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Phosphate found, or to be found, in the lands in the
State of Idaho covered by clear lists 15, 16,
and 21, resolution favoring legislation which
will confirm in the State of Idaho title to all,
and will restore these rights to the State_____
"Physical and Economic Foundation of Natural Re-
sources, IV, Subsurface Facilities of Water
Management and Patterns of Supply-Type
Area Studies," authorizing the printing of
additional copies of the study entitled-(See
S. Res. 157.)

Picardi, Ciro-(See bill H. R. 1901.)
Picerkona, Katherina and her minor son, Helmut-
(See bill S. 2301.)

Picinich, Martin Anthony (Martino Piccinich)-(See
bill S. 2093.)

Piedrafite, James-(See bill S. 756.)
Piip, Ants-Tonis-(See bill S. 1056.)
Pindle, Frank B.-(See bill H. R. 660.)
Pipelines having rights-of-way over public lands, act
to provide certain exemptions from the re-
quirement that they must be operated as
common carriers, amending-(See bill S.

Pisano, Julia-(See bill H. R. 1143.)
Pisky-Schmidt, Frederick-(See bills S. 2490, S. 2519.)
Pistols, revolvers, and other firearms capable of being

concealed on the persons, to amend the
United States Code, to permit the transmis-
mission in the mails to certain officers and
employees of State, Territorial, district, and
local governments of-(See bill H. R. 3367.)
Pivnicki, Steven M.-(See bill S. 815.)
Plants, books, and records of defense contractors, to
continue the effectiveness of the act relating
to the inspection and audit of, for the dura-
tion of the national emergency and 6 months
thereafter (See bill S. 1236.)

Platis, Spiridon-(See bill S. 1132.)
Plucinski, Sgt. Janusz-(See bill S. 881.)
Plut, Ana-(See bill S. 1713.)

Podesta, Angelo Gurisetti-(See bill S. 458.)
Point 4 program, resolution urging the support of the,
and strengthening it as much as possible____




314, 320


Polish cause, resolution favoring a determined
stand in matters pertaining to the, as express-
ed by President Eisenhower in his speech to
newspaper editors in April, 1953------- 278, 280, 281
Resolution favoring help to, in its difficult strug-
gle against communism___
Resolution urging the restoration of the bound-
aries of and all other enslaved nations___.
Resolutions favoring recognition of the group now
exiled in London as the true and legal repre-
sentatives of the Polish Nation, a return to the
boundaries recognized as Poland in 1939, aid
in the release of 12 of the 16 leaders of the
Polish underground in the dungeons of Soviet
prisons, and changes in the present Immigra-
tion Act that will allow 120,000 immigrants to
enter the United States annually---


[blocks in formation]

Poll tax-Continued
Outlawing the, as a condition of voting in any
primary or other election for national offi-
cers-(See bill S. 463.)

Polycultural Institution of America, to change the
name of the, to Polycultural University of
America, to grant a congressional charter to
such university-(See bill H. R. 4229.)

Popa, Aneta-(See bill H. R. 4254.)
Pope, Elfriede Else-(See bill S. 1260.)
"Positions Not Under the Civil Service," Senate Docu-
ment No. 18, 83d Congress, entitled, to print
additional copies of-(See S. Res. 87.)
Popovitch, Branimir V. and Mila B.-(See bill S. 1682.)
Post, Thomas-(See bill S. 92.)
Posthumous appointments and commissions, to amend
the act relating to (See bill S. 1529.)
Postal Savings System, to discontinue-(See bill S.

Postal service-

Airmail-payment functions which relates to sub-
sidy assistance, Reorganization Plan No. 10
of 1953 transferring from the Postmaster
General to the Civil Aeronautics, that portion
of the present_____

Air Mail Subsidy Separation Act of 1953, to enact-
(See bill S. 1360.)
Carrying of mail on star routes, relating to the
renewal of contracts for the (See bill S.

Central accounting post offices, to equitably adjust
the salaries of auditors at (See bill S. 1358.)
Certain obsolete laws relating to the, to amend the
Revised Statutes, relating to the schedules of
the arrival and departure of the mail-—(See
bill S. 1091.)

Certain rates of postage on parcels sent to or by
members of the Armed Forces of the United
States stationed outside the United States, to
reduce (See bill S. 299.)

Compensation of postal employees, resolution fa-
voring to increase commensurate with the
existing cost-of-living level_____.
Contracts for carrying mail on water routes, re-
newal of and adjustment of compensation
under-(See bills S. 361, S. 533.)

