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way for the projected parkway between Natchez, Mississippi, and Nashville, Tennessee, together with sites acquired or to be acquired for recreational areas in connection therewith, and a right-of-way for said parkway of a width sufficient to include the highway and all bridges, ditches, cuts, and fills appurtenant thereto, but not exceeding a maximum of two hundred feet through Governmentowned lands (except that where small parcels of Governmentowned lands would otherwise be isolated, or where topographic conditions or scenic requirements are such that bridges, ditches, cuts, fills, parking overlooks, and landscape development could not reasonably be confined to a width of two hundred feet, the said maximum may be increased to such width as may be necessary, with the written approval of the department or agency having jurisdiction over such lands) as designated on maps heretofore or hereafter approved by the Secretary of the Interior, shall be known as the Natchez Trace Parkway and shall be administered and maintained by the Secretary of the Interior through the National Park Service, subject to the provisions of sections 1, 2-4 of this title, the provisions of which sections, as amended and supplemented, are hereby extended over and made applicable to said parkway: Provided, That the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized, with the concurrence of the Secretary of the Interior, to connect with said parkway such roads and trails as may be necessary for the protection, administration, or utilization of adjacent and nearby national forests and the resources thereof: And provided further, That the Forest Service and the National Park Service shall, insofar as practicable, coordinate and correlate such recreational developments as each may plan, construct, or permit to be constructed, on lands within their respective jurisdictions, which, by mutual agreement, should be given special treatment for recreational purposes. (May 18, 1938, ch. 251, § 1, 52 Stat. 407.)

§ 460a-2. Blue Ridge Parkway; establishment; administration. -All lands and easements heretofore or hereafter conveyed to the United States by the States of Virginia and North Carolina for the right-of-way for the projected parkway between the Shenandoah and Great Smoky Mountains National Parks, together with sites acquired or to be acquired for recreational areas in connection therewith, and a right-of-way for said parkway of a width sufficient to include the highway and all bridges, ditches, cuts, and fills appurtenant thereto, but not exceeding a maximum of two hundred feet through Government-owned lands (except that where small parcels of Government-owned lands would otherwise be isolated, or where topographic conditions or scenic requirements are such that bridges, ditches, cuts, fills, parking overlooks, landscape development, recreational and other facilities requisite to public use of said parkway could not reasonably be confined to a width of two hundred feet, the said maximum may be increased to such width as may be necessary, with the written approval of the department or agency having jurisdiction over such lands) as designated on maps heretofore or hereafter approved by the Secretary of the Interior, shall be known as the Blue Ridge Parkway and shall be administered and maintained by the Secretary of the Interior through the National Park Service, subject to the provisions of sections 1, 2-4 of this title, the provisions of which sections, as amended and supplemented, are hereby extended over and made applicable to said parkway: Provided, That the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized, with the concurrence of the Secretary of the Interior, to connect with the parkway such roads and trails as may be necessary for the protection, administration, or utilization of adjacent and nearby national forest and the resources therof: And provided further, That the Forest Service and the National Park Service shall, insofar as practicable, coordinate and correlate such recreational development as each may plan, construct, or permit to be constructed on lands within their respective jurisdictions which, by mutual agreement, should be given special treatment for recreational purposes. (June 30, 1936, ch. 883, 49 Stat. 2041; June 8, 1940, ch. 277, § 1, 54 Stat. 249.)

§ 460b. Location of parkways.-Hereafter the location of such parkways upon public lands, national forests, or other Federal reservations shall be determined by agreement betwen1 the department having jurisdiction over such lands and the National Park Service. (June 16, 1936, ch. 582, § 5, 49 Stat. 1520; June 8, 1938, ch. 328, § 8, 52 Stat. 635; Sept. 5, 1940, ch. 715, § 9, 54 Stat. 870.)


§ 471. National forests; establishment; limitation on additions in certain States; lands suitable for production of timber. The President of the United States may, from time to time, set apart and reserve, in any State or Territory having public land bearing forests, in any part of the public lands wholly or in part covered with timber or undergrowth, whether of commercial value of not, as national forests, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare the establishment of such forests and the limits thereof.

(a) No national forest shall be created, nor shall any additions be made to one created prior to June 25, 1910, within the limits of the States of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, or Wyoming, except by Act of Congress.

