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be more of them. Above all, then, let us seek to keep company with America in the nurture of science. Let us unhesitatingly Let us unhesitatingly allow to the Americans what they have which is as good or better than ours; let us receive it from them gladly. And if we, through unceasing vigorous performance, can preserve for ourselves their re spect and their attention, we shall, in the field of the sciences, help to knit closer the natural bond which exists between Germany and America."

Young Americans have, up to now, gone to Germany to learn from her teachers, but the time has arrived, Waldeyer continues, when German and European students should also go to America to widen their culture. This scientific intercourse between person and person, university and university, academy and academy should be favored in every way possible. "Let us be as liberal to them as they are toward us in the reception of those who seek knowledge, in offering to them all that they need. Let their published researches be found in our libraries also, at least in the great Royal Library of the capital of the empire. Let us show them in all things that on coming to Germany they come to a people of intellectual affinity, under whose political and social institutions even they, with their free views, may have a feeling of well-being. That they do the same for us can be said, to their praise, by all who have been their guests.

Germans should act toward America, he believes, as Americans do toward Germany; they should try to form a correct judgment of the scientific work of Americans by personal knowledge; more than hitherto, Germans must instruct themselves by visiting the country itself. It would do no harm if every year a number of German students went to America to widen their horizon. The plan of exchanging univer

sity professors, already introduced, is highly commendable and should be further realized. While he does not feel called upon to give advice to Americans as to their future relations to Germany, Waldeyer says that he knows that, if Germans can remain at the high scientific level they have hitherto occupied, Americans will need no advice; they will gladly maintain their old relations as regards science, and will extend them. "And thus, aside from all else, looking purely at science and its service, will not, in such intercourse, the noblest and highest mission be fulfilled: the advancement, and elevation of culture from people to people?"

It is difficult in an abstract to do anything like justice to such an address. All who are familiar with the beauty of Waldeyer's literary expression will desire to read the report in the original.



A Select Bibliography of Chemistry 14921902. By HENRY CARRINGTON BOLTON. Second Supplement. City of Washington, published by the Smithsonian Institution. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Part of Vol. XLIV.) 462 pp.

The first volume of Dr. Bolton's 'Select Bibliography of Chemistry' brought the literature down to 1892. The first supplement continued the work down to the close of 1897. In 1901, Section VIII., 'Academic Dissertations,' was published separately. The present work continues the whole work down to the close of 1902, and adds many titles, especially of academic dissertations, which had been overlooked in the earlier volumes. The following table will give an idea of the space occupied by the different portions of the book: Section I., Bibliography,' 5 pages; Section II., 'Dictionaries and Tables,' 6 pages; Section III., History of Chemistry,' 11 pages; Section IV., 'Biography,' 15 pages; Section V., Chemistry, Pure and Applied,' 162 pages; Section VI., 'Alchemical Literature of the

Nineteenth Century,' 19 pages; Section VII., 'Periodicals,' 11 pages; Section VIII., ' Academic Dissertations,' 167 pages; subject-index, 66 pages.

Doctor Bolton died on November 19, 1903, while the book was passing through the press and most of the proofreading, as well as the preparation of the index, was done by Mr. Axel Moth, of the New York Public Library. This work has been done with a care and excellence that could hardly have been surpassed by Dr. Bolton himself.

Reference has been made in a previous review to the great value of the list of academic dissertations, and increased value is added by the continuation of the list through 1902 in the present supplement. It is to be hoped that at least this portion of the work will from time to time be brought down to date.

In this connection it is interesting to note not only the great amount of this literature but also the sources from which it emanates. The list includes for the five years, 1898-1902, about 2,350 dissertations, or nearly 500 a year. As we should expect, the dissertations from the University of Berlin head the list, about ten per cent. emanating from this source. It is, however, a surprise to find that the rather unfamiliar University of Rostock comes next with only a dozen less dissertations to its credit. Heidelberg stands a little lower in numbers. Next come Munich, Erlangen and Freiburg in Baden, with about 160 each, and then Leipzig, which we should expect to find relatively much higher in the list, with 130. Basel and Marburg are the only other universities which reach 100. Zürich furnishes about 70 dissertations and then come Bern, Breslau, Freiburg in Switzerland, Geneva, Giessen, Göttingen, Halle, Kiel, Tubingen and Würzburg, each with about 50. This list probably furnishes a pretty good index of the quantity of chemical work done at the different universities, but it must not be overlooked that it is a common practise for students to go for their diplomas to a university where the requirements are known to be less rigid than at Berlin or Leipzig.

