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N Introduction, p. 1. Chap. 1: The

Primitive Notion of a particular

Church confider'd, p. 3. The En-
quirer afferts a Congregational form
of it, p. 4. His first Authority from Irenæus
for it, proves nothing to his purpose, p. 5.
His ad is a precarious Construction of Diony-
fius Alexandrinus's Words, and inconfiftent
with that Fathers account of his own Church of
Alexandria,p. 6. &c. His 3d and laft Autho
rity from Tertullian is rather a meer Overfight,
than an Argument, p. 13. His Obfervation
of the word Church (rarely used for a Collecti-
on of Churches) fhewn to be neither material,
nor just, P, 14 He divides Church Mem-
bers and Minifters aright; but in the refpe-
tive Offices he affigns them, he vastly differs

from the Ancients, p. 16. His Mifapprehen-

fion of the different Powers conferr'd by the

Apostles on the feveral Elders they ordain'd, a

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