(b) The President, in his discretion, is authorized to establish as national forests or parts thereof, any lands within the boundaries of Government reservations, other than national parks, reservations for phosphate and other mineral deposits, or waterpower purposes, national monuments and Indian reservations, which in the opinion of the Secretary of the department now administering the area and the Secretary of Agriculture are suitable for the production of timber, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture under such rules and regulations and in accordance with such general plans as may be jointly approved by the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary formerly administering the area, for the use and occupation of such lands and for the sale of products therefrom. Any person who shall violate any rule or regulation promulgated under this subdivision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both. (Mar. 3, 1891, ch. 561, § 24, 26 Stat. 1103; Mar. 4, 1907, ch. 2907, 34 Stat. 1271; June 25, 1910, ch. 421, § 2, 36 Stat. 847; Aug. 24, 1912, ch. 369, 37 Stat. 497; June 7, 1924, ch. 348, § 9, 43 Stat. 655.)

1 So in original.


Act March 4, 1906, 34 Stat. 1271, provided that "The forest reserves shall hereafter be known as national forests."


Forest reservation not to be created or present reservations extended within limits of New Mexico and Arizona except by act of Congress, see section 471a of this title.

§ 471a. Forest reserves in New Mexico and Arizona restricted. -No forest reservation shall be created, nor shall any additions be made to one created prior to June 15, 1926, within the limits of the States of New Mexico and Arizona except by Act of Congress. (June 15, 1926, ch. 587, 44 Stat. 745.)

§ 471b. Additional lands within State of Montana. -The President of the United States is authorized, in his discretion, to add to existing national forests, or to include within new national forests, by proclamation or Executive order, any unappropriated public lands of the United States situated in the State of Montana which, in his opinion, are chiefly valuable for the production of timber or the protection of watersheds: Provided, That the inclusion of such lands within a national forest shall be subject to any claim, entry, or appropriation under the public land laws then valid and subsisting and thereafter legally maintained. (July 20, 1939, ch. 334, § 1, 53 Stat. 1071.)


Section 2 of act July 20, 1939, cited to text, provided that all previous acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith were repealed insofar as they applied to the State of Montana.

§ 471c. Lands in California set aside as reserved forest lands. -The tracts of land in the State of California known and described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of township 2 north, range 19 east Mount Diablo meridian, thence eastwardly on the line between townships 2 and 3 north, ranges 24 and 25 east; thence southwardly on the line between ranges 24 and 25 east to the Mount Diablo base line; thence eastwardly on said base line to the corner to township 1 south, ranges 25 and 26 east; thence southwardly on the line between ranges 25 and 26 east to the southeast corner of township 2 south, range 25 east; thence eastwardly on the line between townships 2 and 3 south, range 26 east to the corner to townships 2 and 3 south, ranges 26 and 27 east; thence southwardly on the line between ranges 26 and 27 east to the first standard parallel south; thence westwardly on the first standard parallel south to the southwest corner of township 4 south, range 19 east; thence northwardly on the line between ranges 18 and 19 east to the northwest corner of township 2 south, range 19 east; thence westwardly on the line between townships 1 and 2 south to the southwest corner of township 1 south, range 19 east; thence northwardly on the line between ranges 18 and 19 east to the northwest corner of township 2 north, range 19 east, the place of beginning, are reserved and withdrawn from settlement, occupancy, or sale under the laws of the United States, and set apart as reserved forest lands; and all persons who shall locate or settle upon, or occupy the same or any part thereof, except as hereinafter provided, shall be considered trespassers and removed therefrom. Nothing in this section and sections 55, 61, and 471d of this title shall be construed as in anywise affecting any bona fide entry of land made within the limits above described under any law of the United States prior to October 1, 1890. (Oct. 1, 1890, ch. 1263, § 1, 26 Stat. 650.)

