n. 6, 452 n. 3, 458; Young's Resignation, 388.
MONTAIGNE, iii. 209 n. 5.
MONTESQUIEU, Lettres Persanes, iii. 446
MONTROSE, James, first Duke of, iii. 283,
MOOR PARK, iii. 4, 6.
MOORE, David, i. 158 n. 4. MOORE, Edward, ii. 433 n. 4. MOORE, Rev. Edward, D.D., iii. 360. MOORE, Sir Garret, i. 70.
MOORE, James, Dunciad, satirized in, iii. 242; Lyttelton, courted, 448; Pope's Macer, according to Warton, 313 n. 2; World, The, 448 n. 7.
MOORE, Thomas, firstrate comedies by young men, ii. 216 n. I.
MOORE, Sir Thomas, grandson of Milton's sister, i. 158 n. 4.
MORALITIES, i. 122 n. I. MORE, Alexander, i. 117.
MORE, Hannah, Johnson and Rowe's Jane Shore, ii. 69 n. 6; Prior's Solomon, 207 n. 3. MORE, Dr. Henry, Divine Dialogues and Parnell's Hermit, ii. 53.
MORHOF, Daniel Georg, iii. 159.
MORITZ, C. P., Travels in England, ii. 147
MORLEY, Dr. George, Bishop of Winches- ter, i. 278, 280.
MORRICE, Sir William, Secretary of State, i. 129.
MORRIS, Dr. John, ii. 6 n. 2.
MOSSE, Stella's stepfather, iii. 74.
MOTTE, Benjamin, the bookseller, Curll before House of Lords, iii. 155 n. 3; Pope's Art of Sinking, 145 n. 2; Yalden's confes- sion, ii. 300 n. 7.
MOTTEAUX, Peter Anthony, editor of Gentle- man's Journal, ii. 214 n. 7.
MOUNTFORT, Mrs., the actress, ii. 215 n. 6. MOYLE, Walter, i. 408.
Mrs., applied to unmarried ladies, ii. 50 n. 3, iii. 101 N. 2.
MULGRAVE, Edmund, second Earl of, ii. 167.
MULGRAVE, John, third Earl of, see SHEF-
MYTHOLOGY, criticism disdains to chase schoolboy to his commonplaces,' iii. 436; 'dark and dismal regions,' 228; 'despicable' mythological fictions, ii. 202; Dryden never learnt to forbear it, i. 427; Epitaphs, might spare our, iii. 261; imagination exhausted, attention wearied, 189; neglect, common fate of mythological stories, ii. 68, 290; 'puerilities of obsolete mythology,' 294, iii. 439; tedious and oppressive,' i. 213; ' vain to plead example of ancient poets,' 295; ii. 16, 283, 311.
NAISH, Mr., ii. 79.
Namby Pamby, iii. 23 n. 4, 324, 326. NANTWICH, i. 153.
NAPLES, i. 96, 97.
NASH, Richard (Beau'), ii. 422.
NASH, Rev. Dr., Hist. of Worcestershire, i. 201, 202.
NATURE, theory of decrepitude of, i. 137. NEALE, Mr., father of Edmund Smith, ii. 1.
NEILE, Richard, Bishop of Durham, i. 250. NEMESIAN, iii. 316.
NEWBURGH, Countess of, Granville's 'Mira,' ii. 289, 295 n. I.
NEWBURY, Second battle of, ii. 288. NEWCASTLE, Margaret, Duchess of, dictates at night, iii. 209 n. 3; Dryden praises her, i. 347; Waller's remark on her Hunting of a Stag, 280.
NEWCASTLE, William Cavendish, Duke of, Dryden's Mock Astrologer dedicated to him, i. 346; D.'s Sir Martin Marall ascribed to him, 340 . II: treatise on horsemanship, 347.
NEWCASTLE, John Holles, Duke of, i.
NEWCASTLE, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, iii. 323, 368.
