Mar. 27, 1933; June 16, 1933, ch. 98, § 55, 48 Stat. 266; June 3, 1935, ch. 164, § 12, 49 Stat. 317.) REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL CREDIT CORPORATIONS § 1148. Regional agricultural credit corporations; creation; capital; management; loans; rediscounts; supervision. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is authorized to create in any of the twelve farm credit districts where it may deem the same to be desirable a regional agricultural credit corporation with a paid-up capital of not less than $3,000,000, to be subscribed for by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and paid for out of the unexpended balance of the amounts allocated and made available to the Secretary of Agriculture under section 602 of Title 15. Such corporations shall be managed by officers and agents to be appointed by the Farm Credit Administration under such rules and regulations as it may prescribe. Such corporations are hereby authorized and empowered to make loans or advances to farmers and stockmen, the proceeds of which are to be used for an agricultural purpose (including crop production), or for the raising, breeding, fattening, or marketing of livestock, to charge such rates of interest or discount thereon as in their judgment are fair and equitable, subject to the approval of the Farm Credit Administration, and to rediscount with the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and the various Federal reserve banks and Federal intermediate credit banks any paper that they acquire which is eligible for such purpose. All expenses incurred in connection with the operation of such corporations shall be supervised and paid by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation under such rules and regulations as its board of directors may prescribe. (July 21, 1932, ch. 520, § 201 (e), 47 Stat. 713; Ex. Ord. No. 6084, Mar. 27, 1933; Aug. 19, 1937, ch. 704, § 5 (a), 50 Stat. 704.) TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONS Ex. Ord. 6084 of March 27, 1933, set forth as note preceding section 636 of this title, transferred to the jurisdiction and control of the Farm Credit Administration the functions defined in section 5 (e) of the Order, as follows: "The functions of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and its Board of Directors relating to the appointment of officers and agents to manage regional agricultural credit corporations formed under section 201 (e) of the Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932 (this section); relating to the establishment of rules and regulations for such management; and relating to the approval of loans and advances made by such corporations and of the terms and conditions thereof." § 1148a. Reduction of capital stock of regional agricultural credit corporation; revolving fund from stock proceeds. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is authorized, with the approval of the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration, to reduce the capital of any Regional Agricultural Credit Corporation by such action as may be suitable for the purpose. The funds made available by any such reduction shall constitute a revolving fund, all or any part of which shall be available for use from time to time by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation for the purpose of increasing, with the approval of the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration, the capital of any Regional Agricultural Credit Corporation. (June 16, 1933, ch. 98, § 84, 48 Stat. 273.) § 1148b. Additional powers of regional agricultural credit corporations. Each regional agricultural credit corporation, created under the authority of section 1148 of this title, in addition to the powers granted prior to August 19, 1937, shall have and, upon order or approval of the Farm Credit Administration, shall exercise the following rights, powers, and authority: (a) Places of transacting business. To conduct, transact, and operate its business in any State in the continental United States, in the District of Columbia, and in Puerto Rico. (b) Borrow money. To borrow money (other than by way of discount) from any other regional agricultural credit corporation, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, or any Federal intermediate credit bank, and to give security therefor. (c) Loans. To lend any of its available funds to any other regional agricultural credit corporation at such rates of interest and upon such terms and conditions as may be approved by the Farm Credit Administration. (d) Sale to or purchase from other like corporations. To sell to or purchase from any other regional agricultural credit corporation or any corporation formed by consolidation or merger as provided in section 1148c of this title, any part of or all the assets of any such corporation, upon such terms and conditions as may be approved by the Farm Credit Administration, including the assumption of the liabilities of any such corporation, in whole or in part. (Aug. 19, 1937, ch. 704, § 32, 50 Stat. 710.) SAVING CLAUSE See note under section 640a of this title. § 1148c. Consolidation or merger-(a) Power of Farm Credit