
appropriation of the Bureau of Stand-

War-risk insurance and certain marine and
liability insurance, activities of the De-
partment of Commerce under the act of
September 7, 1951, providing-

For period ended June 30, 1952_--
For period ended September 30, 1952.......
For period ended December 31, 1952....
For period ended March 31, 1953--
For period ended June 30, 1953--
Secretary of Defense-(See also Department of De-

Authorizing to make a monetary allowance in lieu
of headstones or markers for certain graves-
(See bill S. 622.)

Communications from, transmitting—
Proposed legislation, drafts of-
Adjustment of royalties for the duration of
the national emergency proclaimed Decem-
ber 16, 1950, to continue the effectiveness
of the provisions of the act relating to-----
Agricultural commodities and raw materials,

Public Law 820, 80th Congress, to provide a
revolving fund for the purchase and sale
of, to be processed to assist in the industrial
rehabilitation and economic recovery of oc-
cupied area, to repeal___.

Alaska communication system, authorizing
the Secretary of the Army to proceed with
certain construction at stations of the_____
Armed Forces, furnishing of information and
civilian education for personnel in the_‒‒‒
Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952, to repeal
subsection 205 (b) of, which provides that
the authorized aggregate personnel strength
of the Ready Reserve shall not exceed a
total of 1,500,000; and to postpone the ef-
fective date of section 205 (b) of the Armed
Forces Reserve Act of 1952 relating to the
maximum strength of the Ready Reserves_
Army Medical Service Graduate School, au-
thorizing to award master of science and
doctor of science degrees in medicine,
dentistry, veterinary medicine, and in the
biological sciences involved in health serv-

Army-Navy Services Corps Act of 1947, to
further amend so as to authorize the ap-
pointment of a Chief of the Medical Service
Corps of the Navy-----

Authority of members of the Armed Forces to
send, under certain conditions, so much of
any shipment, not exceeding $50 in value,
into the United States or its Territories or
possessions free of custom duties and in-
ternal revenue taxes, to make permanent___
Basic pay for certain members of the uni-
formed services, to provide for an 8-percent
increase in the present rates of__

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