NEW MODEL, i. 109 n. 4.
NEWSHAM, Mr., Mallet's pupil, iii. 403 n. 5.
NEWSPAPER TAX, ii. 98, 154.
NEWTON, Sir Isaac, epitaph, iii. 270; Halifax, friendship with, ii. 42; no intel- lectual decay, i. 291.
NEWTON, Thomas, Bishop of Bristol, Addi- son's funeral, ii. 156; Milton's granddaugh- ter's benefit, i. 160; Paradise Lost with Life and Paradise Regained, edits, 84 n. 2, 160 n. 3, 199; public table, iii. 29 n. 2. NEWTON, Thomasine, Pope's grandmother, iii. 82 n. 5.
NEWTON, Mrs., Chatterton's sister, iii. 361
NICHOLLS, Rev. Norton, Gray's friend, iii. 416 n. 4, 424 n. 8, 428 n. 4, 429 n. 5.
NICHOLS, John, Addison's Spectator sig- natures, ii. 154; Curll's services to history, iii. 155 n. 2; Johnson's part in English Poets, 365; Lives of the Poets, 'Addison most taking life,' ii. 79 n. 1; L., printed, i. I n. 1; Spectator containing Fleetwood's Preface, ii. 153; S. and Tatler, printing of, 157; Tickell's Iliad and Addison, 307 n. 7; Watts and Dunciad, iii. 311 n. 2; Yalden's poems, ii. 297 n. I.
NIGHT-CELLARS, ii. 345 n. 3, 398 n. 3. NICOLINI, Signor, ii. 161 n. 8.
Nolumus mutare Leges Angliae, i. 257
NONJURORS, ii. 220, 258.
NORFOLK, Henry Howard, seventh Duke of, divorce bill, ii. 322 n. 4. NORMANTON, iii. 344 n. 4.
NORMANBY, Marquis of, see SHeffield. NORRIS, Henry, the actor, ii. 155. NORTH, Christopher, see WILSON. NORTH, Lord, father of the Prime Minister, ii. 383.
NORTH, Francis, see GUILFORD. NORTH, Frederic, Lord, Prime Minister, iii. 50 n. 4.
NORTHAMPTON, iii. 414.
NORTHCOTE, James, Savage and Johnson, ii. 434 n. 2; Thomson's Seasons, iii. 300
NORTHUMBERLAND, Algernon Percy, tenth Earl of, i. 263, 265, 266, ii. 168. NORTHUMBERLAND, Hugh Smithson, Duke of, iii. 287 n. 3.
NOTTINGHAM, Daniel Finch, second Earl of, ii. 105 n. 6.
NUGENT, Robert, Earl, Odes to Mankind and to Mr. Pulteney, iii. 179 n. 6. NUMERIAN, iii. 316 n. 4.
NUTT, Mr. Richard, the printer, ii. 157.
OAKINGHAM, iii. 97 n. 6. OAKLEY MAGNA, iii. 80.
OATES, Titus, i. 195, 484, ii. 277 n. 5. Observator, The, ii. 94. O'CONNELL, Daniel, iii. 228 n. 5. OCTOBER CLUB, iii. 16, 17 n. I. Odes to Obscurity and Oblivion, iii. 427. OGILBY, John, Homer, version of, iii. 115; Pope's early delight in it, 84; Dunciad, mentioned in, i. 450 n. 5, iii. 84 n. 3; Virgil, version of, i. 450.
OGLE, Sir Thomas, i. 303. OKEHAMPTON, iii. 447 n. 2.
OLDENBURGH, Henry, Secretary of Royal Society, ii. 39.
