Mr. NEDZI. Has she indicated any dependents in making application? The WITNESS. I think there is one claim of the mother in some of those papers. I think she claims one dependent, as I recall. Mr. NEDZI. I have no further questions. Mr. Hays. That is all, Mr. Megill. Thank you very much. Mr. HAYS. All right, we are ready for the next witness. JOHN E. WARREN, having been duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: By Mr. TAYLER: Q. Will you state your full name for the record. A. John Everett Warren. Q. Your address. A. 4065 Minnesota Avenue NE. Q. Washington? A. Washington, D.C. Mr. Hays. Mr. Warren, your appearance before this committee will be in executive session unless you request it to be in public session. If your appearance is in executive session, the press and public will not be admitted to the hearing room, and pursuant to paragraph 26, House of Representatives rule XI, your testimony may not be used or released in public session without the consent of the committee. If your appearance is in public session, the public and the news reporters will be admitted. I now ask you whether you choose to appear before this committee in executive or public session. The WITNESS. Executive session. Mr. HAYS. Yes, sir. You were advised that you could bring counsel with you if you so desired? The WITNESS. Yes, sir; I was. Mr. HaYs. You are here without counsel. You did receive a copy of paragraph 26, rule 11 with your letter? The WITNESS. I did. Mr. HAYS. Were you here the other day when I read the opening statement as to the purposes of the investigation? The WITNESS. I was. Mr. HAYS. Did you understand it? The WITNESS. Yes, I did. Mr. HAYS. You do agree to proceed without counsel? The WITNESS. Yes, I do. Mr. HAYS. Yes. By Mr. TAYLER: Q. What is your present employment, Mr. Warren? A. I am presently in the chairman's office as an assistant clerk and my duties consist of Q. Just a minute. Would you identify the chairman and the committee? A. Congressman Powell, the Committee on Education and Labor. Q. What are your duties as an assistant clerk? A. I assist the caseworker in the handling of the casework and other congressional and committee correspondence in the office. Mr. HaYs. Mr. Warren, are you on the committee staff or the personal staff of the Congressman? The WITNESS. I am on the committee staff. Mr. HaYs. But you work in this office? The WITNESS. I am in the chairman's office Mr. Hays. All right. By Mr. TAYLER: Q. How long have you been employed on the committee staff? A. For 3 years. Q. Have you found that during the past 2 years; that is, from January 3, 1965, to the present and all of my questions will relate to that period that you have performed any travel in connection with the performance of your duties on the committee staff? A. Yes, I do. Q. How frequently have you traveled in connection with your job on the committee? A. Well, I couldn't give you an exact number of times. There have been quite a few. Q. During the past 2 years? A. During the past 2 years. Q. Do you hold an airline credit card? A. No, I do not, sir. Q. Have you ever traveled by air during that period? A. Yes, I have, sir. Q. And when you have traveled by air have you always claimed sub sistence and per diem on a voucher? A. No, I have not, sir. Q. Well, would you explain to us why you haven't claimed per diem in each instance where you have traveled? A. Well, the traveling I have done has been between Washington and New York and during the time that I was in New York I always stayed with friends. So I never felt it was necessary. Q. Well, when you went to New York, were you sent there by the chairman or someone superior to you on the committee staff to perform some duties? A. When I was into New York I was sent by the chairman. Q. In each instance? A. In each instance. Q. Did you ever travel to Miami during this period? A. To my knowledge, no, sir. Q. Well, now, we want you to think back and tell us to the best of your knowledge whether, since January 3, 1965, you have taken a trip to Miami on any occasion in connection with the performance of your duties. A. No, sir; I have no such knowledge of it. Mr. HAYS. Mr. Warren, would you have any knowledge-you would surely remember if you had made any trips to Miami in the last half or the last three quarters of 1966, wouldn't you? The WITNESS. Well, sir, I would like to state as of July 9 of this year I left the committee because I went on active duty for a period of 5 months and I have just returned here as of 3 weeks ago. Mr. HaYs. Let me ask you this, Mr. Warren, did you travel to Miami at any time during the month of May or the month of June of this year? The WITNESS. No, I did not, sir. By Mr. TAYLER: Q. You haven't been working for the committee you weren't working for the committee from July 9, 1966, until 3 weeks ago? A. Until the 1st of December, that is when I initially came back on the payroll. I was taken off as of the around the ninth. Mr. DICKINSON. Of July? The WITNESS. Of July. Mr. DICKINSON. And went back on the payroll when? By Mr. TAYLER: Q. Mr. Warren, I now show you an Eastern Airlines ticket, flight coupons 1 and 2, which may be marked "Warren exhibit 1," indicating travel by a J. Warren from New York to Miami on May 15, 1966, and travel from Miami to Washington on May 15, 1966. And I ask you if you took the trip indicated on those tickets. (The above-referred-to documents were marked "Warren Exhibit 1" and received in evidence.) A. No, I did not, sir. Q. Did you have any knowledge that such a ticket had been issued in your name prior to the time that I just handed you this ticket? A. No. No, sir. Q. Does this come as a complete surprise to you that your name shows up on that ticket as having performed that travel? A. Yes and no. Q. Well, would you explain. What knowledge or information do you have about the ticket which is marked "Warren No. 1"? A. Well, with the letter that you sent you also sent a Thermo-Fax сору. Q. Very well. Excuse me. Other than the information you received in the letter from the committee prior to your appearance, do you have any knowledge or information about your name being on that Miami ticket? A. No, sir. Mr. HAYS. In other words, Mr. Warren, the first intimation you had of it was when you received that letter? The WITNESS. Yes, sir. By Mr. TAYLER: Q. Now, Mr. Warren, I hand you what will be marked "Warren Exhibit No. 2, being flight coupons 1 and 2 of an Eastern Airlines ticket in the name of J. Warren, from Washington to Miami on May 18, 1966, and return from Miami to Washington on May 23, 1966, and I ask you if you made the travel indicated on that ticket. A. I know nothing about this. By Mr. TAYLER: Q. Mr. Warren, I am going to show you again Warren exhibit No. 1. Mr. HAYS. It seems as though there was a mistake on the sheet here. The ticket from New York to Miami which has your name on it-and we are doing this to clear the record-shows that it was used on the 21st of May, going to Miami. But the return from Miami to New York-maybe this was a reverse trip, I don't know, but it was used on the 15th of May. So it would appear that whoever used this ticketand you said you didn't started out in Miami and came up here and then went back. I don't know. But in any case, after looking at it again, you say you didn't use it; is that right? The WITNESS. No; I did not use it. Mr. HAYS. You know nothing about it? Mr. WAGGONNER. If that conflict does exist, this ticket having been used on the 21st rather than on the 15th, then there is a further conflict because the transportation between Washington and Miami on the 18th by Warren too Mr. DICKINSON. Credited to Mr. Warren. Mr. WAGGONNER. At least credited to him as having traveled then. Mr. TAYLER. Do you have another Miami-Washington ticket for Mr. Warren over there? It should be No. 2. Warren exhibit No. 2, I believe, was correctly identified in the record as showing travel from Washington to Miami on May 18 and the return from Miami to Washington on May 23; yes. There is no error with respect to No. 2. He has answered with respect to that one. Mr. HAYS. Yes. Mr. TAYLER. We have one more. Mr. HaYs. The third one I have in my hand which I will show you indicates that somebody traveled with the name J. Warren on the ticket to Miami and return, both on the same day, June 29. I would ask you if you used those or know anything about them? Mr. TAYLER. That is the year 1966, Mr. Warren. |