vide. A record of the names and addresses of the members of the board and committees and officers shall be filed with the Administration within ten days after their election. No member of the board or of either committee shall, as such, be compensated. (b) Officers. At their first meeting after the annual meeting of the members, the directors shall elect from their number a president, a vice president, a clerk, and a treasurer, who shall be the executive officers of the corporation and may be compensated for their services to such extent as the bylaws may provide. The offices of clerk and treasurer may be held by the same person. The duties of the officers shall be as determined by the bylaws, except that the treasurer shall be the general manager of the corporation. Before the treasurer shall enter upon his duties he shall give bond with good and sufficient surety, in an amount and character to be determined from time to time by the board of directors, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his trust. (c) Directors. The board of directors shall meet at least once a month and shall have the general direction and control of the affairs of the corporation. Minutes of all such meetings shall be kept. Among other things they shall act upon applications for membership; fix the amount and character of the surety bond required of any officer having custody of funds; recommend the declaration of dividends; fill vacancies in the board and in the credit committee until successors elected at the next annual meeting have qualified; have charge of investments other than loans to members; determine from time to time the maximum number of shares that may be held by any individual; and, subject to the limitations of this chapter, determine the interest rates on loans and the maximum amount that may be loaned with or without security to any member. (d) Credit committee. The credit committee shall hold such meetings as the business of the Federal credit union may require and not less frequently than once a month (of which meetings due notice shall be given to members of the committee by the treasurer) to consider applications for loans. No loan shall be made unless approved by a majority of the entire committee and by all of the members of the committee who are present at the meeting at which the application is considered. Applications for loans shall be made on forms prepared by such committee, which shall set forth the purpose for which the loan is desired, the security, if any, and such other data as may be required. No loan in excess of $100 shall be made without adequate security and no loan shall be made to any member in excess of $200 or 10 per centum of the Federal credit union's paid-in and unimpaired capital and surplus, whichever is greater. For the purposes of this subdivision an assignment of shares or the endorsement of a note shall be deemed security. (e) Supervisory committee. The supervisory committee shall make, at least quarterly, an examination of the affairs of the Federal credit union, including an audit of its books; shall make an annual audit and a report to be submitted at the annual meeting of the corporation; and, by a unanimous vote, may suspend any officer of the corporation, or any member of the credit committee or of the board of directors until the next members' meeting, which said meeting, however, shall be held within seven days of said suspension and at which meeting said suspension shall be acted upon by the members; and, by a majority vote, may call a special meeting of the shareholders to consider any violation of this chapter, the charter, or of the bylaws, or any practice of the corporation deemed by the committee to be unsafe or unauthorized. The said committee shall fill vacancies in its own membership until successors to be elected at the next annual meeting have qualified. The supervisory committee shall cause the passbooks and accounts of the members to be verified with the records of the treasurer from time to time and not less frequently than once every two years. (June 26, 1934, ch. 750, § 11, 48 Stat. 1219; June 15, 1940, ch. 366, 54 Stat. 398.) § 1762. Reserves. All entrance fees and fines provided by the bylaws and 20 per centum of the net earnings of each year, before the declaration of any dividends, shall be set aside, subject to terms and conditions specified in the bylaws, as a reserve fund against possible bad loans. (June 26, 1934, ch. 750, § 12, 48 Stat. 1221.) § 1763. Dividends. At the annual meeting a dividend may be declared from the remaining net earnings on recommendation of the board of directors, which dividend shall be paid on all paid-up shares outstanding at the end of the preceding fiscal year. Shares which become fully paid up during such year shall be entitled to a proportional part of said dividend calculated from the 1st day of the month following such payment in full. (June 26, 1934, ch. 750, § 13, 48 Stat. 1221.) § 1764. Expulsion and withdrawal. A member may be expelled by a two-thirds vote of the members of a Federal credit union present at a special meeting called for the purpose, but only after an opportunity has been given him to be heard. Withdrawal or expulsion of a member shall not operate to relieve him from liability to the Federal credit union. The amount to be paid a withdrawing or expelled member by a Federal credit union shall be determined and paid in the manner specified in the bylaws. (June 26, 1934, ch. 750, § 14, 48 Stat. 1221.) § 1765. Minors.