OLDFIELD, Mrs., the actress, account of her, ii. 336 n. 1; Cato, played in, 100 n. 2, 101 n. 5; Earl Rivers's bequest to her, 326
n. 3; Ordpierdioμos, 336 n. 1; Rowe's read. ing, 76 n. 8; Savage's pardon, intercedes for, 352 n. 2; S., alleged pension to, 335 n. 1,336, 413; Wanderer, celebrated in, 337; Thomson's Sophonisba, heroine in, iii. 288 n. 2. OLDHAM, John, Imitation of Juvenal, iii. 176 n. 5; lines on neglect of Butler, i. 207 n. 4; and of Cowley, 13 n. 4.
OLDISWORTH, William, Examiner, edited, ii. 1 n. 2; Iliad, translates, iii. 76; Smith, Edmund, his account of, ii. 1-11; Timothy and Philatheus, iii. 76 n. 3.
OLDMIXON, John, Clarendon's History, alleges forgeries in, ii. 18; Granville, an- swers, 293; ridicules poverty of Stuarts in exile, 110.
Omar Khayyám, i. 34 n. 2. Omnia noctis erant, i. 435. ONEBY, Major, ii. 346 n. 1. OPDAM, Admiral, i. 304. ORINDA, see PHILIPS, Katherine. Orison, iii. 345 n. 4.
ORMOND, James Butler, first Duke of, 'Barzillai' in Absalom and Achitophel, i. 370 n. 3; Dryden's Plutarch dedicated to him, 397 n. 4; gaming, 231 n. 2; loss of his son, ii. 168 n. 6; 1. of Dublin, i. 370; Rehearsal, alluded to in, ib.; Roscommon's commission, 231.
ORMOND, James Butler, second Duke of, Addison's gratitude for his protection, ii. 152; Dryden's Fables dedicated to him, i. 408 n. 2; impeached, ii. 152, 292. ORMOND, Duchess of, i. 408.
ORRERY, Charles Boyle, fourth Earl of, see BOYLE, Charles.
ORRERY, John Boyle, fifth Earl of, Dorset's To all you Ladies, &c., i. 305; Fenton, his tutor, ii. 258; Pope teases him for a screen, iii. 200; Pope and Fenton, ii. 262 n. 2; Remarks on Swift, iii. 67; Southerne's patron, ii. 212 n. 4; Swift, anecdote of, iii. 56; Hist. of Four last years of Queen Anne, 27; S.'s reception in Ireland, 26; S. and Stella, 30, 69. ORRERY, Roger Boyle, first Earl of, Black Prince, quoted, i. 336 n. 7; Dryden's dedi- cation to him, 336, 339; tragedies in rhyme, 336, 337.
OSBORNE, Francis, i. 230, 231 n. I. OSBORNE, Thomas, the bookseller, iii. 187.
OSSORY, Thomas, Earl of, ii. 168. OTWAY, Rev. Humphry, the poet's father, i. 241.
OTWAY, Thomas, actor, unsuccessful, i. 242; Alcibiades, ib.; birth, &c., 241; Caius Marius, 245; carousing and starving, 244 n. 1; Cheats of Scapin, 242; Christ Church, Oxford, 241; Collins's Ode to Pity, 241 n. 3; cornet in Flanders, 244; death, 247; Don Carlos, 244, 248 n. 1; Dryden's estimate of him, 248 n. 1, 458; Duke, friendship with, ii. 24; favourite of dissolute wits, i. 243;
Friendship in Fashion, 242; lived and died neglected,' 248; loyalty, 241 n. 2, 248; Or- phan, 245, 246; Oxford, leaves without degree, 241; payment received, Venice Preserved, 245 n. 6; personal appearance, 241 m. 2; Poet's Complaint, 247; Pope's Imit. Hor. Epis. 247 n. 7; poverty, 243, 247; 'puzzling Otway,' 247 n. 6; Rochester lampooned by, 244; Soldier's Fortune, 245; tenderness, 248 n. 1; Titus and Berenice, 242; trans- lated de Broé's Histoire des deux Triumvi- rats, 246 n. 3; unfinished tragedy, 247 n. 4; Venice Preserved, 245, 246, 248 n. 2; Winchester, 241; quotations, Epilogue to Caius Marius, 244 n. 2; Poet's Com- plaint, 241 nn. 243 n. 3, 244 n. 3; Pro- logue to Lee's Constantine, 207 n. 5; Venice Preserved, 246 nn.