Administration. - The Farm Credit Administration shall have the power and authority to order and effect the consolidation or merger of two or more regional agricultural credit corporations, on such terms and conditions as it shall direct. -(b) Status of corporations formed by consolidation. The Farm Credit Administration is authorized to grant charters to, prescribe bylaws for, and fix the capital of, regional agricultural credit corporations which may be formed by the consolidation of two or more regional agricultural credit corporations, and to approve or prescribe such amendments to the charter and bylaws of any regional agricultural credit corporation as it may from time to time deem necessary. Corporations formed by the consolidation of two or more regional agricultural credit corporations, as herein provided, shall have all the rights, powers, authority, and exemptions; shall be subject to the same supervision and control; and shall have their expenses paid in the same manner as provided by law in respect to regional agricultural credit corporations organized under section 1148 of this title. (Aug. 19, 1937, ch. 704, § 33, 50 Stat. 717.) SAVING CLAUSE See note under section 640a of this title. § 1148d. Rights and powers unaffected by sections 1148b and 1148c. Nothing contained in sections 1148b and 1148c of this title shall be construed as limiting the rights, powers, and authority granted prior to August 19, 1937, to the regional agricultural credit corporations, the Farm Credit Administration, or the Governor thereof by any Acts of Congress or Executive orders. (Aug. 19, 1937, ch. 704, § 34, 50 Stat. 717.) SAVING CLAUSE See note under section 640a of this title. ADJUSTMENT AND CANCELLATION OF FARM LOANS § 1150. Compromise, adjustment, and cancellation of farm loans; conditions; delegation of powers and duties by Secretary of Agriculture.- The Secretary of Agriculture, hereinafter referred to as the Secretary, is authorized and directed to compromise, adjust, or cancel indebtedness arising from loans and payments made or credit extended to farmers under the provisions of the several Acts of Congress or programs enumerated in section 1150a of this title: Provided, That the Secretary finds, after such investigation as he deems sufficient to establish the facts, that (1) said indebtedness has been due and payable for five years or more; (2) the debtor is unable to pay said indebtedness in full and has no reasonable prospect of being able to do so: (3) the debtor has acted in good faith in an effort to meet his obligation; and (4) the principal amount of said indebtedness is not in excess of $1,000. The Secretary is further authorized at his discretion to cancel and discharge indebtedness arising under said Acts of Congress or programs when the amount of said indebtedness is less than $10, or the debtor is deceased and there is no reasonable prospect of recovering from his estate, or his whereabouts has remained unknown for two years and there is no reasonable prospect of obtaining collection, or he has been discharged of the indebtedness in any proceeding under the Act entitled "An Act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States". The compromises, adjustments, or cancelations authorized by this section shall be effected through such agencies, upon such terms and conditions, and subject to such regulations, as the Secretary may prescribe, and the Secretary may delegate the exercise of any such powers and functions to such officers or employees of the Department of Agriculture as he may designate. (Dec. 20, 1944, ch. 623, § 1, 58 Stat. 836.) § 1150a. Farm loans to which chapter is applicable. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to any indebtedness of farmers arising from loans or payments made or credit extended to them under any of the following Acts or programs: (a) July 1, 1918 (40 Stat. 635); March 3, 1921 (41 Stat. 1347); March 20, 1922 (42 Stat. 467); April 26, 1924 (43 Stat. 110); February 25, 1927 (44 Stat. 1245); February 28, 1927 (44 Stat., part II, 1251); February 25, 1929 (45 Stat. 1306), as amended May 17, 1929 (46 Stat. 3); March 3, 1930 (46 Stat. 78-79), as amended April 24, 1930 (46 Stat. 254); December 20, 1930 (46 Stat. 1032), as amended February 14, 1931 (46 Stat. 1160); February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1276); January 22, 1932 (47 Stat. 5); March 3, 1932 (47 Stat. 60); February 4, 1933 (47 Stat. 795); February 23, 1934 (48 Stat. 354); June 19, 1934 (48 Stat. 1056); February 20, 1935 (49 Stat. 28); March 21, 1935 (49 Stat. 50); April 8, 1935 (49 Stat. 115); (Executive Order Numbered 7305); January 29, 1937 (50 Stat. 5); and February 4, 1938 (52 Stat. 27); (b) Agricultural Adjustment Act (of 1933); Bankhead Cotton Act of April 21, 1934, on account of the several cotton taxexemption certificate pools; Jones-Connally Cattle Act of April 7, 1934; Emergency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935, approved June 19, 1934; Kerr Tobacco Act of June 28, 1934, and Public Resolution Numbered 76, approved March 14, 1936; section 32 of the Act of August 24, 1935, and related legislation; Supplemental Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1936; sections 