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cal orders, than to instruct their proselytes in the genuine doctrines of the Gospel. The Reformation revived this missionary spirit in Europe, and gave it new vigour. The Romish Church endeavoured to make up her loss among the Heathen, which she had suffered by the progress of the Reformation; and the protestants burned with ardour to propagate the Evangelic doctrine. But of late, the Church of Christ has been blessed with a greater portion of this divine spirit, than at any time since the days of the apostles. More than sixty different societies have been established since A. D. 1795, among the varions Protestant communities; and the spirit of grace and prayer for the conversion of the Gentiles, seems to have been poured out upon all ranks in Christendom. The Church appears touched with celestial compassion, and her views are now only limited by the habitable world. She unfurls her banners like a mighty army to the East and West, and even menaces the crown of Satan's kingdom on earth, like Luther that of the Pope in the Roman empire. Never was the human family presented with such a clear view of the love and merits of its celestial brother, Jesus Christ, as it is now furnished, by the glorious labours of this last number of pious and able missionaries in Asia, Africa, the West Indies, Greenland, Labrador, upon the continent of America, and in many other parts of the globe; and never before have they met with such a cordial reception, and such glorious success. If in any case the Lord of heaven has suggested the first idea of a human establishment on earth, and given it his blessing, it was in establishing the Bible societies, which have made such a marvellous progress in every country of Europe and America. Their exertions are hailed by millions, and will not cease, until they have circulated the Holy Scriptures in every language of the nations of the world. these are truly sublime movements of our immortal king

of glory, and incontestable characteristics of the woman in her second flight.

Two wings of a great eagle. The original is TO GETOD του αετού Tov μey28, and should be rendered of the great eagle, and not by the indefinite article. In prophecies, even words of a seeming slight import are often of great consequence to determine the true sense. The Great Eagle here alluded to, is not one out of many, he has nowhere his equal, for he signifies the fatherly care and providence of the Lord with his Church, by which she is directed, strengthened and supported in the accomplishment of her designs in the wilderness. By these wings she commenced her flight, which was not the work of men, and by this means she endures, and obtains her glorious end. In this sense the Lord himself has used this figure, Exod. xix, 4. Deut. xxxII, 10. 11. 12. Isa. XL, 31. in reference to the sojourn of the Israelites in the wilderness, to which this probably is an allusion.

Into her place. In her first flight, she had a place prepared of God, verse 6, for she then stood in need of the assistance of the civil authorities, without which she would have failed in her objects; but now she flies to her own place, without any other human aid in the Pagan wilderness of nations, solely confiding to the all-powerful protection and assistance of Jehovah. This expression also seems to indicate, that during this second flight, she is in a great measure permitted to make her own choice as to the place of abode, and to use her own power and abilities in the accomplishment of her designs.

Where she is nourished. During her first flight it is said, verse 6, that they, others, not herself, should feed her there, while sojourning in that wilderness; but_now during her second flight, rger sensu passivo medio, alitur, as the Vulgate has rendered it, she has nourishmeut, i. e. she is nourished, and also provides for herself. This may refer to her endurance and support in the wil

derness, where she has made her missionary establish ments, and to her spiritual and intellectual nourishment. with this meat, John IV, 34. she is furnished by the word of God in all languages, and by the Christian ordinances of Baptism, and the Lord's supper. The art of printing had been discovered, and learning restored in Europe, just before the Reformation commenced; and the press now afforded ample nourishment, by reprinting the valuable productions of former centuries, both religious and scientific, But the Church has also nourished herself since that time, by an immense number of new, and precious works, in every department of learning; which nourishment daily increased with her wants, and follows her to every extent in her flight in order to ensure her


Nourished ao, before the face of the serpent. In Heathen countries, in the presence of Paganism, of Pagan priests and authorities; and they are not able to deprive her of nourishment, though desirous of doing so. How ever, it is worthy of remark, that Satan's name, is changed in this place from dragon to serpent, for which, no doubt, there is a substantial reason in his manner of conduct. In the character of the dragon, he persecutes the Church by the agency of secular power; but in the character of the Old serpent, he offers temptation in the garb of humanity and religion, as he did to our first parents in Paradise. It appears to be the principle design of the serpent, to impede the woman's flight, by withdrawing, or poisoning her nourishment during the whole of this pe riod. And how prolific has been this term in producing Free-thinkers, Atheists, Deists, Illuminati, Socinians, political and philosophical Theorists, Separatists, and the wildest offsprings of fanaticism. They obstructed the progress of religion, and in a great measure deterred the Church by abuse of wit and talents, from the spirit and necessary sacrifices for propagating the Gospel among

the Heathen. To this source we may also trace that corrupted system of doctrine, which the Romish missionaries have preached among the Pagans; and more particularly the impious mixture of Paganism and Christianity, which the Jesuits have propagated in China, their avarice in Paraguay, and their ambition and odious frauds in every other part, of which these crafty disciples of Loyola stand convicted before the world.

But she continues to have nourishment and success before the face of the serpent. Though her progress is of ten obstructed by papal corruption, modern infidelity, and by views of secular interest and party spirit among the Protestants, she will in the end triumph over every impediment. The serpent will behold and hiss at her, full of wrath and indignation ; but she is now matured to that degree of Gospel grace, knowledge, and experience, as to cope with him, and to surmount all obstacles by the assistance of her wings. The old serpent may bruise her heel; but the woman will arise the bride of the Lamb, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against her.

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A time, and times, and half a time. I have taken a time to be a century, or a hundred years in this prophecy; because this term of years is considered in Scripture, the time of a man's life, and the time of a generation. See the original of the following passages, Gen. xv, 13. 16. Job. XLII, 16. Isa. XXXVIII, 12. This determination of these terms of time, not only accords with the synchronizing facts and periods of the Revelation generally, but it is also corroborated by history, and the prophetic divisions of which the whole period consists, strongly marked by the events of the Church, Thus the different terms are expressed and distinguished in the following manner.

1. A Time, from Ano 1509-1609. This period comprises the Reformation, and the time of the progress of the Evangelical doctrine in Europe, until the Protestant Churches had fully formed, and established themselves by legal authority.

2. Times, from Ano 1609-1809. This period is marked and dis. tinguished, by the emigrations of the Bohemian brethren to Germany, the English, Germans, Swedes, Dutch, Swiss, &c. &c. &c. to America and Asia; by establishing colonies in the East and West Indies, and in Africa, among the Heathen; and by some important missionary establishments in various parts of the world.

3. Half a time, from A. D. 1809-1859. This period in which we now live, is remarkable on account of so many great and important missionary and Bible societies in Enrope, Asia and America, and their numerous establishments in almost every part of the world; and for that divine plan, of circulating the Scriptures in every language of the human family. The last nine years of this period, will be more particularly distinguished by an important event, which I shall show in its place.

Hitherto we have had before us, and determined the following periods, by which we may know the importance and danger of the time we live in, and the great necessity of watching with prayer, and living near unto God.

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Verse 15. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.

16. And the earth helped the woman; and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.

The Church of Christ in the Eastern part of the ancient Roman empire, is as much rent into different communities, as it is in the West; most of whom furnished some aid, in propagating the Gospel among the oriental nations.

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