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Peel's, Sir Robert, Act, 1844. R. Torrens.


Pennsylvania, Finances of. T. K. Worth-
ington. 68.

Univ. of. Courses ec. and pol. sci., 135.
Penological principles. W. Tallack. 90.
Pensions, Laws of army and navy, 113.
- Publications. See Interior Department, 125.
Pentecost, Hugh O. Single tax question
(see under Trumbull, M. M.), 26.

Péreire, I: Constitution des banques et l'or-
ganization du credits, 42.

Perplexities that Canada would bring. A.
R. Carman. 65.

Perry, A. L. Elements of political economy,
Introduction to, 10. Principles politi-
cal economy, 127.


Peto, Sir S. Morton. Taxation, its levy and
expenditure, 69.

Petroleum. Tenth census (2d note), 82.
Philadelphia, (see Bullitt bill), 116 (see Fall
of bossism, G. Vickers), 116.


1681-1887. E. P. Allinson and B. Penrose.

- Ground rents in. E. P. Allinson and B.
Penrose. 18.

Phillimore, Sir R. Commentaries upon in-
ternatioual law, 121.

Phillipovich, E. L'. Emigration Européen,

[blocks in formation]

Plunkett, Mrs. H. M. Women, plumbers,
and doctors, 88.
Police, 119.


Political economy. W. Bagehot. 11.
Bastiat. 17. (History of), J. A. Blanqui.
8. A. S. Bolles. 16. J. E. Cairnes, (2 ti-
tles), 11. (Essays). 16. A. L. Chapin. 9.
Emile de Laveleye. 8, 14. R: T. Ely. 10.
H: Fawcett. (For beginners), and
(Tales in), Mrs. M. G. Fawcett. 12. C.
Gide (3d note), 127. Horace Greeley. 10.
J. M. Gregory. 10. W: Stanley Jevons
(2 titles), 12. J. Lawrence Laughlin. 18.
F. List. 15. J: R. McCulloch, (2 titles),


12. S. M. Macvane. 10. T: R. Mal-
thus. 12. Harriet Martineau. 12. A.
B. Mason and J. J. Lalor. 10. James
Mill. 12. J: Stuart Mill (2 titles), 13.
Simon Newcomb. 10. A. L. Perry (2
tities), 10, 127. Simon N. Patten. 16. D:
Ricardo. 13. J. E. Thorold Rogers. 13.
W: Roscher. 15. J. B. Say. 14. N. W.
Senior. 13. J. L. Shadwell. 13. H: Sidg-
wick. 13. G: M. Steele. 10. R. E. Thomp-
son. 11. (Progress of, in Europe since the
16th century), Travers Twiss. 8. F. A.
Walker (2 titles), 11. F. Wayland (2 titles),

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Poor, relief of, in Germany. A. G. Warner, 86.
Population, 81.

Eleventh census (3d note), 82.
T: R. Malthus. 81.
Tenth census (2d note), 82.
Law of. M. T: Sadler. 81.

Over-, and its remedy. W: T: Thornton.

True law of. T: Doubleday. 81.
Porter, R. P. Bread-winners abroad, 26. Free
trade folly. Protection and free trade, 59.
Post, Weekly, N. Y. (6th note), 64.
Post-office, 112.

Evil State-trading by. F: Millar (see under
T: Mackay), 127.

Department, Publications, 126.

N. Y., Spoils system in. D. B. Eaton. II.
Postal savings banks, 43. British (note), 43.
telegraph service foreign countries (last
note), 112.

Poverty, Preventable causes of. H. D. Cha-
pin, 76.

Powers, F. Perry. Railroad indemnity lands,

[blocks in formation]

-in England, History of agriculture and. J.
E. Thorold Rogers. 22.

of commodities, 46.

Schedules of (2d and 4th notes), 47.
since 1850. M. G. Mulhall. 47.
Primer civil service reform, 111.

tariff reform. D: A. Wells. 62.
Primitive culture. E. B. Tylor. 96.
Principles social science. H: C. Carey. 9.
Prins, A. La democratie et le régime parle-
mentaire, 109.
Prison ethics. Herbert Spencer (4th note), 91.
- Nat., Assoc (1st note) 91.

science. Eugene Smith. 90.

- statistics. R. P. Falkner. 90.

[blocks in formation]

Profit-sharing, 33.

