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the fluxional calculus by Newton, and of the differential calculus by Leibnitz. These discoveries provided the material for one of the longest and most deadening controversies as to priority in all the long history of those tediously barren occupations; unfortunately they are dear to minds which cannot understand that a discovery should be used, developed, amplified, but should not be a cause of envy, quarrel, or controversy. Let me say, incidentally, that the controversy had a malign influence upon the study of mathematics as pursued in England.

Also, the undulatory theory of light found its first systematic, if incomplete, exposition in the work of Huygens before the century was out. But Newton had an emission theory of his own, and so the undulatory theory of Huygens found no favor. in England until rather more than a hundred years later; the researches of Thomas Young established it on a firm foundation.

pier, away on his Scottish estates, invented That century also saw the discovery of logarithms; and Horrocks, in the seclusion of a Lancashire curacy, was the first to observe a transit of Venus. But for more than half a century the growth of physical science was mainly due to workers on the continent of Europe. Galileo was making discoveries in the mechanics of solids and fluids, and, specially, he was building on a firm foundation the fabric of the system of astronomy, hazarded nearly a century before by Copernicus; he still was to furnish, by bitter experience, one of the most striking examples in the history of the world that truth is stronger than dogma. Kepler was gradually elucidating the laws of planetary motion, of which such significant use was made later by Newton; and Descartes, by his creation of analytical geometry, was yet to effect such a constructive revolution in mathematics that he might not unfairly be called the founder of modern mathematics. In England the times were out of scientific joint: the political distractions of the Stuart troubles, and the narrow theological bitterness of the commonwealth, made a poor atmosphere for the progress of scientific learning, which was confined almost to a faithful few. The fidelity of those few, however, had its reward; it was owing to their steady confidence and to their initiative that the Royal Society of London was founded in 1662 by Charles II. At that epoch, science (to quote the words of a picturesque historian) became the fashion of the day. Great Britain began to contribute at least her fitting share to the growing knowledge of nature; and her scientific activity in the closing part of the seventeenth century was a realization, wonderful and practical, of a part of Bacon's dream. Undoubtedly the most striking contribution made in that period is Newton's theory of gravitation, as expounded in his Principia,' published in 1687.

Having thus noted some part of the stir in scientific life which marked the late years of the seventeenth century, let me pass to the second of our centenaries: it belongs to the name of Edmond Halley. Quite independently of his achievement connected with the year 1705 to which I am about to refer, there are special reasons for honoring Halley's name in this section at our meeting in South Africa. meeting in South Africa. When a young

man of twenty-one he left England for St. Helena, and there, in the years 1676-1678, he laid the foundations of stellar astronomy for the southern hemisphere; moreover, in the course of his work he there succeeded in securing the first complete observation of a transit of Mercury. After his return to England, the next few years of his life were spent in laying science under a special debt that can hardly be over-appreciated. He placed himself in personal relation with Newton, propounded to him questions and


offered information; and it is now a commonplace statement that Halley's questions and suggestions caused Newton to write the Principia. More than this, we know that Newton's great treatise saw the light only through Halley's persuasive insistence, through his unwearying diligence in saving Newton all cares and trouble and even pecuniary expense, and through his absolutely self-sacrificing devotion to what he made an unwavering duty at that epoch in his life. Again, he appears to have been the first organizer of a scientific expedition, as distinct from a journey of dis covery, towards the southern seas: he sailed as far as the fifty-second degree of southern latitude, devised the principle of the sextant in the course of his voyaging, and, as a result of the voyage, he produced a general chart of the Atlantic Ocean, with special reference to the deviation of the compass. Original, touched with genius, cheery of soul, strenuous in thought and generous by nature, he spent his life in a continuously productive devotion to astronomical science, from boyhood to a span of years far beyond that which satisfied the psalmist's broodings. I have selected a characteristic incident in his scientific activity, one of the most brilliant (though it can not be claimed as the most important) of his astronomical achievements; it strikes me as one of the most chivalrously bold acts of convinced science within my knowledge. It is only the story of a comet.

