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He is pardoned, justified, brought near to God. In what respects is his Nature changed?

His mind is enlightened in the truth:

His heart is the seat of holy desires and affections:
His conscience is tender and healthy:

His will chooses the good and right.
In Scripture language, what is he?

A new creature in Christ Jesus.

In what respects is his life or conduct changed?

He was the slave of the world, &c., living in disobedience. He is now the servant of God, obedient to His commands. In what respects are his prospects changed?

He was hastening to destruction:

He has now the blessed hope of eternal life.

What do you say of the Gospel?

It is the great and only restorer of fallen man. What may philosophy do for us?

Speculate much about things;

Tell us much about what we are;

And then leave us very much what we were and are. What must we do in order to profit by the gospel?

Truly receive it, and consistently improve it.

What will the Gospel then do for us?

It will make us in all respects what we ought to be.
To what do you compare the light of philosophy?
To that of the moon, or of a lamp.

To what do you compare the light of the Gospel?

To that of the sun.

Both are light: what is the difference?

The one is only light; the other is light and life, or living light.

What do you say of the information which philosophy gives us? It is pleasing: it may be made of great use; but it is not to be rested in, or followed as our chief guide.

Having the Gospel, what ought we to do?

To hear it, read it, study it, and this continually. What is essential, that we may be made true believers?

The influence of the Holy Ghost, the Almighty Sanctifier. What ought we to pray for daily?

That we, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, may believe and live as true disciples and followers of Christ.

What shall we then be?

Still Men, with minds, hearts, and moral powers; but

those minds will be instructed in divine truth, and

those hearts and moral powers will be purified and regulated by divine grace and divine rules.

Is there not a striking contrast between the natural man and the believing man?

There is, undoubtedly.

Represent the two by any images that occur to you.

The natural man is as a shattered temple, or a blighted tree. The believing man is as a repaired temple, or a tree recovering its foliage and beauty.

What is the portion of the believing man?

In this world, comfort, hope, peace, and happiness.

In the world to come, blessedness and glory.

Is not man wonderful as to his body?

He certainly is.

Is he not more wonderful as to his soul?

I willingly admit it.

Can you meditate on his Mind, Heart, and Moral Powers, without admiration?

Certainly not.

What do you recognize in him?

The creature made "in the image and likeness" of God. Whom do you account the truly wise man?

He who seeks the recovery of that image by receiving and obeying the Gospel.

What would you say of, or how would you describe, this wise


His Mind is enlightened in the truth.

His Heart and Moral Powers are sanctified by divine


His conversation in the world is godly, righteous, and sober.

What is your persuasion respecting him?

That he is advancing in meetness for "the inheritance of the saints in light."





What is History?

A Narrative of Facts and Events delivered with dignity. What does it record?

The origin, progress, changes, decline, and fall of nations. What do we learn from it, in a temporal view?

The laws and governments of nations; their wars and revolutions; their sciences, arts, and manners; the eminent characters which they have produced.

What is the true importance of history?

"History has no true importance but as it contains a moral lesson."

What do we learn from it in a moral or religious view? 1. Human nature, in all the workings of the heart: 2. And the ways of God in Providence.

Compare History and Biography.

History is to a nation what Biography is to an individual. What does biography teach us?

Who and what a man was; his sentiments and actions; the events of his life, prosperous or adverse; his end, &c.

What does history teach us?

It makes us acquainted in like manner with the various kingdoms of the world.

Divide all Knowledge into three leading parts.
Theology, Philosophy, and History.

What does Theology teach us?

The mind of God; our condition, duty, and end. What world especially belongs to it?

The spiritual world.

With what does Philosophy make us acquainted?

With the works of God; with the whole Creation. Divide Philosophy into two parts.

The philosophy of Mind; the philosophy of Matter. What is the philosophy of Mind commonly called?


Under what two aspects may we view and examine Matter?

As having Life, or as not having Life.

Under what aspect does History make us acquainted with men?

As members of Society; as subjects of Civil Government. What two things must we know to read history with benefit. Geography and Chronology.

What does Geography teach us?

Place, situation, where.

What does Chronology teach us?

Time, period, when.

What may History be, as to its subject or matter?

Civil, or Ecclesiastical.

To what, then, may it relate?

To the Social, or to the Religious life.

What does civil History 'describe?

Social man.

What does Ecclesiastical History describe?

Religious man.

How do you divide History with regard to Time?
Into Ancient and Modern.

Give a more correct or distinct division of it.

Ancient, Middle Ages, and Modern.

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