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Expansion of the training programs under the Manpower Development and Training Act to provide training to an estimated additional 70,000 unemployed or underemployed workers in 1964. The expanded program results from the recent amendments to the act, Public Law 82-214, which provides for more liberal eligibility requirements for allowance payments, expanded youth training and services, extension of training to include basic education and postponement until 1966 of State matching. The increased costs of training services and allowance payment are $50 million and the increased State and local services costs are $4,600,000---

Federal services required to implement the expanded occupational training program, the basic education program, and other revisions to the basic program provided by the amendments to the act. (170 positions to be filled for an average of 1 month in 1964, $400,000)

Department of Labor:

+$54, 600, 000

+400, 000

Position Amount

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Summary of new positions


Office of Manpower, Automation and Training:

3 GS-14 manpower development specialists_
1 GS-13 manpower development specialist--
1 GS-9 manpower development assistant_
3 GS-5 clerks or stenographers....

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1 GS-13 manpower development specialist_
1 GS-5 clerk or stenographer_-_.

13, 624

11, 731



19 GS-12 manpower development specialist---.
3 GS-5 clerk or stenographer_.

Total (25)

Department of Health, Education, and Welfare:

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1 GS-15 chief, adult basic education program.
1 GS-14 field services officer____

$15, 683

2 GS-14 manpower training officers--

13, 624

1 GS-14 teacher trainer__.

1 GS-14 program analyst_

1 GS-13 manpower training adviser___

27, 248

13, 624

2 GS-14 specialists in curriculum development..

13, 624

27, 248

1 GS-13 guidance and counseling specialist_

11, 731

1 GS-13 teacher trainer assistant__.

11, 731

1 GS-13 instructional evaluation specialist_.

11, 731

1 GS-12 manpower training assistant_--_.

11, 731

1 GS-12 project reviewer_.

1 GS-12 curriculum design and development assistant___

9, 984

9, 984

1 GS-12 editor_.

9, 984

1 GS-11 programer_-.

9, 984

1 GS-11 manpower training assistant....

8, 424

1 GS-11 research assistant___

8, 424

1 GS-9 graphic arts specialist_

8, 424



1 GS-9 field reviewer___.

1 GS-9 research assistant__

1 GS-7 personnel assistant_

1 GS-7 accounting technician_

1 GS-6 statistical clerk__

1 GS-6 secretary-stenographer_.
13 GS-5 secretaries___

7, 030

5, 803


5, 242 5,242 61, 113

Summary of new positions-Continued

Department of Health, Education, and Welfare-Continued

1 GS-5 fiscal analyst-----

2 GS-5 secretary-stenographers_.
6 GS-4 clerk-stenographers__
1 GS-3 duplicating clerk_--

1 GS-3 messenger--

2 GS-3 clerk-typists----Field:

7 GS-13 regional field representatives__.
3 GS-12 regional field representatives_.
8 GS-4 secretaries__.

Total (70)

Total (162), activity 2‒‒‒‒‒‒


Office of Financial and Management Services: Departmental:

1 GS-14 systems accountant__.

1 GS-13 auditor_.

1 GS-12 administrative officer..

2 GS-11 auditors__

3 GS-5 clerks or stenographers__-

Total (8), activity 3------.

4, 701

9, 402

25, 332

3, 890

3, 890


82, 117

29, 952

33, 776

528, 316

1, 419, 793

13, 624

11, 731

9, 984

16, 848

14, 103


Senator PASTORE. The next item for consideration this morning is a supplemental request for the manpower development and training program. This item was not considered by the House in connection with the pending deficiency bill. It was, however, considered by the House committee in connection with the 1965 Labor-HEW appropriation bill, and disallowed in its entirety.

I shall insert in the record the pertinent excerpt from the House report.

(The material referred to follows:)

Manpower development and training activities.-The bill includes $327,906,000, a reduction of $83,094,000 from the request, and an increase of $217,906,000 over the appropriation for 1964. The committee also considered a request for a supplemental appropriation of $55 million for 1964. This request has been disallowed, however, the committee has included language in this paragraph of the bill making the amount of $327,906,000 available immediately upon enactment. Thus, in effect, this paragraph will provide a supplemental appropriation for 1964, as well as funds for 1965 if the bill is enacted before June 30, 1964.

These recommendations in no way reflect a lack of appreciation of the importance of this program to the national economy, nor are they made with a view to reducing the number of training programs or the number of people who may receive training. The committee has simply attempted to be realistic in assessing the capacity of the program during the next 15 months. On February 12, when hearings were held on this portion of the budget, Under Secretary Henning stated, "the approved projects that are at the moment awaiting additional funds for 1964 total $10 million and would provide an additional 8,500 trainees. We have some $4.6 million available, and the backlog of pending projects will increase greatly in the remaining weeks." Thus, on February 12, there was a net unmet need for $5.4 million. On April 1, the fund requirements for the backlog of pending projects had increased to $19.8 million, and the funds on hand had decreased to $2.8 million, or a net deficit of only $17 million. On the basis of these figures it appears to the committee that considerably less than $55 million in supplemental funds will be required for 1964. Since the 1965 budget was based on reaching this higher level in 1964, it would seem that the 1965 budget is somewhat overoptimistic.

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