7 to 17 of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act; Sugar Act of 1937; sections 303 and 381 (a) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 and related or subsequent legislation authorizing parity or price adjustment payments; title IV and title V of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 and related legislation; any amendment to any of the foregoing Acts heretofore and any other Act of Congress heretofore enacted authorizing payments to farmers under programs administered through the Agricultural Adjustment Agency; (c) Loans made by or through the Resettlement Administration or the Farm Security Administration out of funds appropriated or made available by or pursuant to the following Acts: April 8, 1935 (49 Stat. 115); June 22, 1936 (49 Stat. 1608); February 9, 1937 (50 Stat. 8); June 29, 1937 (50 Stat. 352); The Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, July 22, 1937 (50 Stat. 522 et seq.); the Water Facilities Act of August 28, 1937 (50 Stat. 869 et seq.); March 2, 1938 (52 Stat. 83, Public Resolution Numbered 80); June 21, 1938 (52 Stat. 809); June 30, 1939 (53 Stat. 927); June 26, 1940 (Public Resolution Numbered 88); floodrestoration loans, Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1943 (57 Stat. 537, 542); and subsequent legislation appropriating or making available funds for such loans; commodity loan, purchase, sale, and other programs of the Commodity Credit Corporation; and crop-insurance programs formulated pursuant to title V of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 (the Federal Crop Insurance Act), and any amendment or supplement thereto heretofore or hereafter enacted. This chapter shall also apply to any indebtedness of farmers evidenced by notes or accounts receivable, title to which has been acquired in the liquidation of loans to cooperative associations made under the provisions of the Act of June 15, 1929 (46 Stat. 11). (Dec. 20, 1944, ch. 623, § 2, 58 Stat. 836.) § 1150b. Appropriations.-There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such amount as may be necessary to enable the Secretary to carry out the provisions of this chapter, and the current and subsequent appropriations to enable the Secretary to administer the respective Acts of Congress or programs to which the aforesaid payments or loans or extensions of credit relate shall also be available for the administrative expenses of carrying out this chapter. (December 20, 1944, ch. 623, § 3, 58 Stat. 837.) § 1150c. Penalties for false representation; acceptance of fees, gifts, etc. (a) Whoever makes any material representation, knowing it to be false, for the purpose of influencing in any way the action of the Secretary, or of any person acting under his authority, in connection with any compromise adjustment, or cancelation of indebtedness provided for herein, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. (b) No officer or employee of the United States, and no person to whom the Secretary may delegate any power or function under this chapter, shall accept any fee, commission, gift, or other consideration, directly or indirectly, for or in connection with any transaction or business related to the compromise, adjustment, or cancelation of indebtedness hereunder. Any person violating the foregoing provision shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. (Dec. 20, 1944, ch. 623, § 4, 58 Stat. 837.) LOCAL AGRICULTURAL-CREDIT CORPORATIONS, LIVESTOCK-LOAN COMPANIES AND LIKE ORGANIZATIONS; LOANS TO INDIVIDUALS TO AID IN FORMATION OR TO INCREASE CAPITAL STOCK § 1401. Authorization of loans by Governor of Farm Credit Administration; regulations. - The Governor of the Farm Credit Administration is hereby authorized to make advances or loans to individuals, under such regulations as he may prescribe, for the purpose of assisting in forming local agricultural-credit corporations, livestock-loan companies, or like organizations, or of increasing the capital stock of such corporations, companies, or organizations qualified to do business with Federal intermediate credit banks, or to which such privileges may be extended. (Mar. 3, 1932, ch. 70, § 1, 47 Stat. 60; Ex. Ord. No. 6084, Mar. 27, 1933.) TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONS "Governor of the Farm Credit Administration" was substituted for "Secretary of Agriculture" and other changes effected by Ex. Ord. No. 6084, cited to text, which is set out in full at the beginning of Chapter 7 of this title. § 1402. Limitations on loans; financial structure of corporation, approval-(a) Limitation on loans to individual stockholders. No loans shall be made to individual stockholders on the capital stock of, or to create or increase the capital stock of such corporation, company, or organization in an amount in excess of 75 per centum of the par value of the capital stock of such corporation, company, or organization owned by or proposed to be subscribed to by such individual. (b) Approval of financial structure of corporation by Governor of Farm Credit Administration. - No loan shall be made upon the capital stock of any corporation until the Governor of the Farm |