OUSLEY, Mr. and Mrs. ii. 325 m. I, 439. OUTRAM, Dr., Vicar of St. Margaret's, Westminster, ii. 34 n. I.
OVID, compared with Claudian, i. 415, iii. 223 n. 1; Epistles, translated by Dryden and others, i. 372; lost tragedy, 416 n. 5; Meta- morphoses, Milton's delight in, 154; mixed wit, 41 n. 6; simile, iii. 230 n. 3; transla- tions, 145 n. 1; quotations, Amores,
i. 92; Metam., 119; Remedia Amoris, iii. 417 n. 2; Tristia, 85 n. 4, 87 n. 2. OWEN, Corbett, i. 48 n. 4.
OWEN, John, Epigrammata, ii. 208 n. 2. Owing, iii. 250 n. 5.
OXFORD, Edward Harley, second Earl of, claps Cato, ii. 101 n. 1; Dunciad, nominal publisher of, iii. 148 n. 6; Pope's visits, 197, 198 n. 5, 199, 202, 209; Prior and Downhall, ii. 194; Swift's Four last Years of Queen Anne, iii. 27 n. 5.
OXFORD, Henrietta, Countess of, ii. 195, iii. 202.
OXFORD, Robert Harley, first Earl of, see HARLEY.
OXFORD, ALL Souls College, Codrington library, iii. 363; Finch, Warden, i. 376 n. 3; Shenstone and loungers in gateway, iii. 353 n. 6; Tindal, the deist, 364; Wharton's donation, 369; Young, a fellow, 363, 370;
BODLEIAN, Charles I and Falkland, i. 9 n. 1; Clarendon's Hist. MS., ii. 23; Cowley's Poems, i. 9 n. 4; Smith's MS. on Philips, 320; S.'s Bodleian speech, ii. 6 n. 2;
Blackmore's reversionary bequest, 252 n. 5; Cato, thrice acted, 103 n. 6; CHRIST CHURCH, Aldrich, Dean, i. 312, ii. 13; Atterbury, Dean, 23; Bateman, Rev. Mr., a tutor, 409 n. 2; Boyle's Phalaris, i. 332 n. 4; Fell, Dean, 312; Foulkes elected censor, ii. 13; Gastrell, a Canon, 23; Gregory, Dean, i. 150 n. 4; King, ii. 26; Locke's deprivation, i. 312 n. 4; Lyttelton, iii. 446; Otway, i. 241; Peckwater Quad., 316 n. 4; Philips, John, 312, 316 n. 4; Smalridge, Dean, ii. 23, 103 n. 6; Smith,
I, II, 12, 13; tobacco smoking, i. 316 n. 2; West, Gilbert, iii. 328; CLARENDON
PRESS, Clarendon's History, ii. 23; Hanmer's Shakespeare, iii. 138 n. 1; Johnson's strong interest in it, 360; Vida's De Arte Poetica, 278 n. 1; Collins visits it, 339 n. 2;
CORPUS COLLEGE, Young's residence, 363; Cross Inn, 143 n. 1; degrees by man- damus, 415 n. 3; discipline and fellowships in Swift's time, 5 n. 4; dispensations from taking orders, ii. 304 n. 3; Dryden's Pro- logue to the University, i. 333; Encaenia, 48; epigram on nine wits, ii. 304 n. 1; EXETER COLLEGE, Elys, Edmund, i. 42 1⁄2. I ; fellow-commoners, ii. 42 n. 1; George I, no panegyrics ready for, iii. 367; Grand Com- pounder, ii. 26 n. 6; Hanmer's Shakespeare subscriptions, iii. 138 n. 1; HART HALL,
5 n. 6; Holstein, i. 94; Jane, Dr., Regius Professor of Divinity, ii. 4; 'literary merit, much will be forgiven to,' 12; - MAGDALEN