Drivers of motor vehicles of the, to indemnify
against liability for damages arising out of
the operation of such vehicles in the perform-
ance of official duties-(See bill S. 779.)
Employees of the field service, making January
20, 1953, a holiday for-(See S. J. Res. 20.)
Employees in the, to provide for promotion by
merit of, and to establish uniform procedures
for examination and appointment of candi-
dates for promotion to supervisory positions—
(See bill S. 2244.)

Films and related material for educational use, to
authorize transmission through the mails at
the rate provided for books-(See bill S. 971.)
Free postage for members of the Armed Forces in
Korea and other specified areas, to extend for
2 years the period during which it shall be in
effect (See bill S. 1090.)

Free postage for members of the Armed Forces
of the United States in specified areas, to
amend the act which authorizes-(See bill
H. R. 2466.)

Mail sent by the Government of the United States,
to require the payment of postage on all offi-
cial and to abolish the franking privilege of
Members of Congress-(See bill S. 2503.)




Postal service-Continued
Minimum rate of postage prescribed by law for
each individually addressed copy of publica-
tions entered as second-class matter, to
exempt publications of religious, educational,
scientific, philanthropic, agricultural, labor,
veterans', and fraternal organizations or asso-
ciations from the-(See bill S. 1690.)
Obsolete laws relating to the, to repeal certain, re-
lating to the schedules of the arrival and de-
parture of the mail-(See bill H. R. 3062.)
Parcel-post shipments, resolutions favoring the re-
peal of the act limiting the size and weight
Parcel-post sizes and weights, resolution favoring
restoration of, to the limits previously in ef-
Periodical publications of certain societies and in-
stitutions, to authorize the printing and mail-
ing of, at places other than places fixed as the
offices of publication-(See bill H. R. 5379.)
Postage cancellation with the words "In God We
Trust," petition favoring and postage stamps
to bear the inscription "In God We Trust";
and amending the pledge of allegiance to the
flag to include the words "under God"---
Postage on newspapers and periodicals, to simplify
the handling of-(See bill S. 2300.)

Postage stamps-

To provide that all United States, bear the in-
scription "In God We Trust"-(See bill S.

To require that the motto "In God We Trust"
appear on all printed after June 30, 1953-
(See bill S. 1468.)

Postal field service, to amend certain act to provide
for payment of overtime compensation to sub-
stitute employees in the-(See bill S. 1441.)
Postmasters, officers, and employees in the postal
field service, to establish a basic administra-
tive workweek and pay periods of 2 adminis-
trative workweeks for-(See bill S. 190.)
Post-office employees, resolution favoring legisla-
tion to improve the working conditions and
pay of___

Postal and Federal employees, to amend section 6
of the act of August 24, 1912, with respect to
the recognition of organizations of-(See bill
S. 501.)

Postal employees-

Resolution favoring legislation giving union rec-

ognition to‒‒‒‒

Resolution favoring to grant a pay increase to__
Who have rendered at least 30 years of service, to
amend the Civil Service Retirement Act to
permit the retirement of-(See bill S. 337.)
Postal field service, to provide biweekly pay periods
postmasters, officers, and employees in the-
(See bill S. 822.)

Postal rates and charges in handling certain mail
matter, to investigate certain matters respect-
ing (See S. Res. 49.)

Postmasters, relating to the appointment of―(See
bill S. 773.)

Privilege of free transmission of official mail mat-

ter from certain Government corporations
and agencies, to withdraw-(See bill S. 2024.)
Stamps, special issues, commemorative-
Agriculture and the farmers of the United

States, issuance of a special postage stamp in
honor of-(See bill S. 1245.)

Bissell, Emily P., issuance of a stamp in com-
memoration of the life of-(See S. J. Res. 9.)

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Postal service-Continued
Stamps, special issues, commemorative-Con.
Carson, Christopher "Kit," to provide for the
issuance of a special stamp in commemora-
tion of the memory or-See bill S. 1921.)
Memorial favoring the issuance of---------
Dr. Lyman Copeland Draper, to provide for the
issuance of a special series of postage stamps
in commemoration of the life and works of—
(See bill S. 2139.)

Fort Leavenworth, Kans., military post, to pro-
vide for the issuance of a special stamp in
commemoration of the establishment of the—
(See bill S. 1570.)

Future Farmers of America, issuance of a spe-
cial postage stamp in commemoration of the
organization of the (See bill S. 797.)
Kansas Territory, issuance of a special stamp in
commemoration of the organization of the-
(See bill S. 1922.)

Michigan State College, issuance of a special
series of stamps commemorative of the 100th
anniversary of the founding of-(See bill S.

