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Mention a singular fact respecting the Arabians.

They have never been conquered.

What makes Stony Arabia peculiarly interesting to us?
There the law was given, on Mount Sinai.
There the Israelites journeyed forty years.
How are the Arabs described, as to disposition and talent?
As cunning, witty, generous, and ingenious.

As lovers of eloquence and poetry.

As superstitious, vindictive, sanguinary, given to robbery. What were the ancient Arabians, as to religion?

Idolaters; worshipping, it is said, a Stone.

How is the simplicity of their manners spoken of?


Coming among them, one may fancy oneself suddenly carried back to the ages immediately after the flood. We are tempted to imagine ourselves among the old patriarchs."


What may Egypt be called, as to its Geography?

The great Valley of the Nile.

What is its name in Scripture?


Who was Mizraim?

The second son of Ham. Gen. x. 6, 13, 14.
How long did the first or ancient kingdom of Egypt last?
About 1663 years. B.C. 2188-525.

What took place in B.C. 525?

Egypt was conquered by Cambyses, son of Cyrus, and
King of Persia.

Quote a passage of the Old Testament that refers to the wisdom of the Egyptians.

"And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the

children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt." 1 Kings iv. 30.

Quote a passage in the New Testament; Acts vii. 22.

"And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the


How are we taught to think of the Egyptians, as to learning? As being in early ages the most intelligent and best in

structed people in the world.

What, as to learning, has Egypt been called?

"The great Academy of the earlier ages.”

What is said of it, to its dishonour ?

It was as much the parent of superstition, as it was the mistress of learning. It was indeed the grand corrupter of the world; the source of polytheism and idolatry to several of the eastern, and to most of the more western nations.

Mention some branches of learning with which they were acquainted.

Arithmetic, Geometry, Poetry, Music, Medicine; also with Agriculture, Architecture, Sculpture.

Mention some remains of their labour and skill.

The Pyramids, Obelisks, Hieroglyphics, Ruins of Thebes. Where do we read of Egypt in patriarchal times?

In Genesis and Exodus.

How has the History of Egypt been divided?

Into three parts, or periods of time.

Mention them.

1. From the earliest times to the Sesostrida; B.C. 2188 -1500. Gen. xi. 20.-Exod. ii.

2. Thence to Psammetichus, B.C. 650; when he was sole king. Exod. ii.—2 Kings xxi.

3. Thence to B.C. 525; to Psammenitus; the time of the Persian conquest. 2 Kings xxi.-Ezra.

Who was Sesostris ?

A warlike king of Egypt, between B.C. 1500 and 1400. Is Egypt mentioned in the Bible from Moses to Solomon?

No: there is silence about it nearly 500 years.

What was the title of the Egyptian kings, and its meaning? Pharaoh that is, the King.

When was the most splendid period of this kingdom?

Some say, between B.C. 1500 and 900. Moses-Jehoshaphat.

Others say, between B.C. 1300 and 650. Judges—Manasseh.

What event befell Egypt about the days of Abraham ?

It was enslaved by what are called Shepherd-Kings.

What does this fact explain?

The dislike of the Egyptians for shepherds. Gen. xlvi. 34. Mention kings of Egypt noticed in the Bible during and after the days of Solomon.

1. Pharaoh. 1 Kings iii. 1. Solomon; about B.C. 1014. 2. Shishak. 1 Kings xiv. 25, 26. Rehoboam; about

B.C. 971.

3. Zerah. 2 Chron. xiv. 9. Asa; about B.C. 941.

4. Sabachus, or So. 2 Kings xvii. 4. Hoshea; about B.C. 727.

5. Tirhakah. 2 Kings xix. 9. Hezekiah; about B.C. 705. (Explain Isaiah xix. 2. "I will set the Egyptians," &c.

In the reign of Tirhakah, B.C. 705-685; and when twelve princes ruled in Egypt, B.C. 685-670, (dividing the country between them,) to the reign of Psammetichus; confusion and anarchy abounded. Proceed with the kings.)

6. Pharoah Necho. 2 Kings xxiii. 29-35. Josiah; B.C. 616.

7. Pharaoh Hophra. Jer. xliv. 30. Zedekiah; B.C. 594. What befell Egypt in the twenty-second year of his reign? Nebuchadnezzar invaded it B.C. 570. See Jer. xliii. 8-13. Ezek. xxix. 17-20.

What became of Egypt after the invasion of it by Cambyses?

It was subject to Persia. B.C. 525-332. Did it patiently endure the Persian yoke?

No: it repeatedly rebelled.

Briefly mention its subsequent history.

1. After the conquest of Alexander the Great, B.C. 332, it was under the Ptolemies, B.C. 323—30.

2. It became a Roman Province, B.C. 30.

3. It was subdued by the Saracens, A.D. 638.

4. It was conquered by the Turks, A.D. 1171.

5. It was under the rule of the Mamelukes, A.D. 1250— 1570.

6. Selim I. deposed them, A.D. 1517, and Egypt became a province of the Ottoman (or Turkish) Empire.

We turn back to Pharaoh Necho, B.C. 616-601,-What is recorded of him?

He turned his attention to commerce:

He began a canal from the Nile to the Red Sea : He employed Phoenician mariners to sail round Africa. What is recorded of the latter part of his reign?

His defeat by Nebuchadnezzar. 2 Kings xxiv. 7. Jer. xxxvii. 7. xlvi.

Mention a prophecy respecting Pharaoh Hophra. B.C. 589. "I will give Pharaoh Hophra into the hand," &c. Jer. xliv. 30.

How was it fulfilled?

He was vanquished by Nebuchadnezzar, and slain by Amasis, a successful usurper; about B.C. 570. Explain Ezek. xxix. 11. "Neither shall it be inhabited forty years."

Nebuchadnezzar's invasion, B.C. 570. Cyrus released the
Egyptians, B.C. 530, as he had before released the

Mention the last native king of Egypt.

Nectanebus II., B.C. 361-350. Darius Ochus, king of

Persia, totally reduces Egypt.

What, as to rulers, has been its condition since?

It has always been subject to strangers. Mention a striking prophecy respecting it.

"It shall be the basest of the kingdoms," &c. Ezek. xxix. 15.

How may we regard such degradation?

As a just reward of idolatry and abomination.

Give the name and the number of the kings of Egypt, between Alexander and the Roman conquest.

Ptolemy; ten; Cleopatra, queen, B.C. 51-30.

Give an idea of the first three Ptolemies.

Three able men; patrons of science, trade, and peace; nearly 100 years.

Who followed these?

The fourth king was a tyrant and a debauchee; Ptolemy

Henceforth the kingdom rapidly declined. B.C. 221.
With whom were these kings often at war?

With the kings of Syria.

Mention two particulars in the reign of Ptolemy I. B.C. 304 -284.

He took 100,000 Jews into Egypt, to people Alexandria :
He laid the foundation of the library there.

Mention some particulars in the reign of the second Ptolemy.
B.C. 284-246.

The Septuagint; translation of the Hebrew Scriptures

into Greek:

His embassy to the Romans:

His court thrown open to luxury.

What was now the state of Egypt, as to wealth?

It abounded in riches: it was the only great theatre of


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