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The American Mathematical Society: PRO-
FESSOR F. N. COLE. Northeastern Section
of the American Chemical Society: DR. A.
M. COMEY. The Chemical Society of Wash-
ington: DR. A. SEIDELL, The Philosophical
Society of Washington: CHARLES K. WEAD. 701
Discussion and Correspondence:—

Dr. O. F. Cook's Social Organization and
Breeding Habits of the Cotton-protecting
Kelep of Guatemala': DR. WILLIAM MOR-
TON WHEELER. Isolation and the Origin of
Species: PROFESSOR F. E. LLOYD. The Small
Mounds of the United States: DR. D. I.

Special Articles:

The Loch Leven Trout in California: PRESIDENT DAVID STARR JORDAN. The Relation of Soil Texture to Apple Production: HENRY J. WILDER. A Correction of the Generic Name (Dinochorus) given to Certain Fossil Remains from the Loup Fork Miocene of Nebraska: O. A. PETERSON.


Academic Freedom in Japan...




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THE LOGICAL BASIS OF THE SANITARY POLICY OF MOSQUITO REDUCTION.1 THE great science of preventive medicine is often called upon to consider new policies of public sanitation, which, whether they ultimately prove successful or not, are always of profound interest and importance to mankind. Quite recently a new measure of this kind has been proposed, which in the opinion of many promises to rank with house sanitation and preventive inoculation as a means of saving human life on a large scale. Unfortunately, its value has not yet been clearly demonstrated-with the result that it is not being employed as largely as some of us hoped would be the case. I feel, therefore, that I can not better acknowledge the honor you have done me in inviting me to address you to-day than by attempting to discuss this important theme-in the hope that the discussion may prove profitable to the cause of public health. The new sanitary policy to which I refer is that which aims at the reduction of diseasebearing insects, especially those which are the disseminating agents of malaria, yellow fever and filariasis.

I presume that it is scarcely necessary to discuss the evidence which has established the connection between various insects and arthropods and many diseases of man and of animals. The fact that the pathogenetic parasites which produce those great scourges of the tropics just mentioned are carried by gnats is now too well known to require reiteration. It is necessary only to

Read at the International Congress of Arts and Science.

remind you that the gnat acts as an intermediary, becoming infected when biting infected persons and, some weeks later, infecting healthy persons in its turn-the parasite passing alternately from insect to


The hypothesis that the infection in these diseases may be produced in any other manner than by the bite of gnats has not been justified by any recorded experiments or by any substantial arguments; and we may, therefore, assume for the present that if we could exterminate the intermediary agents, the gnats, in a locality, we could also exterminate there the diseases referred to. But here we enter upon ground which in the opinion of many is much less secure. While some believe in the possibility of reducing gnats in given localities and consider that the point has been proved by experiment, others are much more sceptical and hold that the experiments were not sound. This state of uncertainty naturally causes much hesitation in the adoption of measures against gnats, and, therefore, possibly a continued loss of life by the diseases occasioned by them; and I, therefore, propose to sift the matter as carefully as time will allow.

In the first place, we should note that experiments made in this connection have not been very satisfactory, owing to the fact that no accurate method has yet been found for estimating the number of gnats in any locality. We can express our personal impressions as to their numbers being small or large; but I am aware of no criterion by which we can express those numbers in actual figures. We can not anywhere state the exact number of mosquitoes to the square mile or yard, and we can not, therefore, accurately gauge any local decrease which may have resulted from operations against them. A method A method of doing this may be invented in the future; but for the present we must employ another means for resolving the problem

one which has given such great results in physics-namely, strict logical deduction from ascertained premises.

As another preliminary we should note that mosquito-reduction is only part of a larger subject, namely, that of the local reduction of any living organisms. Unlike particles of matter (so far as we know them) the living unit can not progress through space and time for more than a limited distance. The diffusion of living units must, therefore, be circumscribeda number of them liberated at a given point will never be able to pass beyond a certain distance from that point; and the laws governing this diffusion must be the same. for all organisms. The motile animal is capable of propelling itself for a time in any direction; but even the immotile plant. calls in the agency of the winds and waters for the dissemination of its seeds. The extent of this migration, whether of the motile or the immotile organism, must to a large degree be capable of determination by proper analysis; and the logical position of the question of local reduction depends upon this analysis.

