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The Financial Reform Almanac (Lond., Simpkin, Marshall & Co., Q. Is.) contains each year valuable historical and present information concerning the English tariff. See also the British "Statistical Abstracts."

The Canadian Customs Tariff is issued as a Dominion publication, also in handy shape by W: Bryce, Toronto, and others.

The Department of Customs at Ottawa publishes an annual report of Canadian Trade and Navigation. Its statistics are of interest in showing how large a proportion of the Dominion's trade is with the United States.

"The Tariff: Protection and Free Trade," is the special subject in The Bibliographer, v I, no. 3 (July, 1888). issued by Moulton, Wenborne & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. This has 732 references, largely to articles in periodicals, and many descriptive notes, of somewhat protectionist tendency.


Baird, H: C. Brief Tracts on Some Economic Questions (1871-1888). Ist, 2d and 3d series. 3 pts. Phila., H. C. Baird, 1888. pap. 30 c.

Baird, H: C. Rights of American Producers, and Wrongs of British Free-Trade Revenue Reform. Phila., H: C. Baird, 1872. pap. 5 c.

Bigelow, E. B. The Tariff Question considered with regard to the policy of England and the interest of the U. S. New ed. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1877. 61 p. 8°, cl. 75 c.; pap. 50 c.

Carey, H: C. Harmony of Interests, Agricultural, Manufacturing, and Commercial. 1852. 3d ed. Phila., H: C. Baird, 1872. 229 p. 8°, $1.50.

This and the other works of Carey [see General Political Economy, 'American] afford the ablest American expositions of Protection.

Hall, H: American Navigation, with some account of its recent decay and of the means by which the prosperity may be restored. N. Y., Appleton, 1878. 91 p. O. pap. 50 c.

A plea for subsidies.

Hamilton, ALEX. Report on Manufactures. In Works in 7 v. (p. 123, v. 3.) N. Y., C. S. Francis & Co., 1851.

Hartshorn, E. A. Wages, Living, and the Tariff. 2d ed. Troy, W. H. Young, 1884. 101 p. T. pap. 25 c. Also, Amer. Prot. Tariff League, 1888. 2c. Hayes, J. L., and others. The Wool and Woolen Tariff of 1883. Cambridge, Mass., 1883. 65 p. 8°, pap. 50 c.

Hoyt, H. M. Protection vs. Free Trade: the scientific validity and economic operation of defensive duties in the United States. N. Y., Appleton, 1888. D. cl. $2; pap. 50 c.

Kelley, W. D. Industrial and Financial Questions. Phila., H. C. Baird, 1872. 514 p. O. $3.

Speeches, addresses, and letters, chiefly explaining and defending Protection.

McKee, T: H., ed. Protection Echoes from the Capitol. Washington, McKee & Co., 1888. 590 p. D. pap. $1.

Alphabetical arrangement of 1252 numbered extracts from Congressional speeches, etc., in favor of protection, with "" present law' and Mills bill compared," and general and Congressional (name) indexes.

Patten, S. N. Economic Basis of Protection 12°, $1.

Phila, Lippincott, 1890.

Poor, H: V. Twenty-two Years of Protection. N. Y., H. V. and H. W. Poor, Sept., 1888. 222 p. O. pap.

A protective view of the period of Restoration," 1865-87, with statistics, prefaced by a review from the beginning.

Porter, ROBERT P. Protection and Free Trade to-day, at home and abroad, in field and workshop. Boston, J. R. Osgood & Co., 1884. 48 p. S. pap. 10 C.

Porter, ROBERT P. Free-Trade Folly. N. Y., J. S. Ogilvie & Co., 1886. 96 p. Q. pap. 20 c.

Roberts, ELLIS H. Government Revenue, especially the American system, an argument for industrial freedom against the fallacies of free trade. N. Y., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1884. 389 p. D. $1.50.

Based on lectures delivered at Cornell Univ. and Hamilton Coll. Full index. Author editor of Utica Herald.

Seaman, EZRA C.

