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CHAPTER II-Office of the Assistant Secretary for Labor-Management Relations, Department of Labor

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CHAPTER IV-Office of Labor-Management and Welfare-Pension Reports,
Department of Labor

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CROSS REFERENCES: Railroad Retirement Board: See Employees' Benefits, 20 CFR Chapter II.

Social Security Administration, Department of Health, Education and Welfare: See Employees' Benefits, 20 CFR Chapter III.

NOTE: Other regulations issued by the Department of Labor appear in 20 CFR Chapters I, IV, V; 41 CFR Chapter 50, 60. For Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration: See 45 CFR Part 70.

Subtitle A-Office of the Secretary

of Labor











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Ethics and conduct of Department of Labor employees.
Procedure for predetermination of wage rates.

General regulations.

Contractors and subcontractors on public building or public work financed in whole or in part by loans or grants from the United States.

Labor standards for Federal Service Contracts.

Labor standards provisions applicable to contracts covering federally
financed and assisted construction (also labor standards provisions ap-
plicable to non-construction contracts subject to the Contract Work Hours
and Safety Standards Act).

Labor standards for ratios of apprentices and trainees to journeymen on
Federal and Federally assisted construction.

Rules of practice for administrative proceedings enforcing labor standards
in Federal Service Contracts.

Practice before Wage Appeals Board.

Preference in Federal procurement under Defense Manpower Policy No. 4
and Executive Order 10582.

Stabilization of construction industry wages and prices under Executive
Order 11588.

Vocational rehabilitation for migrant agricultural workers.

12 Financial assistance to persons displaced from their homes, businesses, and farms by Governmental acquisition of real property. Occupational training of unemployed persons.















Rules for the nomination of arbitrators under section 11 of Executive Order 10988.

Exemplary rehabilitation certificates for ex-servicemen.

Equal employment opportunity in apprenticeship and training.

Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of
Labor-effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Farm labor contractor registration.

Interpretations of Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act of 1963.
Neighborhood Youth Corps projects.

Work training and experience programs.

Grants under the Emergency Employment Act of 1971.

Immigration; immigrant labor certifications.

Examination and copying of Labor Department documents.

Manpower research and evaluation grants and contracts.
Certification of eligibility to apply for worker assistance.

91 Adjustment assistance for workers after certification.

92 Adjustment assistance for workers after certification under Automotive Products Trade Act of 1965.

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May 8, 1965, "Prescribing Standards of Ethical Conduct for Government Offcers and Employees," and 5 CFR 735.101 et seq. It prescribes standards of conduct for employees of the Department of Labor relating to conflicts of interest arising out of outside employment, private business and professional activities, and financial interests. It sets forth requirements for the disclosure of such interests by Department employees. In addition, it states basic principles regarding employees' conduct on the job and the ethics of their relationship to the Department as their employer. The head of an administration, bureau, or cffice may with the approval of the Solicitor, adopt additional standards and procedures, not inconsistent with this part. Any such additional standards and procedures shall be furnished in writing to the employees affected. This part applies to all regular and special Government employees except to the extent otherwise indicated herein. For the purpose of this part:

(1) "Regular employee” means an officer or employee of the Department of Labor, but does not include a special Government employee.

(2) "Special Government employee” means an officer or employee of the Department of Labor who is retained, designated, appointed, or employed to perform, with or without compensation, for not to exceed 130 days during any period of 365 consecutive days, temporary duties either on a full-time or intermittent basis.

(3) "Employee" means a regular and a special Government employee.

(4) The terms "bureau" and "office", except where otherwise indicated, mean a bureau or office which is not a part of a larger administrative subdivision within the Department of Labor.

(b) This part, among other things, reflects prohibitions and requirements imposed by the criminal and civil laws of the United States. However, the paraphrased restatements of criminal and civil statutes in no way constitute an interpretation or construction thereof that is binding upon the Federal Government. Moreover, this part does not purport to paraphrase or enumerate all restrictions or requirements imposed by statutes, Executive orders, regulations or otherwise upon Federal employees. The omission of a reference to any such re

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(a) The Solicitor has been designated counselor to the Department in matters within the scope of the regulations in this part. Deputy counselors designated by the Solicitor will be available to consult with employees on questions relating to ethics, conduct, and conflict of interest. Employees are expected to familiarize themselves with the regulations in this part, the laws and regulations on which they are based, and the supplementary instructions issued by the administrations, bureaus, and offices in which they work. Attention of all employees is hereby directed to the statutes set forth in 5 CFR 735.210 (see Appendix A to this part). Attention of employees of the Office of Labor-Management and WelfarePension Reports is hereby directed to section 15(b) of the Welfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act, which prohibits any Department employee from administering or enforcing the Act with respect to any employee organization in which he is a member or employer organization in which he has an interest. Employees who need clarification of the standards of conduct, and related laws, rules, and regulations should consult a deputy counselor.

(b) Each head of an administration, bureau, or office is responsible for application of the standards of conduct to employees under his jurisdiction. He is responsible for assuring that his employees are furnished copies of the regulations in this part not later than 90 days after their approval by the Civil Service Commission. Each new employee shall be furnished such a copy no later than the time of his entrance on duty. The heads of administrations, bureaus, and offices shall assure that employees are advised of the times and places where counseling services are available and the names of the deputy counselors. They shall assure that the regulations in this part are brought to the attention of each employee at least annually and at such other times as circumstances warrant. The heads of administrative subdivisions within the Office of the Secretary which are not a part of larger administrative subdivisions within such Office are responsible for application of the standards of conduct to employees

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(a) Failure of an employee to comply with any of the standards of conduct set forth in this part shall be a basis for such disciplinary or other remedial action as may be appropriate to the particular case. Such remedial action may include, but is not limited to:

(1) Changes in assigned duties;

(2) Divestment by the employee of his conflicting interest;

(3) Disciplinary action; or

(4) Disqualification for a particular assignment.

(b) Remedial action, whether disciplinary or otherwise, shall be effected in accordance with any applicable laws, Executive orders, regulations, and applicable agreements between the Department of Labor and employee organizations.

(c) The head of an administration may delegate authority under the regulations in this part. Delegations shall be at the highest practicable level. Delegations of final authority shall be in writing, in accordance with § 0.735-1(a), and any such delegations to employing bureaus or offices within such administrations shall be made to no individual lower than the head or acting head of such bureau or office.

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(a) The effectiveness of the Department of Labor in serving the public interest depends upon the extent to which the Department and its employees hold the public confidence. Employees are therefore required not only to observe the requirements of Federal laws, policies, orders, and regulations governing official conduct, they must also avoid any apparent conflict with these requirements. Each employee shall avoid situations in which his private interests conflict or raise a reasonable question of conIflict with his public duties and responsibility. An employee shall avoid any action, whether or not specifically prohibited, which might result in or create the appearance of using public office for private gain, giving preferential treatment to any person, impeding Government efficiency or economy, losing complete independence or impartiality,

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