The life of gnats, like that of other animals, is governed by fixed laws. Propagation can never exceed, nor mortality fall below, certain rates. Local conditions may be favorable either to the birth rate or to the death rate; and the local population must depend upon the food supply. Diseases, predatory animals, unfavorable conditions and accidents depress the density of population; and in fact local reduction, that is, artificial depression of the density of population, practically resolves itself into (a) direct destruction and (b) artificial creation of unfavorable conditions.

Let us now endeavor to obtain a perfectly clear picture of the problem before us by imagining an ideal case. Suppose that we have to deal with a country of indefinite extent, every point of which is

equally favorable to the propagation of gnats (or of any other animal); and suppose that every point of it is equally attractive to them as regards food supply; and that there is nothing, such for instance as steady winds or local enemies, which tends to drive them into certain parts of the country. Then the density of the gnat population will be uniform all over the country. Of course, such a state of things does not actually exist in nature; but we shall nevertheless find it useful to consider it as if it does exist, and shall afterwards easily determine the variations from this ideal condition due to definite causes. Let us next select a circumscribed area within this country, and suppose that operations against the insects are undertaken inside it, but not outside it. The question before us is the following: How far will these operations affect the mosquito density within the area and immediately around it?

Now the operations may belong to two categories- those aimed at killing the insects within the area, and those aimed at checking their propagation. The first can never be completely successful; it is in fact impossible to kill every adult winged gnat within any area. But it is generally possible to destroy at least a large proportion of their larva, which, it is scarcely necessary to remind you, must live for at least a week in suitable waters, and which may easily be killed by larvacides, or by emptying out the waters, or by other means. This method of checking propagation consists, in the case of these insects, of draining away, filling up, poisoning or emptying out the waters in which they breed. Obviously the ultimate effect is the same if we drain away a breeding pool or if we persistently destroy the larvæ found in it; though in the first case the work is more or less permanent, and in the second demands constant repetition. If we drain a breeding

area we tend to produce the same effect at the end of a year as if we had destroyed as many gnats as otherwise that area would have produced during that period. Thus, though we can not kill all mosquitoes within an area, even during a short period, we can always arrest their propagation there for as long as we please, provided that we can obliterate all their breed waters or persistently destroy all their larvæwhich we may assume can generally be done for an adequate expenditure. must, therefore, ask what will be the exact effect of completely arresting propagation within a given area under the assumed conditions?


The first obvious point is that the operation must result in a decrease of mosquitoes. If we kill a single gnat there must be one gnat in the world less than before. If we kill a thousand every day there must be so many thousands less at the end of a given period; and the arrest of propagation over any area, however small, must be equivalent to the destruction of a certain number of the insects. this does not help us much. It may be suggested that, after the arrest of propagation over even a considerable area, the diminution of mosquitoes within the area remains inappreciable. What is the law governing the percentage of diminution in the mosquito density due to arrest of propagation within an area?


The number of gnats (or any animal) within an area must always be a function of four variables, the birth rate and death rate within the area, and the immigration and emigration into and out of it. If we could surround the area by an immense mosquito bar, the insects within it (after the death of old immigrants) would consist entirely of native insects; on the other hand, if we arrest propagation, the gnat population must hereafter consist entirely of immigrants. The question, therefore,

resolves itself into this one: What is-what must be the ratio of immigrants to natives within any area? What factors determine that ratio?