-Shares may be issued in the name of a minor or in trust, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by the bylaws. The name of the beneficiary shall be disclosed to the Federal credit union. (June 26, 1934, ch. 750, § 15, 48 Stat. 1221.) § 1766. Certain powers of Governor.- (a) The Governor may prescribe rules and regulations for the administration of this chapter (including, but not by way of limitation, the merger, consolidation, and/or dissolution of corporations organized under this chapter). (b) The Governor may suspend or revoke the charter of any Federal credit union upon his finding that the organization is bankrupt or insolvent or has violated any provisions of its charter, its bylaws, or of this chapter, or of any regulations issued thereunder. (c) The Governor is hereby authorized and empowered to execute any and all functions and perform and all duties vested in him hereby, through such persons as he shall designate or employ; and he may delegate to any person or persons, including any institution operating under the general supervision of the Administration, the performance and discharge of any authority, power, or function vested in him by this chapter. (d) All books and records of Federal credit unions shall be kept and reports shall be made in accordance with forms approved by the Governor. (e) The Governor is hereby authorized to make investigations and to conduct researches and studies of the problems of persons of small means in obtaining credit at reasonable rates of interest, and of the methods and benefits of cooperative saving and lending among such persons. He is further authorized to make reports of such investigations, and to publish and disseminate the same. (June 26, 1934, ch. 750, § 16, 48 Stat. 1221; Dec. 6, 1937, ch. 3, § 3, 51 Stat. 4.) § 1767. Fiscal agents and depositories. - Each Federal credit union organized under this chapter, when requested by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall act as fiscal agent of the United States and shall perform such services as the Secretary of the Treasury may require in connection with the collection of taxes and other obligations due the United States and the lending, borrowing, and repayment of money by the United States, including the issue, sale, redemption, or repurchase of bonds, notes, Treasury certificates of indebtedness, or other obligations of the United States; and to facilitate such purposes the Governor shall furnish to the Secretary of the Treasury from time to time the names and addresses of all Federal credit unions with such other available information concerning them as may be requested by the Secretary of the Treasury. Any Federal credit union organized under this chapter, when designated for that purpose by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall be a depository of public money, except receipts from customs, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. (June 26, 1934, ch. 750, § 17, 48 Stat. 1222.) § 1768. Taxation.- The Federal credit unions organized hereunder, their property, their franchises, capital, reserves, surpluses, and other funds, and their income shall be exempt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed by the United States or by any State, Territorial, or local taxing authority; except that any real property and any tangible personal property of such Federal credit unions shall be subject to Federal, State, Territorial, and local taxation to the same extent as other similar property is taxed. Nothing herein contained shall prevent holdings in any Federal credit union organized hereunder from being included in the valuation of the personal property of the owners or holders thereof in assessing taxes imposed by authority of the State or political subdivision thereof in which the Federal credit union is located: Provided, however, That the duty or burden of collecting or enforcing the payment of such tax shall not be imposed upon any such Federal credit union and the tax shall not exceed the rate of taxes imposed upon holdings in domestic credit unions. (June 26, 1934, ch. 750, § 18, 48 Stat. 1222; Dec. 6, 1937, ch. 3, § 4, 51 Stat. 4.) § 1769. Appropriation for administration. - Not to exceed $50,000 of the fund available to the Governor under section 1404 of this title, for expenses of administration in connection with loans made thereunder to aid in the establishment of agricultural credit corproations, is hereby made available also for administrative expenses in administering this chapter. (June 26, 1934, ch. 750, § 19, 48 Stat. 1222.) § 1770. Separability of provisions; right to alter, amend, or repeal chapter.