Nebraska Territory, to provide for the issuance
of a special stamp in commemoration of the
organization of the-(Se bill S. 2098.)
Palmer, Dr. Daniel David, of Iowa, the founder
of chiropractic, issuance of a special series of
stamps commemorative of the late-(See S. J.
Res. 41.)

Pennsylvania State College, issuance of a special
series of stamps commemorative of the 100th
anniverasy of the founding of the-(See bill
S. 2582.)

Postage stamps bearing the motto "In God We
Trust," resolution urging passage of proposed
legislation relating to the issuance of‒‒‒‒‒‒‒
President James Buchanan, issuance of a spe-
cial series of postage stamps in commemora-
tion of the 160th anniversary of the birth of—
(See bill S. 1474.)

Ruth, George Herman (Babe), issuance of a
special postage stamp in honor of the late-
(See bill S. 271.)

Sir William Johnson, issuance of a special series
of stamps in commemoration of the life and
works of, founder of Johnstown, N. Y.-(See
bill S. 1867.)

Stephen Tyng Mather, first director of the Na-
tional Park Service, resolution favoring issu-
ance of, commemorating the life and public
services of the late_____





Tournament of roses, resolution favoring the is-
suance of a postage stamp honoring the 65th
anniversary of the__


Young Women's Christian Association, issuance
of a special postage stamp in commemoration
of (See bill S. 1769.)
Third-class matter mailed by organizations and
associations of volunteer firemen, to provide
rates of postage on-(See bill S. 1934.)
To exempt State departments of agriculture and
State marketing bureaus from the increase
in postage rates on third-class mail provided
by sectoin 3 of the act of October 30, 1951—
(See bill S. 1635.)

Weekly newspapers, to permit to suspend publica-
tion for not more than 2 issues in any 1 cal-
endar year without loss of second-class privi-
leges (See bill S. 2299.)

Postmaster General-

Appointment by the, of postmasters at first-, sec-
ond-, and third-class post offices, to provide
for (See bill S. 1327.)



Postmaster General-Continued
Certain laws authorizing, with the approval of the
Interstate Commerce Commission, to revise
parcel-post rates, size limits, zones, and other
conditions of mailability, to repeal-(See bill
S. 586.)

Communications from, transmitting—
Proposed legislation, drafts of-

Postal rates, readjustment of_---

Relief of Mrs. Lennie P. Riggs, James A. Car-
son, and Vernon L. Ransʊm..........
Revised Statutes, to amend section 3841, re-
lating to the schedules of the arrival and
departure of the mail and repeal of certain
obsolete laws relating to the postal serv-

To authorize the Postmaster General to enter
into special agreements for switching serv-
ice by railway common carriers_-_-_-
To repeal section 4 of the act regarding rates
of postage prescribed by section 204 of the
Postal Rate Revision and Federal Employees
Salary Act of 1948----
United States Code, to amend section 1715 of
title 18, relating to transmission of firearms
in the mails for persons having lawful use
of them in business or official duties_‒‒‒‒‒‒
Reports by, on-

Cost ascertainment on the carrying and han-
Idling of the several classes of mail matter
for fiscal year 1952_---

Tort claims paid by the Post Office Depart-
ment, fiscal year-1952---

Statement showing the number of envelopes,
labels, wrappers, cards, and other articles
bearing penalty indicia procured or accounted
for through the Post Office Department dur-
ing fiscal year 1952, by the executive depart-
ments, independent establishments, organi-
zations, and persons authorized by law to use
the penalty privilege_-_-.

To authorize the, to enter into special agreements
for certain switching service by railway com-
mon carriers-(See bill S. 1714.)

To authorize to enter into buildings purchase con-
tracts (See bill S. 2457.)

To extend the authority of the, to lease space for
post office purposes-(See bill S. 2457.)

To extend the authority to the, to lease quarters
for post-office purposes-(See bill H. R. 6342.)
To modify and extend authority of, to lease quar-
ters for post-office purposes-(See bill S. 301.)

Post Office Department-

Appropriations for the, draft of proposed provi-
sions pertaining to, fiscal year 1953_
Assistant Postmaster General in the, to provide for
an additional-(See bills S. 2004; H. R. 5302.)
Contracts negotiated by, for experimental, devel-
opment, or research work, and for the manu-
facture, or furnishing of supplies for experi-
mentation, development, research, or test, for

January 1 to June 30, 1952___

July 1 through December 31, 1952_.
Envelopes, labels, wrappers, cards, and other arti-
cles bearing penalty indicia procured or ac-
counted for through, statement of the Post-
master General showing the number during
fiscal year 1952, by the executive departments,
independent establishments, organizations,
and persons authorized by law to use the pen-
alty privilege_-_

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Post Office Department-Continued
Field service of the, to amend the United States
Code, to extend its protection to postmasters,
officers, and employees of the (See bill S.