The loss of Dr. Bolton to the chemical world is great. Aside from his other work in chem


istry, in two fields he was almost unique. an antiquarian he was always bringing up interesting and valuable information from his rich mine of historical knowledge of the early days of chemistry and alchemy. But, perhaps, it is as a bibliographer of chemistry he will be best remembered. His 'Select Bibliography of Chemistry' might almost be considered a monumental work, so great is its scope and so thoroughly is it carried out. While it has the title of 'select' rather than 'complete,' it is remarkable how little material of value is omitted. It is safe to say that his work is final as far as it goes. His bibliographical work is not limited to that which he personally carried out, for he inspired others in the same field. To his influence we owe most of the bibliographies of special elements and allied subjects, which have been published by the Smithsonian Institution, on the recommendation of Dr. Bolton, as the chairman of the American Association committee on indexing chemical literature.

Now that the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature' is under way, a part of the work for which Dr. Bolton was so solicitous has become an accomplished fact. The Smithsonian Institution has for the present ceased publishing special bibliographies of chemical subjects, and in view of the immense mass of nineteenth century scientific literature which ought to be indexed and the need of its systematic treatment, this is undoubtedly wise. Under the circumstances it is doubtful if there is longer reason for the continuance of the association committee, of which Dr. Bolton was from the first chairman and moving spirit. In the field of chemical bibliography, he will have no successor.


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mosomes in either the male or the female parthenogenetic generations. Reduction in the sexual germ cells is effected by longitudinal pairing of like chromosomes. The behavior of the chromosomes in Aphis exactly fulfils the conditions required by Mendel's law of heredity; and their form and size relations offer support to the theory of the individuality of the chromosomes.' The results also suggest that sex may be determined in Aphis by a change in dominance of the sex-character, brought about by external conditions. Regeneration in Polychorus caudatus,' by N. M. Stevens and A. M. Boring. So far as regeneration in Polycharus has been tested by the authors it seems to be largely a question of 'organization' and 'totipotence' of material, modified in many cases by the folding under and uniting of the anterior cut surfaces. Histological examination of the regenerated parts shows the process to be one of pure morphallaxis. The Relation of the Degree of Injury to the Rate of Regeneration,' by Charles Zeleny. The rate of regeneration of a removed chela of the cray-fish is greater when other appendages are removed at the same time than when it alone is removed. A similar result was obtained with other forms, disproving the common belief that an increase in the degree of injury to an animal lowers its vitality and thereby diminishes its capacity for repairing sustained injuries. Studies on Chromosomes: 1. The Behavior of the Idiochromosomes in Hemiptera,' by Edmund B. Wilson. The author gives an account of the distribution of the chromosomes to the spermatozoa in several species of Hemiptera, and shows that two classes of spermatozoa are formed, in equal numbers, which differ only in respect to the size of one of the chromosomes (called the idiochromosome'). A discussion is given of the bearing of the facts on Mendelian inheritance, sex-determination, and the origin and meaning of the accessory chromosomes. The Movements of the Swimming Plates in Ctenophores, with Reference to the Theories of Ciliary Metachronism,' by G. H. Parker. Experiments were made upon Mnemiopsis and Pleurobrachia and the conclusion reached that transmission of the im

pulse to ciliary movement is neuroid in character, though this is probably supplemented by mechanical transmission. On a General Theory of Adaptation and Selection,' by Henry Edward Crampton. The Principle of the Correlative Basis for Selection' is developed upon the results of the author's statistical and experimental studies upon saturnid lepidoptera. The principle states that selection proceeds with reference to the condition of correlation of the organism, and that this condition involves the whole series of external influences as well as all the internal 'characters' of individuals. Experimental Studies on the Development of the Eye in Amphibia: II., On the Cornea,' by, Warren Harmon Lewis. The cornea will not form without the optic cup or lens coming into contact with the ectoderm, and the influence of these organs can cause corneal formation in ectoderm which under normal conditions never gives rise to a cornea. The cornea is neither predetermined nor self-differentiating.