Mass., 1883. 8°.

Refutation of Free-Trade Maxims. Cambridge,

Stebbins, GILES B. American Protectionists' Manual. 17th thousand, revised. Chicago, C. H. Kerr & Co., 1888. 192 p. D. 75 c.; pap. 40 c. Contains many quotations from industrial witnesses and comparative figures.

Thompson, R. E. Protection to Home Industry. N. Y., Appleton, 1886. O. $1.

Lectures delivered at Harvard Univ., Jan., 1885.

Wharton, JOSEPH. International Industrial Competition. Phila., H: C. Baird, 1872. 32 p. pap. 25 c.

Wharton, JOSEPH. National Self-Protection. Phila., H. C. Baird & Co., 1875. 37 p. 8°, pap. 25 c.

Byles, Sir J: BARNARD. Sophisms of Free Trade and Popular Political Economy Examined. 5th American from 9th English ed. Phila., H: C. Baird, 1872. 291 p. D. $1.25.

Sullivan, E: Free-Trade Bubbles. Lond., Stanford, 1883. 12°, IS. Borain, JULES. Les enormités du libre echange anglais. 1878. 276 p. O.


Horace Greeley, Van Buren Denslow and R. E. Thompson, and F. List in his National System of Political Economy [Political Economy, General], argue for protection.

The American Economist, organ of the American Protective Tariff League, is published weekly at 23 W. 23d St., New York, $2.00 yearly. V. 1 (July, 1887-June, '88), and 2 (July-Dec., '88), were issued as Tariff League Bulletin. The American Protective Tariff League, same address, issues 32 numbers of its" Defenders" of the Tariff, pamphlets of from 2 to 32 pages, any one of which is mailed for 2 c. These include papers by Hartshorn, Draper, Harriman, Lawrence, Dudley, Boutwell, Porter, Ammidown, Weeks, Dodge and others, Porter's "Reply to the President's Free-Trade Message, 1887," Blaine's Reply to Gladstone, several prize essays, etc.

Among protectionist literature should be noted the (quarterly) Bulletin of the Nat. Assoc. of Wool Manufacturers (1864-1890), Boston, and the publications of the American Iron and Steel Association and Irrial League,

The literature of the Fair Trade movement in England is essentially protective.

The Tribune, New York, (weekly ed., $1 yearly,) is the leading advocate of Protection, and issues numerous extras and other pamphlets in its advocacy. Benefits of Protection. J: Roach, and others. North American Review, Oct., 1884.

H: C. Carey. C: H. Levermore. Political Science Quarterly, Dec., 1890. · Free-Trade and Protection. W: E. Gladstone and James G. Blaine. North American Review, Jan., 1890. Continued in Feb. no. by Roger Q. Mills; in March by Senator J. S. Morrill; in April by W. C. P. Breckinridge. Free-Trade Isolated. E: Sullivan, and Duke of Manchester. Century, v. 10, p. 161.


Protection and Free-Trade. J. Wharton. Penn. Monthly, v. 10, p. 219. Protective Questions Abroad. R. E. Thompson. Penn. Monthly, v. 1, p. 436. Protection and the Farmer. Senator S. M. Cullom. Forum, Oct., 1889.


Bowker, R: R. Economic Fact-Book and Free Trader's Guide. N. Y., Free Trade Club, 1885. 146 p. D. pap. 25 c.

An introduction outlines the programme of revenue reform agitation, and gives directions for organizing clubs for revenue reform. A summary of protectionist points and freetrade facts, in the form of a dialogue, follows. Political platforms, extracts from advocates of free trade, and statistical tables make up the body of the work. Now out of print; the promised revised edition has not yet been issued.

Bowker, R: R. Free Trade the Best Protection. N. Y., Free Trade Club, 1880. 16 p. [of separate tracts] D. 5 c.

Brace, C: L. Free Trade as Promoting Peace and Good Will Among Men. Economic monograph, no. 16. N. Y., Putnam, 1879. 19 p. D. pap, 25 c.