COLLEGE, Addison, Demy and Fellow, 82, 84 n. 7, 151; Collins, a Demy, iii. 334; Demies, ii. 82, 151; founder's portrait, 300 n. 2; Gibbon, described by, iii. 334 n. 9; Hough, President, ii. 297; Tickell's lines, 298 n. 2; Warton's father and Digby, iii. 263 n. 1; Waynflete's Praelectors, ii. 299 n. 4; Yalden, Demy and Fellow, 297, 298 n. 2; Magdalen College School, Yalden, 297; MAGDALEN HALL, Pullen, Josiah, Vice- Principal, 297 n. 4; Tickell, a commoner, ib.; MERTON COLLEGE, 'learned Dick Parker,' 10 n. 4; Merton Wall, iii. 339 n. 2; Milton, burning of propositions gathered from, i. 127 n. 5; NEW COLLEGE, Collins,
no vacancy for, iii. 334; Harrison, William, 365; Pitt, Christopher, Scholar and Fellow, 277; Sewell, Dr., Warden, 277 n. 3; Somer- vile, a Fellow, ii. 317; Young, 'independent member,' iii. 363; · Oxford audience, ii. 305 n. 5; Paradise Lost, subscriptions to fourth edition, i. 198; PEMBROKE COL-
LEGE, eminent for English poetry and elegant literature,' iii. 349, 359; eminent members, 360; 'nest of singing birds,' 359; Nov. 5, kept, i. 162 n. 1; Shenstone, iii. 349; Smith challenges to poetical contest, ii. 22; Pope's Iliad subscriptions, iii. 110 n. 1; P.'s I. preferred to Tickell's, ii. 308 n. 4; P.'s visit, iii. 143 n. 1, 367; QUEEN'S COLLEGE, Addison, ii. 82, 151; Collins, iii. 334 n. 8; Fellowships, ii. 151, 304 n. 1; James, John, iii. 308 n. 4; Magrath, Dr., Provost, ii. 304 n. 3; reputation for logic, iii. 308 n. 4; Tickell, a Fellow, ii. 304;
Radcliffe Library, 57 n. 4; Sacheverell's sermon burnt, i. 127 n. 5; St. Clement's parish, madhouse in, iii. 339 n. 2; St. Ed- mund Hall, Blackmore, ii. 235; JOHN'S COLLEGE, Cowley sheltered in, i. 5;
ST. MARY HALL, King, William, Prin- cipal, 407 n.5; Mallet, iii. 402 n. 5; Shakes-
peare's and Jonson's 'classical authority,' ii. 305 n. 5; subscription editions, iii. 110 n. 1, 138 n. 1; Swift's M.A. degree, 5; S.'s Works (1765) subscriptions, 110n. I; TRINITY COLLEGE, Denham, 70 n. 6; Tickell's Prologue to the University, ii. 305 n. 5; UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, Jago, iii. 333 n. 4;
WADHAM COLLEGE, Pitt, C., matricu- lated from, iii. 277 n. 3; Rochester, a 'noble- man,' i. 219; Royal Society originated in meetings, ii. 33, 38; Sprat, Scholar and Fellow, 32; Walsh, gentleman commoner, i. 328; Wilkins, Warden, ii. 38; Watts's
Logic, 308 n. 4; West, Gilbert, D.C.L. by diploma, iii. 329; Whyte's Professorship of Moral Philosophy, ii. 299 n. 4; wigs worn by un- dergraduates, iii. 353 n. 6;· WORCESTER
COLLEGE, fellow-commoners, ii. 42 n. 1. Oxford Laureat, ii. 298. OZELL, John, iii. 76.
PACKE, Richardson, i. 205.
PADUA, ii. 235.
PAGE, Sir Francis, Judge at Savage's trial, ii. 348, 355.
