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5. What is Arrogance?

An assumption of qualities which we have not; or of precedency to which we are not entitled.

6. What is Magninimity?

An elation of mind arising from a just sense of our powers, character, &c.

7. What is the true sense of Honour?

An elation of mind arising from a sense of our worth and integrity.

Mention one of its effects.

It makes us disdain what is low and mean.

8. What is Humility?

A just sense of the weakness and imperfection of human nature, and of our own personal faults and defects. Describe it in Scriptural language. Rom. xii. 3.

"Not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think."

9. What is Modesty?

Habitual solicitude not to offend against decorum. 10. What is Shame?

Apprehension that reputation and character are in danger: fear of detection.

11. What is Remorse?

A painful consciousness that we have rendered ourselves unworthy of God's approbation and of man's love. What has it been called?

The Domestic Fury; ever present to the mind of the cruel, unjust, profligate, and impious.

What does the word "remorse" signify?

A biting again.

What is the difference between the Affections and Desires? The Affections lead us to our relations to other men, and to conduct hence arising.

The Desires relate to the gratification of ourselves. Divide the Desires into two classes.

1. Animal Desires.

2. Miscellaneous Desires.

How may the latter be regarded?

As relating to the Individual or to Society. Mention some of the strongest of them.

1. Desire of existence: to it is opposed the fear of death. 2. Desire of pleasure or happiness: opposed to it is the fear of pain.

3. Desire of wealth: Avarice is its abuse.

4. Desire of action: without this the mind preys on itself, and man is miserable.

5. Desire of society.

6. Desire of knowledge: the simplest element we discover in the mind is Curiosity.

7. Desire of power.

8. Desire of the affection of those around us.

9. Desire of esteem and approbation.

What does the Desire of Power produce?

1. Ambition: the love of ruling.

2. Emulation: a desire of superiority with regard to rivals.

Describe emulation more particularly.

It is a desire and hope of equality with, or superiority over, others with whom we compare ourselves.

Is Desire an important element of our nature?

Yes it lies at the foundation of Character.

What do you mean to say?

Such as a man's desires are, such is the man. What is the process, as to Desire, in the human breast. 1. A man views objects:

2. He estimates their value:
3. He desires them accordingly:
4. Desire works upon the Will.

5. Objects are pursued or sought.

What is most important to us, as to our desires?

We should direct them to worthy objects.

Mark out the connexion between the primary affections and desire.

Love is closely connected with a desire to obtain:
Hatred, with a desire to avoid or shun.


Benevolent Affections.

How may we divide the Social Affections?

Into two classes.

Mention them.

1. Benevolent, or uniting affections.
2. Malevolent, or defensive affections.

What is Benevolence?

Good Will: a general or universal form of love. Compare it with self-love.

It is to society what self-love is to the individual. State its operations, or effects.

It disposes us to do good to all men; to wish them well; to judge favourably of them; to rejoice with them in their happiness, &c.

(A.) Benevolent Emotions as to Persons.

How may we view the social affections?

As produced by, or related to, persons, circumstances,

and characters.

1. With regard to Persons, mention the Domestic or Relative Affections.

Conjugal Affection: Parental Feelings: Filial Reverence:
Ties of Brothers and Sisters, &c.

2. What affection do we owe to Benefactors?


Explain this compound feeling.

Love placed on the benefit: Affection to the giver: Joy
at the reception of the benefit.

What is thankfulness?

The verbal expression of gratitude.

3. What is Love?

Vivid delight in an object, and desire of good to it.
Explain it in other words.

Personal attachment to an individual, founded on quali-
ties which we admire.

4. What is Friendship?

The concentration of benevolent emotions, heightened by
respect, and increased by exercise, on one or more

5. What is Patriotism?

Love of, and zeal for, one's Country.

To what does it lead us?

To promote the peace and prosperity of our country by
all means in our power.

(B.) Benevolent Emotions as to Circumstances.

Are peculiar feelings excited by different Circumstances?
Such is the case.

What emotions do circumstances of Distress excite?

They excite many.

1. What is Sympathy?

Fellow-feeling with, or participating in, the feelings of

2. What is Compassion?

A call or demand of nature to relieve the unhappy. It
relates to distress in general.


3. What is Mercy?

An exalted branch of compassion: it relinquishes demands, pardons offences, &c.

It respects criminality of character and conduct.

4. What is Commiseration?

Sympathy in sufferings that cannot be removed: permanency of distress.

5. What is Condolence?

The expression of commiseration.

6. What is Pity?

It is applied more to the state and situation of its object than to his particular feelings.

7. What is Generosity?

It bestows favours which are not the purchase of any particular merit.

8. What is Liberality?

Freedom from parsimony; from bigotry.

9. What is Condescension?

Accommodation to the state of inferiors.

What emotions do circumstances of Prosperity excite?
Those which lead to Congratulations.

What are these?

Expressions of benevolence and joy.

What is Politeness?

Benevolence consulting the comfort and serenity of others. What has it been called?

Benevolence in trifles.

Under what term of Scripture does it come?

"Whatsoever things are lovely." Phil. iv. 8.

Give an example of patriarchal politeness.

Abraham. Gen. xviii. 2. xxiii. 7, 12.

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