Department of Agriculture Appropriations for 1954: Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Eighty-third Congress, First Session, Volume 1, Parts 1-3

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Page 116 - That there shall be at the seat of Government a Department of Labor, the general design and duties of which shall be to acquire and diffuse among the people of the United States useful information on subjects connected with labor, in the most general and comprehensive sense of that word, and especially upon its relation to capital, the hours of labor, the earnings of laboring men and women, and the means of promoting their material, social, intellectual, and moral prosperity.
Page 375 - Columbia, $64,300 ; and the Secretary of Agriculture shall prescribe the form of the annual financial statement required under the above acts, ascertain whether the expenditures are in accordance with their provisions, coordinate the work of the Department of Agriculture with that of the State agricultural colleges and experiment stations in the lines authorized in said acts, and make report thereon to Congress.
Page 373 - An Act to provide for research into basic laws and principles relating to agriculture and to provide for the further development of cooperative agricultural extension work and the more complete endowment and support of land-grant colleges, approved June 29, 1935, (Public— No.
Page 374 - Agriculture to furnish forms, as far as practicable, for the tabulation of results of investigation or experiments ; to indicate, from time to time, such lines of inquiry as to him shall seem most important ; and, in general, to furnish such advice and assistance as will best promote the purposes of this act.
Page 373 - The necessary travel expense of said committee of nine in performance of their duties may be paid from the regional research fund, Office of Experiment Stations, provided for under this subsection. "(c) Three per centum of the sums appropriated for any fiscal year under this section shall be available to the Office of Experiment Stations...
Page 372 - If the Secretary of the Interior shall withhold a certificate from any State or Territory of its appropriation the facts and reasons therefor shall be reported to the President, and the amount involved shall be kept separate in the Treasury until the close of the next Congress, in order that the State or Territory may, if it should so desire, appeal to Congress from the determination of the Secretary of the Interior.
Page 372 - That the Secretary of Agriculture shall make an annual report to Congress on the receipts and expenditures and work of the agricultural experiment stations in all the States and Territories, and also whether the appropriation of any State or Territory has been withheld, and if so, the reasons therefor.
Page 367 - Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine. Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina. North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah.
Page 371 - States commissioner of agriculture to furnish forms as far as practicable, for the tabulation of results of investigation or experiments; to indicate from time to time, such lines of inquiry as to him shall seem most important; and, in general to furnish such advice and assistance as will best promote the purpose, of this act.
Page 372 - If the Secretary of Agriculture shall withhold a certificate from any State or Territory of its appropriation, the facts and reasons therefor shall be reported to the President, and the amount involved shall be kept separate in the Treasury until the close of the next Congress, in order that the State or Territory may, if it shall so desire, appeal to Congress from the determination of the Secretary of Agriculture.

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