§ 471d. Additional forest reserves in California. There is reserved and withdrawn from settlement, occupancy or sale under the laws of the United States, and set apart as reserved forest lands, as provided in section 471c of this title, and subject to all the limitations and provisions therein contained, the following lands, to wit: Township 17 south, range 30 east of the Mount Diablo meridian, excepting sections 31, 32, 33, and 34 of said township, included in section 41 of this title. And there is also reserved and withdrawn from settlement, occupancy or sale under the laws of the United States, and set apart as forest lands, subject to like limitations, conditions, and provisions, all of townships 15 and 16 south, of ranges 29 and 30 east of the Mount Diablo meridian. And there is also hereby reserved and withdrawn from settlement, occupancy or sale under the laws of the United States, and set apart as reserved forest lands under like limitations, restrictions, and provisions, sections 5 and 6 in township 14 south, range 28, east of Mount Diablo meridian, and also sections 31 and 32 of township 13 south, range 28 east of the same meridian. Nothing in this section or sections 55, 61, and 471c of this title, shall authorize rules or contracts touching the protection and improvement of said reservations, beyond the sums that may be received by the Secretary of the Interior under the foregoing provisions, or authorize any charge against the Treasury of the United States. (Oct. 1, 1890, ch. 1263, § 3, 26 Stat. 651.)

§ 471e. Same; extension of boundaries of Sequoia National Forest. Subject to existing valid claims, the boundaries of the Sequoia National Forest, California, be, and they are hereby, extended to include the following described lands, which shall hereafter be subject to the laws, rules, and regulations relating to said national forest:

Southwest quarter southwest quarter section 7; section 16 and section 17; east half northeast quarter, southwest quarter northeast quarter, southeast quarter northwest quarter, east half southeast quarter section 18; east half northwest quarter, northwest quarter northwest quarter, northeast quarter section 20; northwest quarter northwest quarter section 21: and tract numbered 48 in the southeast quarter section 28, all in township 21 south, range 31 east, of the Mount Diablo meridian in California. (Dec. 9, 1942, ch. 712, 56 Stat. 1044.)

§ 472. Laws affecting national forest lands. - The Secretary of the Department of Agriculture shall execute or cause to be executed all laws affecting public lands reserved under the provisions of section 471 of this title, or sections supplemental to and amendatory thereof, subject to the provisions for national forests established under subdivision (b) of section 471 of this title, after such lands have been so reserved, excepting such laws as affect the surveying, prospecting, locating, appropriating, entering, relinquishing, reconveying, certifying, or patenting of any such lands. (Feb. 1, 1905, ch. 288, § 1, 33 Stat. 628.)

§ 473. Revocation, modification, or vacation of orders or proclamations establishing national forests. - The President of the United States is authorized and empowered to revoke, modify, or suspend any and all Executive orders and proclamations or any part thereof issued under section 471 of this title, from time to time as he shall deem best for the public interest. By such modification he may reduce the area or change the boundary lines or may vacate altogether any order creating a national forest. (June 4, 1897, ch. 2, § 1, 30 Stat. 34, 36.)

§ 474. Surveys; plats and field notes; maps; effect under Act June 4, 1897. - Surveys, field notes, and plats returned from the survey of public lands designated as national forests undertaken under the supervision of the Director of Geological Survey in accordance with provisions of Act June 4, 1897, chapter 2, section 1, Thirtieth Statues, page 34, shall have the same legal force and effect as surveys, field notes, and plats returned through the Field Surveying Service; and such surveys, which include subdivision surveys under the rectangular system, approved by the Commissioner of the General Land Office as in other cases, and properly certified copies thereof shall be filed in the respective land offices of the districts in which such lands are situated, as in other cases. All laws inconsistent with the provisions hereof are declared inoperative as respects such survey. A copy of every topographic map and other maps showing the distribution of the forests, together with such field notes as may be taken relating thereto, shall be certified thereto by the Director of the Survey and filed in the General Land Office. (June 4, 1897, ch. 2, § 1, 30 Stat. 34; Mar. 3, 1925, ch. 462, 43 Stat. 1144.)

§ 475. Purposes for which national forests may be established and administered. - All public lands designated and reserved prior to June 4, 1897, by the President of the United States under the provisions of section 471 of this title, the orders for which shall be and remain in full force and effect, unsuspended and unrevoked, and all public lands that may hereafter be set aside and reserved as national forests under said section, shall be as far as practicable controlled and administered in accordance with the following provisions. No national forest shall be established, except to improve and protect the forest within the boundaries, or for the purpose of securing favorable conditions of water flows, and to furnish a continuous supply of timber for the use and necessities of citizens of the United States; but it is not the purpose or intent of these provisions, or of section 471 of this title, to authorize the inclusion therein of lands more valuable for the

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