-N: P. Gilman. 33. J. S. Nicholson. 34.
Sedley Taylor. 34. C. D. Wright. 33.
Profits, Margin of. E: Atkinson. 25.

under modern conditions. J: B. Clark. 25.
Progres de la science économique depuis
Adam Smith. M. Block. 8.

Progress and poverty. H: George. 19.

A review. G: B. Dixwell. 19.

robbery. J. Bleecker Miller. 19, 30.

Prohibition (1st and 2d notes), 92.

G. C. Low (2d note). 93.

Economics of. J. C. Fernald. 91.
Prohibitionists, Mistakes of. J. Mudie (2d
note), 93.

Prohibitionists' text-book, 92.


Property and progress. W. H. Mallock. 21.
Constitutional guarantees of right of.
Hoadley. 25.

Primitive. E. de Laveleye. 22.

Propriété, De la. F. C. L. Comte. 24. M.
A. Thiers.


- fonciere en occident, Histoire du droit de.
E. Laboulaye. 22.

Prothero, R. E. Pioneers and progress of
English farming, 21.

[blocks in formation]

the farmer. Sen. S: M. Cullom.
protectionists. F. A. Walker. 64.

Benefits of. J. Roach. 60.

Does, protect? W. M. Grosvenor. 61.

- echoes from the capitol. T. H. McKee,
ed. 58.

Economic basis of. S. N. Patten. 58.
Facts and fallacies. R. B. Wise. 64.
History of, U. S. W: G. Sumner.


Pleas for, examined. A: Mongredien. 63.
- Sophisms of. F: Bastiat. 64.

Theory and practice of. Jesse Macy (see
under Shaw), 67.

-to home industry. R. E. Thompson. 59.
Twenty-two years of. H: V. Poor. 59
Unconstitutionality of. J. B. Miller. 61.
Protectionism. W: G. Sumner. 62.
Protectionist manufacturers, Friendly ser-
mons to. J. S. Moore. 61.

Protectionists' manual. G. B. Stebbins. 59.
Protective po'icy defended. R. E. Thomp-
son (see under Shaw), 67.

- questions abroad. R. E. Thompson. 60.
- tariff, History, R. W. Thompson, 55.

[blocks in formation]

Quincy, J. P. Double taxation in Massachu-
setts, 67. Protection of majorities, 109.

RAE, G: Country banker, 42.

Rae, J: Contemporary socialism, 78. State
socialism and popular right, 81.

Rabbeno, Ugo. Political economy in Italy.
Le societa coöperative di produzione, 127.
Raffalovich, A. Housing working-classe2
and poor (see under T: Mackay), 127.
Raguet, Condy. Currency and banking, 36.
Principles of free trade, 61.

Railroad Commissioners, Argument for. S.
Sterne. 50.

State, 49.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
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Reciprocity, 65.

Reed, T: B.

A deliberative body."

Reply to X.
M. C. and J: G. Carlisle. Limitations speak-
ership, 116.

forms needed in the House.

Reed's, Speaker, error. X. M. C. 116.

Reform Club, N. Y. (see note, The tariff), 62.
Reforme sociale, La. (3d note), 75.
Regulations, Navy, U. S., 113.

Reinaud, E. Syndicats professionels, 30.
Reitzenstein, F. F. v., and Nasse, E. Agra-
rische Zustände in Frankreich und England,

[blocks in formation]

Ricardo, D: Principles of political economy

and taxation, 13.
Ricca-Salerno, G.
stiti pubblici, 73:

Teoria generale dei pre-

Richard, H., and Williams, J. C. Disestab-
lishment, 117.

Richardson, Dr. B: W. Household health.
Hygeia, a city of health. Health and oc-
cupation, 88. Lectures on alcohol. Tem-
perance lesson-book, 92.

Richardson, H. W. National banks, 41.
Standard dollar, 38.

Richardson, W. A. Public debt U. S., and
national banking laws, 36. Public debt
U. S., 73

Richelot, M. Histoire de la reforme commer-
ciale en Angleterre, 64.

Richey, A. G. Irish land laws, 22.
Richmond, H: A. Workingmen's interest in
civil service reform, III.

Richmond, Wilfrid. Christian economics, 10.
Rights, Legal, Methods of assisting working
classes in enforcement, 87.