THE July-August number of the Journal of Geology contains an article by Professor W. M. Davis, entitled 'The Geographical Cycle in an Arid Climate,' which he considers under the subheadings of 'initial, youthful and mature stages' and 'the beginning of old age.' Professor Davis concludes that the scheme of the arid cycle thus seems to be as well supported by appropriate facts as is the scheme of the normal cycle.' Mr. E. S. Bastin furnishes a' Note on Baked Clays and Natural Slags in Eastern Wyoming.' Professor Charles S. Prosser contributes an article on The Delaware Limestone' which is the upper formation of the Devonian limestones of Ohio, while the lower one is known as the Columbus limestone. It is shown that the limestone in the northern part of the state, which Newberry named the Sandusky and supposed to be the upper formation, really represents the Columbus and, therefore, the formation name Sandusky is dropped and Orton's later one-Delaware limestone-adopted. Mr. Richard S. Lull has a paleontological paper, entitled 'Megacerops Tyleri, a new species of Titanothere from the Bad Lands of South Dakota,' illustrated by

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THE July number of the American Geologist contains a biographical sketch with portrait of the late 'Clarence Luther Herrick,' by Professor W. G. Tight. Dr. Ida H. Ogilvie contributes an article on 'The High Altitude Conoplain; a Topographic Form Illustrated in the Ortiz Mountains' of New Mexico. conoplain is named and described as the plain sloping away from the Ortiz laccolith on all sides which has been partly built and partly cut. Professor W. O. Crosby publishes the first installment of an article on the 'Genetic and Structural Relations of the Igneous Rocks of the Lower Neponset Valley, Massachusetts,' which is stated to be an advance presentation, in outline, of a portion of the author's detailed and systematic study of the Geology of the Boston Basin.'

WE have received notice that in October next will be issued the first number of The Journal of Biological Chemistry, designed for the publication of original investigations of a chemical nature in the biological sciences, whether concerned with the phenomena of animal or of vegetable life. Without rigidly defining the scope of the Journal, it may be stated that its pages will be open (1) to workers in zoology and botany and the branches of knowledge in which these sciences are applied, for such of their researches as are of a chemical or physico-chemical nature; (2) to workers on the chemical side of the experimental medicinal sciences, as physiology, pathology, pharmacology, hygiene, physiological chemistry and bacteriology; (3) to those who are engaged in any branch of clinical medicine, when their researches are of a chemical nature; (4) to the specialist in organic chemistry, who will find here a fitting place for the publication of researches which have biological or medical interest. Contributors will be allowed prior publication of announcements or

abstracts in other journals. Every legitimate effort will be made to bring the Journal to the notice of foreign readers and workers. At least six numbers will be issued yearly and will constitute a volume, each volume to contain between five and six hundred pages. The responsible editors will be John J. Abel, BaltiWith more, and C. A. Herter, New York. them will cooperate as associate editors R. H. Chittenden, New Haven, Conn.; Otto Folin, Waverly Mass.; William J. Gies, New York; Reid Hunt, Washington, D. C.; Walter Jones, Baltimore, Md.; Waldemar Koch, Columbia, Mo.; J. H. Kastle, Lexington, Ky.; Graham Lusk, New York; Jacques Loeb, Berkeley, Cal.; P. A. Levene, New York; A. B. Macallum, Toronto, Canada; J. J. R. McLeod, Cleveland, O.; L. B. Mendel, New Haven, Conn.; F. G. Novy, Ann Arbor, Mich.; W. R. Orndorff, Ithaca, N. Y.; Thomas B. Osborne, New Haven Conn.; Franz Pfaff, Boston, Mass.; A. E. Taylor, Berkeley, Cal.; V. C. Vaughan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Alfred J. Wakeman, New York; Henry L. Wheeler, New Haven, Conn.