I have just explained, very briefly, Halley's share in the production of Newton's Principia '; his close concern with it made him the Mahomet of the new dispensation of the astronomical universe, and he was prepared to view all its phenomena in the light of that dispensation. A comet had appeared in 1682-it was still the age when scientific men could think that, by a collision between the earth and a comet,

'this most beautiful order of things would be entirely destroyed and reduced to its ancient chaos'; but this fear was taken as aby-the-bye,' which happily interfered with neither observations nor calculations. Observations had duly been made. The data were used to obtain the elements of the orbit, employing Newton's theory as a working hypothesis; and he expresses an incidental regret as to the intrinsic errors of assumed numerical elements and of recorded observations. It then occurred to Halley to calculate similarly the elements. of the comet which Kepler and others had seen in 1607, and of which records had been made; the Newtonian theory gave elements in close accord with those belonging to the comet calculated from the latest observations, though a new regret is expressed that the 1607 observations had not been made with more accuracy. On these results he committed himself (being then a man of forty-nine years of age) to a prophecy (which could not be checked for fifty-three years to come) that the comet would return about the end of the year 1758 or the beginning of the next succeeding year; he was willing to leave his conclusion to be discussed by the care of posterity, after the truth is found out by the event.' But not completely content with this stage of his work, he obtained with difficulty a book by Apian, giving an account of a comet seen in 1531 and recording a number of observations. Halley, constant to his faith in the Newtonian hypothesis, used that hypothesis to calculate the elements of the orbit of the Apian comet; once more regretting the uncertainty of the data and discounting a very grievous error committed by Apian himself, Halley concluded that the Apian comet of 1531, and the Kepler comet of 1607, and the observed comet of 1682 were one and the same. He confirmed his prediction as to the date of its return, and he

concludes his argument with a blend of confidence and patriotism:

Wherefore if according to what we have already said it should return again about the year 1758, candid posterity will not refuse to acknowledge that this was first discovered by an English


Such was Halley's prediction published in the year 1705. The comet pursued its course, and it was next seen on Christmas Day, 1758. Candid posterity, so far from refusing to acknowledge that the discovery was made by an Englishman, has linked Halley's name with the comet, possibly for all time.

We all now could make announcements on the subject of Halley's comet; their fulfilment could be awaited serenely. No vision or inspiration is needed; calculations and corrections will suffice. The comet was seen in 1835, and it is expected again in 1910. No doubt our astronomers will be ready for it; and the added knowledge of electrical science, in connection particularly with the properties of matter, may enable them to review Bessel's often-discussed con

jecture as to an explanation of the emis

sion of a sunward tail. But Halley's announcement was made during what may be called the immaturity of the gravitation theory; the realization of the prediction

did much to strengthen the belief in the theory and to spread its general acceptance; the crown of conviction was attained with the work of Adams and Leverrier in the discovery, propounded by theory and verified by observation, of the planet Neptune. I do not known an apter illustration of Bacon's dictum that has already been quoted,' All true and fruitful natural philosophy hath a double scale, ascending from experiments to the invention of causes, and descending from causes to the invention of new experiments.' The double process, when it can be carried out, is one of the most effective agents for the increase of

trustworthy knowledge. But until the event justified Halley's prediction, the Cartesian vortex-theory of the universe was not completely replaced by the Newtonian theory; the Cartesian votaries were not at once prepared to obey Halley's jubilant, if stern, injunction to leave off trifling with their vortices and their absolute plenum * and give themselves up to the study of truth.'

The century that followed the publication of Halley's prediction shows a world that is steadily engaged in the development of the inductive sciences and their applications. Observational astronomy continued its activity quite steadily, reinforced towards the end of the century by the first of the Herschels. The science of mathematical (or theoretical) astronomy created in a form that is used to this day; but before this creation could be effected there had to be a development of mathematics suitable for the purpose. The beginnings were made by the Bernoullis (a family that must be of supreme interest to Dr. Francis Galton in his latest statistical

compilations, for it contained no fewer than

seven mathematicians of mark, distributed over three generations), but the main achievements are due to Euler, Lagrange and Laplace. In particular, the infinitesimal calculus in its various branches (including, that is to say, what we call the differential calculus, the integral calculus, and differential equations) received the deVelopment that now is familiar to all who have occasion to work in the subject. When this calculus was developed, it was applied to a variety of subjects; the applications, indeed, not merely influenced, but immediately directed, the development of the mathematics. To this period is due the construction of analytical mechanics at the hands of Euler, d'Alembert, Lagrange and Poisson; but the most significant achieve

ment in this range of thought is the mathematical development of the Newtonian theory of gravitation applied to the whole universe. It was made, in the main, by Lagrange, as regards the wider theory, and by Laplace, as regards the amplitude of detailed application. But it was a century that also saw the obliteration of the ancient doctrines of caloric and phlogiston, through the discoveries of Rumford and Davy of the nature and relations of heat. The modern science of vibrations had its beginnings in the experiments of Chladni, and, as has already been stated, the undulatory theory of light was rehabilitated by the researches of Thomas Young. Strange views as to the physical constitution of the universe then were sent to the limbo of forgotten ignorance by the early discoveries of modern chemistry; and engineering assumed a systematic and scientific activity, the limits of which seem bounded only by the cumulative ingenuity of successive generations. But in thus attempting to summarize the progress of science in that period, I appear to be trespassing upon the domains of other sections; my steps had better be retraced so as to let us return to our own upper air. If I mention one more fact (and it will be a small one), it is because of its special connection with the work of this section. As you are aware, the elements of Euclid have long been the standard treatise of elementary geometry in Great Britain; and the Greek methods, in Robert Simson's edition, have been imposed upon candidates in examination after examination. But Euclid is on the verge of being disestablished; my own University of Cambridge, which has had its full share in maintaining the restriction to Euclid's methods, and which was not uninfluenced by the report of a committee of this association upon the subject, will, some six or seven weeks hence, hold its last examination in