PAGET, Dr. Nathan, i. 131.
PAGET, Thomas, Baron, iii. 161 n. 2. PALAPRAT, i. 242.
PALMERSTON, Henry, first Viscount, iii. 7 n. 4, 377.
Pamphlet, iii. 115 n. 4. PANCIROLUS, i. 42. PARACELSUS, iii. 216.
PARIS, Cowley with exiled king, i. 8; Mil- ton's visit, 93; Prior's embassy, ii. 188; Waller's residence, i. 268, 282.
PARKER, Rev. Richard, of Merton College, ii. 10.
PARKER, Thomas, see MACCLESFIELD, Earl of.
PARLIAMENT OF MERTON, i. 257 n. 3. Parliamentary or Constitutional History of England, ... to 1660, i. 257 n. 2.
PARNELL, Charles Stewart, ii. 49 n. 4, iii. 34 n. 5.
PARNELL, Rev. Dr. Thomas, Allegory on Man, ii. 53; Archdeacon of Clogher, 50; Battle of Mice and Frogs, 52; birth, &c., 49; Bookworm, The, 52; borrowings from Beza, Augurellus and Secundus, 52, 53; buried in Trinity Church, Chester, 51 n. 9; death, 51; 'dunghill of Irish Grub Street,' 54 n. 5; ecclesiastical preferment, 50, 51; epitaphs by Johnson and Goldsmith, 51 n.9, 54 n. 2; Fairy Tale, 52; Gay Bacchus, 52; Goldsmith's Life of him, 49; G.'s criticisms, 52, 53, 54 n. 2; Harley, introduced by Swift to, 50, 55, iii. 61 n. 1; Hermit, ii. 53, 54, 55; Hymn to Contentment, 54; intem- perance, 51, 55; literary earnings given to Gay, 268 n. 6; loss of wife and son, 51; marriage and children, 50, 51; 'more hap- piness than pains' in his verses, 54; Night-
piece on Death, compared with Gray's Elegy, 53; ordained deacon, 50; Pervigilium Veneris, 52; Poems on several occasions, selected by Pope, 52, iii. 137; Pope's Epistle to Robert, Earl of Oxford, ii. 50 n. 7; P.'s Iliad, contributed Life of Homer to, iii. 116; popular preacher, ii. 51; Posthumous Works, forgeries, 54 n. 5; pretty Fanny's way,' 53 n. 7; property and fortune, 49, 51; Rise of Woman, 52; Spectator and Guardian, contributed to, 52 n. 1; Swift, befriended by, 50, 51; Tories, joins, 50; Trinity College, Dublin, 49; quotations, Allegory on Man, 53 n. 8; Bookworm, 52 n. 8; Elegy to an old Beauty, 53 n. 7; Gay Bacchus, 52 n. 9; Hymn to Contentment, 56; Imitation of some French verses, i. 467; To Mr. Pope, ii. 53 n.3.
PARSONS, Rev. Robert, i. 223 n. 2. PARSONS or Persons, Mr., ii. 74. PARTICIPLES FORMED FROM NOUNS, iii.
PARTINTON, Mr., iii. 31 n. 3. PASSERAT, Nihil, i. 224, 227.
PASTORAL POETRY, history of, iii. 316- 8; Gay, Philips and Pope, ii. 269; Guardian, papers on it, ii. 269, iii. 319; Italian pas- toral comedies, ii. 284, iii. 318; Johnson's contempt for it, i. 4, 97, 163, 164, ii. 217, 263, 269, 284, 315, 410, iii. 224, 317, 324, 356, 446, 456.
PATERSON, William, Arminius, iii. 292 n. 4; Surveyor-General of Leeward Islands, 460; Thomson's amanuensis, 292 n. 4. PATON, Mallet's cousin, iii. 402 n. 6. PATRICK, Samuel, the dictionary maker, iii. 201 n. 7.
PATRICK, Rev. Dr. Simon, i. 207. Patriotism, iii. 258 n. I.