THE paper by Professor White, beginning on page 105 of this volume, although, it seems to me, somewhat obscure in diction at times, as for instance near the bottom of the first column on page 109, where the expression 'rare genera' probably means isolated genera, is nevertheless most interesting and opens up many lines of thought and contemplation. There seems to be but little doubt that the main argument is wholly correct. The facts have of course long been known, and, in the Darwinian hypothesis relating to the origin of species by gradual evolution, an attempt is made to explain them by lost records or long time intervals of upheaval and denudation, the changes in species being gradually brought about in the meantime in some other region or environment. This assumption will not satisfy the long array of observed facts, however, especially in the case of land animals, and we are forced to adopt some such theory as that of

abrupt mutations in order to account for them. We are familiar with multitudes of cases where genera, orders or even classes seem to appear suddenly, but, as far as known to the writer, not a single instance where any considerable number of the minute morphological variations called for by the Darwinian theory in leading up to the new types, can be satisfactorily traced. It would appear, if the Darwinian theory were correct, that at least a few of the radical replacements by altered forms of life might be traceable by actual fossil remains in the underlying rocks.

The subject was very strikingly brought to my attention some time ago in studying the extensive family Pleurotomidæ of the gastropod Mollusca,-an important group, containing many genera and a vast array of species, which seems to come abruptly into being at the beginning of the Tertiary period. Some species supposed to belong to the family have been described from the upper horizons of the Cretaceous, but these are not sufficiently numerous or transitional in nature to affect the general truth of the above statement. Some of the better defined genera, such as Gemmula, appear abruptly in the earliest Eocene, in forms fully as well developed as those now living, and, in fact, some early Eocene species so closely resemble living shells that it is scarcely possible to distinguish them. There is not a particle of generic change, even in the complex embryo, from the time of their sudden appearance at the opening of the Eocene to the present time. Many genera, however, endure only until the end of the Eocene-Oligocene period, when there occurs again a rather universal and abrupt change of generic types. At Vicksburg, Miss., appears a formation generally assigned to the Lower Oligocene, which may be resolved into two principal horizons, the lower of which is composed of fine light gray fossiliferous sand, with but little admixture of clay and alternating in thin strata with subequal thicknesses of more or less friable limestone, the upper consisting of an equally fossiliferous ferruginous red marl. In some places these two horizons are separated by a bed of blackish-gray compact clay, full of fossils which so closely resemble those

of the upper marl that there can be but little question of its properly forming part of the upper horizon. These two horizons were probably separated by a time interval not very great, geologically speaking, possibly not more than a few thousand years-a relatively short time in the life history of most species,during which the lower beds may have appeared above the ocean and have been subject to denudation until they were again submerged to receive the upper marls, the local conditions having changed somewhat in the interval, as shown by the different constitution of the beds as related above. In regard to the Mollusca of the two horizons, I find after a rather thorough exploration of both, extending over several years, that there is unexpectedly little in common between them. Probably not more than 40 per cent. of the species of either horizon are common to the two, and, in several instances, even these are at least varietally modified. There are, of course, a number of species of the lower beds represented by evident descendants in the upper marls, but what it is desired to lay particular stress upon in this connection, there are many widely divergent or wholly unrelated types appearing in the latter that are not even suggested in the former. Perhaps the exploration is not as yet sufficiently extended, but this is at least the present status of knowledge, with an equally thorough investigation of the two horizons as they are now exposed in the bluff at Vicksburg.

The mutation theory is evidently the best that has been advanced to account for these known facts. It should be especially acceptable to the theologians, also, as they maintain the spiritual and undying nature of man. If we conceive that man originated abruptly by some unaccountable molecular change in the ovum producing the original twins, Adam and Eve, there can be no doubt of the time when man became thus immortal, whereas there would be necessarily much uncertainty as to the time when this occurred among the successive infinitesimal increments of brain development necessitated by the Darwinian theory.

Born thus in the womb of the lower ani

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