which those methods are prescriptively required. The disestablishment of Euclid from tyranny over the youthful student on the continent of Europe was effected before the end of the eighteenth century.



But it is time for me to pass on to the third of the centenaries, with which the present year can be associated. Not so fundamental for the initiation of modern science as was the year in which the Advancement of Learning' was published, not so romantic in the progress of modern science as was the year in which Halley gave his prediction to the world, the year 1805 (turbulent as it was with the strife of European politics) is marked by the silent voices of a couple of scientific records. In that year Laplace published the last progressive instalment of his great treatise on Celestial Mechanics,' the portion that still remained for the future being solely of an historical character; the great number of astronomical phenomena which he had been able to explain by his mathematical presentation of the consequences of the Newtonian theory would, by themselves, have been sufficient to give confidence in the validity of that theory. In that year also Monge published his treatise, classical and still to be read by all students of the subject, The Application of Algebra to Geometry '; it is the starting point of modern synthetic geometry, which has marched in ample development since his day. These are but landmarks in the history of mathematical science, one of them indicating the completed attainment of a tremendous task, the other of them initiating a new departure; both of them have their significance in the progress of their respective sciences.

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When we contemplate the activity and the achievements of the century that has elapsed since the stages which have just been mentioned were attained in mathematical science, the amount, the variety, the

progressive diligence, are little less than bewildering. It is not merely the vast development of all the sciences that calls for remark: no less striking is their detailed development. Each branch of science now has an enormous array of workers, a development rendered more easily possible by the growing increase in the number of professional posts; and through the influence of these workers and their labors there is an ever-increasing body of scientific facts. Yet an aggregate of facts is not an explanatory theory any more necessarily than a pile of carefully fashioned stones is a cathedral; and the genius of a Kepler and a Newton is just as absolutely needed to evolve the comprehending theory as the genius of great architects was needed for the Gothic cathedrals of France and of England. Not infrequently it is difficult to make out what is the main line of progress in any one subject, let alone in a group of subjects; and though illumination comes from striking results that appeal, not merely to the professional workers, but also to unprofessional observers, this illumination is the exception rather than the rule. We can allow, and we should continue to allow, freedom of initiative in all directions. That freedom sometimes means isolation, and its undue exercise can lead to narrowness of view. In spite of the complex ramification of the sciences which it has fostered, it is a safer and a wiser spirit than that of uncongenial compulsion, which can be as dogmatic in matters scientific as it can be in matters theological. Owing to the varieties of mind, whether in individuals or in races, the progress of thought and the growth of knowledge are not ultimately governed by the wishes of any individual or the prejudices of any section of individuals. Here, a school of growing thought may be ignored; there, it may be denounced as of no

importance; somewhere else, it may be politely persecuted out of possible existence. But the here, and the there, and the somewhere else do not make up the universe of human activity; and that school, like Galileo's earth in defiance of all dogmatic authority, still will move.


This complete freedom in the development of scientific thought, when the thought is applied to natural phenomena, is all the more necessary because of the ways of nature. Physical nature cares nothing for theories, nothing for calculations, nothing for difficulties, whatever their source; she will only give facts in answer to our questions, without reasons and without explanations; we may explain as we please and evolve laws as we like, without her help or her hindrance. If from our explanations and our laws we proceed to prediction, and if the event justifies the prediction through agreement with recorded fact, well and good so far we have a working hypothesis. The significance of working hypotheses, in respect of their validity and their relation to causes, is a well-known battle-ground of dispute between different schools of philosophers; it need not detain us here and now. On the other hand, when we proceed from our explanations and our laws to a prediction, and the prediction in the end does not agree with the fact to be recorded, it is the prediction that has to give way. But the old facts remain and the new fact is added to them; and so facts grow until some working law can be extracted from them. This accumulation of facts is only one process in the solution of the universe: when the compelling genius is not at hand to transform knowledge into wisdom, useful work can still be done upon them by the construction of organized accounts which shall give a systematic exposition of the results, and shall place them as far as may be in relative significance.

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