PATRU, Olivier, i. 321 n. 3.
PATTISON, Mark, Bolingbroke's writings, iii. 408 n. 1; classical studies, i. 115 n. 6; Gataker, Selden, and Usher, 215 n. 5; Gray, iii. 431 n. 7; Johnson's Milton, i. 84 n. 1; Jortin, iii. 116 n. 4; Milton's Latin
verses, i. 161 n. 4; Lycidas, 92 n. 9, 165 n. 1; Paradise Lost, 174 n. 3, 178 n. 5, 183 n. 4; Paradise Regained, 188 n. 5; Pen- seroso, or Pensieroso,' 165 n. 2 ; 'art of rhymed language,” iii. 251 n. 3; Es- say on Man, 244 n. 9; Iliad, 119 n. 2; P.'s Letters, 155 n. 1, 157 n. 3; P.'s reading, 94 n. 1; Shaftesbury, 432 n. 5; War- burton as Pope's editor, 170 n. I. PEACE OF UTRECHT, ii. 189, iii. 105, 106
PELHAM, Right Hon. Henry, iii. 447 n. 12. PELLISSON, i. 321 n. 4.
PEMBROKE, Philip Herbert, fourth Earl of, i. 74.
PEN, Anne, Shenstone's mother, iii. 348. PENDLEBURY, Rev. Mr., i. 158 n. 5. PENDLES, Devonshire, ii. 300. PENNECUICK, Alexander, iii. 282 n. I. PENSHURST, i. 254.
PEPUSCH, John Christopher, Mus. Doc., ii. 160 n. 5.
PEPYS, Samuel, Adventures of Five Hours, i. 15 n. 2; Barn Elms, 16 n. 1; Charles II's papers against Church of England, 483; Cooper, Samuel, 202 n. 4; Cowley's death, 17 n. 8; C.'s Cutler of Coleman Street, 66; C.'s Naufragium Joculare, 4 n. 7; Denham, Lady, 83; Dryden, acquaintance with, 335 n. 3; Annus Mirabilis, 338 n. 4, 430 n. 2; Evening Love, 346 n. 2; Rival Ladies, 336 n. 3; Secret Love, 340 n. 9; Sir Martin Marall, 340 n. 11; Tempest, 341 n. 2; Wild Gallant, 336 n. 2; Hartlib's, Nan, wed- ding, 196; Howard's Committee, 382 n. 4; H.'s Duke of Lerma, 339 n. 9; Hudibras, 204 nn.; Indian Queen, 336 n. 8; Pompey the Great, 282 n. 1; 'Prior's Rhenish Wine House,' ii. 180 n. 4; Romeo and Juliet, i. 245 n. 3; Rota Club, 126 . I; sea fight at Solebay, 304 n. 6; Sorbière's Voyage en Angleterre, ii. 39; Tomkis's Albumazar, i. 90 n. 5; Take, Sir Samuel, 15 n. 2.
PEPYS, William Weller, iii. 351 n. 6, 452 n. 3, 458.
PERCY, Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Dromore, Clifford's remarks on Dryden, i. 350; Reli ques, iii. 358 n. 8; Shenstone and Leasowes,
PERKINS, Francis, of Ufton Court, iii. 101
PERRAULT, comparaisons à longue queue, iii. 230.
PERRIE, Edward, iii. 461.
PETERS, Hugh, burning of the Records, i. 215 m. 1; Chaloner's execution, 265; Denham, 72; executed, 127 n. 4; ' ferocity,' 72.
PETERBOROUGH, Charles Mordaunt, third BOROU Earl, ii. 42 n. 5.
PETERBOROUGH, Henry Mordaunt, second Earl of, ii. 287.
PETRARCH, Aeglogues, iii. 317; 'obligation to amorous ditties,' i. 6; regrets at life's close his poetry, 290; iii. 349 n. 6. PETRE, Lord, iii. 101.