Field service of the, to reclassify supervisory em-
ployees in, into step-rate grades comparable
with those for other postal employees and
employees in other Federal services, and to
adjust inequities-(See bill S. 1750.)
Postal rate-making procedure in the, to estab-
lish a-(See bill S. 2476.)


Investigations of, to inquire into, by the-(See
S. Res. 116.)

Supervisors, and employees in the field service of
the, to adjust the salaries of-(See bill S.

To designate enlisted personnel of the Army, Navy,
Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard as
postal clerks and assistant postal clerks-(See
bills S. 1643; H. R. 2327.)

Draft of proposed legislation favoring_____.
To provide for reimbursement of the, for certain
services performed by it for other Govern-
ment agencies-(See bill S. 2502.)

To reimburse for the transmission of official Gov-
ernment-mail matter-(See bill H. R. 6281.)
Tort claims paid by, fiscal year 1952_____
Tort claims paid by, fiscal year 1953__
Post Office Department appropriations—(See Treasury
and Post Office Departments Appropriation
Act, 1954.)

Post Office Department Property Act of 1953, to en-

act (See bill S. 2457.)

Potatoes, Irish, to amend the Agricultural Act of 1949,
relating to-(See S. 1193.)

Potomac Electric Power Co.-

Communications from, transmitting-

Annual report of the company for the calendar
year 1952_____

To authorize to construct, maintain, and operate
in the District of Columbia, and to cross
Kenilworth Avenue NE., certain railroad
tracks and related facilities-(See bill S.

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[blocks in formation]



Pozza, Fernando-(See bill S. 1755.)
President and Vice President-

Candidates for-

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of
the United States providing for nomination
of, and for election of such candidates, by
popular vote-(See S. J. Res. 84.)
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of
the United States relating to the nomination
and election of, and to succession to the office
of President in the event of the death or in-
ability of the President-(See S. J. Res. 85.)
Certificates of ascertainment of electors for, from
the States of Nebraska and Vermont___
Day designated for appointment of electors of,
making a legal holiday-(See bill S. 201.)
Election of, proposing an amendment to the Con-
stitution of the United States with respect to
the (See S. J. Res. 95.)

Electors of-

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of
the United States providing for the election
of, in the several States, for the election of
President and Vice President by such electors,
and, in certain cases, for the election of Presi-
dent and Vice President by the joint member-
ship of the Senate and House of Representa-
tivs (See S. J. Res. 100.)

To provide a 3-day period for the appointment
of (See bill S. 806.)

Method of electing the, memorial favoring a pro-
posed amendment to the Constitution to

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution pro-
viding for the election of-(See S. J. Res. 19.)
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution pro-
viding for nomination of by primary elec-
tions (See S. J. Res. 17.)

President-elect and Vice President, draft of proposed
legislation to amend title 18, United States
Code, section 871, to provide penalties for
threats against the__‒‒.

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[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

112, 149, 152, 178, 184, 193, 197, 205, 219, 247,
255, 260, 281, 284, 287, 292, 294, 305, 319, 328,
346, 351, 359, 370, 384, 393, 400, 405, 408, 416,
430, 439, 440, 442, 463, 470, 476, 480, 494, 500,
506, 509, 518, 537, 553, 555, 570, 579, 584, 601.
Disapproval of certain-(See below under
Veto of bills and joint resolutions, infra.)
Veto of certain-(See below under Veto of
bills and joint resolutions, infra.)

[blocks in formation]

Continuing authority of S. Con. Res. 69, Eighty-
second Congress, to arrange for-(See H. Con.
Res. 1.)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Making the necessary arrangements for-(See H.
Con. Res. 1.)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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Resolution expressing confidence in the leadership
of the, and pledging support of his adminis-


[blocks in formation]




[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Support of, resolution pledging____.
Presidential candidates, resolution favoring establish-
ment of a uniform procedure for an advisory
vote for ____

Presidential election and succession, establishing a joint
committee to investigate the question of the—
(See S. Con. Res. 2.)

Presidential preference primaries, to print addi-
tional copies of the hearing on the bill (S.
2570) authorizing the conduct of-(See S.
Res. 78.)

Presidential Primaries Act of 1953, to enact-(See
bill S. 1049.)

President's Commission on the Health Needs of the
Nation, resolution favoring a conference of
membership health organizations to explore
the recommendations of the----.
Presidents of the United States (former) to extend the
franking privilege to, and to provide office fa-
Icilities and secretarial assistance for-(See
bill S. 1150.)



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