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Reflexions Philofopiques fur l'Impot. Paris.

The author of thefe Philofopical Reflections on Taxes, Mr. Jerom Tifaut de la Noue, might have faved himself much trouble, if he had reflected that in the impofition, as well as collection of taxes, it is impoffible to admit that "Taxation is no tyranny."—At beft, it is but an object purely political, in which found philofophy has little to do. It is notorious that, in every country, where taxes are established, the government are induced to wink at vices, and even encourage luxury and debauchery, for the fake of increafing the income of the public treafury. It is fine talking of liberty, and even benevolence, humanity and chriftian charity, for inftance, in England, where an unconftitutional, oppreffive and cruel mode of arreft and imprisonment for fmall debts, is kept up, merely because the duties on the process bring an enormous fum annually into the ftamp-office.

Relation de differens Voyages dans les Alpes du Faucigny. Mae


An Account of different Journies among the Alps of Faucigny. These journies were taken by the celebrated Mr. de Luc and Mr. Dentant; the relation of them abounding in meteorological and other atmofpherical informations.

Hiftoire de l'aftronomie ancienne, &c. 4to. Paris.

The hiftory of ancient aftronomy commences at the earliest ærå, and ends with the establishment of the fchool of Alexandria.—It is written by Mr. Bailly of the Royal Academy of Sciences, and has much merit.

Lettres intereffantes du Pope Clement XIV. tom. i. Paris.

The character of Ganganelli will no doubt recommend his epiftolary correspondence to all who have heard of his literary or personal merit ; it is not, however, very certain that the prefent publication is genuine.

Dictionaire Mineralogique and Hydroligique de la France, &c. 8vo. Paris.

This Mineralogical and Hydrological Dictionary, is the work of the celebrated Mr. Buchoz; who has already given the public a Veterinarian Dictionary or dictionary of domestic animals, and a dictionary of French trees, fhrubs and plants; intended altogether to compole a complete oeconomical and phyfical hiftory of France.

Theorie du Luxe. 8vo. Paris.

A Theory of Luxury, a tract on the old plan, to prove private vices public benefits. The author, however, hath more to say than most of those who have taken his fide the queftion; there is alfo much truth and more ingenuity in many of his reflections.

Seconde Lettre de M. Pinto à l'Occafion des Troubles des Colonies Americans, &c. 8vo. Hague..

This fecond letter is a fequel to the firft by the fame author, addressed to some physician in Jamaica, recapitulating the beft arguments in

favour of the English government as to their conduct refpecting its American colonies. In the letter before us, this ingenious writer proceeds on thofe arguments to start others of a fimilar tendency; concluding that, although fooner or later America will become independant of the mother-country, that period is not yet arrived; and that it is even the intereft of France, Spain, Holland, and Portugal, to prevent fuch an independancy.-We own we do not fee into the force of the latter argument; at the fame time, we conceive, if the period of independancy be not now come, the mother-country will take fuch effectual methods in reducing the colonies to obedience, as to prevent the poffibility of their making fuch another attempt for a great number of years at least to come. Ineffectual ftruggles for liberty rivet

but the chains of fubjection the closer.

Effai fur les Phenomenes relatifs aux Disparitions Periodiques de l'anneau de Saturne.


The fubject of this effay is the phenomena relative to the periodical disappearance of Saturn's Ring. It having received the approbation of the several learned academicians, appointed to examine it, we must prefume it merits the general eulogiums bestowed on its author, Mr. Du Sejour of the Royal Academy at Paris, and the Royal Society of London. Catechifme fur l'art des accouchmens pour les Sages-Femmes, &c.

12mo. Paris.

This catechifm, as it is called, on obstetric art, compiled, as we learn, at the expence and by the order of the French government, for the country midwives, is a proof of the politic and judicious attention of the miniftry to an article of police which moft effentially affects their pational population. It is a pity fome fuch an expedient cannot be adopted in this country; ludicrous as it would verbally be, to put our old women back again to learn their Catechifm.


Carfien Niebuhr's Reifebefchreibung nac Arabien und andern umliegend Laenden. 4to. tom I. Copenhagen.


