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Give an idea of the record, in general terms.

It makes us acquainted with, i. The origin of the chosen people. ii. With their increase, wanderings, trials,

and settlement in Canaan. iii. With their subse

quent struggles, prosperity, and changes, nearly to the time of their final dispersion.

Does the Bible refer to any other nations?

It refers, more or less, to several.

Mention those nations, and point them out on the Map. Assyria, Babylon or Chaldæa, Egypt, Media, Persia, Greece, Rome.

Does it speak of any other people?

Yes: of the Canaanites, and of people who dwelt near

Mention some of them, and point them out on the Map.

Philistines, Edomites, Moabites, Ammonites, Syrians. Does it mention a people on the south and east of Canaan? The Arabians.

Mention two noted cities on the sea coast, to the N.W. of Canaan.

Sidon and Tyre.

We should notice the Ethiopians: who were they?

Several places were called Cush, or Ethiopia; as,

1. Some country near India. 2 Chron. xvi. 8. Is. xi. 11.
Ezek. xxxviii. 5.

2. Some country in Assyria. Gen. ii. 13. Zeph. iii. 10.
3. Some country in Rocky Arabia. Numbers xii. 1.
2 Chron. xxi. 16.

4. Ethiopia proper; to the south of Egypt. Is. xviii. 1—6.
xx. 3-5. xliii. 3. Ezek. xxx. 4-6. Nahum iii.


1. Canaan.

From whom did the land of Canaan derive its name?

From Canaan, the fourth son of Ham: Gen. x. 6.

By what other names is it called?

The land of Promise. Heb. xi. 9. See Gen. xii. 7. xiii. 15.
The land of Israel. 1 Sam. xiii. 19.

The land of Judah, or Judæa. Deut. xxxiv. 2.
The Holy Land. Zech. x. 12. Palestine. Ex. xv. 14.
Mention its dimensions.

About 200 miles in length, and 80 in breadth. Who dwelt in it in the days of Abraham?

The Amorites. Gen. xv. 16.

Who were they?

Descendants of Canaan. Gen. x. 16.

On what did the title of the Israelites to this land rest?

On God's grant and promise. Gen. xv. 7, 18.

When did the Israelites take possession of it?

B.C. 1450: about 900 years after the deluge; 470 after

the promise.

How many were the tribes of the Canaanites?

Seven. Deut. vii. 1.

Why were they driven from their land?

For their sins and abominations. Deut. ix. 4.

Mention the northern and southern extremities of the land. Dan and Beersheba.

Mention the forms of Government that existed among the


1. Patriarchal; from the beginning to Moses. B.C. 4004

-1450 = 2454 years.

2. Theocratical, or divine; under the Judges. B.C. 1450

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3. Regal; from Saul to the Captivity. B.C. 1095-588 = 507 years.

4. Subject to foreign powers; after the Captivity. B.C. 588 to A.D. 70 = 658 years.

What was the great and ruinous sin of the Jews?

Idolatry; whence flowed all corruption.

Mention a great political change after the death of Solomon.

The division of the Kingdom under his son Rehoboam. Mention two great calamities or judgments.

1. The Captivity of Israel by Shalmaneser. B.C. 721.

2. The Captivity of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar. B.C. 588. Supposing that Joshua entered Canaan, B.C. 1450, and that the book of Joshua records the History of 30 years, the book of Judges will begin B.C. 1420. Give the chronology of these 1420 years.

1. Israelites under Judges. B.C. 1420 to Saul, 1095

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3. Divided: Israel under nineteen Kings. B.C. 975-721

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4. Judah alone: the 13th year of Hezekiah, who was followed by seven Kings. B.C. 721—606 = 115 years.

5. Under the Chaldeans at Babylon. B.C. 606-536

= 70 years.

6. Under the Persians. B.C. 536-323

213 years.

7. Under the Ptolemies of Egypt and the Seleucidæ of

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8. Under the Maccabees and their descendants. B.C. 167

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9. Under the Romans. B.C. 39, (Jerusalem taken by

Titus A.D. 70.) 109 years.

What was the state of the Jews under the Persians?

They were subject to the Satraps (viceroys or governors) of Syria; but the High Priests held the chief


What was their state under the Kings of Egypt and of Syria? This period was very much a time of war and commotion. What chapter of Daniel relates to these times?

The eleventh.

What was their state under the Maccabees?

They showed great valour: it was a time of strife and trouble.

Who were the Maccabees (or Asmonean Princes)?

Mattathias and his five sons: of whom Judas Maccabæus was "the greatest hero that the nation ever produced."

What did these men accomplish?

They delivered their country from the tyranny of the

What measure (as to foreign influence) did Judas Maccabæus adopt?

He made application to Rome, B.C. 161; and this paved

the way for the Roman assendancy.

What was the state of the Jews under the Romans?

They were ill at ease; rebellious, till Jerusalem was taken, and the nation dispersed. A.D. 70.

Canaan, as a part of Syria, was a Roman province: briefly notice its subsequent possessors.

1. Saracens. A.D. 630.

2. Turks, &c. A.D. 1065.
3. Crusaders. A.D. 1099.
4. Turks. A.D. 1291, &c.


1. Philistia.

What country lay on the sea-coast, to the west of Beersheba? The land of the Philistines.

Who were they?

Descendants of Ham, in the line of Mizraim. Gen. x. 13, 14.

Into how many principalities was their land divided?

Into five: 1 Sam. vi. 4, 16, 17. Ekron, Ashdod, Gath,
Askelon, Gaza.

Were they hostile to the Israelites ?

They were often at war with them.

Give three instances.

In the days of Eli, of Saul, and of David. Mention prophecies of their overthrow.

Jer. xlvii. Ezek. xxv. 15-17.

By whom were they subdued in part or wholly?

By Esarhaddon, Psammeticus, Nebuchadnezzar.

Who destroyed Gaza, B.C. 332?

Alexander the Great.

A new town was built at a subsequent period, nearer to the sea, which is now existing.

2. Idumea, or Edom.

What country lay next to Philistia, eastward, on the south of Canaan ?

Idumea, or the land of Edom.

Mention the most remarkable city in it.

Sela, or Petra. 2 Kings xiv. 7.

Who were the Edomites?

The descendants of Esau.

Mention a prophet who foretells their overthrow.

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