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This 1960 edition of Basic Reading in Social Security contains some 1640 references of which 1000 are new or revised. Sources through January 1960 were checked for items to be included.

Compiled as a guide to the significant books, pamphlets, articles and periodical sources on the Social Security Act and the programs administered under the Act, the bibliography also includes references to programs closely related to social security. Some items now out of print have been retained because of their importance and because they are available in many large libraries.

The first list of "Basic Readings" was prepared under the direction of Mrs. Ellen Commons, Librarian then of the Social Security Board and later of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The bibliographers have been Carl Farman, 1936-1942; Helen Fairbanks, 1945-47; and since 1950, Ruth K. Bray, who compiled the present edition.

The Social Security Administration, within limits of available supplies, can furnish copies of its own publications. For most of the United States Government publications cited, the source is the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Other publications should be obtained in the usual way from the publishers or booksellers.


Background and General Program

U.S. LAWS. Compilation of the Social Security Laws, Including the Social Security Act, as Amended, and Related Enactments Through December 31, 1958. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1959. 402 pp.

THE AMERICAN ASSEMBLY. Economic Security for Americans: An Appraisal of the Progress During the Last 50 years. New York: The American Assembly, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, 1954. 171 pp.

Background papers and the findings of the Third American Assembly. ARMSTRONG, BARBARA N. Insuring the Essentials: Minimum Wage, Plus Social Insurance—A Living Program. New York: Macmillan Co., 1932. 717 pp.

"A critical review of the evolution of the social insurance and minimum wage institutions that have been adopted in different parts of the world, together with an analysis of their trend and probable future." BENNETT, SAMUEL V. Unemployment and Relief from the Local Government Point of View. A Report of the W. E. Upjohn Institute for Community Research. Chicago: Public Administration Service, 1955. 273 pp.

Reviews what was done to meet the problems of unemployment in the thirties and examines the provisions that would be available for unemployment relief in the future.

Bremner, RobERT H. From the Depths: The Discovery of Poverty in the United States. New York: New York University Press, 1956. 364 pp.

Traces the awareness of the problem of poverty from the early days of industrialization to the application of scientific philanthropy by social workers. The study covers the period 1830-1925.

Burns, EvelinE M. Social Security and Public Policy. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1956. 291 pp.

An analysis of the factors influencing policy decisions in the field of social security. Considers four major groups of issues-types of payment and amount and eligibility conditions, risks covered, financing, and administration.

Children. Published bimonthly by the Children's Bureau. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1954 to date. Supersedes The Child, published from 1936 through 1953.

A professional journal on services for children and on child life.


CLARKE, HELEN I. Social Legislation. (2d ed.) New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1957. 665 pp.

Analyzes the legal relationships of husband, wife, and the state; parent, child, and the state; and needy persons and the state. Considers public policy as defined by legislatures and discusses the effects of judicial decisions on such policy and some administrative problems.

COMMONS, JOHN R., and ANDREWS, JOHN B. Principles of Labor Legislation. (4th rev. ed.) New York: Harper & Brothers, 1936. 606 pp.

Includes a section on social insurance which describes the historical background, basic principles, and legislation, including the Social Security Act of 1935.

COMMUNITY RESEARCH ASSOCIATES. Current Social Research: A Selected Inventory of Research and Demonstration Projects in Fields Related to Programs Conducted or Assisted by the Social Security Administration of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. New York: Community Research Associates, Inc., 1957. 205 pp.

Information on 372 projects presented under the following major classifications: Behavioral Research, Socioeconomic Research, Research on Professional Education, Research on Rehabilitation Services, Research on Health Services, Research on Welfare Services, Program Research, and Administrative Research.

CORSON, JOHN J., and MCCONNELL, JOHN W. Economic Needs of Older People. New York: The Twentieth Century Fund, 1956. 533 PP.

Surveys the status of older people and of public and private incomemaintenance programs for them. Includes the report of the Twentieth Century Fund's Committee on Economic Needs of Older People.

COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS. The Book of the States, 1960-61. (Vol. 12.) Chicago: The Council, 1960. 576 pp. Includes data on the social security program, State merit systems for personnel, retirement coverage for State and local government employees, and State health programs. Also includes detailed statistical data, by State, on the various grant-in-aid programs administered by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

de SCHWEINITZ, KARL. People and Process in Social Security. Washington: American Council on Education, 1948. 165 pp. Traces the development of social security in the United States, explains the Social Security Act and its amendments through 1948, and describes how the program is administered and the duties and qualifications of the administrative staff.

DEWHURST, J. FREDERIC, and ASSOCIATES. America's Needs and Resources: A New Survey. New York: The Twentieth Century Fund, 1955. 1,148 pp.

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