Niebuhr's voyage to Arabia and its adjacent countries,-Mr. Niebuhr is the only traveller who furvived the journey, made by order of the King of Denmark, fome few years ago, to explore the foutheaftern part of Africa. The end of that journey, was not, however, altogether defeated; Mr. Niebuhr giving a fenfible and apparently faithful account of thofe countries he had the opportunity of vifiting. Phyfiognomische Fragmente Zur beforderung der Menschenkenniss und Menfchenliebe, &c. 4to. Leipfic.

A Collection of Fragments on Phyfiognomy, deligned, fays the author, to promote the knowledge and love of mankind. Mr. John Cafper Lavater, Deacon of Zurich, muft have a better opinion of mankind on the ground of phyfiognomy than fome other philofophers deduce from experience: they conceiving that the more one knows of VOL. III. mankind


mankind the less is one apt to love them. On the whole this publication is a fingular performance, finely ornamented with cuts; which ferve however more to embellish the book than illuftrate the argu


Weft-phoelifche Alter thumer, &c. 8vo. Solengen.

It was once made a ferious queftion, we are told, among a club of French beaux-efprits, whether a German could be a wit. We have, in these Weftphalian Antiquities, a proof positive that it is poffible. The author had probably feen the famous piece of English pleafantry of this kind, entitled the Antiquities of Wheatfield. In the manner of which we have here a formal demonstration, more antiquo, that the crucifiers of Chrift and decapitators of John the Baptift, were Weftphalians. Befchaftigungen der Berlinifchem Gefellfchaffs Naturforschender Friende, &c. Part I. Berlin.

The Tranfactions of an Amicable Society of Natural Philosophers at Berlin. These transactions contain two-and-twenty valuable papers on fubjects of natural hiftory and experimental philofophy.

Beftatigte Wahrheit, dafs der Heiland in einer Hoele unter der Stadt Bethlehem gebohren worden. 8vo. Nuremberg.

The very learned Samuel William Oetter here labours to prove that our Saviour was born in a cavern under the town of Bethlehem. that this cavern was nevertheless a stable, according to the general idea of our Saviour's birth-place, and not a cellar, is a point which he has not fatisfactorily cleared up.

Shakespeare Schauspiele. Zurich.

A new monument erected by the literati of Germany, to the honour of our countryman the immortal Shakespeare; whofe plays are here tranflated into the German language, and published in a very fplendid and elegant manner.

Meiner's Vermifchte Philofophifche Schriften, &c. Leipfi.

The Philofophical Works of Meiner; containing eight differtations in the German language on fubjects of claffical antiquity, and one in latin on the philofophy of Cicero.


Vite de Pittori, Scutari ed Architetti che anno lavorato in Roma, morti dal 1641, fino al 1673. Da Giambattista Pafferi, Pittore e Poeta. Roma.

Giambattilla Pafferi, who is here ftiled poet and painter, was a difciple of the famous Dominichino, by whose inftructions he himself tells us he greatly profited; but, beginning too late in life, it does not appear that he was a much better painter than he was a poct. Luckily, his poems recommended him to Cardinal Altieri, who thought him good enough for a prieft, and accordingly promoted him in the church, and afforded him leilure to write thefe Memoirs of his cotemporary artifls.


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Saggio fopra la Religione, del Conte Giovam Battifta Giovo. 8vo.


A confutation of the principal arguments that have been brought against Christianity, as well in ancient as modern times. By a young nobleman, a Knight of the Order of St. Stephen.

Lettere Inedite, &c. 8vo. Florence.

This collection, of the unpublished letters of illuftrious men, affords abundant gratification to the curiofity of the learned. In the prefent volume are fome written by Campanella-Borelli-Gaffendi-TychoBrahe-and many other celebrated perfonages.

Nuova Defcrizione di Roma antica e moderno, &c. 8vo. Roma.
This new defcription of Rome, notices particularly the feveral alte-`
rations made with regard to the ancient monuments under the late

La Meteorologia applicata all' Agricoltura. 4to. Vinezia.

