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These are described in the Estimates and Justification of the Estimates.

Annual Appropriations to the Architect of the Capitol

The two items under this category are appropriated to the Architect of the Capitol in accordance with 2 U.S.C. 141. However, the requests for funds and actions on the use of

such funds are normally initiated by the Library.

Gift and Trust Funds

Funds from non-Federal sources are available to the Library in accordance with

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2 U. S. C. 156-160 and 31 U. S. C. 725s. Further details on the use of such funds may be found of pages 35 36 of the Appendix to the Budget of the United States, Fiscal Year 1974. While contributions to the Gift and Trust Funds enable the Library to augment its services, the administration of these funds and of the programs and projects financed thereby is a charge to the annual appropriations.

Reimbursement for Services Performed


These are generally for details of personnel, and, with minor exceptions, for work done by the Congressional Research Service staff. Reimbursement is in accordance with 31 U.S.C. 686. In all instances, work is undertaken at the specific request of the reimbursing agency. the case of work for Committees of Congress, no charge is added for administration of these reimbursable details.


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Projects financed by working and transferred funds require extensive use of the
Library's collections or depend upon specialized skills generally available only at the
Library of Congress. These are the basic reasons for operation by the Library rather than
by the parent agency.


these projects and programs are not of the type which come within the
scope of the Library's normal operations and they would not be included in the functions
for which a direct appropriation would be requested. They are appropriately operated
under working fund arrangements in accordance with 31 U.S.c. 686.

In the case of working fund projects, the Library, by imposing a surcharge, over

and above direct cost, has compensated for the administrative and other burdens of the
projects. In fiscal year 1973, the surcharge of 15 percent will amount to approximately
$318,739 providing for the employment of about 30 persons.



Mr. CASEY. How many positions are authorized at the present time? Mr. CURRAN. 3,825. These are appropriated positions.

Mr. CASEY. On page 20 of last year's hearings you had a table showing the number of positions by source of funds. Will you please update that table and put it in the record at this point?

Dr. MUMFORD. Yes, sir.

(The information follows:)


Number of positions by source of funds, fiscal year 1973

Support from direct appropriations for regular authorized positions---Support from direct appropriations for temporary, part time, and indefinite positions



Support from appropriated funds transferred from other Federal agencies


Total support from appropriated general tax revenues_ Support from gift, trust, and service fee funds_-_

4, 134


Grand total___.



Mr. CASEY. How many vacancies do you have now?

Mr. CURRAN. Eighty-two positions in all appropriated funds.

Mr. CASEY. Is that a normal number of vacancies? I know that you have turnover including retirements.

Mr. CURRAN. That would be typical as a figure, in the order of 100 vacancies.


Mr. CASEY. What is your rate of turnover?

Mr. CURRAN. This year to date, the rate of turnover has been 23 percent agency wide through all funds.

Mr. CASEY. How does that break down in grade levels? Are most of them in the upper or the lower grades?

Mr. CURRAN. Typically there is a higher turnover rate among the lower paid staff because they are looking for a career of one kind or another. Some of them are students and have other commitments and that kind of thing. Personnel paid in higher grades tend to be lower in turnover.

I don't have the exact figures.

Mr. CASEY. Do you use a lapse rate in figuring your personnel costs? Mr. CURRAN. Yes, sir.

Mr. CASEY. Do you take turnover into consideration?

Mr. CURRAN. Yes, indeed.


Mr. CASEY. You have some temporary positions?

Mr. CURRAN. Yes, sir.

Mr. CASEY. How are they funded?

Mr. CURRAN. Most temporary positions are funded in one of two ways. When budgeted positions are vacant, we use the funds from that source. This is in effect a kind of blocked job for a short period of time, or any other savings which might accumulate from vacant positions. Occasionally other temporary positions might be funded from gift funds or that sort of thing.

Mr. CASEY. Where are these 138 positions you want to make permanent, are they temporary positions?

Dr. MUMFORD. Those are indefinite positions, Mr. Chairman. When we were beginning the program in automation and also in developing the program on preservation, we received money for this purpose. We did not want at that point to attempt to build up a permanent staff because it was not clear just what would be needed in each kind of operation. Now that we have moved from the developmental stage to the operating stage, it is clear which positions need to be continued. And while no additional funds are required, we would like to be able to remove the indefinite status of these people.

Mr. CASEY. Are all 138 positions in the automation program?

Dr. MUMFORD. No, sir. Mostly in automation but partly in preserva


Mr. CASEY. They were all indefinite?

Dr. MUMFORD. Yes, sir.

Mr. CASEY. Is there much of a difference between an indefinite position and a temporary position?

Dr. MUMFORD. Under our regulations there is a considerable difference.

Mr. CASEY. You are asking for how many new positions, 424?
Mr. CURRAN. Yes, sir.

Mr. CASEY. You want to deduct the 13 positions you said need?




Mr. CURRAN. Yes, sir. There is a total of 286 positions for which we are requesting additional funds, less the 13 which we are now withdrawing, so the net would be 273 positions for which we are requesting additional funding. Then, in terms of authorizations for permanent positions, we would add another 138. The money for those jobs which you just referred to is in the current year budget, and we are asking for authority to make them permanent. That would raise the request to 411 permanent positions, of which 273 would require additional funding.


Mr. CASEY. How many new positions are needed for new programs? Do you have any new programs involved in this request for new positions?

Mr. CURRAN. Yes, sir.

Mr. CASEY. Like what?

Mr. CURRAN. In the appropriation, salaries and expenses, Library of Congress, which is on table III, on page 3 of the green sheets, we are asking for a net appropriation, total of 141 new regular positions, plus 24 for the national program for acquisitions and cataloging. Out

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