CORRECTED, ENLARGED, AND EDITED By H. E. STRICKLAND, M.A., F.G.S. &c. AND SIR WILLIAM JARDINE, BART., F.R.S.E., &c. VOL. IV. CONTAINING THE ALPHABETICAL LIST FROM NAC TO ZWI. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE RAY SOCIETY, 1854. Reprinted with the permission of the Ray Society, London The Sources of Science, No. 20 JOHNSON REPRINT CORPORATION 1968 Reprinted from a copy in the collections of Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 67-29077 First Reprinting 1968 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADVERTISEMENT. THE present is the concluding volume of the BIBLIOGRAPHIA ZOOLOGIE ET GEOLOGIE. The delay in its appearance has been caused by the melancholy death of Mr. H. E. Strickland, through whose unremitting care and labour the work had been successfully edited and printed as far as the middle of this volume. The Council of the Ray Society have been only now able to present it to their members by the kindness of Sir William Jardine, Bart., through whose assiduity the work is now complete which his son-in-law commenced. It is however obvious that, on account of the time which has elapsed since the publication of the first volume of this work, many later works have been omitted. The Council of the Ray Society therefore contemplate publishing a Supplement, which will include the titles of all works which shall have appeared subsequent to the publication of the previous volumes. To render this as complete as possible, all Zoologists and Geologists are earnestly requested to forward a List of their Works, or a Note of any Additions or Corrections to those which have been already printed in the published volumes of the Bibliographia, without any delay, to Sir W. Jardine, Bart., Jardine Hall, Lockerby, N. B. It has also been determined to issue with the Supplementary Volume an Index of subjects, which it is hoped will greatly facilitate the use of the work and enhance its value to all interested in the literature of Geology and Zoology. 1 Dec. 1854. |