Butts, I. Protection and Free Trade. Economic monograph, no. 2. N. Y., Putnam, 1875. 190 p. D. $1.25.

A brief, simple, cogent statement of the main points in the controversy, but out of print. Chamberlain, Rev. N. H. What's the Matter? or, Our Tariff and its Taxes. Bost., De Wolfe, Fiske & Co., 1890. 268 p. D. pap. 50 c.; cl. $1. A popular exposition in a series of conversations.

Codman, J: Free Ships; the Restoration of the American Carrying Trade. Economic monograph, no. 6. N. Y., Putnam, 1878. 54 p. D. pap. 25 c.

Codman, J:

Shipping Bounties and Subsidies. Reform Club series, no. 7. N. Y., Putnam, 1890. 19 p. D. pap. 25 c.

Cox, S. S. Free Land and Free Trade: the lessons of the English Corn Law applied to the United States. Questions of the Day, no. 2. N. Y., Putnam, 1880. 126 p. D. 75 c.

Earle, A. L.

monograph, no. 5.

Our Revenue System and the Civil Service. Economic
N. Y., Putnam, 1878. D. pap. 25 c.

Ely, R: T. Problems of To-day: a discussion of protective tariffs, taxation, and monopolies. N. Y., T. Y. Crowell & Co., 1888.

222 p. D. $1.50.

George, H: Protection or Free Trade: an examination of the tariff question with especial regard to the interests of labor. Land and Labor Library, no. 40. N. Y., H: George & Co., 1887. 359 p. S. cl. $1.50; pap. 35 c. Mr. George leads up to the doctrine that ultimate free trade means free access to land through the operation of the " single tax."

Grosvenor, W. M. Does Protection Protect?

An examination of the effect of different forms of tariff upon American industry. N. Y., Appleton, 1871. 365 p. D. $3.

A very thorough statistical examination of the doctrine of protection as exemplified in American history. Long out of print.

Kelley, J. D. J.

The Question of Ships; the Navy and Merchant Marine. N. Y., Scribner, 1864. 6+229 p. D. $1.25.

A valuable work by a U. S. Navy lieutenant, from free-trade point of view. Leib, HERMANN. The Protective Tariff: what it does for us! Chicago, Belford, Clarke & Co., 1888. 232 p. D. cl. $1; pap. 50 c.

A criticism of protection by a leading German-American.

Miller, J. BLEECKER. Unconstitutionality of Protection. Reform Club series, no. 5. N. Y., Putnam, 1889. 35 p. D. pap. 25 c.

Moore, J. S. Friendly Sermons to Protectionist Manufacturers. Economic monograph, no. 3. N. Y., Putnam, 1878. 81 p. D. pap. 25 c.

Moore, J. S. Friendly Letters to American Farmers and Others. N. Y., Reform Club, 1888. Also Questions of the Day, no. 50. N. Y., Putnam, 1888. IOI p. D. pap. 25 c.

National Conference of Free Traders and Revenue Reformers [Proceedings of] under the auspices of the Amer. Free Trade League, Chicago, Nov. 11-12, 1885. N. Y., Free Trade Club, 1885. 160 p. pap. 15 c.

Contains addresses of Beecher, Wells, Hurd, Shearman, Smith, Hazard, Sargent, Vinton, and others, also separately published. Now out of print.

Philpott, H. J. Tariff Chats. Questions of the Day, no. 52. N. Y., Putnam, 1888. 39 p. D. pap. 25 c.

The President's Message, of Grover Cleveland, 1887; with annotations by R: R. Bowker. Reform Club series, no. 2. Also, Questions of the Day, no. 48. N. Y., Putnam, 1888. 38 p. pap. 25 C.

Raguet, CONDY. Principles of Free Trade. 2d ed. Phila., 1840. 439 p. O. Report of a Committee of the Citizens of Boston opposed to a further increase of duties on importations. Boston, 1827. 196 p. 8°, pap.