- (a) If any provision of this chapter, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of the chapter, and the application of such provisions to other persons or circumsctances, shall not be affected thereby. (b) The right to alter, amend, or repeal this chapter or any part thereof, or any charter issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, is expressly reserved. (June 26, 1934, ch. 750, § 20, 48 Stat. 1222.) § 1771. Allotment of space in Federal buildings.- Upon application by any credit union organized under State low or by any Federal credit union organized in accordance with the terms of this chapter, the membership of which is composed exclusively of Federal employees and members of their families, which application shall be addressed to the officer or agency of the United States charged with the allotment of space in the Federal buildings in the community or district in which said credit union or Federal credit union does business, such officer or agency may in his or its discretion allot space to such credit union if space is available without charge for rent or services. (June 26, 1934, ch. 750, § 21, as added July 9, 1937, ch. 471, 50 Stat. 487.) §§ 1757-1771. CROSS REFERENCES Transfer of functions, etc., for duration of war to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, see Ex. Ord. No. 9148, under section 1751. TITLE 13-CENSUS COTTON STATISTICS § 71. Collection and publication. - The Director of the Census is authorized and directed to collect and publish statistics concerning the amount of cotton ginned; the quantity of raw cotton consumed in manufacturing establishments of every character; the quantity of baled cotton on hand; the number of active consuming cotton spindles; the number of active spindle hours, and the quantity of cotton imported and exported, with the country of origin and destination. (Apr. 2, 1924, ch. 80, § 1, 43 Stat. 31; June 18, 1929, ch. 28, § 21, 46 Stat. 26.) REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT PROVISIONS Act July 22, 1912, ch. 249, 37 Stat. 249, and all other laws or parts of laws inconsistent with sections 71, 72, and 73-76 of this title were repealed by act Apr. 2, 1924, ch. 80, § 7, 43 Stat. 32. § 72. Contents and distribution of reports; publication by Department of Agriculture. The statistics of the quantity of cotton ginned shall show the quantity ginned from each crop prior to August 1, August 16, September 1, September 16, October 1, October 18, November 1, November 14, December 1, December 13, January 16, and March 1: Provided, That the Director of the Census may limit the canvasses of August 1 and August 16, to those sections of the cotton-growing States in which cotton has been ginned. The quantity of cotton consumed in manufacturing establishments, the quantity of baled cotton on hand, the number of active consuming cotton spindles, the number of active spindle hours, and the statistics of cotton imported and exported shall relate to each calendar month, and shall be published as soon as possible after the close of the month. Each report published by the Bureau of the Census of the quantity ginned shall carry with it the latest available statistics concerning the quantity of cotton consumed, stocks of baled cotton on hand, the number of cotton-consuming spindles, and the quantity of cotton imported and exported. All of these publications containing statistics of cotton shall be mailed by the Director of the Census to all cotton ginners, cotton manufacturers, and cotton warehousemen, and to all daily newspapers throughout the United States. The Director of the Census shall furnish to the Department of Agriculture, immediately prior to the publication of each report of that bureau regarding the cotton crop, the latest available statistics mentioned in this and the preceding section and the said Department of Agriculture shall publish the same in connection with each of its reports concerning cotton. (Apr. 2, 1924, ch. 80, § 2, 43 Stat. 31; June 18, 1929, ch. 28, § 21, 46 Stat. 26.) REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT PROVISIONS See note under section 71 of this title. § 72a. Contents of reports; separate item of number of bales of linter. In collecting and publishing statistics of cotton on hand in warehouses and other storage establishments, and to cotton known as the "carry-over" in the United States, the Director of the Census is hereby directed to ascertain and publish as a separate item in the report of cotton statistics the number of bales of linters as distinguished from the number of bales of cotton. (June 27, 1930, ch. 639, 46 Stat. 821.) § 75. Foreign cotton statistics. In addition to the information regarding cotton in the United States provided for in sections 71, 72, and 74, the Director of the Census shall compile, by correspondence or the use of published reports and documents, any available information concerning the production, consumption, and stocks of cotton in foreign countries, and the number of cotton-consuming spindles in such countries. Each report published by the Bureau of the Census regarding cotton shall contain an abstract of the latest available information obtained under the provisions of this section, and the Director of the Census shall furnish the same to the Department of Agriculture for publication in connection with the reports of that department |