PETRE, Hon. John, iii. 101 n. 2. PETRONIUS, curiosa felicitas,' iii. 236 n. I; 'elegantiae arbiter,' ii. 93 n. 3. PETTY, Sir William, ii. 398 n. I. PHAEDRUS, ii. 283.
PHAER, Thomas, Aeneid translator, i. 466. PHILIPS, Ambrose, Addison's advice, iii. 312 n. 6; A.'s alleged neglect, 321 n. 4; A.'s com-
panion, ii. 122; A.'s set, favoured by, iii. 319; A. and Steele, friendship with, 313; A., tells story to show familiarity with, 314 n. 5; admiration of friends suffered from, 320; 'Alamode style,' 312 n. 2; anecdotes of him, 323; annuity, 323; bailiffs, fears, ii. 333 n. I; 'barrenness,' iii. 325 n. 1; birth, &c., 312 n. 1; Blackmore's Creation, ii. 243; Boulter, Archbishop, friend and patron, iii. 322; Briton, The, 321; censure, sensitive to, 323; clubs, 'important associate of,' 316; conversation, pompous and solemn in, 323; 'costive head, 321 n. 4; death, 323; Distrest Mother, acted, 314; criticized, 324; Epilogue, 315; packed audience, ii. 100, iii. 315; Spectator devoted to it, 314; Dorset, Duke of, verses addressed to, 312; early life, little known, 312; Freethinker, The, 322; From Holland to a Friend in England, 312 n. 3; Hackett's Life of Williams, abridged, 312 n. 3, 314, 325; half- a-crown, worked for, 314; Hanover Club, Secretary of, 320 n. 3; Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, 321; 'idyllic cockney,' 324 n. 5; 'Infantine, The,' example of, 327; Irish ap- pointments, 322; Julius Caesar, describes himself in describing, 323 n. 7; Justice of the Peace, 321; Lacrymae Cantabrigienses, contributes to, 312; leanness, 323 2. 7;
Macer, 313 n. 2, 314 n. 4; madrigal Namby,' 327; M.P. for Armagh, 322; 'Nam- by Pamby,' verses, 322 n. 5, 324, 326, 327; Newcastle, Duke of, dedicates poems to, 323; parodied by Carey, 326; 'party mad," 21 n. 1; 'Pastoral Philips,' 313 n. 3;
Pastorals, account of publication, 94, 312 n. 4. 316 2., 319; Addison praises them, 316 n. 3, 318 n. 5; compared with Pope's, 319, 324 n. 5; Guardian, praised in, ii. 269, iii. 324; pilfer'd pastorals,' 313 n. 5; Pope's ironical Guardian, ii. 269, iii. 107, 319; P.'s praise in letter, 313 n. 1; Preface, quoted, 318 n. 5; Southey, Thackeray and Elwin, criticisms by, 324 n. 5; procured him first notice, 316; Paymaster of the Lottery, 321 n. 3; Persian Tales, translated, 313, 314 n. 1, 321 n. 4; personal appearance, 323 n. 7; personal character, 323; Poeti- cal Letter from Copenhagen, account of it, 312; praised by Pope and Goldsmith, 313 n. 1; p. by Johnson, 324; Pope and Addison quarrel, 130, 133; P., quarrel with, 319, 320; P.'s attacks on him, i. 437 n. 4, ii. 122 n. 6, iii. 312 n. 2, 313 nn., 314 n. 4, 319 n. 7, 322 n. 4, 324, 325 n. 1, 326, 327; puppy, a, called by Swift, 313 . 3; red stockings, 313 n. 2; St. John's College, Cambridge, 312 n. 1; Secretary at Geneva, effort to appoint him, 313 m. 3; Secretary to Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 322; 'sheep- crook, admirable hand at a,' 316 n. 3; 'shep- herd, still a,' 313 n. 3; Spectator, contributes to, 316; Swift, befriended by, 21 n. 1, 313
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