Ceteris paribus, one factor must be the size of the area. If the area be a small one, say of ten yards radius, suppression of propagation will do little good, because the proportion of mosquitoes bred there will be very small (under our assumed conditions) compared with those which are bred in the large surrounding tracts of country, and which will have no difficulty in traversing so small a distance as ten yards. But if we completely suppress propagation over an area of ten miles radius, the case must be very different-every gnat reaching the center must now traverse ten miles to do so. And if we increase the radius of the nopropagation area still further, we must finally arrive at a state of affairs when no mosquitoes at all can reach the center, and when, therefore, that center must be absolutely free from them. In other words, we can reduce the mosquito density at any point by arresting propagation over a sufficient radius around that point.

But we now enter upon more difficult ground. How large must that radius be in order to render the center entirely mosquito-free? Still further, what will be the proportion of mosquito reduction depending upon a given radius of anti-propagation operations? What will be that proportion, either at the center of operations, or at any point within or without the circumference of operations? The answer depends upon the distance which a mosquito can traverse, not during a single flight, but during its whole life; and also upon certain laws of probability, which must govern its wanderings to and fro upon the face of the earth. Let me endeavor to indicate how this problem, which is essentially a mathematical one of considerable interest, can be solved.

Suppose that a mosquito is born at a given point, and that during its life it wanders about, to and fro, to left or to right, where it wills, in search of food or of mating, over a country which is uniformly attractive and favorable to it. After a time it will die. What are the probabilities that its dead body will be found at a given distance from its birthplace? That is really the problem which governs the whole of this great subject of the prophylaxis of malaria. It is a problem which applies to any living unit. We may word it otherwise, thus-suppose a box containing a million gnats were to be opened in the center of a large plain, and that the insects were allowed to wander freely in all directions-how many of them would be found after death at a given distance from the place where the box was opened? Or we may suppose without modifying the nature of the problem that the insects emanate, not from a box, but from a single breeding pool.

Now what would happen is as follows: We may divide the career of each insect into an arbitrary number of successive periods or stages, say of one minute's duration each. During the first minute most of the insects would fly towards every point of the compass.

At the end of the minute

a few might fly straight on and a few straight back, while the rest would travel at various angles to the right or left. At the end of the second minute the same thing would occur-most would change their course and a very few might wander straight on (provided that no special attraction exists for them). So also at the end of each stage-the same laws of chance would govern their movements. At last, after their death, it would be found that an extremely small proportion of the insects have moved continuously in one direction, and that the vast majority of them

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Number of gnats the box or pool from which they originally


The full mathematical analysis determining the question is of some complexity; and I can not here deal with it in its entirety. But if we consider the lateral movements as tending to neutralize themselves, the problem becomes a simple one, well known in the calculus of probabilities and affording a rough approximation to the truth. If we suppose that the whole average life of the insect contains n stages, and that each insect can traverse an average distance l during one such stage or element of time, then the extreme average distance to which any insect can wander during the whole of its life must be nl. I call this the limit of migration and denote it by L, as it becomes an important constant in the investigation. It will then be found that the numbers of insects which have succeeded in reaching the distances nl, (n-1), (n-2)l, etc., from the center will vary as twice the number of permutations of 2n things taken successively, none, one, two, three at a time, and so on-that is to say, as the successive coefficients of the expansion of 22n by the binomial theorem. Suppose, for convenience, that the whole number of gnats escaping from the box is 22n-a number which can be made as large as we please by taking n large enough and 1 small enough -then the probabilities are that the number of them which succeed in reaching the limit of migration is only 2; the number of those which succeed in reaching a distance one stage short of this, namely, (n-1)l, is 2.2n of those which reach a stage one shorter still is

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It, therefore, follows from the known values of the binomial coefficients that if we divide the whole number of gnats into groups according to the distance at which their bodies are found from the box, the probabilities are that the largest group will be found at the first stage, that is, close to the box, and that the successive groups, as we proceed further and further from the box, will become smaller and smaller, until only a very few occur at the extreme distance, the possible limit of migration. And the same reasoning will apply to a breeding pool or vessel of water. That is, the insects coming from such a source will tend to remain in its immediate vicinity, provided that the whole surrounding area is uniformly attractive to them.

The following diagram will, I hope, make the reasoning quite clear.

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