Riis, Jacob A. How the other half lives, 73.
Ronna, A. Les irrigations, 115.
Roach, J: Benefits of protection, 60.
Roberts, E. H. Government revenue, 59..
Robertson, E. S. Impracticability of social-
ism (see under T: Mackay), 127.

Rodbertus-Jagetzow, C: Werke, 80. His
scientific socialism. H. L. Osgood. 81.
Roesler, C. F. H. Zur Critik der Lehre vom
Arbeitslohn. 32.

Rogers, J. E. Thorold. Cobden and modern
political opinion, 63. Economic interpre-
tation of [English] history, 8. Free trade
(3d note), 64. First nine years Bank of
England, 42. History of agriculture and
prices in England, 22. Manual of political
economy, 13. Six centuries of work and
wages. Work and wages, 32. Social econ-
omy, 13.

Roosevelt, T. Essays on practical politics,
100. Merit system vs. Patronage system,
112. Object lesson in civil service reform,


Roscher, W: Finanzwissenschaft, 70. Ge-
schichte der Nationalökonomie in Deutsch-
land, 8. Colonien, Colonialpolitik und Aus-
wanderung, 83. Nationalökonomie des Ack-
erbaues, 23. Nationalökonomie des Han-
dels und Gewerbefleisses, 46. Principles
of political economy, 15. Ueber Kornhan-
del und Theuerungspolitik, 55.. Zur Ge-
schichte der englischen Volkswirthschafts-
lehre, 8.

Rosenthal, H. S. Manual for Building and
Loan Assocs.. 33.

Ross, Denman W. Early history of iand-
holding among the Germans, 19.

Rossi, P. Cours d'économie politique, 14.
Rota, P. Principii de scienza bancaria, 42.
Rothschild, A. Histoire de la poste aux let-
tres, 112.

Round, W. M. F. Immigration and crime,
84. Our criminals and Christianity, 90.

[blocks in formation]

Savings banks, 43.

in U. S. E. W. Keyes. J. P. Town-
send. 43.

in Great Britain and Ireland. W: Lew-
in. 43.

school. J. H. Thiry. 43.
Say, J. B. Treatise on political economy, 14.
Say, Leon. Dictionnaire des finances, 70. Le
socialisme d'état, 79. Solutions democra-
tique de la question des impôts, 70.

and Chailley, Jos., eds. Nouveau diction-
naire de l'économie politique, 7.
Scalabrini, G. B. Emigrazione Italiana, 83.
Schaeffle, A. E. F. Capitalismus und Soci 1-
ismus, 80. Gesammelte Aufsätze, 17. Ge-
sellschaftliches System der menschlichen
Wirthschaft, 15. Grundsätze der Steuer-
politik, 70. Quintessenz des Socialismus,
Quintessence of socialism, 80.
demokratie, 80.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Scott, R. N, Digest military laws, U. S., 113.
Scudder, M. L., jr. Congested prices. 43.
Labor-value fallacy, 31. National bank-
ing, 41.

Seaman, E. C.__ Refutation free trade, 59.
Seebohm, F. English village community, 22
(and 3d note), 96.

Seeley, J: R. Expansion of England, 83.
Seligman, E. R. A. Finance statistics of the
Am. commonwealths. General property
tax, 67. Historical and comparative sci-
ence finance (note), 11. Mediæval guilds
of England, 30. Owen and Christian so-
cialists, 76. Railway tariffs and Interstate
Commerce law, 49. Readjustment of the
revenues (see under Shaw), 67. Taxation
of corporations, 67.

Semler, H, Tropische und nordamerikan-
ische Waldwirthschaft und Holzkunde, 114.
Senate, secret sessions. Dorman B. Eaton.

Senior, Nassau W. Lectures on political

economy, 13.

Seyd, E. Bimetallism in 1886. Bullion and
foreign exchanges, 39. Reform of Bank of
England note-issue, 42.

Shadwell, J. L. System of political econo-
my, 13.

Shaw, Albert. Glasgow, a municipal study.
How London is governed, 119. Icaria, 76.
Municipal govt. in Great Britain. 119.
Municipal govt. in England, 118. Nation-
al revenues, 67.

Shaw, G. B. Fabian essays in socialism, 78.
Shearman, T: G. Distribution of wealth, 61.
Shepard, E: M. Competitive tests, and civ-
il service of States and cities, 111.
Sherman, I. Exclusive taxation real estate,

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