Schoenhof, J. and Commerce, Trade Club pub. 83 p. D. cl. 75 c.;

Schoenhof, J.

Destructive Influence of the Tariff upon Manufacture and the facts and figures relating thereto. N. Y., Free Also Questions of the Day, no. 9. N. Y., Putnam, 1884. pap. 40 c.

Wages and Trade in Manufacturing Industries in America and in Europe. N. Y., Free Trade Club pub. Also, N. Y., Putnam, 1884. 25 p. D. pap. 15 c.

Facts and statistics adduced to prove that a protective tariff does not raise wages. Shearman, T: G. The Distribution of Wealth. Land and Labor Library, no. 4. N. Y., H: George & Co., 1887. 16 p. 8°, pap. 5 c.

Out of print.

Sumner, W: GRAHAM.

Protectionism the ism which teaches that waste

makes wealth. N. Y., Holt, 1885. 172 p. S. $1.

The Tariff. N. Y., Reform Club, 1890. 412 p. D. $2.

A selection of numbers of Tariff Reform presenting Relations of the Tariff to Salt, Tinned Plate, Dairy-farming, Fruits, Shipping, Subsidies, Wages, Wool, Grapes, Copper, Brass, Farming, the Home Market, Coal, Iron, Steel, and Sugar. The tabulated facts are invaluable. Full analytical index. (Bound in half leather with above lettering, but without title-page.)

Trumbull, M. M. The American Lesson of the Free-Trade Struggle in England. Chicago, Schumm and Simpson, 1884. 290 p. D. cl. 75 c.; pap. 50 c. Historical sketch of the English anti-corn-law movement, prefaced by commendatory letter from J: Bright.

Wells, D. A. Creed of Free Trade. Boston, H. O. Houghton & Co., 1877. 8°, pap. 25 c.

Reprinted from Atlantic Monthly, Aug., 1875.

Wells, D. A. How Congress and the Public Deal With a Great Revenue and Industrial Problem. N. Y., 1880. 269 p. O. рар.


Treats the taxation of sugar. Reprinted, with additions, from Princeton Review, Nov.,

Wells, D. A. Our Merchant Marine. Questions of the Day, no. 3. N. Y., Putnam, 1882. 219 p. D. $1.

Wells, D. A. Relation of the Tariff to those who desire to understand this matter. N. Y., Putnam, 1888. 45 p. D. pap. 20 c.

Wages: a simple catechism for
Questions of the Day, no. 54.

Wells, D. A. Sugar Industry of the United States and the Tariff. N. Y., 1878. 119 p. O.

A report on the assessment and collection of duties on imported sugars from 1789-91 to 1878.

Wells, D. A. The Decay of Our Ocean Mercantile Marine, its cause and cure. Reform Club series, no. 6. N. Y., Putnam, 1890. 48 p. D. pap.

25 C.

Wells, DAVID A.

Practical Economics. A collection of essays respecting certain of the economic experiences of the United States. N. Y., Putnam, 1885. 259 p. O. $1.50.

The chapters presenting aspects of the tariff discussion are The True Story of the Leaden Images, Recent Phases of the Tariff Question, Tariff Revision, The Pauper-labor Argument.

Wells, D. A. Primer of Tariff Reform. N. Y., Free Trade Club pub. N. Y., Putnam, 1885. 39 p. T. pap. 10 c.

A primer in the form of a catechism, condensing in simple terms the arguments for tariff reform.

Wells, D. A. Why We Trade and How We Trade. graph, no. I. N. Y., Putnam, 1878. 57 p. D. pap. 25 c.

Economic mono

White, HORACE. The Tariff Question. Economic monograph, no. 3. N. Y., Putnam, 1879. 30 p. D. pap. 25 c.

Ashworth, H: Recollections of Richard Law League. Lond. and N. Y., Cassell, 1876.

Cobden and the Anti-Corn430 p. D, $3.50.

An appendix of returns by Board of Trade shows increase of foreign commerce since repeal of the corn and provision laws.

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