The Application of Meteorology to Agriculture, is at once so obvious and natural, that it is no wonder the propofal of a prize for the best Treatife on the subject, fuggefted itself to the Academy of Montpellier. It appears to be in confequence of that propofal the Abbé Toaldo, profeffor of aftronomy at Padua, produced the prefent tract: which not only carried the prize proposed, but has obtained the authority of an additional one from the Senators of Venice, who prefide over the university of Padua.

La Falfa Filofophia, &c.-Falfe Philofophy, or Atheists, Deifts and Materialifts convicted of High-Treafon against Kings, Magiftrates and all in lawful Authority under them. 5 vol. 4to.


An antidote to infidelity and scepticism; which are faid to be daily gaining ground in Spain. The evil may be certain and the remedy feasonable; but, it is, like many others, confined and topical. In a country where the fceptics and infidels are free-thinkers, it would require better logicians, than the Inquifition can pick out of the univer fity of Salamanca, to attack them on the principles of reason. Metodo per formare le Viti.A Method of confiruling Vizes. By Father Molina. 4to. Milano.

If Father Molina were at Birminghain, he might give our artisans fome hints, on which they might improve the vizes in common use; but unless practice goes hand in hand with theory, little is to be done in mechanics.

Lezioni Fifico Anatomiche, &c.-Phyfico-Anatomical Lectures, delivered at the Amphitheatre of the Royal Hofpital of St. Maria in Florence. 4to. Livorno.

Thefe Lectures were delivered by the late celebrated Raimond Cocchi, profeffor of anatomy and antiquarian to the Grand Duke of Tufcany, and contains many curious obfervations on fubjects effential to the animal economy. LATIN.



Anecdota Litteraria, en MSS. Codicibus eruta vol. II. 8vo. Romæ.

The fecond volume of a Collection of ancient Manuscripts selected from various Libraries, the names of which are respectively annexed to each extract. The prefent volume contains seventeen of these MSS. on fubjects not incurious.

Hiftoria Reformationis Ecclefiarum Raticarum. 2 vol. 4to. Lindau. An important and intereffing addition to ecclefiaftical hiftory, being the Hiftory of the Reformation in Rhætia, the country of the Grifons, between Italy and Switzerland; the transactions of which have hitherto been involved in obfcurity.

Monumenta Antiquiffima Hiftoriæ Arabum. Gotha.

Thefe Monuments of Arabic Hiftory are published by Mr. J. Gottfried Eichhorn, and confift of a differtation on the moft ancient records of the Arabians-Kothaiba's genealogical tables; with his hiftories of the kings of Syria and Hirtenfia.-The famous Schultens of Leyden, had formed the defign of a fimilar publication, in order to elucidate the hiftory of the Arabians, of which the Monumenta Jokladinarum were a part.

Novi Commentarii Reg. Soc. Gottingenfi. 4to. Gottingen. The fifth volume of the Philofophical Transactions of the Royal Society at Gottingen.

P. Vincentii Faffini, &c. de Apoftolica origine Evangeliorum Ecclefia Catholicæ liber fingulars adverfus Nicholaum Freratum. 4to. Leghorn.

Profeffor Faffini of Pisa hath here entered into a defence of the authenticity of the four gofpels, in answer to the celebrated Freret.

Gradus Tarinenfis: cum figuris. 4to. Turin.

The Account of an Admeafurement of a Degree of Longitude in Piedmont; made by Abbe Canonica and Father Beccaria, by order of the king of Sardinia.

D. Jac. C. Schoeffer Fungorum, qui in Bavaria & in Palatinatu circa Ratifbonam, nafcuntur, Icones. tom. iv. Ratisbon. We are glad to find this fourth volume is the laft, and that the engravings in this curious work, amounting to fome hundreds, really contain all the different kinds of mushrooms that grow in Bavaria and the Palatinate about Ratifbon.-We fhould be forry to depreciate the labours of any department in Natural Hiftory; but we really think the fungus fhould be the last objects in nature that should be treated fo much en detail.

Specimen de Seriebus Convergentibus. 4to. Verona.

A Differtation on Converging Series.-Mr. A. Maria Lorgna, colonel of engineers, and profeffor in the Military College of Verona, dillatished with the methods of the moi celebrated mathematicians in seating of this fubject, here proposes a method of his own.


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